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The exit of key people

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I don't know if the free market would bear it being priced at $60 or more. For that kind of money, most people expect a brand new game that is active or a state of the art remaster or something. If this would be just a fork of an already existing game or an old game whose original version became End of Life- people will perceive it to be a rip off if it's priced too high. I would pay $100 for the full game as a one time thing if it is worth it.


And the work that'd need doing to bring it about would be far less than what it took to create the original game and 8 class stories in the first place. It is removing and rearranging and troubleshooting code as opposed to adding content.


I hope for a single player version (eventually), mainly because I'm sort of obsessed with digital preservation. Old games which are a work of art, should be preserved until the end of time for future people to enjoy if/when possible. So much has been saved that would otherwise have been lost. There will come a time perhaps when this MMORPG is done, but the story content and base game could feasibly live on.


I picked $120 for the whole thing because it divides the 8 Origin Stories into $15 chunks. Another option could be $80 for the whole thing with $40 for the base package and $10 each for the remaining stories. I guess it depends on how greedy EA is. :)


They would simply keep the cartel market.

Real-money ingame purchases in Singleplayer/Local-multiplayer-games are not un uncommon thing- especially for EA.


Yeah, the Cartel Market would stay, but I don't think EA is so generous to create a single player conversion for free and rely on Cartel Market sales to cover the cost. Only a small percentage of players even buy from the Cartel Market. EA would want something upfront for it.


The development work might not be the biggest cost. The larger cost would probably be testing and bugfixing. Literally everything would have to be retested once the single player was set up: every mission, Origin Story, Combat Role, single player flashpoints, planets and mobs on them plus all the multiplayer (flashpoints, warzones, gsf). It would be a massive undertaking.

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Yeah, the Cartel Market would stay, but I don't think EA is so generous to create a single player conversion for free and rely on Cartel Market sales to cover the cost. Only a small percentage of players even buy from the Cartel Market. EA would want something upfront for it.

No, It surely wouldn't be fee and rely only on CM, but if they try to ask 120$ (or even 60$) for a conversion of a 10 year old game, they wouldn't sell any copies.


I'd expect it to go for 20-30$ and to be included in EA-Play, with the CM-sales doing the rest.

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Well....as a general rule in life, you shouldn't bad mouth your old job, especially in a public forum.

It can come back to bite you.

Especially if you're just going to a different team in the same parent company.


So...take those posts with a grain of salt.


IF Chris Schmidt had 'bad' things to say he would stopped his twit at this point:

Well the day has finally come. After almost 13 years this is my last day at BioWare. A new opportunity came up that I just couldn't pass on, but more on that later. I've had the privilege to work on 4-5 games, 2 of which saw the light of day. SWTOR? About 10 of those 13 years.


He used the word 'finally' - so he was eager to find new job...?


Without posting the full information someone can create false impression. ( the Whoa the exit of key people :eek:)


If you are not willing to take those post at face value then don't create another 'gossip' information where there is the same 'face' value' ( but different face speaking) -


Please judge all things that he said.... not the part that prove your way of thinking

Edited by Nebdar
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Yeah things are pretty much done for SWTOR, I think we have until 2023 at most.


The **** are you talking about? I am not informed these days, someone elabore, or is this just a typical ''game is dead'' meme.

Just came back to the game and bought like a dozen armor sets with CC, tell me i'm not wasting my time lol.

Edited by Kaedusz
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The **** are you talking about? I am not informed these days, someone elabore, or is this just a typical ''game is dead'' meme. Just came back to the game and bought like a dozen armor sets with CC, tell me i'm not wasting my time lol.


It does appear to be the usual "game is dead" whining, but because SWTOR has been around for 10+ years, it is a real possibility that the game will shut down in a few years or less. I haven't seen real concrete evidence for this so far however. Like EA itself hinting at this, asides from there being fewer resources allocated to it than at its peak.


What I do know, is that its true that someone likely has to switch jobs on occasion to remain more relevant or a hotter commodity. Their resume looks better and their career progresses faster/better if they had a different role every 5 years which is related or superior to the last job held- than if they stay at the same job for too long.


Studies also seem to indicate that people who've switched employers periodically- get paid more money on average, because they're more likely to have had more opportunities for salary negotiations or could better show the value of their skills/expertise as being in demand. Asides from qualifications or being able to do the work, it is about knowing the right people and working well within a team.


This person who left BioWare probably has nothing against them, but is doing what is right for themself to avoid being typecast as being able to only do one thing or being perceived as resting on their laurels more than truly staying competitive and current.

Edited by Talcu
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The **** are you talking about? I am not informed these days, someone elabore, or is this just a typical ''game is dead'' meme.

Just came back to the game and bought like a dozen armor sets with CC, tell me i'm not wasting my time lol.


Nobody knows.

After mass exodus after 7.0 dropped Steam numbers stabilized but below what they used to be before 7.0. If BW is satisfied with this, they'll probably continue working on the game. If they make it more fun - numbers will probably increase, if they keep breaking it - numbers will decrease. For now keep playing if you enjoy it. They are at least still working on new content so it's not fully maintenance mode yet.

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The **** are you talking about? I am not informed these days, someone elabore, or is this just a typical ''game is dead'' meme.

Just came back to the game and bought like a dozen armor sets with CC, tell me i'm not wasting my time lol.

Oddly, people are worried that people - who they blame for 7.0 - are leaving. 🤔

You'd think they'd be optimistic that they might get new, better people, but "game is dead" is more "edgy" I guess. 🙂

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Oddly, people are worried that people - who they blame for 7.0 - are leaving. 🤔

You'd think they'd be optimistic that they might get new, better people, but "game is dead" is more "edgy" I guess. 🙂


Unfortunately, both things are true. The game can certainly use people that just want to work to make the game better without all of the pride of authorship issues and my way or the highway approach currently being employed; and the game is hurting right now, and it certainly feels like it's days may be numbered.

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Oddly, people are worried that people - who they blame for 7.0 - are leaving. 🤔

You'd think they'd be optimistic that they might get new, better people, but "game is dead" is more "edgy" I guess. 🙂


The season is actually one of very few positives of 7.0 so departure of the person responsible for it is a shame. I hope they'll just stick to this design instead trying to re-invent the wheel like they did with conquest, gear and balancing (I would not complain if people responsible for changes to those three aspect found better careers outside of SWTOR).

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People who, in your opinion, screwed the game are leaving and now you're saying the game will die?


Please stop the nonsense!


The game is not going to die because of this. Take a long look in the mirror and tell yourself to get your head straight, because you're spouting nonsense. You lot were crying about the game being dead five years ago and it's still around. You lot cried and whine that the game was dead ten years ago. It's still alive and doing well.


Just take your medicine already and shut up.

Edited by Parane
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People who, in your opinion, screwed the game are leaving and now you're saying the game will die?


Please stop the nonsense!




It's still alive and doing well.

You have an...interesting definition of "well".

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So shortly after 7.0 dropped David Staats the person responsible for the Galactic Season 2 changes, and sure other things, left Bioware. He left exactly 2 weeks after 7.0 dropped. Now 4 months after 7.0 Late release Chris Schmidt Lead Game Designer has left the game. The one who made changes to PvP that no one asked for. Made other changes, and also who couldn't take criticism. He would have the mods on forums remove your posts.

Whats your source? where did you get this information?


in case anyone was wondering, David Staats went to Apsyr



Very excited to officially announce that I have joined the incredible team


to help build this little project you may have heard of...😎


<Image of Revan>

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I definitely feel like they have a lot of things to improve moving forward because 7.0 has been… rough. But overall I don’t feel like they’d have made the changes they did in 7.0 if the writing was on the wall like several people in this thread are indicating, I do however hope they get things together, 7.1 feels like stuff that should have been in 7.0 imho
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Changes in personnel are not uncommon. Closer to the top ... that's a bit different.


One thing is for certain ... many of us as consumers could use some sort of a more positive directive in the game. We've had announcements before (in the last few months). If there is to be any serious continuation of SWTOR .. a bit of encouragement couldn't hurt right about now!

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Changes in personnel are not uncommon. Closer to the top ... that's a bit different.


One thing is for certain ... many of us as consumers could use some sort of a more positive directive in the game. We've had announcements before (in the last few months). If there is to be any serious continuation of SWTOR .. a bit of encouragement couldn't hurt right about now!

Agreed. It seems a lot of things may have happened to put a spanner in the works for the 10 year celebration and in-game developments. I don't care about that. I want them to update us about what's happening. I've said in many posts, honesty is always good - for example, I'd love an update on whether any more playable story content is coming this year or whether it's delayed until next year. This would go a long way to keeping me subbed. Right now, staying subbed doesn't seem worth it. So yes, a little encouragement/incentive would help.

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Agreed. It seems a lot of things may have happened to put a spanner in the works for the 10 year celebration and in-game developments. I don't care about that. I want them to update us about what's happening. I've said in many posts, honesty is always good - for example, I'd love an update on whether any more playable story content is coming this year or whether it's delayed until next year. This would go a long way to keeping me subbed. Right now, staying subbed doesn't seem worth it. So yes, a little encouragement/incentive would help.


I think staying silent while forums/reddit runs wild with doom and gloom has been par for the course for the entire time I've played this game.

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/Deep breath...


Okay the game may shut down in a couple years, but honestly who cares, just because Bioware will no longer support it doesn't mean that the game won't survive in some shape or form.


Also...Zenimax is working on a new MMO and most insiders think that it is a Star Wars MMO take that with a huge grain of salt though.


But we have at least two years maybe three...lets enjoy them, I know I will.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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The departure of people who consistently made poor decisions despite overwhelming player feedback to the contrary is an opportunity. Different staff can now occupy those positions, for better or worse. Change was definitely needed; let's hope that it's for the better.
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The departure of people who consistently made poor decisions despite overwhelming player feedback to the contrary is an opportunity. Different staff can now occupy those positions, for better or worse. Change was definitely needed; let's hope that it's for the better.


I agree 100%. I look forward to more of this as time goes on.

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The departure of people who consistently made poor decisions despite overwhelming player feedback to the contrary is an opportunity. Different staff can now occupy those positions, for better or worse. Change was definitely needed; let's hope that it's for the better.


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The **** are you talking about? I am not informed these days, someone elabore, or is this just a typical ''game is dead'' meme.

Just came back to the game and bought like a dozen armor sets with CC, tell me i'm not wasting my time lol.


you should ignore those posts and any post like that in gaming forums in general. its always by someone who revolves their entire life around one video game and constantly believe the game is in its end days.

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