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Everything posted by elvinu

  1. to bad you cant right click the "pet" and press ignore ROFL
  2. name 1 successful MMO since wow. ?? yay last day on forums
  3. U FAILED! lol cant u see the SARCASM??? OP PUT SOME DAMN /SARCASM
  4. nope. ty. got into tera online beta and expecting gw2 beta soon i'll come back when i'll see some swifty, hydra, neylo, woundman, etc here or the equivalent
  5. lol BW is using either 1Ghz/user or the processor it's a pentium 4
  6. it doesn't matter if it is fantasy or not! it is the gameplay. i don't care about graphics, it's all about the gameplay. and if u can make it a bit competitive, i love you, make it modable, make it for gamers. pc gamers. an actually i love gw2 so far. the combat at least. and the ENGINE!
  7. because there is no dps meter, no "u failed" raid warning.. haha
  8. this. played rift only in beta. the only thing i remember was UI customization.
  9. some guy here had a 1000000000 words post and got closed after 1,2 posts. so its not only this.
  10. you can have mine but i'm only 45 on basilisk eu
  11. awww you guys have no imagination WHO SAID TO MAKE IT LIKE WOW???? make it different. i BW has enuf imagination. and btw, i if you ever go on twitch.tv, owntv, etc... you will see many watching arena games. almost 0 watching, raids, quests, etc. if arena will go away form wow now, will ruin the game.
  12. except PRO PLAYERS can make in 1 month that you will ever earn in your life. but meh, for some people like blood and broken bones are more exciting than a brain intensive game.
  13. except the story and SW this game has nothing else. lvl 45 and got bored. "another wow" me said and went back to blizzard games. at least they are some how polished and competitive. 100 internets to op.
  14. solitaire has more chance becoming an e-sports game than dis, LOL. and OP is not a troll. he reflects the average SWTOR player. 0o
  15. ROFL relly? u play wow and this game has amazing PVP? bro, ...... meh, nvm.
  16. no way! easy way! press LFG Tool (just like pvp tool) - select dungeon - select role - wait . . (meanwhile i'm questing or afk'ing) . bam you are in with 4 randomz doing some dungeons. by the time you gathered i'm already finished and queue up again. you guys played some f2p mmos and then come here and say OMG the LFG is fine. NO!
  17. for this you have rp servers. for me personally i dont give a dime. just press space bar (here) or level a toon to do as much pvp/arena as i can (in others). if you ask me what is sith assassin all bout i have no clue.
  18. there are PAID people to answer the forums/social things and others to develop stuff. what i dont get it. on other mmo forums social managers/forum mods, etc are answering people with generic stuff like "hey we have this in attention and we will have more details soon" or "we dont give a **** about your opinion/bug you found, etc". but here is just silence.
  19. u are clueless. do you think people come here because they don't have what to do? do you think people like to just say things are bad? here are endless posts about bugs, re re re re started threads about game braking stuff, etc. just search for them... oh, wait you cant!
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