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    Toronto, Canada
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  1. This keeps happening to me as well. My main character keeps getting default binds while my alts seem fine.
  2. Likely no because your eye can't detect over 30 fps anyways.
  3. So here's a situation there is a field of roses over there. A thick canopy of roses that looks spectacular. Everyone always talks about this awesome field of roses. You decide man it would be awesome to run though it. You do so, what you weren't told about was what's under the canopy. You find out that is where all the neighborhood dogs go to do their business. Now you're covered in sh*t. If people only talk about the roses the dev's will think that's what their game is. Someone needs to highlight the sh*t for them so they can clean it up. We need critics because if the world is only yes men, we will get nowhere fast and the world will be covered with sh*t.
  4. fun fact : Most people who complain about engines or programming in general couldn't write a simple array sort without looking it up. Now I'm not saying people are ignorant of what they're saying... oh wait yes I am...
  5. After reading your posts it seems appropriate that they only character you like is a tracer missile spammer.
  6. this. Most the people I know who were playing merc quit the class at about 40 and rerolled. They tracer then rail shot.
  7. So would you just like a free kill then? I have plenty of people jumping to me and positioning properly so they fly along paths not off them. Fighting up there is a positioning war. In any other arena my knock back is ****. It's like the people who fight beside fire and ***** when they get knocked in....
  8. No it doesn't. If it does PvE players will have the upperhand vs. people who PvP most of their time. That is stupid.
  9. All the invisible people and crazy drunken dual wielding maniacs chasing me around the huttball arena would like a word with you. (don't look the drunk guy in the eyes.)
  10. Antiks

    Remove the Bubble

    You know everyone seems to have ignored th elephant in the stun room. electrocute gives you like 95% of your resolve bar. If we hit you with electrocute anything else will resolve you fully. So if we have used electrocute on you Congrats we're more or less screwed now. Any other of our abilities now puts you to 100% resolve, enjoy your free kill if we haven't vacated the area. Break electrocute, nothing else. The whirling cc, the one that can be spec'd instant yeah that resolves you fully and breaks on damage. yay. WE CAN'T USE THIS ON YOU IF WE'VE ALREADY DOTTED YOU. btw how is flash bomb i heard it is a super cool aoe stun that can affect 20 people standing outside your base in ilum.... I believe there is a sticky about what resolve is and how it works... maybe some of the people crying in here about stuns should go read it.... It's kind of a big deal.
  11. You mean these skills that they are selling on their e store? Awesome. https://secure.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?action=viewItem&dnv=7751920130&item_id=99 https://secure.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?action=viewItem&dnv=1829913868&item_id=103 https://secure.ncsoft.com/cgi-bin/Store.pl?action=viewItem&dnv=9589744596&item_id=97 All I have to do to be skilled is have a credit card!!!! WOOT WOOT! GW2 = Pay 2 win korean trash.
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