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Everything posted by Rammboo

  1. Only picked that line to insult me? I guess you are implying I have mental health issues? Really? Many people do and that's where you go? I think it's not me with the problem. Maybe you should take your own advice? Oh, and how I play is up to me, your opinion doesn't matter to me. Have fun being judgmental though.
  2. No. Not when the story ends with an OP. Makeb and Oriwhatever spring to mind. They changed the Revan one so I could do it solo. Although they seem to be going down the grindy FP route these days. They'll get my sub, nothing else.
  3. I had 8 different stories before, two per class were the same. Now all 16 are the same storyline regardless of what class you play. Also to be fair, none of the choices I made had any impact anyway. (Other than my main and they were minimal.) I have never started a new character for new content. I still have the same 16 I started years ago. Sorry if me not wanting to grind through FPs and Chapters I have already done upsets you. Doing it once was enough for me.
  4. That's fair enough except I don't PvP either. I agree the stat increases aren't really worth the grind though.
  5. Comps have been getting stuck in doorways on FP Esseles for years. Don't hold your breath.
  6. Yeah they would. My Imp side lightside alts that skipped stuff killed a lot of companions, apparently. As they were Imps they just assumed they were darkside and killed them off. I guess it's my fault for not wanting to go through the same content 16 times again.
  7. Repairing gold 306 gear in 6.0 cost thousands. Yeah price now is a bit higher for green gear but not really a surprise. Still paying less for new gear repairs even if there isn't a lot of difference in stats. Guess they are slowly finding more credit sinks here and there. Though I wish they spent more time on major fixes to the game.
  8. Yeah, sorry . If I got a COD mail i would report and then delete it. I never got one from GTN before and would find it suspicious.
  9. Not that weird as it doesn't work properly anyway. It shows as 0 people on the planet I'm on even though I can see at least 6 in the cantina I'm in. LOL.
  10. Not a fan of it but if I have to put up with it I have to agree. 7.0 version is trash.
  11. Story hidden behind grindy FP again. Kill Malgus again. Nope. Been there done that. Next.
  12. It's been a mess in whatever content you play.
  13. Delayed April fools joke? They are usually a couple of months out.... Sorry, couldn't resist... I have to laugh about it or what's the point?
  14. This. Why would you delete a character you want to use again? Deleting a character is just that, no do overs. Either keep them or not. Get rid of them and you'll just have to start again like anyone else. I'd rather they spent time on fixing bugs.
  15. 3 hour down time for pretty much nothing. If it's a joke it isn't funny.
  16. Yeah, they were. I could change stats with credits. Not that hard to figure out.
  17. Oh, the changes to GS to make it more solo friendly. Yeah, that's all I have. Other than that, nothing.
  18. I would say that's working as intended.
  19. I still get comps in their undies in cutscenes on chapter one of knights of the whatever. Once I have already completed them. Doing them for daily stuff. Good luck though.
  20. Yeah, not every FP has story mode. I wish they did but they don't. Probably less do than don't.
  21. Then don't speak for me either. I hate the new gearing system and much preferred 6.0. 7.0 for me is a massive step back for me. You may disagree as is your right. Personally 7.0 has done nothing right for me. Well GS being a bit more friendly but that's it.
  22. Give you that. Although it would probably be bugged. Well, not probably.....
  23. You are assuming everyone does that content. Not all of us want to do it. I get where you are coming from but not everyone wants to group or run the same things you do.
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