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Really need to lower the personal conquest back to 50k. It is virtually impossible to get done if you have more than six characters. Not to mention it is a hamper on smaller guilds and seems to only favor the large conquest guilds. So fixing this would be very simple. Set it back to 50k. Or you could increase the amount of conquest gained from all the things you can do, in order to make up the difference. Either way this needs to change.


Having multiple Large, Medium and small invasions would help quite a lot. Perhaps having three or five of each. This will help prevent gigantic conquest guilds from going into even the small yields and winding up with 100 million or more in something that requires 500k. Having more to choose from will help this. Giving the small guilds that focus more on Role play (Think 60/40 split between RP and Conquest) a chance to even get onto the leader board.

Not to mention the amount of the isotope stabilizers (gearing currency for Veteran flashpoints) needs to increase. Back in 6.0 the grind was there, sure. It was an enjoyable and manageable grind. That is objectively not the case in 7.0. Another thing to do in tandem would be to slightly lower the cost required to upgrade gear. Having a decent grind is healthy. and helps keep players happy. But the way it is now is a slog with no reason. Do better.


Having the group finder have all the flashpoints is going to be great so it's good to see that a step in the right direction is being made.


The glitch that seems to have came up in 7.0 in regards to the previewer is still present. Not allowing you to move the view of the camera up and down. Please fix this.


And the outfitter colour dye clicker does not work at all. It was working just well in 6.0 but has been broken in 7.0

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Really need to lower the personal conquest back to 50k. It is virtually impossible to get done if you have more than six characters. Not to mention it is a hamper on smaller guilds and seems to only favor the large conquest guilds.


Frankly, I've given up even trying anymore for my 2 personal guilds (Imperial/Republic). I have 3 of my 25 characters in another guild that I focus on now. When I have time, I try to do my other level 80 characters in completing at least the personal conquest.


1 or 2 per week including doing my 3 in my friend's guild in my hunt for the less than stellar legendary implants. That will take me 3 weeks to get one and another 3 weeks for the other only after the 3 I'm focused on are completed. Having to grind 13,000 tech fragments for each one is going to push that back even future. So, in a month's time I may get one maybe two characters completed.


I'm not going to work a second job with conquest because TPTB decided to force us to crawl through every damned thing this game has to offer. Their nightmare vision for the future is the absolute worse thing ever to happen in any MMO game I've ever played, mind you, I've played a dozen of them. I'll be damned if I'm going to participate in another grind-fest that rivals Blade & Soul's mindless 6 to 9 month long grind to get to the final level of gear.


Hopefully, losing another 25% or more of subscribers will force them to revert back to what we had before this ludicrous failure contraction update 7.0 ended up being.

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Hello SWTOR Community,

For example, during our first 72 hours, we identified critical bugs such as the issues with keybinding resets, empty gear boxes, and combat styles on characters not displaying properly and we corrected them all.


I had to keybind everything again on every toon that was not in the 1st and 2nd keybind slot and I have around 40 toons, they didn't "reset", they were gone, vanished, ghosted, non existent.

Empty gear boxes from PVP weekly's are not fixed, I opened 6 of them in total and got zero gear pieces from it, 2 of them I've earned and opened today, got nothing, nada, zero.


At least make sure that whatever you guys fixed, is actually fixed, 'cause everything you listed is really easy to test and see if that something is actually fixed.


I saw no mention of bolster getting fixed, because right now, bolster is lowering the stats of our toons even with better gear, so there's no point in gearing. I have better stats with 306 gear in PVP than with 322+.

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Really need to lower the personal conquest back to 50k. It is virtually impossible to get done if you have more than six characters. Not to mention it is a hamper on smaller guilds and seems to only favor the large conquest guilds. So fixing this would be very simple. Set it back to 50k. Or you could increase the amount of conquest gained from all the things you can do, in order to make up the difference. Either way this needs to change.


Agreed. Reducing the points we are getting and raising the goal is an overkill. It also seems like a really bad joke that this week is listed as Flashpoint Havoc, but the flashpoint pinnacles are one time only, and the single targets are MM only. Good luck trying to get a pop as a dps... Oh wait, not all of them are even in the group finder at the moment. Yay.


Meanwhile GSF weekly is still daily repeatable every single week granting 4-5 times more free conquest points than any PVE conquest target for everyone who can deal with the toxicity of GSF players. And you don't need gear or skill for it. You just need to take a pop, fly around and crash enough to not be flagged afk. Massive amounts of free points guaranteed for participating only, when pve players actually need to gear up and know how to play to finish their objectives. Doesn't seem fair to me.

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I had to keybind everything again on every toon that was not in the 1st and 2nd keybind slot and I have around 40 toons, they didn't "reset", they were gone, vanished, ghosted, non existent.

Empty gear boxes from PVP weekly's are not fixed, I opened 6 of them in total and got zero gear pieces from it, 2 of them I've earned and opened today, got nothing, nada, zero.


At least make sure that whatever you guys fixed, is actually fixed, 'cause everything you listed is really easy to test and see if that something is actually fixed.


I saw no mention of bolster getting fixed, because right now, bolster is lowering the stats of our toons even with better gear, so there's no point in gearing. I have better stats with 306 gear in PVP than with 322+.


Although not an optimal that we had to reset bars, there is a function that makes it easier.


When you get your keybinds laid out the way you want it for your bars, go to import/export keybinds, give the layout a name and save it. Then you can just activate that keybind layout on the rest of the characters


*admittedly this works for me because I have the same keybinding for all classes and just put different discipline avbilities on the keys I want. Loadouts made this way better cuz I never have to realign my abilities, they stay where I put them

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Hopefully, losing another 25% or more of subscribers will force them to revert back to what we had before this ludicrous failure contraction update 7.0 ended up being.


Looking at steam charts, it has never been so poor players in game then this week. They need to admit 7.0 gearing failure and roll back 6.0 urgently.

Edited by Syal
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Looking at steam charts, it has never been so poor players in game then this week. They need to admit 7.0 failure and roll back 6.0 urgently.


The current crew will continue wearing rose colored glasses then when EA cleans house they'll be surprised as to why. The next group will come in see the steaming pile of nightmarish trash waiting for them, scream "What the fudge" running for the door psychologically damage for life! EA then closes the doors on the game and lose it's license as Disney will have had enough of the clown show.

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You and the development team seem to be catching more than a bit of flak from the 7.0 update. Let me try to put it in perspective for you from what I have seen first hand on Star Forge.


At both launch (centurion boxes) and with the bolster gear in PVP, as well as the base one piece gear for PVE at those times, and the reaction was people hated it. This was known and well documented. Except, in 7.0 the development team tried it again and expected a different result than they received, which was the exact same result that was received both times prior


Conquest was doubled and rewards were halved (credits) with no attempt to add jawa junk or anything else to the reward to bring it somewhat back up, while knowing mats go for ridiculous amounts on the GTN due to the inflation (about a factor of ten) from four years ago.


The new gear ,as bad as it is (both in looks and functionality), still requires a grind. Except that grind with wins only counting for ground pvp for the box gear for the weekly takes far more time at 4 wins than 8 matches would with wins counting twice. Yet this is the gear we are supposed to have for PVP.


Which leads us to the next point of the PVP debacle: People have been complaining about premades since launch. It has been the largest complaint and the longest running, one with the longest necro-threading that I have seen in the forums . Except in order to complete your weekly in a reasonable time it is best to form up a premade.


The new implants were advertised as a replacement for the set gear from 6.0. Except (at least for vir/df sniper/slinger) some of them are as usless as giving a prize winning bull human breast implants. Removing the cool down on takedown is useless for a spec that procs takedown. It is also the only implant that gives accuracy and even that is bugged since it gives alacrity. At this time there is no implant that gives accuracy and def/shield for a sniper has not worked well in the past.. A better movve might have been the third ability from the Victors set since all forms of healing were removed from the class.


The forced use of one piece gear (rather than amorings,barrels,mods and enhancements) might have worked where it concerned weapons. Except the weapon customization did not launch. Nor will it launch in 7.0.1. It may be on the PTS in a few weeks and then after some more testing it may go live in May/June (if we are lucky). Admittedly that is reading between the lines of the developer statements,but it fits the standard times I have seen on fixes since the launch of the game. This also means that cartel market weapons and the ones from galactic seasons are absolutely useless for end game characters until the weapon customization utility goes live. However long that may take.


I could list all the other issues that the people above stated in addition to my own here, but at this point I think you can see the issue. I will put it in more of a laymans fashion however, if you'd rather::


If someone offered you a steak dinner and brought out a can of Steak Alpo dog food and said that this was the steak dinner they had talked up to you (for as long as the interviews with the media and the announcements for 7.0 had been circulating),would you be upset? I mean both of these correlate fairly accurately between what was said and what was delivered. Quality aside, both could be said they gave out the thing they said they would and both would be correct. From a certain point of view...

Edited by Ravenschild
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After 7.0.1, which only solved a relative small amount of bugs and introduced some new ones (hello GS 2 reward track), it would be great to hear some words from the devs. I guess 7.0.1 won't be received well by a large portion of the playerbase.

Some words of acknowledgement and apologize would do well Mr. Kanneg. Also some roadmap (when does weapons outfitter is panned to ship?) and sharing of your "vision" for this game would be well received.

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SWTOR is a ten year old game that is very dear to all of us, and we look forward to continuing the journey of a series of updates to make the game the best it can be.


- Keith


You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking that this tiny little patch would be well received by the community. It is not an expansion. Lets be perfectly clear on that. Its too small to be considered an expansion and honestly I feel like you guys removed more stuff from the game than you added.


-new itemization is a joke. 3 currencies required for upgrades? :confused:

-combat styles and loadouts not able to be changed during queued content? (This is literally the reason we wanted this)

-No mods in 7.0? You guys literally said 7.0 would open up build variability and instead we are stuck with this lol

-No cartel weapons until 7.1 I mean people paid money for these weapons in many cases and they might as well be paper weights until you decide weapon outfitter is ready. Who approved this? Fire them. :)

-Removal of certain skills. Again how does this improve build variability? Example: I main sorc heals and galvanizing cleanse was amazing. Ability to rez while moving or throw a instant infusion after a cleanse. It might not have been meta but it did have its uses.

-Cannot queue for multiple jobs in group finder content anymore. With the introduction of combat styles I fully assumed that I would be able to queue for all 3 jobs on my main. Not only is this not the case you have REMOVED the ability to queue for dps and heals or dps and tank. I cannot even fathom why you would make this change.


Already unsubbed and have no intention of coming back after this barring EXTREME reversions to these changes.

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i can't wait for the day EA looses the star wars license ...maybe someone decent will pick this game up.


just because they may lose the Exclusive license for Star Wars games, doesn't mean they won't keep the license for this game, or that they wouldn't just shut it down if they couldn't keep it for themselves.

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just because they may lose the Exclusive license for Star Wars games, doesn't mean they won't keep the license for this game, or that they wouldn't just shut it down if they couldn't keep it for themselves.

Next Star wars game's already produced by another Game editor: https://www.starwarseclipse.com/fr-fr/

Looks like EA allready lost the license for upcomming SW games.

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-new itemization is a joke. 3 currencies required for upgrades? :confused:

-combat styles and loadouts not able to be changed during queued content? (This is literally the reason we wanted this)

-No mods in 7.0? You guys literally said 7.0 would open up build variability and instead we are stuck with this lol

-No cartel weapons until 7.1 I mean people paid money for these weapons in many cases and they might as well be paper weights until you decide weapon outfitter is ready. Who approved this? Fire them. :)

-Removal of certain skills. Again how does this improve build variability?

-Cannot queue for multiple jobs in group finder content anymore. With the introduction of combat styles I fully assumed that I would be able to queue for all 3 jobs on my main. Not only is this not the case you have REMOVED the ability to queue for dps and heals or dps and tank. I cannot even fathom why you would make this change.



Exactly all this, they changed so many things that have been staples in kotor1/kotor2 and swtor that did not need to be changed but they did because they needed to justify their paycheck

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Next Star wars game's already produced by another Game editor: https://www.starwarseclipse.com/fr-fr/

Looks like EA allready lost the license for upcomming SW games.


That's now how that works. EA won't have the exclusive license anymore, but that doesn't they can't get a license agreement to continue this game and potentially make others too (I'm assuming a Fallen Order sequel will get greenlit by EA and Disney). It just gives Disney the freedom to let other studios make Star Wars games too.


If at some point a studio wants to make a game that directly competes with swtor, Disney might shut this game down, if they have faith in that game. But otherwise as long as this game keeps making money it'll probably stick around.

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just because they may lose the Exclusive license for Star Wars games, doesn't mean they won't keep the license for this game, or that they wouldn't just shut it down if they couldn't keep it for themselves.


after the *****show called 7.0 i wouldn't be surprised if this game doesn't survive till next year.

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