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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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MMO devs always gotta learn the hard way. They listened to the more vocal hardcore element of the game and catered to them. But what really happens is they get what they wanted and then just leave out of boredom. And in the process shed their casual base. And once they realize this they revert but those people probably aren't coming back.


Pick a lane and stick with it.

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I like the gearing. You just get the gear, there is absolutely 0 RNG in the system. You can do what ever content you like and still receive an upgrade! I also like that gear isn't modable anymore, it seemed to confuse a lot of people last expansion, looking at you B-Mods tanks.


Truthfully, everybody could be at least 326 doing only content they like. The only reason you aren't is because you were too lazy to get it.


I will agree however that releasing an expansion without any new content resulted in nothing more then them pretty much just taking our gear away.

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I've been doing primarily solo content & some pvp (non-ranked) and my highest geared character is at 326.


I haven't completed any ops yet.

But I'll probably try it as soon as I get my army of alts up to 326. It takes a whole lot of time. Which I don't have because I work for a living. :eek:

Why does each of your characters need their own set of gear? Except for some weapons Mercs and Commandos can share. Snipers and Gunslingers can share. Sorcs and Consulars can share. etc, etc.

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Well, how nice for you. I, however, am sitting at 324 atm. For me, it is far from a cakewalk. It's an eye rolling grind that's moving at a snail's pace, but glad it's working out for someone. :rak_angelic:




The OP does not speak for me either. I abhor OPS and advanced group content. Not because I don't have the intellect but avoid obnoxious groups of people who most of the time don't help but shame and insult others. If these are not called ELITE players not sure what they are.


The approach should have been more balanced and open ALL gear to casual players. 7.0 has been a disaster for gearing and too much grind for nothing. Rewarding the few is not cool but I guess some people are more equal than others.

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I think the OP is basically doing a "humble brag".


But on the other hand, back when all this started, I suggested that 326 (preferably, augmented) was probably all that was needed for most PvE including most MM flashpoints.

I still think that but, because I was invited to join NiM Nefra groups, I've discovered that as a DPS NiM Nefra is not that hard. (It's mostly the tanks and healers that need to work hard.) Nowadays I do OPs more than anything else and without especially trying my current iRating is 329.

It mostly requires Nefra or similar (GSF?) to get the purple Rakata pieces and then farming OP-1s to upgrade. The OP-1s are the 'grind' part.


As a side note, 324/326 pieces are so easy to get, and BtL, that swapping armor from alt to alt seems a bit excessive. I just give the extras pieces to alts. But whatever. 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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Honestly though... Nefra farming is effort, you people make it out to be just go kill the boss and it drops a full 330 set.


#1 You have to kill nefra

#2 You have to do plenty of OPs to upgrade the (if you force a slot) 320 items.

#3 You also have to do some dailies


If you maybe don't have that mamy lockouts, let's say 8 you can only get 3 slots from 320 o 330 and that is if you max OP-1 Catalysts. Y'all make it out like this gear path is pathectically easy because of nefra, but are you really gonna tell me the 15k mara on nefra blames his, not yet 330, gear? Should he get 330? He doesn't need it but if he puts in the time yes. Should a conquest player get 330? No, they did not put the time in. Doing nefra, the OPs the dailies and everything will give you TONS of cq points anyway so why not do that too? Oh, you don't like doing it aka don't want to? Then don't, nobody cares if you have 326 or 330 - it simply doesn't matter.


I'm gonna say it how it is, most set NiM groups require a full 330 gear set not because it's needed but it shows that you put minimal effort into your character. And if you aren't 326 why should anybody take you to any HM at all? Even EV! It just tells everybody in the group "Hi I don't know what I'm doing".


This gear system is better than 6.X because 0-RNG, no mods and you can do what content you like - it's just not all equally as fast and if you aren't at least 326 by now you don't care about fast gearing anyway and that is a good thing!

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Why does each of your characters need their own set of gear? Except for some weapons Mercs and Commandos can share. Snipers and Gunslingers can share. Sorcs and Consulars can share. etc, etc.


Exactly. And with the exception of weapon, Vanguard and Powertech can share too.

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Honestly though... Nefra farming is effort, you people make it out to be just go kill the boss and it drops a full 330 set.


#1 You have to kill nefra

#2 You have to do plenty of OPs to upgrade the (if you force a slot) 320 items.

#3 You also have to do some dailies


If you maybe don't have that mamy lockouts, let's say 8 you can only get 3 slots from 320 o 330 and that is if you max OP-1 Catalysts. Y'all make it out like this gear path is pathectically easy because of nefra, but are you really gonna tell me the 15k mara on nefra blames his, not yet 330, gear? Should he get 330? He doesn't need it but if he puts in the time yes. Should a conquest player get 330? No, they did not put the time in. Doing nefra, the OPs the dailies and everything will give you TONS of cq points anyway so why not do that too? Oh, you don't like doing it aka don't want to? Then don't, nobody cares if you have 326 or 330 - it simply doesn't matter.


Marauder doing 15k should learn to play, then get the gear for harder content if they fancy doing endgame content.

However I strongly disagree on conquest player gearing. They need to work hardest to get to 326 iRating. Their gear is most time consuming and most expensive to upgrade. Their stats are c**p after putting up most time and effort into gearing. Considering that, 6.0 gearing was better: you couldn't tell if someone knew how to play by gear rating, but now we are in a situation where you take a pug from fleet, check their gear rating and think they are ok, but when going into ops they are doing less damage than a tank. On top of that, if the first boss dies with the pug who doesn't know how to play, it's really difficult to find a replacement in a situation where you need to have all bosses killed to complete the weekly.


I wouldn't mind different gearing paths for different playstyles, but upgrading should be equally grindy for all playmodes.


Right now GSF players snap their fingers and they're in full purple 326. They are the only ones who also get upgrades from weekly boxes.


Raiders need to grind something else BEFORE they can join HM ops or Nefra farm and start uprgrading their gear to 330. Some people are lucky and they get carried through a million Nefras, so they can skip the "grind something else first" part. Do they deserve the gear for being lucky, knowing the right people to carry them? I don't think so, yet here we are: people who don't know how to play are running in full 330, just because someone carried them.


Flashpoint gearing is a bad joke and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The gear drops from MM FPs has also killed group finder for MM FPs. Some of them are way overtuned and time consuming. Getting only blue 326 drops that you can't even upgrade, and high risk of not being able to complete the FP is not worth the time and effort.


Conquest gear = eternal grind to get gear with bad stats. I wouldn't recommend that either to anyone, yet we have a major part of the player base doing exactly that. I think that's wrong. The least BW could do is give the decent stats and balance the grind to match other playmodes.

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Some people are lucky and they get carried through a million Nefras, so they can skip the "grind something else first" part. Do they deserve the gear for being lucky, knowing the right people to carry them? I don't think so, yet here we are: people who don't know how to play are running in full 330, just because someone carried them.


Ok, your post was really good and I agree but this is factually wrong. Grinding Nefra doesn't actually get you much, it get's you an on level drop. The worst, and I mean the worst, gear path is only nefra - it will take you AGES. You should still "do content you don't like" like CQ or PvP before you start farming Nefra, yes PvP/GSF is way faster than CQ but CQ isn't group content, so it's value immediately drops since you do also get it from GSF/PvP automatically, so there just isn't a reason not to do GSF or PvP gearing until full 326.

Only then should you start spamming nefras until you have everything but two or three pieces. Those pieces will be 326, the two or three forced drop ones will be 320. So, you have the exact same gear you had when you started only you did Nefra 20 times, which also would require 20 lockouts that not everybody has, then you start farming idk EV HM with a 306 relic for max OP-1 and you do that for ~3 weeks and Bam, there you go full 330. Dang that was hella easy /s


The worst thing is, you could just upgrade you cq gear to 326 then do nefra if you hate PvP or GSF, it would be the same path. The thing is not that CQ gearing sucks because it does, it is that you are complaining about it because other people seemed to have done it just fine? At this point you can also take your time, it doesn't matter how fast you are 330 anyway, because if you aren't already... like why bother?


Flashpoint gearing is a bad joke and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The gear drops from MM FPs has also killed group finder for MM FPs. Some of them are way overtuned and time consuming. Getting only blue 326 drops that you can't even upgrade, and high risk of not being able to complete the FP is not worth the time and effort.


Conquest gear = eternal grind to get gear with bad stats. I wouldn't recommend that either to anyone, yet we have a major part of the player base doing exactly that. I think that's wrong. The least BW could do is give the decent stats and balance the grind to match other playmodes.


Same, it's correct both paths suck. It's just that you get conquest from all content, why not just go do it then? I don't understand the logic of "oh I will specifically dodge GSF and PvP because I want to take longer in my gearing", I just don't understand. If you made this mistake it's not the games fault, at least not entirely. I mean ****, 326 noble tank gear is just as good as 330 rakata gear, it has less endurance but with the state the healers are in currently endurance is pretty insignificant - at least in content you would do while having 326 CQ gear.


If you go do NiM in 326 CQ gear it's not that you can't do it, it's just that it's straight up disrespectful.

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I'm still in 227 item rating because I can't be bother to do PvE because I can't be bothered to yet again balance my gear around the statistic known as Accuracy.


you are 227 iRating because you are not level 80 yet. It is absolutely impossible to be level 80 and not have 316 at least, you literally get it donated.

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you are 227 iRating because you are not level 80 yet. It is absolutely impossible to be level 80 and not have 316 at least, you literally get it donated.


Not true, I have 16 80s and the highest ilevel is 306 on any of them. I worked too hard over the years to get all 16 geared EXACTLY the way I want appearance-wise, and I refuse to wear random ugly gear just because it's a higher ilevel. I keep waiting for higher ilevel mods to show up either by crafting or from vendors, but no luck so far. If they really are done making new mods for this game, I guess I'm finally done. (I'm a founder btw)

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Honestly though... Nefra farming is effort, you people make it out to be just go kill the boss and it drops a full 330 set.


#1 You have to kill nefra

#2 You have to do plenty of OPs to upgrade the (if you force a slot) 320 items.

#3 You also have to do some dailies

It's odd the way you make playing the game sound like a chore.


#1. You have to hit the ball with the bat.

#2. You have to run around plenty of bases. (Just to get back 'home')

#3. You also have to play the outfield.


You're describing many of the basic aspects of SWTOR as if they're some sort of chore, rather than just part of the basic game. Not all these aspects may be to your liking, but that doesn't make them a 'chore' for everyone.

Some people enjoy doing OPs, and 'dailies' are part of conquest and Galactic seasons.


Maybe what you should do is to look at things from the reverse. Instead of thinking about what you have to do to get armor, think about the armor you get while doing things. 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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Not true, I have 16 80s and the highest ilevel is 306 on any of them. I worked too hard over the years to get all 16 geared EXACTLY the way I want appearance-wise, and I refuse to wear random ugly gear just because it's a higher ilevel. I keep waiting for higher ilevel mods to show up either by crafting or from vendors, but no luck so far. If they really are done making new mods for this game, I guess I'm finally done. (I'm a founder btw)



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Not true, I have 16 80s and the highest ilevel is 306 on any of them. I worked too hard over the years to get all 16 geared EXACTLY the way I want appearance-wise, and I refuse to wear random ugly gear just because it's a higher ilevel. I keep waiting for higher ilevel mods to show up either by crafting or from vendors, but no luck so far. If they really are done making new mods for this game, I guess I'm finally done. (I'm a founder btw)


A bit OT here but can't help but ask...you make it sound like your character appearance is tied to the actual gear they are wearing, not using outfitter, or did I misunderstand the need for >306 mods?

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A bit OT here but can't help but ask...you make it sound like your character appearance is tied to the actual gear they are wearing, not using outfitter, or did I misunderstand the need for >306 mods?


I was away from this game for quite awhile and just came back a couple of weeks ago (I go back and forth between this game and WoW, but was gone even longer than usual this time when I also gave FFXIV a try for awhile) and didn't realize the change to how appearances worked now. Hopefully the 318 vendor that will appear in 7.1 (currently on the PTS) will have stuff for me to buy because all 16 of my guys have hit 80 and finished the new storyline and ALL of them deconstructed every single piece of 318 gear they were given. Heh. So their gear currently ranges from around 295 to 306.

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I was away from this game for quite awhile and just came back a couple of weeks ago (I go back and forth between this game and WoW, but was gone even longer than usual this time when I also gave FFXIV a try for awhile) and didn't realize the change to how appearances worked now. Hopefully the 318 vendor that will appear in 7.1 (currently on the PTS) will have stuff for me to buy because all 16 of my guys have hit 80 and finished the new storyline and ALL of them deconstructed every single piece of 318 gear they were given. Heh. So their gear currently ranges from around 295 to 306.


I think the 318 vendor is just leftover from the 7.0 pts and won’t be in live. There’s a 320 vendor anyway. It’s the conquest vendor in the supplies section, it costs 200 conquest commendations for a full set and you get 200 conquest commendations for completing conquest with a level 76+ character.

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(I'm a founder btw)


Doesn't surprise me at all. Point is yet again proven, everybody proud to be a founder is not good at all. How do you have 16 toons on 80 and didn't understand outfits? And you still got the gear, you just don't use it.

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It's odd the way you make playing the game sound like a chore.


#1. You have to hit the ball with the bat.

#2. You have to run around plenty of bases. (Just to get back 'home')

#3. You also have to play the outfield.


You're describing many of the basic aspects of SWTOR as if they're some sort of chore, rather than just part of the basic game. Not all these aspects may be to your liking, but that doesn't make them a 'chore' for everyone.

Some people enjoy doing OPs, and 'dailies' are part of conquest and Galactic seasons.


Maybe what you should do is to look at things from the reverse. Instead of thinking about what you have to do to get armor, think about the armor you get while doing things. 🙂

The issue with gearing right now is that it's not friendly to many types of play. Using your analogy of baseball, it's like saying you can hit the ball however you want, but you'll only score your 1st point when it's the 1st pitch of the inning, second point on the 2nd pitch of an inning and you must be batting left handed if you're right handed. All other hits are meaningless because they won't improve your score (gear).


I do everything from PvP, GSF, FPs and Ops, yet gearing is still *********** terrible imo.

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You're describing many of the basic aspects of SWTOR as if they're some sort of chore, rather than just part of the basic game. Not all these aspects may be to your liking, but that doesn't make them a 'chore' for everyone.

Some people enjoy doing OPs, and 'dailies' are part of conquest and Galactic seasons.


I did not say I don't like this? I just said it is a time consuming task in which you can't do much else, which conquest is just not. I like the gearing system however we two seem to be the only two people on the forum who have a sense of where they want the game to be. The other ones are just malding over mild inconveniences to which there is an obvious solution but they post on the forums so how would they know that.


Maybe what you should do is to look at things from the reverse. Instead of thinking about what you have to do to get armor, think about the armor you get while doing things. 🙂


Ok: I see... Oh, inventories of unopened PvP, GSF and Rakata crates. If I needs gear I just open like 4 boxes and I'm good to go. I don't actually understand how people can dislike this.


I want also say, the gearing system wouldn't be so disliked if there was new content released with it together because now it just feels like you do the same things as before, they just took your gear away and you have to get it again.


And to the people who "invested into their gear, and don't want to get rid of it" you knew perfectly well that that gear would be garbage later down the line. Quick bummer: the golden augs you pay billions for are worthless once new augs hit, like you can literally vendor them then. New Augs will QUADRUPLE their stats, for any content over SM it is probably going to be mandatory to have them.

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Not true, I have 16 80s and the highest ilevel is 306 on any of them. I worked too hard over the years to get all 16 geared EXACTLY the way I want appearance-wise, and I refuse to wear random ugly gear just because it's a higher ilevel. I keep waiting for higher ilevel mods to show up either by crafting or from vendors, but no luck so far. If they really are done making new mods for this game, I guess I'm finally done. (I'm a founder btw)

Who says this? Who makes that statement, only to prove how uninvolved they are, by admitting they have no idea what the outfit designer is?


Nobody cares that you bought the game the first week and quit for 9.8 years...you're one of millions.

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I was away from this game for quite awhile and just came back a couple of weeks ago (I go back and forth between this game and WoW, but was gone even longer than usual this time when I also gave FFXIV a try for awhile) and didn't realize the change to how appearances worked now. Hopefully the 318 vendor that will appear in 7.1 (currently on the PTS) will have stuff for me to buy because all 16 of my guys have hit 80 and finished the new storyline and ALL of them deconstructed every single piece of 318 gear they were given. Heh. So their gear currently ranges from around 295 to 306.


You will then be happy to also learn that the ability to add weapons to outfitter was recently added. This was key since the >306 gear is static (and no mods), and for a while forced us to all have the same generic weapons as part of our appearance.

Edited by HypSpec
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