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PvP and Why It Sucks (As a level 50 Marauder)


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You have to be kidding me. A well played marauder is near impossible to solo and even out numbered he is going to get his kills. They have some amazing defensive cool downs. With biochem they are near unstoppable. Maybe you need to spend more time asking good marauders what they are doing.


void star is not slanted for the attackers. If anything the first spawn point favors the defenders. It is brain dead easy to interrupt the first door bombs. You are pretty much dropped out into interrupt range. If your entire team was killed then the attackers deserve to capture the door.


Huttball... you can leap, enough said. I see marauders and jugs leaping to the goal line and across the platforms to people who don't know any better all day. Don't want to get knocked off? watch your positioning, you will see sorcerrors and consulars having positioning battles all day if u watch them fighting around the flame pits. The only thing that needs to be fixed in hutball is some LOS stuff and those damn bouncers.


Marauders complaining about stealth in combat is funny... they pop it every fight it seems. The classes that are stealth classes need stealth because they don't have a 99% dmg reduction cool down. A sith assassin is a tank/dps, so of course its going to be an off tank. Do you even know your arch types? You are a DPS end of story. Your playing a gear dependant class that scales well, your rotation takes a bit of getting used to/research, you're fine.

Edited by Antiks
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I see mauraders use leap inappropriately all the time. Use force camo if you need a gap closer in huttball.. If they knock you back be good and jump to them the next GCD.


The main problem I have with the maurader/sent class is that missing a GCD or misplanning a use of an ability can mean a lot of wasted time compared to other classes due to their "mana" mechanic. Something I did was fraps myself or just watch back my stream to see how many times I screwed up and why.... or when I should have used that GCD for a defensive CD.


There are a few games a day where I'll lag or the opponent I'm on will be kinda funky/laggy and he'll kinda jump around the map. This makes it really hard for any melee, especially one that is so dependent on attacks to build to future attacks that are mostly in melee range.


Long story short, I've had 4 lvl 50 chars of various classes through betas and now at launch, and I'd say that Warrior/Knight classes are easily the most challenging to play optimally. So the standard "L2P" response is a bit steep.

Edited by tamgros
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You're complaining about huttball, yet you're on Empire. There's more of you, of course you're gonna be forced to play huttball because you're directly shunning the other faction. You're on the zerg size, thus it's an invalid complaint.
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I agree a lot with the OP. Sadly few MMOs manage to approach PvP correctly. Most forms of cc should be banned or break on damage and tanks should be MUCH harder to kill in SWTOR. Oh well... I didn't buy this game for the PvP TBH but I would love some open world PvP planets with a lot of action.
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I have yet to see a maurauder in our guild complaining about not being on top of the food chain in PVP.

As some people pointed out it takes some more skill to get a marauder to display the full potential of the class but those who know how to play it will always be amongst the most lethal opponents in warzones.

And on the Huttball point, i can only say read what alot of other people mentioned, if ure on the empire side ure on the side with the most players so your chances of getting a huttball match are alot higher than they would be on the pub side.


How so many people here can agree to the OP is really amazing.

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You should rename this thread and just remove (As a level 50 Marauder) cause your points on PvP are golden, and developers should really read this . These points are basicly why i cancelled my subscription. I see no point to PvP as it is now.
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Hmm. Perhaps i got lucky, but i noticed i was doing noticeably better on my 20ish marauder than i was on many of my higher level characters in pvp. Granted there were few 50s in warzones at that time, though most people were higher level than me. And I normally play warrior type classes(melee at least, preferably melee heals but thats somewhat rare to find) in mmos, so i have quite a bit of experience in this. Eh whatever, i dont rant about class balance(despite that im an avid pvp...and not saying this is a rant either, seems quite well thought at and stated)...well, except on my Blood dk in cata...thats just insane able to solo 2-4 warriors of similar gear levels with ease...but anyways, i generally just make do with what ive got good or bad(i actually prefer playing the supposed "underpowered" classes due to them requiring more skill and evoking a somewhat surprised reactions from opponents when u do well against them)


Edit: Pvp seems decent(better than wow at least in its current state), but my main problem with it is that i lag so badly in warzones, so everything i say is kind of taken from less pvp experience than in other games due to this(one of the reasons i may, wiht great pain, end up leaving for GW2/TERA)

Edited by Jedikillar
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The fact anybody is complaining about marauders being squishy is a joke. If you wanted a class that wouldn't die often why didn't you choose a bh healer or jugg etc. The point of a marauder is to kill and kill quickly. We chose two lightsabers/extra damage over heavy armor. Deal w it. 1vs1 it's near impossible to lose unless your garbage/have a terrible rotation/terrible gear. Cop and saber ward are great not to mention force leap. I chose carnage and I LOVE it. Extra speed, deadly throw stops them in their tracks. Force scream instant crit, gore gives you 100% armor bypass. Massacre is awesome.


I love my marauder. Sorry to those of you that don't know how to play a class correctly. Only issue I have is not being able to mess with snipers in cover...

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your doing it wrong, as above poster mentioned, maurader is def. a power house if played properly. especially if you come in with a premade and pocket heals, your unstoppable.


as far as some of the pvp changes you speak of, i can see some being a problem.


what i dont see an issue on is,


generally, the carnage spec has a ton of movement reduction and cc-ish abilities built into it, and if pvping i see no reason why this isnt your main spec.


huttball: if you get knocked off ramps, you should be saving your force leap to get back up. you have defensive and damage negating abilities plus a 99% damage reduction ability which is golden. Run through fire without taking any damage. Now grab some biochem and make your stims and medpacks and youll be more self sufficiant. use your fade ability when you know your limits are reached and survive. Cause problems for the other team and your team scores.


viodstar, im mixed on this because if its changed (from what I have expierenced) it would end in ties every time, however i do feel the doors do act strange that let you out of spawn as the defense.


not trying to take away form your post, just adding my opinion. :p

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Main problem OP is your expecting actual pvp. In tor there is none. They deliberately didn't give us progression, so that the pve types wont complain about getting ganked as they call it. Instead your expected to farm BG's...


Just wait few more months for GW2 then we finally get real pvp again.

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If you've got fps-lag in warzones the melee force users are by far the most affected classes; You zoom into the heat of things and there are skill effects everywhere, tons of people moving, FPS at 15-25, skills fire off a second after you press the button...


Given you've already blown your mid-CD defense before charging into the brawl you still need to stay on target and watch your rage/focus level. Because that buildup ability might just not have fired.


Then on primetime, lag kicks in, the guy you wanted to leech focus/rage on was out of range but the system tells you after a sec while in your mind you've already started living off the focus you don't have. You realize after another second youre on zero focus and effectively dead in the water... and start over. Your rotation's gone, the guy has probably already broken your initial slow and you're the focus fire target going down with blazing sabers...


On my Sentinel, PvP is practically unplayable, because to compete I'd need a working, responsive and reliable game performance.


I've also got an Imperial Agent. Want to know how this experience pans out?


Run up to the brawl, see melee guys hack n slashing each other. Apply cover, apply leg shot (root), apply guaranteed crit, apply ambush, apply snipe, if he breaks loose apply flashbang (mezz), if he reaches you apply point blank knockback and entrench (immune to status effects), if he reaches you again apply electric vibroblade (snare) and win distance. Legshot will be up until then... More likely, the guy will be long dead because you critted him to oblivion with your second snipe already... And all this is, due to long (and uninterruptible) casttimes, practically independend from FPS or server Lag.


I think that's the main issue with people complaining about Marauder/Sentinel in PvP.



Edited by Valyxa
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Your marauder complaints are definitively learn to play issues. I have a 50 Maruader as well and we are an amazing class. I top damage and kills nearly every WZ, with some of the least deaths and highest damage single hits.


As cliche as it is


L2P Nub


This mentality causes many losses in the warzones, considering every warzone is an objective based game, not a deathmatch "let me rack up the most damage and kills" game.


I don't speak for everyone, but I'm sure I speak for a vast majority. I would rather win the match with a team that did relatively low damage than lose matches with a bunch of high damage Rambos. To me winning is fun, and losing is a waste of time. In the end, I'll play a lot more games if I'm winning, and less if i'm losing because it is just too frustrating to see people not playing as a team in a team match.

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This mentality causes many losses in the warzones, considering every warzone is an objective based game, not a deathmatch "let me rack up the most damage and kills" game.


I don't speak for everyone, but I'm sure I speak for a vast majority. I would rather win the match with a team that did relatively low damage than lose matches with a bunch of high damage Rambos. To me winning is fun, and losing is a waste of time. In the end, I'll play a lot more games if I'm winning, and less if i'm losing because it is just too frustrating to see people not playing as a team in a team match.


The big problem is that one spec for Marauder/Sentinel (which is the spec a lot of us want to play, sadly) is completely worthless compared to the other two in PVP. It's still useable, and I do, but every day those of us playing Combat spec are making our lives harder than it should be, because we don't want to be pigeonholed into spamming DOTs (not very Jedi-like) to be viable in the game.


The other slightly more successful spec is really only for dishing out massive AOE damage with one move - great for making yourself feel better because of your damage numbers, but not the best way to actually deal a deathblow, or contribute to your team.


Only one spec really shines, and it is DOT based - not the way most people looking to play a class pitched for its "burst damage" are hoping to play. I'd love to hear the rationale behind using bleed effects with a lightsaber despite the ability being called "Cauterize", which is stopping the bleeding, as we all know. The whole premise of this spec is pretty ridiculous, as we all know a single hit or two with a lightsaber is all it takes to kill or dismember someone. I know that part of realism will never be reconciled with an MMO - but basing an entire spec around doing ALL its damage that way is overkill for the supposed "masters of lightsaber combat".


You are gimping yourself if you're not playing Watchman/whatever the Sith analogue is. People talk about using our Vanish/CC Immunity in conjunction with our huge damage reduction talent as if it's something available to the entire class and not just one or two useful specs.


On top of that - huge disparity between valor available to a DPS class through medals and valor available to hybrids - excepting of course the one useful way to spec your Sentinel/Marauder.


And even more importantly - Sentinel/Marauder is the class that is the most destroyed by the lack of synchronization between client and server. Call it ability stuttering, call it moves not firing off, call it whatever you want, but it completely neuters our class.


I spend at LEAST 1/3 of my time PVPing watching my moves not go off as I'm taking damage from a host of sources, and my latency is fine.


I can empathize with the OP - but I don't think most of your problems are problems with the game as a whole - just a problem with our class.

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The big problem is that one spec for Marauder/Sentinel (which is the spec a lot of us want to play, sadly) is completely worthless compared to the other two in PVP. It's still useable, and I do, but every day those of us playing Combat spec are making our lives harder than it should be, because we don't want to be pigeonholed into spamming DOTs (not very Jedi-like) to be viable in the game.


The other slightly more successful spec is really only for dishing out massive AOE damage with one move - great for making yourself feel better because of your damage numbers, but not the best way to actually deal a deathblow, or contribute to your team.


Only one spec really shines, and it is DOT based - not the way most people looking to play a class pitched for its "burst damage" are hoping to play. I'd love to hear the rationale behind using bleed effects with a lightsaber despite the ability being called "Cauterize", which is stopping the bleeding, as we all know. The whole premise of this spec is pretty ridiculous, as we all know a single hit or two with a lightsaber is all it takes to kill or dismember someone. I know that part of realism will never be reconciled with an MMO - but basing an entire spec around doing ALL its damage that way is overkill for the supposed "masters of lightsaber combat".


You are gimping yourself if you're not playing Watchman/whatever the Sith analogue is. People talk about using our Vanish/CC Immunity in conjunction with our huge damage reduction talent as if it's something available to the entire class and not just one or two useful specs.


On top of that - huge disparity between valor available to a DPS class through medals and valor available to hybrids - excepting of course the one useful way to spec your Sentinel/Marauder.


And even more importantly - Sentinel/Marauder is the class that is the most destroyed by the lack of synchronization between client and server. Call it ability stuttering, call it moves not firing off, call it whatever you want, but it completely neuters our class.


I spend at LEAST 1/3 of my time PVPing watching my moves not go off as I'm taking damage from a host of sources, and my latency is fine.


I can empathize with the OP - but I don't think most of your problems are problems with the game as a whole - just a problem with our class.


after they did not implement a lot of moves I was expecting from the dual wield class - as seen in clone wars and AOTC - the combat spec is the only one that actually feels like 'an intricate web of damage' at all.... in watchman you move so slow it looks as if you were wielding two baseball bats... very un dual wield like...


plus, the offensive warriors I used to play in games like eq or war always featured heavy armor.... why on earth did they bloat the offensive warrior class with mid-cooldown minibuffs for defense?



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