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Will you level another character to 50?


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I already have a Sith Inquisitor at 50, I'm currently leveling a Bounty Hunter, because they're more viable; and I will level a Sith Warrior, if Melee gets buffed and becomes more viable than Ranged


I won't make the Republic mirrors, unless Republic somehow becomes the more viable Faction

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there are people who dont play for the PvE end game raids or the PVP of the game, there are people who play just to lvl charctars.


I remember in wow i knew 4 or 5 who had 8x lvl 85s, they were all crap and they were **** players with all 8 but nevertheless they had 8 lvl 85s.


they were the first people who hit 85 too and those people are usually the first people who hit 50 too and i know some who already started another charctar

Edited by Tikreity
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there are people who dont play for the PvE end game raids or the PVP of the game, there are people who play just to lvl charctars.


I remember in wow i knew 4 or 5 who had 8x lvl 85s, they were all crap and they were **** players with all 8 but nevertheless they had 8 lvl 85s.


they were the first people who hit 85 too and those people are usually the first people who hit 50 too and i know some who already started another charctar


I had 10 85s but only kept two raid geared. The others were for their professions.


People play games how they want to and for all sorts of reasons.

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there are people who dont play for the PvE end game raids or the PVP of the game, there are people who play just to lvl charctars.


I remember in wow i knew 4 or 5 who had 8x lvl 85s, they were all crap and they were **** players with all 8 but nevertheless they had 8 lvl 85s.


they were the first people who hit 85 too and those people are usually the first people who hit 50 too and i know some who already started another charctar


I love your 'they were all crap" comment. Like playing the game more makes you worse at it. Haha. In my experience the people with more chars are usually better players because they've played so much.

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1 lvl 50 for republic.


2 lvl 50's for Empire



Down the line I'll get another one up to 50 on Republic side.



Above is what I'm aiming to get, I'm still working on getting lvl 50 on my first character.




Anyone else feel like, they are able to repeat side quest and stuff on the Empire side, but when it comes to Republic, you just feel this weird turn in the stomach and just don't feel like doing them again lol.

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At least another, due to the story being basically completely different for both sides (At least I've been lead to believe all quests class and universal are different for each side, would make sense.


After that? If by the time I'm done leveling my BH and then whatever class I decide to play on the republic side playing through all the generic quests on the Sith side doesn't sound boring enough vs getting to play a new characters class quests, I'll likely do a 3rd and maybe 4th.

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1 lvl 50 for republic.


2 lvl 50's for Empire



Down the line I'll get another one up to 50 on Republic side.



Above is what I'm aiming to get, I'm still working on getting lvl 50 on my first character.




Anyone else feel like, they are able to repeat side quest and stuff on the Empire side, but when it comes to Republic, you just feel this weird turn in the stomach and just don't feel like doing them again lol.


Pretty much this^^ :)


I played a Sith Inquisitor during the last 2 Beta weekends and managed to get to lvl 32. When the game launched I rolled a Sith Warrior/Marauder so that I didn't have to wade through all the SI content again.


My marauder is sat a 46 at the mo, and tbh i'm struggling to get a lvl a day with it!


I think I've exhausted myself with this game, and the tedium is starting to set in for me! It didn't help with repeating all those side quests, and tbh from what I saw of the SI story and my Marauders, their was very little difference in the overall story arc.


Once this toon is lvl 50, ill re-roll on the republic side and get whatever character to lvl 50 also.


After that though, if no new content has been released, I think I'll be finding it a struggle to keep re-rolling alts and repeating all those side quests and flashpoints again, regardless of whether the main stories are good or not!

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I'm leveling at least 3 classes on the imperial side. SI, SW, and BH.


By my calculations, the way I play and time available to me it will take me about 2 and a half weeks to get to 50 per character, that gives Bioware about 2 months to start the ball rolling with content, fixes and adding features. Then I'll see what happens from there. As of right now the story is keeping me entertained enough that I'm ignoring most of what I don't like.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a patient gamer, I am one of the people you will see on the forums telling people to chill out and give them time. I'm also somone who believe if you're an impatient person then MMOs isn't the place you need to be, especially not a new one. But at the same time they only get so much time before everything goes downhill, and the game is pointless because no one is playing it.



Bioware does need to understand that people who leave most likely will not come back. They need to understand they have to act quick in the first 2 or 3 months to retain subs. Most importantly they need to understand that most of the players they have now, are the majority of players they are going to get at this time. If they can keep the majority of them, then more will come.


All eyes are on them right now, and how they act and what they do will be criticized heavily. Unfortunately this isn't the way MMOs USED to be. Today it's a very hostile sink or swim environment, and they need to get with that and act accordingly.

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I love your 'they were all crap" comment. Like playing the game more makes you worse at it. Haha. In my experience the people with more chars are usually better players because they've played so much.


The very best players I have played with..are ones who have but one char they level to max and focus all thier effort and time into making that character the best they can be. Not saying a player can not be a great player and have several, but the very best paladin for example I played with in WoW...he was the only char this player had. And he was frickin awesome.

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Some people are also just star wars fans.


I personally hate pvp and raiding. I'm having a BLAST playing the game and enjoying the storyline. IMO, it's actually better than the films.


I'll shelf my "main" once I hit 50 until an expansion comes out that lengthens my story, and enjoy the stories of some other classes.

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