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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I know this is a real problem..BUT...I think some of you have other stuff going on effecting you as well...


The reason I say this is because the other night we did boarding party and the last boss fight me and the tank took turns interrupting the medics heals and did not miss a single one and it was interrupted before it even hit the middle of the cast


Please dont take this as me saying "Its all in your head" or some !@#$ like that cause I know this is a real problem...BUT, something else has to be effecting you in addition


have u read the post there are youtube videos showing example doesnt get much clearer than that

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have u read the post there are youtube videos showing example doesnt get much clearer than that


I've made about 30 to 40 posts in this thread since round 1...I know whats going on and I have certain problems myself and I completely support the OP...


What I'm tellin you is there is multiple factors here...How can me and another get off interrupts with no problems but no one else can???


So let me say this again...I know the ability delay IS A REAL PROBLEM BUT, there has to be more then just that effecting some of you since some peoples problems seem to be way worse then others....geez

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Yes, I've noticed the ability delay.


My main is a healer and during prolonged end boss fights in flash points, this problem causes me a lot of hair pulling. Not to mention there are times when I'll fire off a heal, the cast animation will show, the cast bar shows but the target doesn't get healed.


I hope the devs can figure out what is going on.

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Yes, I've noticed the ability delay.


My main is a healer and during prolonged end boss fights in flash points, this problem causes me a lot of hair pulling. Not to mention there are times when I'll fire off a heal, the cast animation will show, the cast bar shows but the target doesn't get healed.


I hope the devs can figure out what is going on.


I have seen this too. It's extremely frustrating. This needs to be bioware's number one priority. If it isn't then this game is doomed.

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Yes, I've noticed the ability delay.


My main is a healer and during prolonged end boss fights in flash points, this problem causes me a lot of hair pulling. Not to mention there are times when I'll fire off a heal, the cast animation will show, the cast bar shows but the target doesn't get healed.


I hope the devs can figure out what is going on.


They already know, its called the "game engine" and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Now in WoW i played a rogue, and cloak of shadows ability saved my *** so many times in raids, with just 1 click i could survive something that would one shot me. So on my jedi guardian my defensive abilities take 3-4 clicks to actually work, my interrupts same thing and i miss important interrupts on things ><


fix this or this game will fall harder than any other mmo in history.

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This is really going to break the game for me. I love starwars, have for 30 odd years , as of now, it's the only reason im still here.

The game is, quite simply..broken. It's broken for all the reasons listed in the OP and then some. The ability delay is what will send me away if its not fixed though.

I plan to give the game some time in the hope that these problems are adressed. Hell even if bioware try and fail i'd stick around a little longer knowing that theyre trying to fix it.

I don't want to go back to wow , i really dont but as a raider somewhere between casual and hardcore , this isnt going to work for me in its current form.

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Well I've tried everything and I'm about to give up. Not only is the game response horrible but so is my fps. I can barely be over 10 in flashpoints and in the Imperial Fleet well it's always under 7 pretty much... I've had it on Windows XP with 2Gb Ram & a Radeon 3870 512MB Video Card. Decided to get 2 addional Rams to see if it helped. Nothing. Wasn't much better. I lost patience decided maybe it was my video card since it's been over 4 years since I had bought this one. I bought a GeForce 210 Synergy Edition today 1GB. Still sucks... I'm starting to wonder is it my PC or is it the Game... I've never had problems before with Fallout & WoW ( & this was when I had 2GB & a 512MB Vid Card)
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I've made about 30 to 40 posts in this thread since round 1...I know whats going on and I have certain problems myself and I completely support the OP...


What I'm tellin you is there is multiple factors here...How can me and another get off interrupts with no problems but no one else can???


So let me say this again...I know the ability delay IS A REAL PROBLEM BUT, there has to be more then just that effecting some of you since some peoples problems seem to be way worse then others....geez


You are right, there are more factors that contributes to the overall "feel" or "seveerness" of the delay.


First off all i would like to bring up the fact, that the delay wasn't THAT noticable during late beta, i personally didn't thought that there is any delay and i just blamed "connection lag spikes" After the release i had few days free of any "delays" except from obvious pvp zones. Thou my guildmates alredy told me taht they were experiencing this problem since the very beggining. After the last updates, that according to some "fixed" the problem for them, i instead started experiencing them.


I've run some "tests" and i can validate that indeed, the "delays" are more menageble if your PC is High-end, but they STILL exist. What i mean is this, on my old Pc, with rather low fps (still playable thou) delays peaked around 1-1.2 sec while on my gaming pc they almost never exceed 0.5 second. I've also found out that less populated servers seems to "handle" this problem in a somehow better way.


The conclusion is rather simple, and many of you alredy know what is the cause of this problem: yeah, rather "poorly optimised" engine ;/. And as much as i love swtor, i find myself and my friends logging in less and less often. I just get frustriated every time i have to group for a quest or do some quests in more populated zone, coz this seems to affect the delays also. As far as im concern if this will not get adressed in a couple of next days, Tons of people just gonna quit, myself included.

Edited by DRLukasPHD
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They already know, its called the "game engine" and there is nothing you can do about it.


If this is the case- they have a dead game on their hands as droves of people will defo leave it as its really unplayable to a degree with this.


Both pvp and pve are affected by it- no fix= no subscribers.

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sadly every game after wow where i've seen this never fixed it (at least during the time i struggled to play the game) despite ppl being vocal about it.


Sadly it was beacuse of the game engine, that is not something u cant just tinker with and make things "run smoothly", even more sad thing is this is probablt also the case with SWTOR. We can only trust BW can come up with some sort of solution

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Well I've tried everything and I'm about to give up. Not only is the game response horrible but so is my fps. I can barely be over 10 in flashpoints and in the Imperial Fleet well it's always under 7 pretty much... I've had it on Windows XP with 2Gb Ram & a Radeon 3870 512MB Video Card. Decided to get 2 addional Rams to see if it helped. Nothing. Wasn't much better. I lost patience decided maybe it was my video card since it's been over 4 years since I had bought this one. I bought a GeForce 210 Synergy Edition today 1GB. Still sucks... I'm starting to wonder is it my PC or is it the Game... I've never had problems before with Fallout & WoW ( & this was when I had 2GB & a 512MB Vid Card)


M8, i got really good gaming pc, that runs BF3, skyrim and crysis 2 on ultra, and i still get FPS spikes and drops in warfronts or more populated areas. But yeah i run the game on max settings, and i don't like to hear "turn off shadows and u will be fine", coz u know my PC could run 5 instances of other games simultanously with high FPs count, but cannot run single SWTOR.

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