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MODDABLE "orange" quality gear ONLY for levels 1-49, very disapointed :-(


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No they can do the same thing for PVP gear too. Make it to where your points you earn allow you to buy different looks of types of gear and mods with set piece names. Same for pvp Campanion only gear.


Lets say that you have 1000 points to spend, I havent pvp'ed much so I dont know what the gear costs are like yet but take 1000 points as an example


PVP vendor has chest pieces for your character, and hes a str based Sith Warrior Jug, so their are different Blank types of PVP Heavy Chest Gear with no Mods in it. It costs 700 and you can look at it on your character before you buy it. Now you bought the one you like tthe look of and have 300 points left.


The PVP vendor has mod pieces with slightly different Stats, more Crit or more Power etc on this MOD for HEAVY CHEST only, non Companion for 500 points, well you need to save more to buy this MOD, this will take time to get all your pvp gear and the way you want to look from everyone else.

Edited by Coryph
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I have no idea if this proposed system is in the game but this is how I believe it should work. I also did not read all 33 pages so I apologize if this has already been suggested.


Here is an ideal solution that would fix both the crafting professions being useless (except biochem of course) and how every single player that PvP looks the same:


Allow skill 400 Armormechs/Synthweavers to make level 50 orange moddable gear that initially starts with 3 empty slots when crafted. The recipes for this armor can come from either rank 400 crew skill missions, raid bosses, or however else you see fit. If the crafter crits the craft, the armor gains a bonus 4th mod slot that uses Augment mods.


Cybertechs need to be allowed to craft up to rank 25 mods, which are the highest level mods right now that are only attainable by pulling them out of Rakata/Battlemaster gear. How they obtain the schematics for these mods can be from many different ways, such as through PvP marks or Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster commendations or through raid boss drops. Bioware also needs to create a +Expertise mod for each type (armoring, augment, enhancement, etc.) so that PvP players can simply buy/craft whatever level expertise mod they desire. These expertise mod recipes should only be available through PvP vendors at the cost of Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster commendations. The Centurion mods would give the lowest amount of expertise (Tier 1), Champion middle (Tier 2), and Battlemaster the highest (Tier 3).


By doing this, players can choose whatever level 50 orange gear they think looks awesome, put their own mods in it that best suits how much expertise they want and whatever stat build they desire, and few players would look the same.


Armormechs/Synthweavers/Cybertechs suddenly have a huge increase in demand for their skills. This will greatly help the economy and allow players to choose how they look. This would make the Centurion/Champion/Battlemaster PvP sets initial gear to use while the player builds up their own unique moddable set of gear with the appropriate mods.

Edited by copasetic
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i agree in theory, and i actually think that the schematics/alloys that drop in those encounters should be bind on equip so that raiders can sell them on the GTN to crafters.


yes that works to some extent. they did that in wow. it remedies some problems.


but, as long as there are bop schematics, it will still force crafters to be raiders.

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the purpose of this game is playing multiplayer in a star wars setting. its not 'working to upgrade gear to have better gear than others'.


there is no mandatory rule that says massively online games have to be like that. its wow/everquest.. wow/everquest != mmo genre. there are many types of gameplay in mmos.


yes it is, thats the RPG part. getting better stats through your experiences. you basically want an appearnce tab so that you dont have to do any work or put any time in to make your character look the way you want it to.


Which is the entire point of these games... to upgrade and customize your character.


the orange system is a great system. Does it need some kinks worked out? yes

i would suggest that for raid gear you be allowed to completely transform the dropped purples into the orange appearance of your choice.

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No they can do the same thing for PVP gear too. Make it to where your points you earn allow you to buy different looks of types of gear and mods with set piece names. Same for pvp Campanion only gear.


Lets say that you have 1000 points to spend, I havent pvp'ed much so I dont know what the gear costs are like yet but take 1000 points as an example


PVP vendor has chest pieces for your character, and hes a str based Sith Warrior Jug, so their are different Blank types of PVP Heavy Chest Gear with no Mods in it. It costs 700 and you can look at it on your character before you buy it. Now you bought the one you like tthe look of and have 300 points left.


The PVP vendor has mod pieces with slightly different Stats, more Crit or more Power etc on this MOD for HEAVY CHEST only, non Companion for 500 points, well you need to save more to buy this MOD, this will take time to get all your pvp gear and the way you want to look from everyone else.


This is a terrific idea. Hopefully they'll do this.

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So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.


This is hilarious...BW you better get off your lazy asses and start working. It's a common theme in conversation with my buddies and my guild. TOO MANY aspects of this game that are obviously accredited to LAZY work. I dont have any lev 50 characters yet so i had no idea about this issue. Very sad work BW....very sad. These are core issues that you should have had fixed before launch. Buggy gameplay is ok after launch but not core systems like crafting and armor. Better get your act together and stop living off the IP. That will only last you six months.

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yes that works to some extent. they did that in wow. it remedies some problems.


but, as long as there are bop schematics, it will still force crafters to be raiders.


which is why i said schematics/alloys.


if all are boe, then they can all be sold, and therefor all crafters can potentially get hold of them without having to raid. but of course they would be fairly pricy due to their rarity.


hopefully with a decent server economy though, high end crafters would be able to afford the investment in schematics and materials through selling the gear afterwards.


raiders would want the gear that didn't crit (and ofc the gear that did crit) due to having superior stats than available on the raid drops, which makes raiding easier for them.


pvpers would want the gear that did crit, as they could get the superior stats to pvp gear and still augment them with expertise.


et voila, solid economy and crafting system. just make all schematics and materials bind on equip.

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I forgot to mention that they should also do is make the vendors for PVP sell schematics that only crafters can make that are high lvl and cost pvp points. This would allow for mods, weapon blanks, armor piece blanks, etc. to be made in game only for players by players that you cannot get from the vendor.


Also have the Raid bosses drop only certain random schematics or find them in the adventuring flashpoint raid etc.

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yes it is, thats the RPG part.


nay. rpg is not limited to anything. ANYthing can be implemented in rpg.


getting better stats through your experiences. you basically want an appearnce tab so that you dont have to do any work or put any time in to make your character look the way you want it to.


Which is the entire point of these games... to upgrade and customize your character.


appearance tabs or other software shortcut solutions break immersion. and totally remove roleplaying.


see, i have donned this heavy armor gear that looks like x, but, i just opened a user interface tab and modified it to totally look like what it is not .... and there goes the immersion .....

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which is why i said schematics/alloys.


if all are boe, then they can all be sold, and therefor all crafters can potentially get hold of them without having to raid. but of course they would be fairly pricy due to their rarity.


that could work.


hopefully with a decent server economy though, high end crafters would be able to afford the investment in schematics and materials through selling the gear afterwards.


raiders would want the gear that didn't crit (and ofc the gear that did crit) due to having superior stats than available on the raid drops, which makes raiding easier for them.


pvpers would want the gear that did crit, as they could get the superior stats to pvp gear and still augment them with expertise.


et voila, solid economy and crafting system. just make all schematics and materials bind on equip.


that may work. the only problem being, schematic for an intricate and high-detailed technology like a power armor piece dropping off of the arse of a giant centipede, and therefore breaking immersion.


really..... maybe this entire 'loot drop' thing needs to be revised. back in earlier times, drops made sense - you killed an enemy, and you could loot ITS items that it had on - its sword, shield, this that .... harder the enemy, the better gear it had, and naturally you could loot better stuff. definitely NOT stuff that that npc/boss did not have.


somewhere along the line, drop and loot have become totally irrelevant of what you are fighting against. and then we came to the point of giant sand centipedes dropping technological schematics out of their arses.

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Can't say any more than has already been said. Just posting to increase the length of this thread to help ensure Bioware gets the message. Pencil me in as ticked off about the current situation.
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So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.

purples have base stats outside of mods.you could never mod a orange to be equal to that purple.i do agree with the sentiment though if you get a dup piece it could be scavanged to make an orange better
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Based on everything I've read in this thread, here's how you fix mods (sorry, I can't resist the bravado, though deep down I know this will be buried and go unread).


What about an appearance tab?


Yes, that would fix the issue. However, many have pointed out that this feels like "cheating", breaks the immersion, or is otherwise boring. I'm in the camp that loves the current system (conceptually) as it feels like it "fits" with the game, genre, and theme. Also, it gives the graphic design folks some margin of control... for instance, a heavy armor tank is always going to look like they are wearing heavy armor, unless they are willing to give up armor mitigation to wear light/medium orange gear.


Location-restrict armoring mods


The most important first step is to restrict end-game armoring mods based on the armor pieces' location (chest, legs, etc.). This should not apply to mods 1-49 to keep things from becoming ridiculous, but should apply to any end-game mods dropping from raid bosses or sold by PvP vendors. Obviously the current "un-removable" armor mods would go away in this case, since the problem of farming early raid bosses is more aptly fixed with this additional restriction.


Add set bonuses to armoring mods


Once end-game armoring mods are location restricted, the next easy and obvious step is to add any set bonuses to these armoring mods.


Parity of mod vendor/drop


For any piece of end-game purple gear dropping in a raid or sold from a PvP vendor, the boss/vendor should have an equivalent armoring mod available as well. This is pretty duh simple.


Give the crafters some love


Spread out alternate-stat end-game armoring mods to cybertech, armormech (aim/cunning), and synthweaving (will/str) crafters. These would have equivalent stat budgets to the drops from the bosses/PvP vendors, but different balances. Make these mods location-restricted as well, and have them require a component that drops from bosses (or is sold by pvp vendors) that is unique per-mod (i.e. the first boss in an instance drops a crafting component that can only be used to make an armoring mod that fits into gloves, drops a mod that can only be fit into gloves, and drops purple gloves). Do not make them BoP so crafters don't have to be raiders.


EDIT: Something left assumed but unsaid... obviously the crafters don't find these alternate patterns lying on the street either. Just getting the patterns should be an arduous accomplishment for the crafter. So not only are the mats gated by boss drops/valor gain, but the availability of crafters who can do it should be limited to those crafters who have worked for it.


Yes, these craftable mods might end up on the GTN in the hands of non-raiders. So what? That means non-raiders who farm enough money can eventually get the same STATs as raiders (which is fine by me, solo players should have progression options too), but that doesn't mean they can have the LOOK of raiders because they aren't getting the purple/orange tier drops. See next item for more on that...


Just make all end-game tier gear orange


This gets a little out there and is certainly not a necessary fix like the others are, but I believe ALL end-game gear should be orange. Remove the purple tier gear drops entirely. Specifically, rather than being drops, the unique looking tier gear should come from quest rewards, but contain no mods. The orange tier gloves (for instance) should be a mission reward received for downing the first boss in an op, or accomplishing some specific long-term PvP goal (the PvP'ers can jump in here with some appropriately equivalent quest or achievement - 1 million kills or 1 million warzones played or something equally timesink equivalent to the raiders' time spent).


The idea is that you can show off your achievement (downing the first boss/killing masses of n00bs) by wearing said orange armor, even if you have to slot it with "lesser" mods. This allows STAT progression to continue to be gated by the rate of mod drops/PvP valor gained, while the fancy tier designs can be handed out more liberally to everyone who accomplished the goal as a vanity reward for being awesome raiders or PvPers.

Edited by nezroy
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Guess there is no point in my saving up all my orange gear in my vault thinking to use it later.


This is a sad sad day that I found this post.


Naw you can use them til you get your first to second raid set, dailies and all that, if you will have to use the hideous raid gear if you wanna be good though.

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Based on everything I've read in this thread, here's how you fix mods (sorry, I can't resist the bravado, though deep down I know this will be buried and go unread).


What about an appearance tab?


Yes, that would fix the issue. However, many have pointed out that this feels like "cheating", breaks the immersion, or is otherwise boring. I'm in the camp that loves the current system (conceptually) as it feels like it "fits" with the game, genre, and theme. Also, it gives the graphic design folks some margin of control... for instance, a heavy armor tank is always going to look like they are wearing heavy armor, unless they are willing to give up armor mitigation to wear light/medium orange gear.


Location-restrict armoring mods


The most important first step is to restrict end-game armoring mods based on the armor piece's location (chest, legs, etc.). This should not apply to mods 1-49 to keep things from becoming ridiculous, but should apply to any end-game mods dropping from raid bosses or sold by PvP vendors.


Add set bonuses to armoring mods


Once end-game armoring mods are location restricted, the next easy and obvious step is to add any set bonuses to these armoring mods.


Parity of mod vendor/drop


For any piece of end-game purple gear dropping in a raid or sold from a PvP vendor, the boss/vendor should have an equivalent armoring mod available as well. This is kind pretty duh simple.


Give the crafters some love


Spread out alternate-stat end-game mods to cybertech, armormech (aim/cunning), and synthweaving (will/str) crafters. These would have equivalent stat budgets to the drops from the bosses/PvP vendors, but different balances. Make these mods location-restricted as well, and have them require a component that drops from bosses (or is sold by pvp vendors) that is unique per-mod (i.e. the first boss in an instance drops a crafting component that can only be used to make an armoring mod that fits into gloves, drops a mod that can only be fit into gloves, and drops purple gloves). Do not make them BoP so crafters don't have to be raiders.


Yes, these might end up on the GTN in the hands of non-raiders. So what? That means non-raiders who farm enough money can eventually get the same STATs as raiders, but that doesn't mean they can have the LOOK of raiders because they aren't getting purple drops. Also, see next item for more on that...


Just make all end-game tier gear orange


This gets a little out there and is certainly not a necessary fix like the others are, but I believe ALL end-game gear should be orange. Remove the purple tier gear drops entirely. Specifically, rather than being drops, the unique looking tier gear should come from quest rewards, but contain no mods. The orange tier gloves (for instance) should be a mission reward received for downing the first boss in an op, or accomplishing some specific long-term PvP goal (the PvP'ers can jump in here with some appropriately equivalent quest or achievement - 1 million kills or 1 million warzones played or something equally timesink equivalent to the raiders' time spent).


The idea is that you can show off your achievement (downing the first boss/killing masses of n00bs) by wearing said orange armor, even if you have to slot it with "lesser" mods. This allows STAT progression to continue to be gated by the rate of mod drops/PvP valor gained, while the fancy tier designs can be handed out more liberally to everyone who accomplished the goal as a vanity reward for being awesome raiders or PvPers.

How does an appearance tab break immersion? I swear you Rp'ers complain about everything. I say being forced to upgrade something that looks like heavy armor to a half dress half armor breaks immersion. An A-tab adds to immersion, as you choose what you look like, as you would if you were in that situation. It's also not cheating, there is no realm of possibility where it is cheating, how utterly absurd a thing to say.

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Quick question for those who are lvl 50 and can maybe answer this question...



Say you are at end game and had 1 set of top raid gear that you've been collecting and wearing, and 1 set of orange gear that has been modded and fitted with the best mods you could find.


How much of a difference in power would there be between the two sets?


I'm not talking about the 'Power' stat, I mean in terms of better healing/damage/hp... overall character usefulness/survivability...power.


5%? 10%? 40%?


What I'm asking is would it be a huge noticable difference? I'm the type of person to see a better looking armor, with a -2 Strength -4 Endurance -2 Critical Rating and think... the difference is trivial... I prefer to look the way I want.

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I give up, there's no point in even debating this topic. If you guys want to cancel your subs on a perceived problem with an untested system, be my guest.


No one even said they were quitting, you were nerdraging this whole thread because people want a new system. You've debated nothing useful or pertaining to the op. Some people aren't satisfied with the new system, you are, get over it.

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am i wrong or has the game only been out for a month?


if you raced to 50 you get to deal with the annoyance of a fresh out of the gate mmo. that isn't fully fleshed out yet for large endgame pop.


the fact that they're gating the lvl 50 PvP bracket. only goes to show that they're clearly staging content as per demand.



and honestly. if it was a quick line of code that nix the ability to pull mods from epic gear. it'll be a quick line of code to open that back up a month or so down the line. or tweak the drop rates on mods in raids or whatever they decide to do.

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