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  1. I dont mean to alarm you but LOTS of people still play wow and many people are going back to it after playing this game. Wow isnt dead, nowhere near it.
  2. If only games had some kind of beta period where these bugs could be found and adressed before the game goes live.....wait..
  3. I once saw a guild called the Lone Rangers. I couldnt tell if they did it on purpose as a joke or if they really were that stupid.
  4. I often find its the children themselves that automaticly assign age based on a game played. I'm barely on the right side of 40 and i played wow. Let me guess, you're also part of the group that says one faction or another are kids?
  5. Probably not. Unless the ability delay thing is fixed.
  6. shouldnt it be 11..2....delay...22..delay..1..waiting on animation...3....22
  7. I actualy went to school with a girl called Teresa Green. True story, cruel parents or something, i dunno. Anyway, on to the OP - I agree, so much. I was about to create my own post but you have effectivley covered everything i wanted to say including a link to the ability delay post. As such, thanks for saving me the time. I only hope the people that matter sit up and take note. As for the flamers, nay sayers and fanboys ..simply put ...well i cant say what i really think, dont particulary want to get banned from the forum but i honestly believe the majority of them dont really understand the problem. Infact i'd say alot of them know there is a problem but arent familier enough with the genre or skilled enough AT the genre to understand what " that wierd feeling" is when they play. Anyway, im done rambling , thanks again OP. You covered everything i wanted to say.
  8. The ability delay is a very real thing, there is a million page/response post on it on these forums, go have a look. Go back and look for bonus series quests, they should net you a decent amount of xp and the monitary rewards are usualy worth the time too.
  9. If this game was a wow clone the gameplay and engine would be about 20 times better than it is.
  10. Ability delay due to animations. Thats all i need, it's a gamebreaker.
  11. This is really going to break the game for me. I love starwars, have for 30 odd years , as of now, it's the only reason im still here. The game is, quite simply..broken. It's broken for all the reasons listed in the OP and then some. The ability delay is what will send me away if its not fixed though. I plan to give the game some time in the hope that these problems are adressed. Hell even if bioware try and fail i'd stick around a little longer knowing that theyre trying to fix it. I don't want to go back to wow , i really dont but as a raider somewhere between casual and hardcore , this isnt going to work for me in its current form.
  12. Congrats on the most ignorant post ive read today. It's not just for tanks. Aside from that your post is off on so many levels i dont know where to start.
  13. wow had its problems yes, what it didnt have was a fundamental problem with gameplay. im talking about the ability delay thing again, tyhere is a whole post on it so i wont go into it here. Im a massive starwars fanboy, i LOVE the genre and have for 30 odd years. With that said, right now that is all that's keeping me here. If some of the UI/Delay/basic gameplay issues are not addressed then as much as i hate to say it, ill go back to wow. I play to raid, that's my thing. I understand others do not and thats cool , im no better than them nor the other way around. I just cant see myself raiding here without things being fixed.
  14. How did the word " what" get censored?
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