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  1. Yup, I'm already noticing threads and posts missing. These people never change and right back to ruling with an Iron fist. But it's nothing new. Frustrated people just addressing concerns. No attacks or anything and just stating opinions. I fully expect this post to be removed as well.
  2. It really does feel they are just sun setting the game and the rats are making their way off ship. I guess it was nice while it lasted.
  3. MMO devs always gotta learn the hard way. They listened to the more vocal hardcore element of the game and catered to them. But what really happens is they get what they wanted and then just leave out of boredom. And in the process shed their casual base. And once they realize this they revert but those people probably aren't coming back. Pick a lane and stick with it.
  4. Okay, I'll play along. I would not agree. BW is responsible for literally everything that happens with their product. All the praise and all the criticism. Will the community get credit when things are going well ? of course not. They get every inch of the credit due to taking the risk involved. They have the ownership over it. And therefore all the rewards and consequences belong to them. My advice is they should take extreme ownership for the problems. Admit mistakes and wrong doings with a serious plan to fix the problems. No one really wants a bunch of lip service either. People will see real solutions and action. Even if the road is rocky on the way they will begin to earn trust and respect from those that would support them. But that is one persons opinion and I expect a lot out of people in general so there is that. Their ego will be devastated and they will need to humble themselves but it's not too late. It never is. They 100% created the problem and it is 100% their responsibility to fix it.
  5. Toxicity and attitude is usually a direct reflection of leadership. I'll just leave it at that. BW can fix it anytime they want to. If they want to.
  6. I don't know. Blaming customers for the faults of a product seems like a pretty weak cop out.
  7. Rock hard pass. I have better things to do with my time than to test out stuff for free. All for any feedback to be ignored and never realized. Fool me once ....
  8. Just how it is around here. They rule with an iron fist and don't take lightly to criticism. This one will be removed too. When emotions are high it's probably best to just take a break.
  9. Just how it is around here. They rule with an iron fist and don't take lightly to criticism. This one will be removed too. When emotions are high it's probably best to just take a break.
  10. This ^^^ I left WoW for those reasons and found a place here. The second things go hardcore I'm out.
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