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I would like to do the Light v Dark event they did - is it ever coming back?


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Maybe a yearly or bi-annual event or something, in the wait for a major patch - but as I missed the first one, I have wanted to have a chance to do this ..


Anyone else feel the same? I would also want that companion that came with it too.


It's been asked for a few times, but as the game has progressed a lot since then, they might have to change it. Plus due to the mergers a lot of people are over their char limit, and wouldn't be able to create new chars for that part of it. Some solutions have been offered, but I don't know if BW would do it again.

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There's been some talk of bringing back the rewards in some (equally difficult) way, but nothing about bringing back Dark v Light event. I'd welcome some sort of expansion to the current Dark v Light system though. I think it's just a little too passive. It would be more interesting if there were specific activities you could do to target earning LS/DS points. Maybe make use of all the low level mats that aren't worth much after conquest crafting nerfs. Add NPCs to Coruscant/Dromund Kaas to turn in low level mats 100 at a time for massive LS/DS points.
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It's been asked for a few times, but as the game has progressed a lot since then, they might have to change it. Plus due to the mergers a lot of people are over their char limit, and wouldn't be able to create new chars for that part of it. Some solutions have been offered, but I don't know if BW would do it again.


yes, I don't think the renown system was working then either, and that changes a few things too.


it will definitely need a lot of modification, so it won't be exactly the same thing. It would likely take on a new form,


An alternative would be to not do an event, but improve the current Light /Dark dynamic going , and then add the rewards from the event too, something like you need in your legacy to get at least 1 character to 100% light and one to 100% dark - and that unlocks certain rewards etc.


Make a thing about bringing light and hope (light side), fear and darkness (dark side) - and have the NPCs engage you in conversation before you set off to do certain tasks that are maybe conversation heavy. There are many things they could do.


But definitely it should not be a one time thing and I hope those rewards in particular can be made available through some other means.

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Before not every quest granted LS or DS points, only certain choices did. There was no oresetting your character to light or dark. And BTW every time I create a new character and I want to have a DS Republic character or LS Imperial character I have to press escape to get out of the opening video so I can flip the switch. Then restart the video.


Its now more difficult to stay neutral.

Edited by RameiArashi
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It's been asked for a few times, but as the game has progressed a lot since then, they might have to change it. Plus due to the mergers a lot of people are over their char limit, and wouldn't be able to create new chars for that part of it. Some solutions have been offered, but I don't know if BW would do it again.


THANK YOU. Thanks to the server merges I am like 38 characters over the limit. I would have to buy 38 character slots JUST to get me back to normal. Unless they can fix this, I never want to see this event again.

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THANK YOU. Thanks to the server merges I am like 38 characters over the limit. I would have to buy 38 character slots JUST to get me back to normal. Unless they can fix this, I never want to see this event again.


one of the solutions for this was to just create 1 rep & 1 imp char, instead of all 8 stories, and that you'd get two free slots to do this. Not sure if they would do it, but it will help in situations like this.

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Even for those nowhere near the 100 character server limit, asking people to spend money to get CC's to get 8 more server character slots, in this economy, that would just be rude. Step one would be to have a special DvL 8-pack of server character slots that was limited to one per account, same cost (600 CC's) as the normal one, and had the ability to add the slots in addition to whatever the excess that account may already be in for active characters on that server.

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to avoid the same SNAFUBAR they created last time, this is exactly what they would have to do.
I guess that is just a difference in interpretation: last time they messed up the achievements of the (one time) DvL with the continuous DvL, which really sucked.


Now I can only support the motion not to create new achievements for re-doing the same stuff yet again. Being after achievements myself I would be torn between having to finish it for achievements and really not being able to bring myself to do all the stuff again (I mean: not a 2nd time, a 34543525423th time).

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It was a cool event and I wish they'd tweak it some and then brought it back.


In DvsL, BW stumbled upon something that reminds a great deal of " seasonal content" you might know from Diablo 3 for example. The very 1st DvsL event was already leaning heavily to that direction. I think we should be busy with "DvsL Season 5" by now or something. :l Instead, it was just used to hype up the Dark Vs Light bcground sim, which nobody cares about.


Such seasonal content( =unique, ever changing set of challenges to beat in given amount of time) is a pretty affordable way to introduce new content and goals to players.

Edited by Stradlin
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It would be nice but needs to be done better than last time. Such as not hiding gear, rewards only behind group play. There is nothing wrong in having group play being part of the event, but not putting certain rewards only behind group play. Having two paths to the same reward one solo one group would be fine.


However given how much free cartel stuff was given during this event, is it viable to keep doing this for BW?

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It would be nice but needs to be done better than last time. Such as not hiding gear, rewards only behind group play. There is nothing wrong in having group play being part of the event, but not putting certain rewards only behind group play. Having two paths to the same reward one solo one group would be fine.


However given how much free cartel stuff was given during this event, is it viable to keep doing this for BW?


the free cartel stuff was bind to char, plus you couldn't use it to unlock anything in collections, or at least the armour bits you couldn't. So I doubt it'll affect their CM sales.


I liked the fact that it included group play, and that the operation were only defeat the first boss (although that caused issues for people who wanted to do the whole op) But there'd be no harm in having other options, in case you can't get a group, etc. Or for people who abhor group play.

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It would be nice but needs to be done better than last time. Such as not hiding gear, rewards only behind group play. There is nothing wrong in having group play being part of the event, but not putting certain rewards only behind group play. Having two paths to the same reward one solo one group would be fine.


However given how much free cartel stuff was given during this event, is it viable to keep doing this for BW?


It is pretty dififcult to have fun, challening objectives if " everybody must be able to get these without leaving their comfort zones" is eclipsing everything. I think previous DvsL did fine in this regard: Genuinely cool, important rewards(the xp suit) was fairly attainable by all. Go beyond and pursue more difficult objectives and you got nice vanity stuff on top of it.


I don't remember what was needed to acquire that cool turret mount last time around. I do remember thiking " no way, these objectives are not for me, cba" about it myself. So I never got it. It doesn't make objectives required " too hard!!" or "bad" or poorly designed. They just..weren't for me. If one is so hardcore one needs to have literally everything,then surely one is prepared to do hardcore things to get there.

Edited by Stradlin
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It is pretty dififcult to have fun, challening objectives if " everybody must be able to get these without leaving their comfort zones" is eclipsing everything. I think previous DvsL did fine in this regard: Genuinely cool, important rewards(the xp suit) was fairly attainable by all. Go beyond and pursue more difficult objectives and you got nice vanity stuff on top of it.


I don't remember what was needed to acquire that cool turret mount last time around. I do remember thiking " no way, these objectives are not for me, cba" about it myself. So I never got it. It doesn't make objectives required " too hard!!" or "bad" or poorly designed. They just..weren't for me. If one is so hardcore one needs to have literally everything,then surely one is prepared to do hardcore things to get there.


Well personally I disagree, for a game that sell's itself as solo friendly to me this is not really exceptable.


BTW, 5 parts of the armor set was atanable solo, not all of it was.


DarkTergon. please re-read, I never said group play should not be part of the event, but rewards only behind group play is just wrong. Haveing two paths to the reward so group players can still group is better as then it does not exclude anyone from any part of the event be they solo or group players..

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Well personally I disagree, for a game that sell's itself as solo friendly to me this is not really exceptable.


BTW, 5 parts of the armor set was atanable solo, not all of it was.



When it comes to stuff like DvsL objectives, I think the divide causing the biggest D: -emoticons has to do with dififculty, not multiplayer vs singleplayer. I just carefully measured this stuff and according to my very precise scientific method, "Finish any story mode Operation together with 7 other people" would amount to QQQQQ's worth of internet forum tears. Meanwhile, " complete KOTET chapter 2 on Master mode without anyone there to help you" would amount to QQQQQQQQQQQQQQs worth of internet forum tears.


Pushing people away from their comfort zones and towards places they are yet to explore is one of the things stuff like DvsL wants to achieve. In general, players kinda hate it or always complain about it when they feel such push. From devs pov, they'd really liked it if you found some new venue of this game to like.From their or your pov, it'd be new content. Like..imagine if somebody who hates pvp gradually gets excited about it and starts doing ranked. Holy crap, game just got like 25%-125% "bigger" for them right there. Without devs having to do anything new.

Edited by Stradlin
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Well personally I disagree, for a game that sell's itself as solo friendly to me this is not really exceptable.


BTW, 5 parts of the armor set was atanable solo, not all of it was.


DarkTergon. please re-read, I never said group play should not be part of the event, but rewards only behind group play is just wrong. Haveing two paths to the reward so group players can still group is better as then it does not exclude anyone from any part of the event be they solo or group players..


^+1 I agree completely, the group reqs we're wrong, and many people complained from the get go. No, it really wasn't "solo friendly" which was a downfall.

Edited by Willjb
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the free cartel stuff was bind to char, plus you couldn't use it to unlock anything in collections, or at least the armour bits you couldn't.


This was a sore point for me. I still have some items from that event that I didn't claim. If they bring it back, they should first propose it on the forums, ask for suggestions on improving it, and implement those suggestions. For example, the highest level last time was ridiculous in my opinion and I didn't do it. Considering that all the event was was a set of requirements to do the same old content again and again, it really should be weighted heavily towards incentivizing players with generous rewards.

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If it returns, they need to have options for all players to get the same rewards.

Hiding some rewards behind PvP or OPS walls is not good, since not all players enjoy those aspects.


I liked that you could get rewards simply by playing the story, but some rewards, like the xp set, required PvP or operations, wich meant that I cold not get them, as I do not PvP, nor do I do OPS. I prefer to do things solo, and should not be left out because of things like I mentioned above.

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This was a sore point for me. I still have some items from that event that I didn't claim. If they bring it back, they should first propose it on the forums, ask for suggestions on improving it, and implement those suggestions. For example, the highest level last time was ridiculous in my opinion and I didn't do it. Considering that all the event was was a set of requirements to do the same old content again and again, it really should be weighted heavily towards incentivizing players with generous rewards.


I agree, I put together an outfit, because I got two of the pieces, so I bought the rest, but then when I went to unlock it acc wide, it wouldn't, and i had thrown away the other pieces, so I had to buy the whole set again :( (I thought it had said bound to char when I out the outfit on, but I can't be certain :( )

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If it returns, they need to have options for all players to get the same rewards.

Hiding some rewards behind PvP or OPS walls is not good, since not all players enjoy those aspects.


I liked that you could get rewards simply by playing the story, but some rewards, like the xp set, required PvP or operations, wich meant that I cold not get them, as I do not PvP, nor do I do OPS. I prefer to do things solo, and should not be left out because of things like I mentioned above.


Well unfortunately that's how the Rakghoul and Gree events work already.

IMO every single event should have an option to get the items by grouping, soloing, or pvping, so that people can do whatever they want to earn them.

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