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Login Rewards in 6.2 - Feedback


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There are apparently hidden achievements to go through these calendars (and claim rewards) 10 times each. So, naturally the calendar assignment is going to be RNG-determined (if I’m reading it right).


3 calendars of 28 days each will take 840 days to complete 10 times each. RNG will make it longer.


You serious? cuz umm, as much as i enjoy SWTOR still, this game ain't gonna last another "840 days" :eek:


Especially since doesn't the EA contract expire in 2022 ...?

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These rewards are designed largely as time savers for Subscribed players, and include the following (to name a few):

  • Personal Conquest Requisition (Grants 50k Personal Conquest points)
  • Valor Token (Grants 6k Valor)
  • Badge of Renown (Grants 160k Renown)
  • Crate of Universal Prefabs (Grants 1 of each MK-1, MK-2, MK-3, and MK-4 Universal Prefabs)



These rewards are not really worth subscribing at all imo to be honest. 6k Valor is like nothing, and if I want a MK-Prefab I just log in and craft one. If you really want to appreciate your subscribers then think about worthwile rewards, like unique dyes (from existing NPCs for example, many of them suggested in the cartel market sektion) or transmog items as already mentioned. Or make older armors legacy wide just like the new ones nowadays.

Edited by Jesseriah
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You serious? cuz umm, as much as i enjoy SWTOR still, this game ain't gonna last another "840 days" :eek:


Especially since doesn't the EA contract expire in 2022 ...?


This game will most certainly gonna last even longer than 840 days and for as long as enough people will buy stuff off of the Cartel Market and in turn make a profit for EA with a minimum amount of effort. As has been discussed many times before, the current licensing deal between Disney and EA has no bearing on the future of this game, since the deal was made way back with LucasArts as the licensor and when Disney was completely out of the picture. And even if Disney decides to not prolong the deal with EA in 2022, the game can still run fine until the next big Star Wars MMORPG comes out. And since EA released two very much liked Star Wars games recently that will most certainly get the franchise treatment (Jedi: Fallen Order, Squadrons), Disney will probably be much more in favor of extending the licensing deal.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Were you able to easily locate the Login Reward system?

* YES BUT... It's an ugly button that says "textFiel" with a pink box that says WIP below it.

* You can't move it, you can't hide it, you can't adjust it in the UI, and IT IS TOO MUCH SCREEN CLUTTER!

* The darned ad box is still moving itself to the top left of the screen sometimes, and auto-opening on login. It needs to remember where I put it, and really ought to be part of the UI editor system. If I close the thing, leave it closed!


Do you feel the addition of the Subscriber Weekly Bonus provides additional value to your subscription?

* MAYBE... We should not be expected to log in 7 days a week. That's not healthy game play. Please reduce the number of days to get the big bonus.

* 1,000 credits is insulting, not rewarding. It's far too small.

* "Bag of Supplemental" isn't an exciting reward. Bag of Supplemental what?

* Make it 5 days for subscribers and 3 for non-subscribers to earn the Big Whoop. That's more realistic.


Does the reward structure feel good? Do you feel that items near the end of a calendar are of higher value?

* NO -- The reward are tiny and insignificant. Some of them aren't useful depending on your play style.


In general, which rewards are the most/least valuable to you?

* MOST -- Social XP boost, non-PVP stims, reputation items, credits, cartel certificates, KDY Construction Kits, Recovered Relics, and decorations would be amazing. Event tokens would be great (Gray Helix Components, Rakghoul DNA Canisters, Symbiotic Fungal Bloom, Exotic Plague Specimen, Barnacle of the Eyeless). Even some Galactic Solutions Industries reputation tokens would be good.

* LEAST -- Anything PVP or GSF related. Jawa scrap is garbage!

* BUT REALLY -- I'd rather be awarded tokens that I can spend on whatever I want.


After spending some time with Login Rewards, are there any aspects of the system which remain unclear to you?

* YES -- What's the point? I hated when they added this to other MMOs and phone games. It seems to be the trend, but it's totally ineffective unless the prizes are incredible AND obtainable. Logging in 7 days a week for a big reward is IMPOSSIBLE for many players.


There are 3 Login Reward calendars to go through. In general, how do you feel about this? Do you feel it will help in keeping the Login Reward system fresh and exciting?

* WHAT NOW? Are you asking about the three different lines, subscriber, non-subscriber, and whatever those circle things are? No, it's not exciting at all. Zip. Zero. Zilch.


Overall, I'd say...


* The cluttered UI interface doesn't need yet another button that won't move and can't be hidden. Get that and the toolbar under UI editor control and make sure it remembers where it's positioned. Otherwise it's counter-productive, negative advertising and off-putting instead of rewarding.


* The rewards are so small, it might as well be a pat on the back and an "atta boy!"


* A seven-day login requirement is unrealistic for adult players and honestly not healthy. Besides, why do you care if we log in every single day? As long as we're paying that subscription, right?

Edited by Xina_LA
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You serious? cuz umm, as much as i enjoy SWTOR still, this game ain't gonna last another "840 days" :eek:


Especially since doesn't the EA contract expire in 2022 ...?


A couple of days ago, I stumbled across a necro'd forum thread from 2015, where a person said, "This game will never last two more years!"


Just saying, people have been bemoaning the doom of SWTOR for a decade now (more, if you count pre-launch, where they said it wouldn't make it past a year).

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While its good to know the log-in rewards will be based on accumulative log-ins instead of daily I echo the thoughts of including more PvE stuff. Maybe tech fragments?


A couple of days ago, I stumbled across a necro'd forum thread from 2015, where a person said, "This game will never last two more years!"


Just saying, people have been bemoaning the doom of SWTOR for a decade now (more, if you count pre-launch, where they said it wouldn't make it past a year).


The truth is we are all playing a zombie game, its not alive, its not dead, its undead:rak_04:

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Hi all!


Earn At Your Own Cadence

One of our primary design goals for the Login Reward system was to allow you the opportunity to progress your Reward Calendar at your own pace, without missing rewards! As such, the system tracks accumulated logins (think of a punch card), providing you with a reward every time you log into the game.


This means that if you log into the game for the first time on Monday, you earn your first reward. If you do not long into the game again until Friday, you still earn your second reward, as that is your second login. This continues until you have completed all 28 days in a Reward Calendar. Our Login Reward system does not have a timed expiration; you may progress the Reward Calendar at your own pace, be that 28 days, or more. We want your experience logging in to be a positive one, any time and every time.


Reward Calendars

The Login Reward system comprises 3 different Reward Calendars, each being 28 days in length. When you log into the game, you will be assigned 1 of the 3 different calendars; ‘Strength In Allies’, ‘United Efforts’, or ‘Aggressive Negotiations’. While the majority of the rewards are shared across all calendars, each of these specific calendars comes with their own “calendar defining rewards” based around their “theme”, or associated gameplay system.


  • Strength In Allies - Companions. As you progress through this calendar, you can expect to earn various levels of Companion gift qualities and amounts.
  • United Efforts - Crew Skills. As you progress through this calendar, you can expect to earn various levels of Material qualities and amounts.
  • Aggressive Negotiations - Warzones and Galactic Starfighter. As you progress through this calendar, you can expect to earn various stims, adrenals, and Requisition grants.


Once you have completed your 28 day Reward Calendar, you will be assigned a new Reward Calendar on your next

It would be better if you could choose a calendar. Some people just do PVE or PVP.

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While its good to know the log-in rewards will be based on accumulative log-ins instead of daily I echo the thoughts of including more PvE stuff. Maybe tech fragments?


Tech fragments wouldn't be bad, but I still feels like there needs to be a little... more? It's hard, I guess, since the closest equivalent to valor is social points, but pretty much any vet player has capped social looooong ago.


It's not PvE, per-se, but the idea I keep coming back to is being able to unlock the old Tionese/Columi/other removed sets. I know you can sort of get them through the heroic crates, so maybe offering those crates, or just the items themselves?


The truth is we are all playing a zombie game, its not alive, its not dead, its undead:rak_04:


That's one way to put it! All I know is I'll be here in one form or another 'til the servers go down.


It would be better if you could choose a calendar. Some people just do PVE or PVP.

I could (potentially) be fine without choosing calendars so long as we can't get repeats. I'm just imagining the horror of getting, like, four PvP calendars in a row.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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Before I start, I just wanna say the rewards are bad, very very bad. First time i thought "hey, they could be useful for new players" But they are not. Getting a 1k credit certificate after 5 days or 3k after 12 days of playing the game is not even worth the trip to the vendor.. You should really up the rewards and make people feel encouraged to log in daily and spend time in the game, because let's face it, they won't break the game. Certificates of 25, 50, 100 and 150k would be a bit worth it in my opinion. But since the economy will forever be screwed, you can't buy anything with that. Think of incentives, like playing the game for 28 days gives you some cartel coins. 100cc wouldn't affect your microtransactions, but it would mean much for a new player, and most games i played hand a lot of the premium store currency for free.


The premium crates... i hope they have something really worthful to make people WANT them, you know... I know it's just extra free stuff, but if they would at least act as the old command crates that rewarded gifts, gear, pets, mounts, etc rather than the renown crates that are 90% of the times worthless. Most other games have daily login bonuses and usually the rewards are pretty generous as you progress.


As for the questions:


Were you able to easily locate the Login Reward system?



Do you feel the addition of the Subscriber Weekly Bonus provides additional value to your subscription?

Not if the rewards are worthless. People would give it a first try and just abandon doing after the first month otherwise.


Does the reward structure feel good? Do you feel that items near the end of a calendar are of higher value?

Not really. You should include a small batch of cartel coins as incentments. Any small bit would make us feel worth it a month of playing.


In general, which rewards are the most/least valuable to you?

People would probably say the 5 cartel certificates are great... they would win 60 a year if they would log in every day, and that is not much at all. For me they are not, as I still have ~250 left after already buying everything I wanted with the certificates from the hours of gambling in the Nightlife Event. The most interesting for me is the satchel of dyes, because i probably expect it to be more than it will be when i open it.

The most worthless are the credit certificates.


After spending some time with Login Rewards, are there any aspects of the system which remain unclear to you?

Yes, the subscriber rewards section because it's empty right now


There are 3 Login Reward calendars to go through. In general, how do you feel about this? Do you feel it will help in keeping the Login Reward system fresh and exciting?


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First off, thank you for adding in a new system the gives us free rewards (plus additional rewards if we are subbed!! Very happy that you also consider us when designing this system). The following is based on my own opinions. I may use words that make it seem I am talking for everyone but that is not the case. I hope you will give it a read and consider what I've written in hopes that it will be improved for all. Thank you again.


Were you able to easily locate the Login Reward system?



Do you feel the addition of the Subscriber Weekly Bonus provides additional value to your subscription?

Unknown. We cannot access it on the PTS to verify this. From your examples (Personal Conquest Requisition (Grants 50k Personal Conquest points), Valor Token (Grants 6k Valor), Badge of Renown (Grants 160k Renown), Crate of Universal Prefabs (Grants 1 of each MK-1, MK-2, MK-3, and MK-4 Universal Prefabs)) I would say no. I understand you are calling these TIME SAVERS but 50K conquest points will not be needed. I am Subbed I will be playing this game thus I will get the 50K and a lot more. I don't do PVP so valor is useless to me. Might not be for others. The renown falls under the conquest part. I will be playing thus getting renown for everything I do, so not something I am looking for. As for the Crates of Universal Prefabs, I can see some people wanting these but really anyone whom has played longer than a few weeks will be able to craft these with ease if they wanted to. Currently I could craft a few dozen of these but there is nothing I want to buy with them.


Now that being said you also mentioned that these are only a few of the possible options. I am curious to see what the others are since the 4 possible rewards you've stated are not making me feel like I am getting additional value for my sub. Yes I know we were not getting anything before this so thank you for the new free items but these are things I am not interested in.



Let's start with where most of your subs are in the game. THE FOLLOWING IS MY OPINION ONLY Most subs will have at least one character that has fully played through the game. It would be maxed for gear, sets, stims, etc... and they will have other characters, many that are maxed level and 306 gear. They will have Credits ( a few million to billion). They have most of their companions leveled up to max. Some/many probably have mastered the art of crafting or are working on it.

So what do these people ( making an assumption here sorry) and myself included want/need? Dyes, Transmogs, Decorations, etc... We have done most things in game and have gained a large amount of wealth. These (I believe and correct me if I'm wrong) are the things most subs want to see.



Does the reward structure feel good? Do you feel that items near the end of a calendar are of higher value?

Lets start with the first part. Does the reward structure feel good?

In short No. Sorry, I know that's not what you wanted to hear but honesty is best so things can improve for all. Now I can only see the "Strength in Allies" calendar so that is what I will be basing my opinion on.


The 7 rewards for the first week are:

1) 2 basic battle stim - Not that important as almost all content can be done without them (mainly due to scaling) and the stuff that you would want to use stims for you would use better ones that you can buy or craft. Plus new players really don't know about stims till late game. Recommend removing these and adding in something else.

2) minor social boost - I have no need of this but many others (mostly new players which the weekly login is aimed at) will and can make use of this so please keep it.

3) 25 Scrap scavenged - I can tell you that most new players have no idea what to do with this stuff. It is not explained in the game to them. Plus they only get 1 crew skill and 99% of the time they will not take a crafting skill. As for crafters, they might make use of this but lets be honest, I can get more from breaking down 2 items that I found in less then 5 minutes. I think it should be a bag with a 40% chance to drop 1-5 tech fragments with it. Most players can use tech fragments in some form.

4) bag of standard gifts - Solid idea for week one reward. This will help many people except for those of us with maxed companions. I recommend keeping this.

5) 1K credits - Well the market is inflated and only getting worse but 1K credits on day 5? A new player will have made 1K in about 10 minutes on a new character. And they will be making 1K about every 2 or 3 minutes just playing. Not to mention you get 100K from the weekly conquest. I don't think credits should be on here. I would recommend that this get changed to something like the Gathering Lockbox (Universal) and give out some Decorations.

6) 25 Scrap scavenged - See above

7) Strength in Allies Premium Crate - Now we have no idea what is inside this crate so it is hard to give any feedback on it right now. But if I were a betting man I would say it has some companion gifts in it. But again I have no idea what is really inside so I cannot offer any real feedback. (It would be really cool if you also included some rare skins for some companions in that crate)


The 7 rewards for the second week are:

1) 2 basic command stims - again with the stims. people who use stims will buy or craft better ones. Recommend removal.

2) 2 minor social boosts - Same as above. Some/many will find these useful. Recommend keeping.

3) 35 Scrap scavenged - Similar to above. add in a 50% chance to pull 3-7 tech fragments.

4) bag of premium gifts - Same as above. Recommend keeping.

5) 3K credits - Same as above. Recommend removal and bringing in decorations or something instead.

6) 20 scrap assorted - Similar to above. add in a 50% chance to pull 3-7 tech fragments.

7) Strength in Allies Prototype - Again no idea what this really is. Cannot offer feedback at this time.


The 7 rewards for the Third week are:

1) 2 prototype basic stims - same as above. recommend removal.

2) Major social boost - same as above. Recommend keeping.

3) 20 scrap assorted - Similar to above. add in a 60% chance to pull 5-10 tech fragments.

4) bag of prototype gifts - same as above. Recommend keeping.

5) 6K credits - Same as above. Recommend removal and bringing in decorations or something instead.

6) 10 jawa junk - Similar to above. add in a 60% chance to pull 5-10 tech fragments.

7) Czerka care package - Again no idea what this really is. Cannot offer feedback at this time.


And finally the 7 rewards for the forth week are:

1) 15K Credits - Same as above. Recommend removal and bringing in decorations or something instead.

2) satchel of dyes - This looks awesome. I can't wait to see this. Well done. Recommend keeping!!

3) 15 jawa junk - Similar to above. add in a 100% chance to pull 15 tech fragments.

4) bag of artifact gifts - same as above. Recommend keeping.

5) 15K credits - Same as above. Recommend removal and bringing in decorations or something instead.

6) 5 cartel market certificates - Wow I'm impressed. I did not see this one coming. Recommend keeping.

7) Elegant chest of loyalty - Again no idea what this really is. Cannot offer feedback at this time.


So quick recap. Remove the stims and credits and have them be replaced with decorations, dyes and transmogs. Change the Scrap to include tech fragments. Keep the rest as it seems like most players will have use of them. All in all not bad. just need some minor changes.


Now for Do you feel that items near the end of a calendar are of higher value?

Yes. It is obvious to all that including a bag of dyes and cartel market certificates would be top dog and the end of the calendar.


In general, which rewards are the most/least valuable to you?

Most: Cartel market Certificates and maybe the bag of dyes (unsure since I have yet to open it to see what is inside).

Neutral: bag of gifts

Least: credits, stims, scrap and social boosts

unknown: day 7 reward each week.


After spending some time with Login Rewards, are there any aspects of the system which remain unclear to you?

Yes, it would be nice to mouse over the rewards like on day 7 and see what is inside it so I know if I really want to work towards it or not. And the sub section is blank except for the last reward which is a valor boost (I don't do PVP).


There are 3 Login Reward calendars to go through. In general, how do you feel about this? Do you feel it will help in keeping the Login Reward system fresh and exciting?

No. If you want to keep it fresh and exciting then combine the 3 calendars together and each day have a choice of 3 options to choose from so that people can work on what they want rather than have useless rewards for a month. Just an idea.


I hope this didn't seem to harsh. That was not my intent. I hope you will reconsider certain aspects of this new system. I wish you all the best. And thank you again for the new system to give players free items for logging in.

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Logged in again on the PTS for the 4th day in a row:


Maybe it's an idea to give: CLAIMED and CLAIM boxes a different colour?

Right now it's the same colour and when reading fast you can read over it and maybe accidentally forget/not see to claim. So let's say: make the claimed box the way it is now, and make the < CLAIM > box glowy or green? Making it pop and stand out more for you to claim? Just like the Weekly Subscriber Bonus is (orange yellow)

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A couple of days ago, I stumbled across a necro'd forum thread from 2015, where a person said, "This game will never last two more years!"


Just saying, people have been bemoaning the doom of SWTOR for a decade now (more, if you count pre-launch, where they said it wouldn't make it past a year).


Yep i know, admittedly i've been here since 2011 :D



No where does it stipulate the game has to be shut down in 2022


Yeah i guess time will tell of course. It's just the whole "wait another 840 days!" to get an achievement in a nearly 10 year old game just sorta seemed unrealistic and frankly ridiculous imo (from an achievement "incentive" standpoint) .


For the record btw, despite my criticisms, i still have fun playing SWTOR and plan to remain loyally subbed until "the end". I'm just very skeptical it'll be another 840 days. I hope i'm wrong though. :cool:


Anyways, , back ON-TOPIC....


These rewards are not really worth subscribing at all imo to be honest. .




imho , there should be more Crafting related items or perks or schems added to the rotation. And maybe more deco type items too.

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95% of the rewards are “meh”. They really aren’t an incentive even for new players.




1. New companion appearance skins (especially for those who’ve never had any)

2. Larger credit chips ranging 150,000 to 500,000 (1,000 credit is a joke and can be picked up from selling junk after 10 mins play).

3. Small Cartel Coin rewards like you get for completing some achievements in the game. Ranging from 10 CC up to 50 CC for later in the calendar.

4. Random Pets and mounts that can be obtained in the game from various sources, ie, some are reputation ones

5. Random crafting schematics that you get in the game from reputation vendors

6. Light vs Dark legacy gear boxes

7. RNG random gear boxes that are legacy bound

8. Tech frags


That took 5 mins to think up. I’m sure other people have some good ideas too.

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95% of the rewards are “meh”. They really aren’t an incentive even for new players.




1. New companion appearance skins (especially for those who’ve never had any)

2. Larger credit chips ranging 150,000 to 500,000 (1,000 credit is a joke and can be picked up from selling junk after 10 mins play).

3. Small Cartel Coin rewards like you get for completing some achievements in the game. Ranging from 10 CC up to 50 CC for later in the calendar.

4. Random Pets and mounts that can be obtained in the game from various sources, ie, some are reputation ones

5. Random crafting schematics that you get in the game from reputation vendors

6. Light vs Dark legacy gear boxes

7. RNG random gear boxes that are legacy bound

8. Tech frags


That took 5 mins to think up. I’m sure other people have some good ideas too.


This sums up my thoughts perfectly. There is no reason to hold back on the degree of 'rewards' here barring expensive and premium items of greater value, because that makes sense. The current rewards though, are poor and not at all enticing (if that was the intent). I know we shouldn't look a gift Vrake in the mouth but it really doesn't seem to do anything for either new players or vets imo. I would leave out credits/credit chips all together, though.

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in my opinion the idea is nice, but again there is to much wasted potential.

of course a list with shown "next day reward" is better than just some tokens,

but take a look at kai zykken.


so maybe you should combine both mechanics.


- give us a daily reward with bop stuff we could "need" but won't effect others,

so pls no credits, no junk, etc...

- at the end of the week give us a shiny legendary token we could use for

kai zykken jr. who brins a changed offer with companion skins, the level gear,

party jawa, senya statue, decoration or whatever you want. this is your chance

to give ppl some stuff they asked for, without the need to bring back unliked events.

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Uninspiring rewards.

Too little too late.


For veterans who have supported this game since launch - do we really need more rep tokens, more credits and more jawa junk, and as for valor tokens... Why T-F would you give people those for logging in and never setting foot in a WZ?


I can see people doing so for •Legendary Embers (28th login in a calendar) but TBH they're not that hard to earn, or indeed that hard to earn credits to buy off the GTN.

I can see people logging in for 20 seconds per day to earn the rewards without actually contributing anthing meaningful for the game other than adding to inflation and trashing the cost of Embers etc.


The more I step back from this game the more I see it as a faded pastiche of its former self.


Make some content F-F-S- That's what keeps people playing. Sheesh!



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Those rewards wouldn't make me log in daily. I've maxxed all reputation, I don't care about 1000 credits, xp boosts or jawa junk. The only thing that would interest me is valor token because I have a few alts that are just about to hit next level for a new title, but will never get there as I don't play pvp anymore. However, if those tokens would be BoP, then no. Just no. Please don't clutter my inventory with junk I don't want, need or can't even use anymore.


If the rewards would be tokens of any kind, they can not be BoP, they need to be legacy or they are useless because they would pop on whatever character you log in first that day.


Considering we have both veteran and new players, and the value of the reward depends on what we do in game, how about just let us choose what we want as rewards? The selection could include pvp stuff, pve stuff, credits, tech frags, tokens, xp boosts, dyes, gear set, cartel coins.


We are already being bombarded with worthless loot that we need to stop to sort out in the middle of playing. If the idea is to reward people for logging in, then surely the incentive should be better than more unwanted pop ups filling the screen on log in, more trash to get rid of and so on. We just want to play the game, not clear inventory all the time and wait for those pop ups to fade away.


And like Storm-Cutter said: give us content, that will keep us coming back.

Edited by DeannaVoyager
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How about a random decoration on x days of login? Nowadays excluding the overpriced deco packs there's just no way to get the majority of decorations against the unholy vast CM packs RNG. It doesn't even have to be the pricier ones.


Just one suggestion to add with the others here.

Edited by vianiel
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As you progress through a Reward Calendar the rewards and the reward amounts will become more and more lucrative, and will include:

  • Credit Chips
  • Scavenged Scrap
  • Assorted Droid Parts
  • Jawa Junk
  • Kai Zykken's Satchel of Dyes
  • Cartel Certificates


You should remove the credit chips. Total waste of a reward slot. Have you even seen how much things cost in game now? People will keep seeing the 1k, 5k and 15k tokens and keep being reminded about how disconnected some developers seem to be from the in-game world. You can be sure that whenever one of these is the daily reward it will be something that people frequently take the piss about EA/the devs in general chat.


This system is a great opportunity to return some of the old armor sets, named weapons and special pets that were removed.

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You should remove the credit chips. Total waste of a reward slot. Have you even seen how much things cost in game now? People will keep seeing the 1k, 5k and 15k tokens and keep being reminded about how disconnected some developers seem to be from the in-game world. You can be sure that whenever one of these is the daily reward it will be something that people frequently take the piss about EA/the devs in general chat.


This system is a great opportunity to return some of the old armor sets, named weapons and special pets that were removed.


That’s an excellent point !

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I actually think you should have a variety of items to choose from because each person is different.

Some would like the old armor set-Some don't

Some would like pets-Some don't

Some would like better credits-Some have no need so therefore don't need it

Some would like decorations- Some don't


I could go on but I think you get my point. Have a variety for each day that you can choose what you like and for the subscriber do the same. Let us choose the reward and therefore this would work better.


Sort of like SWG had for veteran rewards. We had a variety to choose from.

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1) Were you able to easily locate the Login Reward system?

Yes, but there is already way too much going on, on the main screen. The addition of that guild/cartel market toolbar

last update is still in the way, and now its something else


2) Do you feel the addition of the Subscriber Weekly Bonus provides additional value to your subscription?



3) Does the reward structure feel good? Do you feel that items near the end of a calendar are of higher value?



In general, which rewards are the most/least valuable to you?

The addition of Cartel Market Certificates are pretty nice. We needed a new way to get some of those. Another

suggestion would be some LS/DS Tokens, We used to get those before 6.0, but now they are almost obsolete.


There are 3 Login Reward calendars to go through. In general, how do you feel about this? Do you feel it will help in keeping the Login Reward system fresh and exciting?

I think its a nice idea, but I do see how this will add anything that new exciting. We need more interesting loot or

rewards. I would much rather see a more cleaned up UI, there are still 3 buttons that open that the same activity

window and organizing equipment in our legacy/cargo banks. So, I like it, but I dont think its anything to log in

more often for

Edited by kirorx
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Question for BW/EA, please answer completely honestly and with candour:


Key comments about rewards offered:

1) Most are insignificant to almost every kind of genuine player who is going to spend at least 30 mins actually playing the game to gain levels, grind for gear/rep/valor/mats/conquest/... or spend some time aimlessly in the experience.

2) Random monthly themes that are meaningless to types of player e.g. non-pvp, non-gsf, non-pve are a waste of their time and logins for that month.

3) Please explain what will be in Zykken bag of dyes; x dyes of up to bronze/silver/gold/plat rarity?


Observations and further questions:

1) You already have a system for encouraging players to spend time regularly in game, it's called Conquest. Rewards from conquest are relevant to all levels of characters. Furthermore when the character is in a guild then there is further and greater reward from conquest. So you have a mechanism to pull individuals in at least once a week and for small guilds you encourage multiple characters i.e. logins to achieve the weekly guild goal.


2) Giving away money or items that can be readily vendored for cash or even sold to other players is further inviting credit sellers/farmers into the game; especially if you're going to reward non-subscribers with cash. What's to stop the bot-creation of thousands of f2p toons that login to hoover up your giveaways? Why bother to possibly improve your anti-bot/anti-credit farmer automation/processes to prevent this when you can avoid it all together by not giving out the exploitable items in the first place?


3) Giving away anything of "low" value that can be vendored/traded is encouraging credit-sellers, it's made worse if you give away items of higher realisable credit value at vendors. If you give away tradeable, valuable items then that's even more worse.

If you are trying to regain control of the economy in the game then only give away items/means for real players to realise personal reward that cannot be traded i.e. tech frags (get rid of 10k limit whilst you're at it), dark/light tokens, BoL items, faction certs for those that miss events or cannot spend enough time during the events to obtain the amounts of "tokens" to trade-in for a significant reward/item, CC tokens (1,2,3,5,10s) - This means you're rewarding time generally spent for time that couldn't be spent at specific days/weeks because players have real-life commitments that are more important than SWTOR (or any game).



1) Trying to encourage players to spend more time in game? Trying to combat the domination of the guild level conquests by a small cohort of guilds that dis-incentivise individuals and small groups of players?

Introduce Group or Raid Group conquest objectives. Each character has a goal of whatever within a single 4-man, 8-man or 16-man unit either at one sitting or across the week and multiple meets. This could be world-boss crawls, veteran/master FP sequences, a collection for KotFE/KotET chapters, several sets of planetary heroics, doing several group datacron puzzles, Macrobinocular runs, droid spotting runs across planets, multiple sets of world champions, several star-fortresses, animal collections, etc.


2) Reward active time spent in game: For every x conquest goals achieved give out an RNG rare BoL/BoP item from the reward tables and CM or give 5-20 CC/faction tokens or several hundred tech-frags. Revive retired items from world and CM. This is the equivalent to your attempt to reward weekly and monthly login totals.


3) Allow f2p/preferred players to accumulate tokens that can be traded for subscribed time in the game e.g. a week's play.


N.B: There are more than a few of us here who would no doubt be happy to focus group some better rewards to improve the incentives for real players to continue to inhabit SWTOR.

Edited by Morten_Venisse
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