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  1. another one kidding me hu ? 6,5k crit ? in pvp ? u ever played ? and he is doing nice by fighting against ******* ! and if ur able to see....he made the 6,5k crit and the enemy lost near 70% of his life....pvp against lvl 10+ as an lvl50 marauder isnt that kind of hard pvp'ing....so please stop posting nonsense youtube-vids in this forum... just a waste of my time ! P.S.: another fail btw....lvl 50 vs lvl 10 in one battleground is the next fail....there is no chance for an lvl 10 char to win a battle against an lvl50...doesnt matter which class and/or specc he/she is - the lvl 10 chars got 5 spells and the lvl 50 got all - uhh he has to be the best player that he makes a video on utube where he kills lvl 10+
  2. @dark-poet ohno......we can jump through fire....u can make dmg through fire right ?...and if i jump through the fire what do u think what happens after ? i get kicked to the bottom of the map ! so why should i jump through the fire when there is no sense to do it ? and as i said first...u are able (as ranged) to make dmg through fire and once more...the battleground where u have to destroy doors and steal the data at the end (sry forgotten the name of the map) a ranged ist able to shoot through walls....so *** are u talking about that marauder are able the jump through fire....
  3. I cannot layout a strategy that is going to be the catch all for all your woes. However I can say, find the situations that you can excel in, and do you best to avoid the ones you have little chance of winning. However, if you are going to be like the legions of others here, blaming their class, and the devs for their poor play you won't ever be successful. cant avoid all
  4. read the post to the end or ****....Just sayin.... the game had a long beta-phase....so it isnt new ! it has been "tested" by a lot of people and this what im saying has been said about a half year ago....they released the alpha... i mean: there are always unbalanced classes....sure....but this is a terrible joke...and im terribad...yes....because i paid for this game...and when i know there was a beta-testing-phase is this summary a joke where im not able to laugh about...an if u didnt recognize....there are many other terribads.....so please....keep your mouth shut when u didnt know what you are talking about...thanks and i skilled the shorter cds....but the cd isnt 2 secs yet !
  5. doesnt matter...in a battleground u fight against 2 or 3 peoples...every time....maybe u run to him and didnt forceleap...u will be kicked the first time....so u forceleap and the other one kicks u away.....its always the same....and this suxx really hard and has nothing to do with pvp....pvp means player vs player and not class vs class - and thats the prob...look and the first 4 ranks after a battleground and u will see what i mean...there is always 1 class at the top....and this is fail
  6. never heard such a ********...u cant hit because you are not able to go to an enemy because knockback inc. ! and there is too much crowdcontrol and too many slows that a marauder isnt able to fist really hard....well lets say...if u are the one who gets smashed by a marauder...then I couldn't take YOUR thread seriously. and: it isnt a class who got the movement...its the player
  7. /sign marauder in pvp is the biggest fail - jump to an enemy...kicked back (because everyone is able to kick....dont know what item it is - but as a melee there is no sense to do it the same way;) )....dead and ravage suxx all the way...every 2nd time my character became stucked when i use this spell...i make the movement and cant break it...but i can use it after i get free to move again and if nothing of this happens you will be kicked out of battleground because the door after ur dead and you are standing before didnt open...pvp isnt beta....there is no pvp - there is just a joke and wasted money....im going to quit this game and perhaps i'll rejoin the game in 3 months...bye
  8. nene...die leute sind jetzt schon bei posi 2000 teilweise....nach weihnachten kannste das game löschen !
  9. naja...die zeit von WoW ist ziemlicher sicher vorbei nachdem es ohne skill spielbar gemacht wurde !! bc war letztes grosses addon - wotlk hat schon gesuckt und mit cata haben sie das game noch lächerlicher gemacht als es ehh shcon war aber mit 4.3 und dem deathwingencounter....wenn man das überhaupt encounter nennen kann - ist halt echt total vorbei - wow ist nicht zu empfehlen...es sei denn man ist 2 jahre alt...dann ists noch ne herausforderung lg
  10. hiess es nicht es sei der beste mmo-start gewesen, den es jemals gab ? da hat wohl jemand nen ganz miserablen witz gemacht ! 3 fette firmen haben mitentwickelt - und dann so ein fail...hammer !
  11. FtH = For the Horde ! hat viele fanbois....kiddies...wie auch immer
  12. /sign @all Es ist echt eine Zumutung....man hätte schlichtweg nen Riegel vor ehh schon zu volle Server schieben müssen....die hätte man dann in ein paar Wochen wieder lösen können aber so ? Es gitb viele Möglichkeiten das zu regeln ! Aber alle Lösungen setzen vorraus, dass man sein Hirn anmacht - hätte vll geholfen ! Man könnte da auch allerdings noch ein Auge zudrücken und sagen: "Okay...der Start war nicht so ... glorreich" ABER !!!!! dann noch obendrein in einem Statement zu schreiben, dass man beabsichtigt die Warteschlangen in einem erträglichen Rahmen zu halten ist wohl nicht mehr als ein schlechter Witz - Warteschlangen für monatlich, pünktlich zahlende Kunden ist im Grundgedanken eine absolute Frechheit - wäre das Game free-to-play ists kein Ding - aber auf den Start hätte man sich einfach besser Vorbereiten müssen - und die betonung liegt auf müssen ! Und vor allem akzeptiere ich eine Warteschalnge nicht !!!! Ändert sich nicht innert 7 Tagen die Situation, wird das Game gelöscht und spiele lieber Tetris auf 89er Gameboy im Singleplayer als weiter auf Warteschlangeposi 412 rumzugammeln ! Fazit: Der offizielle Release ging mal voll in die Hose ! so long
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