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Everything posted by Minden

  1. I asked this back with 7.0 and I feel the need to ask it again. Do the developers that design this stuff even play the game? The Welcome Screen was annoying when it was first rolled out but at least it was a quick click to minimize. Now, you have to edit interface and move the Utility Bar just to close the Welcome Window. Can you allow us to disable the Welcome Window altogether?
  2. I wholeheartedly agree with the bad design of the "Welcome Window". The only way to close it is to open interface editor, move the "Utility Bar 1", save interface, click on the close Welcome Window button, open interface editor, move the "Utility Bar 1" back to where I want it, save interface and THEN play the game. The old map is now Alt-M. I just modified my key bindings. The new map is okay but the mini-map has been fine for over a decade (at least for me).
  3. Anyone figure out how to disable/hide/move/minimize the "Marketing" screen that is taking up the left side of the screen? It is rather annoying. ** Nevermind, found it. The new "Utility Bar" has a "Close Welcome Window". That is the dumbest location since it is hidden by the window itself.
  4. Chris, This has been one of the best responses since 7.0 released! Personally, I love reading how the game mechanics work because it gives a better understanding of the game itself. Can we please get something like this on a weekly basis???
  5. QFE I login to two characters on one server just to advance my Galactic Seasons, doing as many Weeklies as I can do in one or two days. Don't login again until the following Tuesday. Waiting for my subscription to run out in June. Been a subscriber since launch and first time I have ever cancelled. I too have 34 characters on one server and 22 on another.
  6. The problem is the devs play on their own private dev servers. If they played on the live server along side all the players, then maybe things would change.
  7. Then why do you care if non-RAID players have the same gear as RAID players?
  8. Started a new character and was doing the Tatooine bonus missions. I did most of the quests, logged out for the night and the next day I could not finish it because it wanted me to talk to someone about the water mission but he would not talk to me. Nor could I talk to the guy at the spaceport to turn in the mission and close it out. Had no choice but to abandon it and move on. I am a seasoned player so I have done these missions hundreds of times. New players will be confused. BW devs really need to create a new character once per year and play through all the content. I think if they did this, it would really open their eyes to a lot of problems.
  9. Been here since the beginning and I truly am trying to stay positive and keep faith that BW will turn this turd of an "expansion" around. I am finding it more and more difficult to login and play my alts because of 7.0 (I have 30+ on Star Forge and almost 30 on Satele Shan). My sub runs out in June. I am simply trying to finish Galactic Seasons before then in the hopes everything gets better so I can renew. I am horrible at GSF and I do not want to ruin other people's enjoyment by bringing them down (probably played 200 times and can count on one hand the number of rounds I have been on the winning side). Same with PVP. It can be fun when grouped with friends but too many players take it WAY too seriously which ruins the experience for me (no offense meant for anyone, just stating MY observation and experience and admitting that I am horrible at it). Most of the "features" of 7.0 do not affect me as I am mostly a soloist who really enjoys the story (50+ toons should have given that away). I can deal with bugs as it is part of any software, but taking so long to respond and then even longer to fix... frustrating. Too many currencies, Bioware. Please simplify it.
  10. Maxed Medals of Commendation. Keep getting "Exceeded Maximum" while losing all excess. Purchased better gear using 190 Aquatic Resource Matrixes (Matrices?). Finished my daily CQ goal and have max Medals of Commendation again. Go to claim GS level 39 but cannot because "Looting this currency would put you over the cap". I am unable to purchase anything with my Medals of Commendation to lower my count but I cannot continue GS because I am maxed. I cannot purchase any more upgrades because I only have six Aquatic Resources. So now, furthering my CQ is a total waste of Medals of Commendation but I have to do them so I can then acquire other resources to spend and lower my Medals of Commendation so I can continue GS??? Am I missing something or is this just more 7.0 greatness?
  11. Every other game I have played, you get stronger as you level up. Having difficulties with a certain boss or group? Go grind and level then come back. Here, you spend an hour gaining the newest five levels just to be penalized for doing so. I have a fairly set routine to run heroics with a friend. We are both level 80 with 322 or better gear (lowest piece is a 322). It takes us longer to do heroics than before (noticeably longer). If leveling up equals longer times to do what we have been doing for a long time (and enjoying), then stop increasing the level cap. At this rate, when we reach level 100, heroics will take all week instead of all day.
  12. Don't remember where but someone had a video of the bug happening. My issue with this is, BW admitted that it is not happening on their DEV servers. They are testing it on their own little private servers and unable to recreate the problem.
  13. Agreed. The bugs are not the only reasons the game is un-fun now. Some of the changes are just plain boring and add to the never-ending grind. I have only played eight characters to get my level 80 achievements. Too much of a grind to finish any more. My only regret is subscribing in six-month increments. Never making that mistake again!
  14. I have posted more in the past two weeks than I have in the past ten years. Up until 7.0 dropped, my friends and I were having fun playing the game. Now, the game is not as fun. I am now spending my SWTOR-time monitoring the forums hoping for a breadcrumb from the devs.
  15. Thank you for clarifying. So nice to have to learn new game mechanics even after playing the game for 10+ years. Why reward distribution crates if they are not going to upgrade my gear?
  16. So agree with this. It was great to create a new character then grab the Weekly when landing on the specific planet. Not anymore! Friends/guildmates loved running all the Flashpoints over a weekend just for the story (no space-barring). Well, that is gone as well.
  17. Umm, I have run several dailies and weeklies and not a single Noble Decurion Distribution Chest has given me an upgrade. All I get is exactly what I already have. Went through the process to get a 326 Autocannon. Opened a chest, got a 326 Autocannon even though I still have 320 armor. Opened a chest and got more 320 armor. Not one upgrade after countless chests. Again, not working. Am I doing something wrong?
  18. As someone said before, you are testing on dev servers. We are playing on live servers. This is a huge problem and why there is so much separation between the players and the devs.
  19. Even leveling up a new character is less fun than before as you do not get as many abilities until much later.
  20. 5 - Treasure Hunting. Level 10 and level 11 Lockboxes give Medal of Commendations, Thyrsian Production Accelerant (PVP), Hazardous Matter Catalyst (Operations), Aquatic Resource Matrix (Heroics) and Decurion Isotope Stabilizer (Flashpoints). So, in theory, one could get BiS gear just from Treasure Hunting.
  21. To be honest, the silence is what bothers me the most. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Every expansion since launch (including launch!) has been rife with bugs. To err is human. Every other expansion has been patched two, sometimes three times per week. This one... two plus weeks since launch and still cannot finish the final story. Still have to travel to stronghold then launch back into the story. It would go miles, lightyears even, if they would just acknowledge they made some mistakes and share with us their promise to fix them. The silence is deafening and speaks volumes.
  22. It would have taken someone less than two hours to find most of the bugs in this "expansion" had anyone from BW actually played the game. How much does that cost? Let's say $50 per hour, so $100. I would have gladly paid that. In fact, BW can reach out and I will happily give them my credit card. If us being cynical of BW helps them to improve our beloved pastime, then we are indeed helping.
  23. Jackie, Respectfully, can you put into writing that BW will actually listen to our feedback this time? If not, why should anyone waste time downloading or testing. We have tested in the past, given feedback and watched as everything we said was ignored. Also, no offense but I for one do not care much for testing the Operations bosses. Can we just worry about fixing all the other issues first? From BW's track record, releasing additional bosses means additional bugs.
  24. They knew the 10 year anniversary was coming... for at least 10 years. They took an extra two months to polish this turd of an "expansion" and it is still a turd. I can understand bugs, part of life. Taking 2+ weeks and not fixing anything??? Almost no communications except for "we have added this to the known issues list" is frustrating. Having the "expansion" delayed for another two months would also have been frustrating but at least I would not have unsubscribed because the game I love would still be playable. My only regret is subscribing in six month increments,
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