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Distribution chests do not give you direct upgrades from your current item rating. So if it drops a mainhand and the mainhand you currently have equipped is 326, the box isn't going to drop anything higher than 326


The boxes that say requisition instead of distribution are direct upgrades and will drop something that has a higher item rating than what you have equipped for whatever specific piece drops from the chest.


Thank you for clarifying. So nice to have to learn new game mechanics even after playing the game for 10+ years.


Why reward distribution crates if they are not going to upgrade my gear?

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Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing.



reading this response makes me question if you have actually understood people's feedback here. The problem here is two-fold: a skewed perspective of time Investment vs reward and understanding your own content.


People run Hammer Statiom for a multitude of reasons.

  • It is fast
  • It is reliable
  • It doesn't overwhelm new / low-level players with mechanics they may not be equipped for (both in gear and combat abilities
  • It rewards the same amount as other Flashpoint content


People run what is most efficient when it comes down to how much time it costs to complete content vs how much you get out of it. A half-way decent group of people (even pugged) can run Hammer Station in 15 to 20 minutes max. By comparison, the same can definitely not be said for A Traitor Among the Chiss or The Nathema Conspiracy. The problem here of course is that, why would I "waste time" running Nathema with a random group of people, potentially underleveled, under-equipped or simply not adept enough yet with their class, requiring about an hour of time to complete Nathema, maybe with wipes and having to explain boss mechanics, when I can run Hammer Station 3 to 4 times in the same amount of time and get the same reward each time I would get for completing Nathema?


An issue here seems to be that the team does not want to admit that not all content is equal, nor will any amount of level tuning or kolto healing stations make players of all levels equal, YET you treat it as equal in regards to queues and rewards. I do not want to sound elitist, but a level 15 player has absolutely no business being sent into certain late-game flashpoints they simply are not equipped for.


Hammer Station is simple enough that a max level player can guide a group full of lower level players who may have never run a flashpoint before through successfully in a reasonable amount of time. With Flashpoints like Copero, or Nathema or Lost Island, not so much. There is literally no incentive to engaging with this content. If Hammer Station and A Traitor Among the Chiss offer the same amount of currency, gear etc, I would rather run Hammer Station a dozen times a day than "risk" having a troublesome, potentially doomed-to-fail run of Nathema with a random group.


Running Hammer Station may be boring, but more pragmatic. I have been playing this game since launch and I cannot recall ever having to abandon a Veteran Mode run of Hammer Station because the group wasn't able to handle it. This cannot be said of the same situation in other Flashpoints that were at one point or another considered endgame content, so the likes of Lost Island, Blood Hunt, Copero or Nathema.


That is not to say that you should nerf Hammer Station even more, no. You should, in fact, incentivize harder content like A Traitor Among the Chiss by having it award more than Hammer Station. Because again, if a run of Nathema takes me 3 or 4 times as long as a single run of Hammer Station while the rewards are the same, why would I go run Nathema in the first place?


I understand that a high priority for you at this point in the game's life cycle is keeping up the quantity of group content queue pops, but you are forcing this to happen at the cost of group content quality. I yearn for the old days when flashpoints in the group finder rotation were level restricted. It makes sense that not every player would immediately have access to every flashpoint if they don't have the majority of their core abilities yet, like a defensive cooldown or even their interrupt.


In short:

  • People will run what is most efficient for them, even if it's boring.
  • Not all Flashpoint content is equal and therefore not tuned for players beyond certain levels. Kolto stations don't and won't fix that. Level 15 players are not meant to be put into content designed for level 70 players.
  • There is no reason to run longer / harder content if there is no increased incentive to go the extra distance. And you do not create more incentive by nerfing the shorter content.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Hey Keith, Since the PTS is active, can we do the PTS collection achievements?

I'm new to PTS and I was just on there for a few hours with my new lv1 to lv80 character agent "Lightway" (droid booster helped) & my Copy lv 80 character trooper "Lionblaze" so will the collection items like titles and Kai Zykken’s MK-85/90 Log Mount available to achieve? Also, I forget to know HOW to get them so please help?

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We did make key changes to the way we approach rewards in 7.0. We rotate content (including Flashpoints available in Groupfinder and Weekly missions for Daily Areas) for a couple of reasons. First, it allows all reward calendars to be aligned. Conquests, Galactic Seasons, and the Featured weekly content all line up, which means players can make progress towards multiple rewards at once.


Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing. Instead of gathering a sheer quantity of items to sort through to find an upgrade in 6.0, which required more and more efficient runs to maximize the amount of gear acquired, we moved to a system that virtually guarantees upgrades to gear by just doing the featured content each week. At the end of the day it results in a quality over quantity philosophy.


When content is not in rotation, it is still available and rewards are still offered, but to a lesser degree. For example, all Flashpoints are accessible by walking into their entrance, however since Groupfinder is the delivery method for ensuring upgrade rewards, not all Flashpoints are available in Groupfinder each week unless they are featured.


For Daily missions, we have Weekly mission wrappers ('do 6 dailies') for each area, which are the delivery method for larger rewards. These weekly missions are only available when the rewards are available, which is if they are featured that week. However all of the dailies associated with these missions are still available at all times, and still reward items relevant to gearing or upgrading gear, just at a slower rate than the featured content.


All of that boils down to featured content is about aligning different reward tracks such as conquest and Galactic Seasons, plus mixing up content with short and long completion times together to prevent some of the issues that awarding all content equally brought to the table in the 6.0 era.


I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content, but I hope it does provide the insight as to why we decided to make these changes. What I have noticed in-game is there are a lot more players in the areas, and with share tagging of mobs, I'm finding I'm not waiting around for respawns.



Except that now everyone is just doing GSF because it's by far the fastest way to gear up and get tech fragments. You need to balance other content so the rewards match... I enjoy GSF but I didn't start playing SWTOR to play space combat all the time.


And weeklies lining up with Seasons? You might want to fix that so you don't have to do an emergency fix every Tuesday morning one hour after the reset...

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I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content, but I hope it does provide the insight as to why we decided to make these changes. What I have noticed in-game is there are a lot more players in the areas, and with share tagging of mobs, I'm finding I'm not waiting around for respawns.


Glad to see an update post and I sincerely hope that we see these types of posts pop up at least every two weeks, if not every one. Having a weekly or bi-weekly update talking about the game and showing players that you do listen is extremely important for the health and sanity of the community. I am at a low point in my faith in the dev team and currently have no desire to resub until I see pre-7.0 promises being fulfilled in the forms of more content, PvP rebalance, active class rebalancing and new tacticals / set bonuses.


Now about the rotating content, I dislike it - but not because it's shoe-horning me into specific content.

I dislike it because some of the content is HORRIBLE and the rewards are imbalanced.



For example, most of the new flashpoints are horrendous to run in a pick up group - especially ones such as Nathema. I flat out refuse to play that flashpoint if it pops up in group finder because it is so challenging to random groups even in veteran mode.

Other flashpoints also take waaaaaay longer than others - yet give the same rewards when they should give more.


Daily / heroic areas:

Personally I love shared tagging and have wanted it for years - but respawn times on mobs and respawn times on interactable objects are still too high in many areas. If I am being forced to play a certain heroic, I don't want to have to wait multiple minutes for an item to respawn and also worry about it being sniped by another player.

Some heroics and dailies also take a very very long time to complete (at least for non-stealthers) yet give the same rewards as easy to complete content.



Perfect. Honestly maybe my favourite content to play right now.



Terrible. Not only am I experiencing even worse desync than before and the times to kill are still high because of the extreme health scaling (390k while damage barely increased), but also you need to WIN. This means that every match you lose is a complete and utter waste of your time. The daily and weekly MUST be changed to games played like galactic starfighter. I have very little hope for the big PvP update that will come in maybe 6 months. Rebalancing classes and removing abilities was supposed to be done partially to benefit times to kill in PvP, but nothing has changed and PvP modes feel laggier than ever.

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Thank you for the additional information. I am glad to see that there are a lot of bug fixes planned. As I've said before, I don't doubt that you'll fix the big ones. What I am worried about is the many smaller ones that aren't as important. For example, my Sage's Force Armor animation applying to my character when it is cast on the Companion, or pets not staying summoned (though that second one might be a bit older than 7.0).


And I am disappointed (I find myself posting this phrase a lot lately) that there was no mention of scaling and/or Companion strength. The more I play the more prominent this issue becomes, and it may become a deal breaker for me. :(


7.0 is a foundational update to the game. The fundamental refactoring of all abilities and Advanced Classes into Combat Styles, the addition of the long-requested Loadouts feature, and the beginnings of new UI/UX and Itemization constitute the most significant systemic changes made to SWTOR since launch. These are only the first steps toward the ambitious and inspiring vision we have for SWTOR's future. We are excited to continue bringing this vision to life in the ongoing updates and additions coming to the game this year and beyond. More story will be coming including new locations to explore, a PvP revamp, and more visual and modernization improvements are also underway. It was always intended that 7.0 would receive multiple updates in 2022 and beyond to celebrate ten years of SWTOR.

I love combat styles and loadouts, and more locations and new story sound wonderful (and I'm sure the PvP folks are looking forward to that part too). :) But if the "visual and modernization improvements" are anything like the new UI, may I suggest that you just save all of us the hassle and leave well enough alone? Please?

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Having to agree with all the responses here. Would like to add my 2 cents worth still.


For the last 6 months of 2021 and leading up to 7.0 we kept hearing "play it your way" with "More choices".


7.0 has been anything BUT "play your way" with "more "choices". From the new skill trees to limited choice of Flashpoints and planetary heroics and operations in the weeklies, 7.0 has bee more "play BW's way" and "play what BW wants you to play.


7.0 has made SWTOR and BW the laughing stock of the MMORPG world.

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Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing.


While I get the reasoning behind this change, you guys could have chosen a much less restrictive route that also would've worked for the issue: removing the requirement to have all flashpoints checked in GF in order to complete the dailies and weeklies.


This way people who were tired of getting matched for Hammer Station could opt out of it without losing their rewards, and those who wanted to repeatedly farm it could keep doing so. I've personally been unselecting flashpoints I don't like since I came back to the game in 6.0, because I don't think the rewards are worth the annoying/repetitive runs that come with certain flashpoints. I wish it didn't cost me the completion of the daily and weekly, but at the end of the day I'm playing to have fun.


Hopefully you revisit this change in the future and put something less limiting!

Edited by DarthZeroe
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Notice how Mr Kanneg uses weaselly language to mask the fact that he straight up admits that this was a bait and switch on the players who were expecting an expansion but only got a "foundational update to the game", presumably with more substantive content updates forever tantalisingly held back for a later date, hoping that would be enough for the subs to cling on.


Also note how Mr K blithely diminishes the very real, substantive problems the players have with this update as just some players not having a "smooth transition". Is this what the young people call gaslighting?


Finally Monsieur Keith promises us that he and his associates will "continue bringing this vision to life" which can only be viewed as a threat. Although I am actually grateful for this as its actually informative as to what my relationship with the game going forward with this game should be, uninstall it and never look back. I'll just have to view the money I sank into it as an expensive lesson not to waste money on in game purchases.

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Not only does the launch of Legacy of the Sith begin the journey into updating the game, but this update also opens the doors to new players who have never experienced SWTOR before. 7.0 is meant to invite new players to the game while also bringing new experiences to returning and veteran players.


- Keith


HI Keith,

so you know a little bit more about your player Demographic.

  • I've been playing for 3+ Years (subscribed for 2+ now I think), and have played through all 8 classes
  • I'm a PVE rather than PVP and in a GMT +10h Time-zone
  • I find crafting overly complicated with out access to a simple set of instructions, so just can't be bothered crafting. So as I have no mechanism to earn coin outside of combat, and I've only got about 20M in total across my legacy, most of the "good" gear in GTN is out of reach.
  • Hence I rely on fleet and in-game acquired "mod-boosts" (Armour/barrel + Mods + Enhancements)
  • I play weekly with a small group of friends (Private guild) where we take start up toons through Class story lines up to Correlia and then start again.
  • I was then taking these L75 start up toons through Hutt, Revan, KotET/KotFE story lines


I enjoy the story lines; but having gone through these now several times what keeps me coming back is the 290+ Armour/barrel + Mods + Enhancements drops during renown level increases (...and if I'm honest the psychological reward that the toon has advanced another level albeit it a potentially meaning less number) .


It may sound Crazy but renown levels and it's crates was what kept me going with the High-Level toons. I've tried playing since but the desire to play has dropped right off; and it's sort of stopped being fun.


Unless there is something that rewards playing beyond Correllia and L80 through to the new content I won't get there. More importantly if there is nothing that entices me to keep playing why am I subscribing?


If there is a viable alternative reward to renown I'm all ears ... but I just don't see it. My subscription expires in May, I will be cancelling my auto renewal when I get a free moment; if you decide to fix / revisit incentives for player progression, I'll be more than happy to rejoin ... otherwise it's been fun (until now) I guess



Nath Legacy

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...Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content...


You won't change human nature. Is the reported GSF afk'ing an intended side effect? The WB farming? Is me running my 8 guilded toons through the cherry-picked weekly heroics somehow different to farming "one particular piece of content"? This response is disengenuous at best and these changes are nothing but restrictive.


...we moved to a system that virtually guarantees upgrades to gear by just doing the featured content each week...


Then why am I selling duplicate gear constantly? Unless you're referring to the currency one gets for replaying the same content over and over as we obediently jump through the hoops you created as part of the ridiculously convoluted gearing process?


...I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content..


So address it. There's a phrase about "polishing" I'm really trying to avoid here.


And of course, speaking of polish, can you explain how your statement last year explaining the expansion delay which cites the need to "add polish" and "find and fix bugs" gels with the galaxy-sized list of bugs, some game-breaking, that have been inflicted on us?

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Their response is the exact same that WoW's shadowlands team gave when covenants and conduits were met with scorn. "This is our vision, like it or leave." WoW is under 2 million subs. WoW had that to lose, Swtor doesn't. Even before 7.0 the fleets would have like 110 people on during peak times. lol, those are not good numbers.

Perhaps this is why since Jan 1 alone, EA's CEO Andrew Wilson has sold 20,000 shares of EA stock, COO Laura Miele has sold 9,300 shares, CFO Blake Jorgensen has sold 6,630 shares, CPO Vijayanthimala Singh has sold 1,600 shares, and CLO Jacob Schatz has sold 2,000 shares.

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How long will it take to apply the transmog for weapons?


A lot of players bought cartel coins and bought stuff out of it for their looks.


As we still can transmog our gear, it is not possible for weapons.

And those weapons out of the cartel market are the most expensive ones.


What should we do now with the weapons we bought out the cartel market?

Let them waste and rot in the hold?


That is why I would like to know how long does it take to get the transmog for weapons?

If you cannot apply this in a meanable time... than we're talking about cashback for stuff bought, but cannot be used anymore. That is fraud!

Edited by HelbaLee
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I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content, but I hope it does provide the insight as to why we decided to make these changes. What I have noticed in-game is there are a lot more players in the areas, and with share tagging of mobs, I'm finding I'm not waiting around for respawns.



All you're doing by offering your insight is trying to justify molesting the game. Please, stop doubling-down on the abhorrent changes that were made since the majority of us here didn't ask for them and don't want them. I would suggest you instead listen to your player base, but that obviously will never happen since you and your team are hellbent on making the game you want to make. And to that, I'll say have fun on your vision quest. I, for one, will not be following.

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We did make key changes to the way we approach rewards in 7.0. We rotate content (including Flashpoints available in Groupfinder and Weekly missions for Daily Areas) for a couple of reasons. First, it allows all reward calendars to be aligned. Conquests, Galactic Seasons, and the Featured weekly content all line up, which means players can make progress towards multiple rewards at once.


Second, we heard loud and clear from 6.0 feedback that farming one particular piece of content (like Hammer Station, or a particular Weekly above all others) because it was the fastest way to gear up, but it just wasn't fun. In 7.0, we rotate content to mix and match some of the shortest and longest flashpoints and weeklies each week. As a result, there is more variety in the type of content the gearing system rewards players for completing. Instead of gathering a sheer quantity of items to sort through to find an upgrade in 6.0, which required more and more efficient runs to maximize the amount of gear acquired, we moved to a system that virtually guarantees upgrades to gear by just doing the featured content each week. At the end of the day it results in a quality over quantity philosophy.


When content is not in rotation, it is still available and rewards are still offered, but to a lesser degree. For example, all Flashpoints are accessible by walking into their entrance, however since Groupfinder is the delivery method for ensuring upgrade rewards, not all Flashpoints are available in Groupfinder each week unless they are featured.


For Daily missions, we have Weekly mission wrappers ('do 6 dailies') for each area, which are the delivery method for larger rewards. These weekly missions are only available when the rewards are available, which is if they are featured that week. However all of the dailies associated with these missions are still available at all times, and still reward items relevant to gearing or upgrading gear, just at a slower rate than the featured content.


All of that boils down to featured content is about aligning different reward tracks such as conquest and Galactic Seasons, plus mixing up content with short and long completion times together to prevent some of the issues that awarding all content equally brought to the table in the 6.0 era.


I know that doesn't address being shoe-horned into content, but I hope it does provide the insight as to why we decided to make these changes. What I have noticed in-game is there are a lot more players in the areas, and with share tagging of mobs, I'm finding I'm not waiting around for respawns.



Hi Keith, glad you have finally posted.


I’ve read all of you’re replies and it seems you still don’t understand the underlying problem with what you’ve done to the game. It would be oversimplifying it by saying you’ve made it unfun and boring, but that’s the gist of it.


Many others have been trying to point out all the issues for the last 7-8 months on the PTS (which you promptly ignored) and also since 7.0 went live. Communication is key and you take way to long as the producer to communicate. Now you guys are asking players to test again while you’ve ignored us so thoroughly for 8 months. I ask you, why should we? You don’t seem to listen or care what we like or don’t like.


Sure you made some small changes, but not enough to count and that’s why so many of your dedicated players have left the game and your Steam numbers are plummeting towards being lower than pre7.0.

This sort of communication from you should have been happening before 7.0 and the feedback should have been actioned from the PTS.


You may not realise this but you’ve got a lot of very angry players and they’ve stopped giving you the benefit of doubt because you take so long to communicate with us. We feel like your “live” crash test dummy’s being slammed into the wall over and over and you don’t care if you kill us or the game.


We appreciate you guys have a vision, but you’re terrible at communicating them to us. Dumping your ideas on players and then ignoring the players if we hate them doesn’t earn you any love or forgiveness when you revert or tweak them over a 12-24 month period.


Most of the things that went live could have been avoided if you had actually acted on the PTS feedback. And I’m not not just talking about the multitude of bugs. Most of the UI issues could have been resolved if you’d only listened to the feedback on the PTS.


The gearing system is a shambles, hardly anyone likes it. Your goals to reduce clutter, RNG or reduce repetitive grind on one activity have had the reverse affect. You totally redesigned a system most of us liked instead of just tweaking it to achieve those goals.


There are a plethora of other things the players hate like the ability pruning, but I’m not going to list them all because if you don’t already know, it means you aren’t reading the feedback or having it communicated to you properly by the team and that’s where the underlying problem lies and nothing we say now will make a shed of difference.


7.0 feels like the death of the game because you guys were too arrogant to listen to the player base feedback AGAIN. No one from BioWare has even mentioned or acknowledged the font change that is also causing problems for some players. It’s great that you’re reducing the contrast etc, but what about the FONT that has now made it nearly impossible for me and others with sight issues to see anything written in the game.


I wish you luck this 10th anniversary year, you’re gonna need it because you’re driving more and more people from the game. You can make all the plans in the world for the games future. But if you don’t take the players on the journey with you, you’ll have no players left and the game has will have no future.

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Thank you for the response and your explanation and I already kind of figured that but that still doesn't not help the problem of doing the weeklies as they are limited to twice a week and that can be a bit of a problem for most of us since we have 12-14 alts, and I am not talking about the gear you get, that I can understand, but some of us actually run the dailies and stuff for the conquest for our guilds. My guild is small (no, not going to join a large guild-did that and it was too much drama) and we were working on getting encryptions for unlocking both guild ships and the way it works now is almost impossible.


So we actually have very little reason to log on and play and we have been here since launch and this is giving us something to think about whether we should continue or not.


Remember one thing: While this may be your vision, it is not always the vision of the players and if this many are having complaints, you may want to rethink your vision. I would hate to see SWTOR follow the same path as SWG but that what it looks like you are doing, when you ignore people's complaints.

Edited by casirabit
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I know it's too late on a Friday for any Bioware employee to read my post, but here it is anyway.




Thank you for information on incoming bug fixes. There have been so many it's hard to know what is a bug and what is a design flaw. Please assure us that the 7.0.1 fixes are just the tip of the iceberg and far more fixes are coming. I'm sure we all have a list of bugs that are our personal most irritating bugs that won't make the cut. (Mine is the lack of click and drag in the item preview and the truncated zoom.) And we all know that 1/3 of the bugs that get "fixed" won't actually be fixed, and some new ones will be introduced.


You are studiously ignoring the way most of the design changes reduced player enjoyment. They were quality of life downgrades. Are you planning on rectifying that, or are you sticking to your "like it or lump it" stance? Please remember that sometimes the cure really is worse than the disease.


What IS your "vision". You keep mentioning it as if we should be excited about it, but you haven't given any details as to why. (A roadmap would really be helpful at this point!) To be frank, you mentioning future UI "upgrades" terrifies me. None of the changes in 7.0 give me any confidence that you realizing your vision is something players should look forward to. Considering the way you gutted rewards and made every last thing more grindy and tedious, it sure feels like your "vision" of the future of SWtOR does not include solo and casual players.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Hello SWTOR Community,


Hello, Mr. Kanneg. It's nice to finally see you.


Secondly, we know that 7.0 was not a smooth transition for some players,


It certainly wasn't.


Since those initial fixes went out, the team has been reading reports and feedback coming in and making additional adjustments; at this point, further changes will require a full patch. In this upcoming patch, which we are labeling as 7.0.1, you can expect the below changes and much more to be included. Here are some of the most reported bugs we will be fixing in 7.0.1:


  • Adjusted contrast in inventory screen
  • Rakata Med-Tech’s weapons and offhands can now be upgraded at the Operations Gear Upgrade vendor, as intended
  • Rakata Force-Lord’s weapons can now be upgraded, as intended
  • The Category Filter in the Ability window is now showing all the categories. The Vehicles category now appears when the list is opened
  • The following now contain loot: Tionese Requisition Cache, Noble Decurion Chest, World Boss Equipment Crate
  • The Decurion Gear Containers and Decurion Gear caches now contain gear for all combat styles/disciplines
  • Unifying colors on individual armor pieces is now correctly saved when leaving the outfitter window
  • Galactic Seasons Reward Level 67 for Subscribers now correctly grants the “Sliced Cybernetic Visual Enhancement Implants” Legendary Companion gift for Fen Zeil, as intended
  • Fixed an issue preventing players with Ryzen HS processors from viewing the list of available servers
  • Companions and invited NPCs no longer despawn during the Graul boss fight in Secrets of the Enclave
  • Veteran Mode Flashpoints in Group Finder can now be queued by all players at level 15+. Story Mode Operations in Group Finder can now only be queued by players level 80, as intended


I would really like to see you addressing balancing issues. And I don't mean obvious bugs like the purifier droids in KotET, I mean general changes. At this point, after talking to people I get an impression that the balancing was designed not for people who actually spend a lot of time in the open world sections of the game (so story \ casual \ solo \ conquest players) but around what players doing more difficult group content think open world should be like.

Having all my stats reduced and my companion weaker than ever before makes playing the game not enjoyable, at least for me. What's more with this scaling the gear we have to grind is entirely useless in 90% of the content I'm actually doing regularly - in scaled areas my performance in purple augmented 236s is pretty much the same as with old 306s.

As i suggested before, returning veteran stacks and adding them to green solo gear would solve two problems for you: it would make this green gear actually useful and desirable for a large number of players and should reduce complains regarding difficulty \ content being a slog.


As of this post, this patch will include at least 200+ fixes of varying degrees. The player facing fixes will be reflected in the patch notes. Because we are implementing all of these fixes in one push, we want to ensure the necessary time is allocated to test them all to quality. We are currently targeting March 22 for 7.0.1, but we will update you all with a confirmed date as we get closer.


Sorry for being snarky but at this point there are times when I have a problem telling a bug from a feature.


7.0 is a foundational update to the game. The fundamental refactoring of all abilities and Advanced Classes into Combat Styles, the addition of the long-requested Loadouts feature, and the beginnings of new UI/UX and Itemization constitute the most significant systemic changes made to SWTOR since launch. These are only the first steps toward the ambitious and inspiring vision we have for SWTOR's future.


I'm sorry to say it but alienating large portion of your playerbase would only inspire people to quit.


Not only does the launch of Legacy of the Sith begin the journey into updating the game, but this update also opens the doors to new players who have never experienced SWTOR before. 7.0 is meant to invite new players to the game while also bringing new experiences to returning and veteran players.


Once again I'm sorry to say it but this influx of new players isn't happening so far. Whenever I group for something it's pretty much old players. Whenever I'm soloing heroics I see players who act like veterans (for example trying to hit enemies first so they don't get stolen from them). Fleets are as active as they were, TC was replaced by Nefra, people still try to gather groups for some good ol' Hammer Time, not many question from new and returning players.

Really hope you can turn this situation around but it will take a lot of good will and communication. Your post is certainly a move in the right direction.

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We know that progress for some players is being halted in the Elom Flashpoint when fighting Malgus. Since the initial report that has come in, the team has been looking into the bug to understand why players are experiencing it. Here’s a little glimpse under the hood to give you some insight into why a potential fix is being tested on the PTS.


We have experienced this bug when playing on our live characters, however, this bug does not present itself on our development servers. Reproducing a bug on development servers is step one in resolving any issue as it allows us to dig deeper into the source of the problems.


The biggest offender of this issue is when Malgus is pulling or pushing the player. This creates one of two possibilities: something in the game is causing the player to take a substantial, unintended spike of damage which kills them, or the movement of their character is causing them to hit something we call a “death volume”. This is a space built into all environments that if a player enters, kills them instantly. In this case, this area is used as a mechanism to ensure players don’t ever get stuck in the environment. We have done explorations of the death volumes, combat triggers, the ballistics on Malgus’s attacks, and none of these appears to be the culprit. The bug remains so our hunt for a fix continues. As this issue only wants to rear its ugly head on live servers, we have made a couple of tweaks, most notably to death volumes, which you can help us test right now on PTS!


On the live servers, the only issue I experienced was the insta-death from "fall damage." So, I don't believe this to be an "unintended spike of damage" as you described.


In order to complete the encounter, I spend the entire time on the perimeter, assigned my (healer) companion to attack Malgus, use whatever ranged abilities (was on a melee class) I had so I could keep some distance from Malgus, and always try to create distance from Telekinetic Barrage (continuing to stay on the perimeter) when he places it. The fall damage problem seems to happen more in the center area (where he zips around in the super speed attack), so I stay on the perimeter. I also seemed to avoid fall damage by moving away from Telekinetic Barrage when he sets it on the perimeter. The other thing that helps is making sure he runs to you instead of pulling you to him and try to work your way around to the next available healing node after you use one.


I never encountered this bug while testing on the PTS before 7.0 launched.

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The more I check posts about the latest expansion, the more I feel sorry and disgusted with the behavior of many of its users. I understand - you are dissatisfied with the fact how it turned out, but is it really necessary to be nasty out here? Unpalatable? Aggressive? To send threats to the programmers, attack people with words, pour out on them your aggresion, anger? Does it really make you all feel better? I dare to doubt.


This! Thanks for the post. I've been following the forum daily this last week and I was also shocked at the way things are said by the so-called game lovers, the volume of arrogant, mocking, disrespectful posts is absurd. As a worker myself (I'm not an employee of the company, let me be clear.), I was offended several times by things I read here. I really hope that the fixes are implemented in the best possible way and that we can go back to reading tutorials, lores, among other things more interesting than pure hate. In my opinion, this communication made today was an important step in the right direction. Understand the developers idea, debate issues !respectfully! and focus on improvement for everyone.

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Just one question: Since the horrific UI changes currently on live physically prevent me and many others from playing the game due to giving us headaches, migraines and/or motion sickness type effects but you plan to implement the fix nearly a month from now, are you going to reimburse the month and a half of paid playtime we're losing because of this?


Of course not. They aren’t that type of company that cares about their players as long as they got their money. We’ve unsubbed, that’s the only response they understand and will stay unsubbed until all their promises are filled and our requests addressed. We don’t need to pay to play until they are willing to listen. There are 3 or 4 newer games just released or on the Horizon. Swtor won’t last the year at this rate.

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  • The following now contain loot: Tionese Requisition Cache, Noble Decurion Chest, World Boss Equipment Crate
  • The Decurion Gear Containers and Decurion Gear caches now contain gear for all combat styles/disciplines


  1. What about Thyrsian loot boxes?
  2. When are we going to be able to use the cosmetic weapon skins we paid real life money for?
    This 326 purple double saber should be awesome, but it is ugly as sin. It looks like a huge, janky, rusty pipe strapped to my back of all places:
  3. What about utterly broken scaling? If you have 110% acc, 7.15% alac, and 36% crit in fleet, when you get scaled down on planets you can lose 5.07%+ alacrity and 8.62% crit while *gaining* acc? What the heck?
  4. What about broken companions? They no longer heal, tank, or dps as well as pre-7.0. Presence appears to be busted (especially when scaling down). Influence level appears to have little or no effect. People paid real life money for compendiums for lvl 50 companions and now that does nothing. Weaker companions makes solo and story content less enjoyable.


See more details here:



Stats in Fleet:

Acc: 110.06%

Crit: 36.59%

Alac: 7.42%


Stats in Tatooine:

Acc: 115.65%

Crit: 27.97%

Alac: 2.35%



Acc: Gain 5.59%

Crit: Lose 8.62%

Alac: Lose 5.07%


How are we supposed to play and gear our characters when the scaling system completely wrecks our stats? You need to hit 110% acc and 7.15% alacrity thresholds, but scaling ruins that while also robbing us of crit%.


Why are we WEAKER when scaling down in level on planets?

Edited by Muckbeast
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Thank you for the response and your explanation and I already kind of figured that but that still doesn't not help the problem of doing the weeklies as they are limited to twice a week and that can be a bit of a problem for most of us since we have 12-14 alts, and I am not talking about the gear you get, that I can understand, but some of us actually run the dailies and stuff for the conquest for our guilds. My guild is small (no, not going to join a large guild-did that and it was too much drama) and we were working on getting encryptions for unlocking both guild ships and the way it works now is almost impossible.


So we actually have very little reason to log on and play and we have been here since launch and this is giving us something to think about whether we should continue or not.


My dear Casi,


Keith/BioWare just don’t get it. I believe they honestly don’t have an F’ing clue what they’ve done wrong and why we’re so upset with them. They just don’t get it. Which I find amazing because it’s been/being shouted at them from the rooftops for several months now and he still gave you that response.


They are all totally tone deaf or so utterly arrogant to think the players wants and needs don’t matter to the continued success or I dare say survival of the game. How do they they expect to implement “THEIR VISION” for the future of the game if there are no players left to play or pay for it?


His response to your plea to understand the situation and make changes to improve the game for us players, only proves he doesn’t understand or doesn’t care. Either way, it seems nothing is going to change anytime soon to make the game fun again for us.


I’ll be doing what many long term players like yourself and Trixxie have done or will probably do, unsubscribe until BioWare make significant changes to make the game fun again. We can only “hope” the game is still here for us to return to.

Edited by Totemdancer
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