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BioWare, GTN prices are insane, its time to do something


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The main concern for most people is that they want cartel market items but don't want to spend cartel coins to gain them, naturally with the removal of referral abuse cm items are less common as the player base as a whole has fewer cartel coins to spend. That primarily drives the prices up,



Plenty of materials, craftables, world drops and such have seen price increase roughly in synch with what hypercrates have seen. Cheapest encryptions, for example, are close to 4 x what they used to be before xp->conq patch. Hypercrates are 5x.



Reaching conquest target and two mission completes related to it(personal+guild) creates much more credits to the game than any other mission or player action. It does so much faster than anything I can think of. Back when they changed thigns so 15 mins playtime brings character to conquest target instead of one full evening.. gradual inflation turned into the madness we been seeing ever since. Amount of time normal player via normal gameplay requires to create like 250k, credits went down a great deal.



GS is pretty generous at giving active players cc. Maybe total "extra cc" created amounts close to what refer a friend gave. Just that cc via GS is distributed much more fairly.

Edited by Stradlin
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bioware just need to reduce the credit gain of players from everyday content and increase the cost of most stuff that players spend money on and potentially introduce more credit sinks, don't need to overcomplicate it
I would agree with that, but whether players will be happy with lower numbers in their rewards is the one thing that could make it backfire. So you're technically right but whether or not the players will accept it... I doubt it. And player acceptance is important because it will have an impact on the population. In the end this game is not very rewarding and to take those credits away, well, it is pretty much the only thing that feels rewarding.

The main concern for most people is that they want cartel market items but don't want to spend cartel coins to gain them, naturally with the removal of referral abuse cm items are less common as the player base as a whole has fewer cartel coins to spend. That primarily drives the prices up, combine that with the fact that players have been making more and more credits without much to spend them on and its pretty simple to see why we have ended up where we are.
This is the thing, but BW has enabled that sort of thinking by selling too many of the cosmetics in the CM and nowhere near enough cosmetics in game aka the game is not rewarding enough. And by allowing those CM items to be sellable.

As you don't want to devalue players spending irl cash on cm the devs are likely to simply adjust the amount of credit that your average players get and help promote different ways for players to spend credits which, with time, will help the economy. CM items will continue to be more expensive than they were before with the referral abuse now being gone, but as those are just cosmetic items that aren't a major issue.
There is indeed a point where people stop buying stuff in the CM with the purpose of selling them to other players because credits are not interesting enough anymore and with the cap on 1 billion credits that time is coming sooner rather than later.


Who knows, they may be enticing more people to buy stuff for themselves right now and see how many players they can get hooked before intervening. There are many possibilities at this stage why BW hasn't intervened just yet, one of them being releasing a new expansion in december.

it's pretty simple really but the presence of cartel coins/cartel market makes it understandably easy to confuse and overcomplicate the issue, in the end its all just more credit sinks and less credit gains will solve the problem
I'll be interested to see what happens with 7.0 because that will be the best time to do something about this I would think. Expansions tend to be upheavals for many things so it would be softened by that fact. Of course there will still be the issue of player acceptance of poorer rewards and for players that don't have a lot of credits, and there are many of them, this could mean that they even get further behind and that's a concern that needs to be addressed as well.
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Nothing will be done to combat it, if they do something whatever they choose will cost them players in the long run. If they squelch credits players have on themselves and in legacy banks then people are going to be mad about them doing that. If they lower the prices allowed to be posted for on GTN players will just flood general/trade chats with items for sell at a uncapped rate. or doing multiple credit trades for to get around that. In fact 1 of the only ways they could combat the inflation would probably never happen as it would cut into their profits which is allow creds to do collection unlocks of cartel market/event/legacy gear and/or appearance modifications.


If they do nothing its going to get worse if they do something its going to be negative so they are in a lose-lose situation regardless which is why they will do nothing about it.

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Nothing will be done to combat it, if they do something whatever they choose will cost them players in the long run. If they squelch credits players have on themselves and in legacy banks then people are going to be mad about them doing that. If they lower the prices allowed to be posted for on GTN players will just flood general/trade chats with items for sell at a uncapped rate. or doing multiple credit trades for to get around that. In fact 1 of the only ways they could combat the inflation would probably never happen as it would cut into their profits which is allow creds to do collection unlocks of cartel market/event/legacy gear and/or appearance modifications.


If they do nothing its going to get worse if they do something its going to be negative so they are in a lose-lose situation regardless which is why they will do nothing about it.


It's been said on many threads, there is very little they can do.

Cutting credits will impact the player base, and possibly lead to legal ramifications (people have used real money to build up their wealth), It will definitely cause a massive evacuation of the populace, and have a huge negative impact on the game, and the reputation of both BW & EA.


Adding credit sinks in to the game would be ideal BUT we'll have what we already have, people complaining that they can't buy the new shiny because it's too much, etc. Look at yarvoks gratitude , the amount of backlash that got, because it cost so much. Personally I like it, and would have no issue with more such items.


Being able to use credits on appearance changer would be a good one, and although it might impact a little on their cc sales, I can't imagine it would be that much, and might help with some credit removal.

I doubt they'd do it with cartel unlocks, because that would definitely affect CC sales, but maybe you could get 25% of the cartel unlock by using credits. They still get some cc's, and would remove some of the subs credits.


Another idea may be that they add extra rooms to strongholds, that cost a lot, so 'millionaires' could have bigger houses.

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It's been said on many threads, there is very little they can do.

Cutting credits will impact the player base, and possibly lead to legal ramifications (people have used real money to build up their wealth), It will definitely cause a massive evacuation of the populace, and have a huge negative impact on the game, and the reputation of both BW & EA.

I know you said possibly, but I don't think there will be legal ramifications, simply because we don't own ANYHTING in this game. Let me reiterate that...we don't own anything.


As per the EUALA: You expressly acknowledge that all characters created and all objects or attributes acquired and developed during play are an integral part of the Game and strictly remain the property of EA and/or its licensors.


Source: https://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/euala


Adding credit sinks in to the game would be ideal BUT we'll have what we already have, people complaining that they can't buy the new shiny because it's too much, etc. Look at yarvoks gratitude , the amount of backlash that got, because it cost so much. Personally I like it, and would have no issue with more such items.
Credit sinks are not ideal in the sense of punishing people with more costs, which I refer to as the in game cost of playing. (travel costs, gtn tax, ripping mods). So for me the focus should be on the credit sinks that get you something like legacy perks and vendors that sell stuff that you can only get there.


Another idea may be that they add extra rooms to strongholds, that cost a lot, so 'millionaires' could have bigger houses.
The thing is that we're no longer talking about millionaires but billionaires. A lot of people don't care about SHs and just have them to get the conquest bonus, so I'm not sure how much impact your idea has. And rooms can be bought with credits already or CC. I usually buy the first room with CC because then you can close and reopen the SH without having to buy the rooms all over again. The rest I buy with credits. But 20-30 million credits are not a credit sink that will work in a game economy that has too many billionaires.


The one issue that I'd like to raise as well is the huge difference between players in how many credits they have. Many people only have a few million credits and others have billions. That makes adding credit sink to the game a tricky undertaking.

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Just saw this thread and would like to share some info on why the GTN prices have actually gone insane. There is a credit generating bug, glitch, exploit or whatever you want to call it that has been in the game for a bit over a year now. No, I don't know exactly what it is or how to do it.


I have a friend who does some freelance programming. As a result he is in many discord communities. One of them is a discord that is composed of bot/hack makers and mmo gold sellers. He doesn't play SWTOR but knows that I do. A few months ago he asked me about how SWTOR was doing and if there was crazy inflated prices. I told him that yea the prices have gotten pretty crazy and I haven't seen anything of this scale ever happen. He had a good chuckle and said "wow so it is true". He then told me that some person in that bot/hack/gold seller discord was bragging about a bug/glitch/exploit they discovered. This person has made over a million dollars off of it over the past year and a half and there is no way for Bioware to detect what is being done.


That sadly means nothing will change unless Bioware can do something about that. If they can't do anything then making everything bound seems like the only option at this point even though that would be horrible for the game. They can add tons of credit sinks and reduce credits that regular players make but its not going to do anything.

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Just saw this thread and would like to share some info on why the GTN prices have actually gone insane. There is a credit generating bug, glitch, exploit or whatever you want to call it that has been in the game for a bit over a year now. No, I don't know exactly what it is or how to do it.


I have a friend who does some freelance programming. As a result he is in many discord communities. One of them is a discord that is composed of bot/hack makers and mmo gold sellers. He doesn't play SWTOR but knows that I do. A few months ago he asked me about how SWTOR was doing and if there was crazy inflated prices. I told him that yea the prices have gotten pretty crazy and I haven't seen anything of this scale ever happen. He had a good chuckle and said "wow so it is true". He then told me that some person in that bot/hack/gold seller discord was bragging about a bug/glitch/exploit they discovered. This person has made over a million dollars off of it over the past year and a half and there is no way for Bioware to detect what is being done.


That sadly means nothing will change unless Bioware can do something about that. If they can't do anything then making everything bound seems like the only option at this point even though that would be horrible for the game. They can add tons of credit sinks and reduce credits that regular players make but its not going to do anything.


While concerning if it is true, it is hearsay (couple times over) and should be take nwith a grain of salt.

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Just saw this thread and would like to share some info on why the GTN prices have actually gone insane. There is a credit generating bug, glitch, exploit or whatever you want to call it that has been in the game for a bit over a year now. No, I don't know exactly what it is or how to do it.


I have a friend who does some freelance programming. As a result he is in many discord communities. One of them is a discord that is composed of bot/hack makers and mmo gold sellers. He doesn't play SWTOR but knows that I do. A few months ago he asked me about how SWTOR was doing and if there was crazy inflated prices. I told him that yea the prices have gotten pretty crazy and I haven't seen anything of this scale ever happen. He had a good chuckle and said "wow so it is true". He then told me that some person in that bot/hack/gold seller discord was bragging about a bug/glitch/exploit they discovered. This person has made over a million dollars off of it over the past year and a half and there is no way for Bioware to detect what is being done.


That sadly means nothing will change unless Bioware can do something about that. If they can't do anything then making everything bound seems like the only option at this point even though that would be horrible for the game. They can add tons of credit sinks and reduce credits that regular players make but its not going to do anything.


I agree with Maddutch, this post should be taken with a massive grain of salt. And if what this poster says is true and they also really care about the game, then they should be presenting this evidence to Bioware to help them fix it.


I personally highly doubt there is a credit generating exploit as the poster suggests.

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I agree with Maddutch, this post should be taken with a massive grain of salt. And if what this poster says is true and they also really care about the game, then they should be presenting this evidence to Bioware to help them fix it.


I personally highly doubt there is a credit generating exploit as the poster suggests.


As I said above I have no info on how to do it so I can't do anything to help Bioware fix it. I just had some info that there is something out there that exists. My hope is that Bioware will at least do something to look into this and possibly they can find out. I mean even if the credit generating is undetectable they still have to be able to see massive amounts being traded/mailed to other accounts. At the very least they should be able to see where they are coming from then possibly they could figure out what is being done.

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As I said above I have no info on how to do it so I can't do anything to help Bioware fix it. I just had some info that there is something out there that exists. My hope is that Bioware will at least do something to look into this and possibly they can find out. I mean even if the credit generating is undetectable they still have to be able to see massive amounts being traded/mailed to other accounts. At the very least they should be able to see where they are coming from then possibly they could figure out what is being done.


Dammit man, who's your source?? Lives are at stake!! Tell us who Deep Throat is!?

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  • 2 weeks later...
And hypercates are officially off the GTN because they are over the gtn credit cap of 1B. There are so many items that are over 1b that if you sell it on the GTN you are ripping yourself off. This feels unstoppable without major intervention by bioware.
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And hypercates are officially off the GTN because they are over the gtn credit cap of 1B. There are so many items that are over 1b that if you sell it on the GTN you are ripping yourself off. This feels unstoppable without major intervention by bioware.


I don’t think they care.

They’ve really dropped the ball with this issue.

It’s not like this hasn’t been getting worse and accelerating since they removed the referral system.

And now that GS has finished for the mean time there are no extra free CC’s (besides 500/600 subs) coming into the game.

So supply is drying up and that pushes prices up because demand hasn’t dropped.

This will continue to get worse until GS starts again or BioWare do something to combat inflation.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The problem, like any game economy left unchecked, is that they keep adding ways to make money and not enough sinkholes to get rid of large amounts of it.


Think of World of Warcraft and its 25 dailies limit. 25 quests with tons of payout with very little money payout in armor repairs... yeah over a year that's going to mean you've a lot of money out there not being eradicated from the game. And simply passing it along to someone else does nothing to the supply of money.


Think of the daily login rewards we get. You get lots of credits, plus the money you can earn from dailies and running instances over and over, with very little repair costs. Yeah it's no wonder that people are running around with 15 million credits in a month and then put level 10 items on the GTN for 150,000.


They've busted the economy up and the only real way to solve this issue would be to wipe credits in excess of 'x' amount. You can bet that this won't be an option they'll pursue.

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I earn ~38M every 3 days or so by running 5 TCs per day (plus the random stuffs I do with my main) and selling the RPM-13 I got from the tech frag for 42M (the guaranteed sold overnight price on SF).


It's essentially FREE 38M CREDITS by doing virtually NOTHING and cost NOTHING, and there are a LOT of people running 10 or more TCs per day, imagine the speed of them accumulating credits. The price of Hypercrate went from 500m to 1b to not being on the gtn at all in the recent months when OEM/RPM has become a thing. I don't think it's a coincidence because I am one of the people who started to pile credits like mad because of this OEM/RPM market.

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And hypercates are officially off the GTN because they are over the gtn credit cap of 1B. There are so many items that are over 1b that if you sell it on the GTN you are ripping yourself off. This feels unstoppable without major intervention by bioware.



I was going to the fleet on and off a lot in the last few days and for HOURS it was the same guy trying to sell the same stuff... Yeah that's not for me. Maybe people will get sick of having to stand in the fleet to buy/sell stuff? I'm sure not going to bother. I haven't bought a crate in a week and will probably never again, until they increase the GTN cap.

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That’s a bandaid at best. At worst it does nothing to address the run away hyper-inflation.

I don't know if ppl actually know or care, but there's a huge income gap as well. the massive inflation bankrupted me big time. I play 6 toons this xpack. and only 3 are min/maxed. I would normally roll 10+ min/maxed, but it's just so ridiculously expensive (even though I make my own augs)...I don't have any desire whatsoever to "earn" the money to kit my alts.


even the occasional trip to the GTN would see basic scavenging or archaeology mats ridiculously overpriced. then I'd go to farm them the old fashioned way, and 80% of the nodes on onderon would be glitched. :rolleyes:

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I was going to the fleet on and off a lot in the last few days and for HOURS it was the same guy trying to sell the same stuff... Yeah that's not for me. Maybe people will get sick of having to stand in the fleet to buy/sell stuff? I'm sure not going to bother. I haven't bought a crate in a week and will probably never again, until they increase the GTN cap.


Hypercrate price is 1.5b right now lol

I can't believe SWTOR has become an extreme M-form society. People either have billions to spend or can't afford anything on the GTN.

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Hypercrate price is 1.5b right now lol

I can't believe SWTOR has become an extreme M-form society. People either have billions to spend or can't afford anything on the GTN.


There is definitely going to be a massive divide between those that have and those that don’t.

It was already large because long term players like myself have been accumulating credits for 10 years. But the last 6 months has seem that accelerate more.

I’ve 10x the credits I had 6 months ago and a new player or retuning player will struggle to ever have the sort of credits I have unless they are willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy CC. Maybe that’s BioWares plan?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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