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Differences between Satele Shan and Starforge?


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The only thing I think I've kind of gathered so far is that Satele Shan has fewer overall players than Starforge


I mostly main SF, although I do have some chars on SS, which I play every now and then. SF always seems to be busier, and have a higher amount of RP'ers. They both seem to have good people/bad people, both have toxic chat at times, SF is probably a little worse, but it could be because there are more. Que times on SF seem shorter, at least the que's i use, I don't PvP, so I can't speak for that. If you are looking to pick one out to main, best advice, is to vist both during peak time, and see which you prefer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Players should be maintaining legacies on both servers. I also maintain that both Satele Shan and Star Forge have same pve-pvp (unrranked (warzones)) activity if the strictly RP player were not factored in Star Forge's favor.


Support SWTOR by supporting server Satale Shan

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I haven't been on SF but I've been playing on Satele Shan and have had mostly positive experiences. Never had trouble finding FP's in less then five minutes (Pub Side) and the Warzone queue never takes longer then 5-7 minutes except for the early morning.


The only negative I've run into is some occasional toxicity on the fleet general chat, but that's pretty par the course for all servers I imagine.

Edited by ConnorWarman
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Starforge has a noticeably higher player count, but Satele Shan still has a healthy player base. I would label SS as a medium pop server and SF as a high pop. With this in mind SF has shorter queues, but its not a complete night and day difference.


Because layers/instances exists the open world isn't really affected by pop count. Could have 100 people on alderaan but only 25 or so people in each layer. Also to note that with a higher pop count I think(been awhile since I compared) that SF has a more rampant credit issue with how things are priced on the GTN(inflation).


Both servers have toxic general chat on the fleet though, there is no escaping that. About the only differences that might be impactful aside from pop count would be ping and time zones. SS is west coast, SF is east cost(pretty sure), so if you want more people from your time zone then you could go to the one that is for your region.

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Starforge has a noticeably higher player count, but Satele Shan still has a healthy player base. I would label SS as a medium pop server and SF as a high pop. With this in mind SF has shorter queues, but its not a complete night and day difference.


Because layers/instances exists the open world isn't really affected by pop count. Could have 100 people on alderaan but only 25 or so people in each layer. Also to note that with a higher pop count I think(been awhile since I compared) that SF has a more rampant credit issue with how things are priced on the GTN(inflation).


Both servers have toxic general chat on the fleet though, there is no escaping that. About the only differences that might be impactful aside from pop count would be ping and time zones. SS is west coast, SF is east cost(pretty sure), so if you want more people from your time zone then you could go to the one that is for your region.


Not entirely true. When they created these 5 new Servers, they placed both SF and SS in the same area. So while SS does have all of the old West cost players from Harb, Bastion, and BC the server itself is now located in the East Coast.

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Not entirely true. When they created these 5 new Servers, they placed both SF and SS in the same area. So while SS does have all of the old West cost players from Harb, Bastion, and BC the server itself is now located in the East Coast.


pretty much this. It caused such a stink when folks figured it out that they changed it on the server list.


I dont play much on SS, but i do have a few characters there. I mostly play on SF and my cadre of interestingly strange toons.

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pretty much this. It caused such a stink when folks figured it out that they changed it on the server list.


I dont play much on SS, but i do have a few characters there. I mostly play on SF and my cadre of interestingly strange toons.


I see what you two are talking about now. According to the wiki the regions are just suggested regions for time zones, despite them being located in the same area.

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Star Forge has a heavy role player presence particularly on Pub side.


You sure? I'm pretty sure 90% of the players on Imp side Star Forge RP as a 13-year-old, basement dwelling edge lord.





It's mentioned in a Nar shadda Planet missi, probably others too, but this only one that comes to mind


Yes, Star Forge is named for the Star Forge from KotOR 1. Satele Shan is named for the eponymous Grand Master, as is Darth Malgus (European English server) named for the eponymous septuagenarian (might be octogenarian now that Charles gave us the current year). Tulak Hord (European German server) is named for the ancient Sith lord. The Leviathan (European French server) is named for Admiral Saul Karath's ship from KotOR 1.


Satele Shan was going to be called The Hot Prospect, named after a Calipsan 560 mining ship that was used by Zayne Carrick (after whom Carrick Station is named), but people found that name to be problematic so it was changed. So I named my guild ship The Hot Prospect.

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  • 1 year later...

i used to play only SS, now play both, more SF as ive somewhat changed my focus in the game from PvP to PvE so i went were there were more people.

In my view, both are healthy enough, the primary difference i see is that more people = more pops on either side of the ball be it PvE or PvP on SF but for the most part both still pop.

PvP wise in my opinion there are more "better" players on SS, but more overall on SF... but, also more throwers, trolls, and troglodytes in SS PvP. It was always SS for PvP, SF for PvE.. that doesnt seem to have changed all that much.

I still play both, enjoy both, it just comes down to preference at this point really.

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I have characters on all of the English-speaking servers, both factions.


The Harbinger was my original Republic server, now Satele Shan

Shadowlands was my original Imperial server, now Star Forge

Can't remember the name of my Dark vs Light server name, but it was merged onto Star Forge


Come to think of it, I think The Harbinger and Shadowlands were also new server names from the my very first originals, and I was forced to move to these somewhere along the way, well before the DvL event. It's how some of my characters lost their names, despite being created the day the servers went live (no more BH named Heiko with companion Mako, SW named Maro to go with Vette-still twins, though, and my Smuggler named Turner... poof... renamed).


If you had this list of servers to choose from, where do you think you'd go?



US East PvE Servers

Anturi Reach

Assassins of Sion

Axial Park

Canderous Ordo

Colonel Tobin

Corellian Run

Crevasse City

Darth Bandon

Drunk Side Cantina

Eidolon Security


Firaxan Shark

Fort Garnik

Giradda the Hutt

Grand Master Zym


ICE Breaker

Jedi Covenant


Kaas City

Kathol Rift


Keller's Void

Khoonda Militia

Ki-Ta Kren

Krayiss Obelisk

Krayt Dragon

Master Dorak

Mind Trick


Sedyn Kyne

Shadow Hand


Sith Meditation Sphere

Sith Wyrm

Tarro Blood

Telos Restoration Project

The Constant

The Courageous

The Defenestrator

The Razor

The Shadowlands

Whitebeam Run

Zez-Kai Ell


US East PvP Servers


Belgoth's Beacon

Bondar Crystal

Cho Mai

Darth Malak

Davik's Estate

Death Wind Corridor

Firkrann Crystal

Gardens of Talla

Hedarr Soongh

Helm of Graush

Infinity Gate

Iron Citadel

Kinrath Spider

Naddist Rebels

Port Nowhere

Prophecy of the Five


Saber of Exar Kun

Sword of Ajunta Pall


The Deadweight

The Fatman

The Twin Spears

Thendys Noori


Vulkar Highway


US East RP-PvE Servers

Kath Hound

Lord Adraas

Rubat Crystal


Sanctum of the Exalted

The Ebon Hawk


US East RP-PvP Servers

Jung Ma

Ven Zallow


US West PvE Servers

Darth Sion

Darth Xedrix

Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Empress Teta


Gauntlet of Kressh

Hyperspace Cannon

Kaiburr Crystal


Lord Praven

Mask of Nihilus

Master Gnost-Dural

Master Zhar Lestin

Namadii Corridor

Perlemian Trade Route


Space Slug

The Harbinger

The Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Veeboo Lunx


Wall of Light


Zakkeg Beast


US West PvP Servers

Black Vulkars

Daragon Trail

Dark Reaper

Infinite Empire

Mandalore the Indomitable

Nadd's Sarcophagus

Rakata Mind Prison


The Crucible Pits

The Bastion

The Maw

The Swiftsure

Warriors of the Shadow

Wound in the Force


US West RP-PvE Servers

Begeren Colony

Lord Ieldis

Vrook Lamar


US West RP-PvP Servers

Ajunta Pall


English PvE Servers

Bacca's Blade


Dune Bantha

Dxun Battle Circle

Flames of Crucible


Goluud Corridor

Hidden Beks

Hydian Way

Kellian Jarro

Ludo Kressh

Luka Sene

Nightmare Lands

Peragus Mining Facility

Rogue Moon


Sluis Shipyards

The Arkanian Legacy

The Red Eclipse


English PvP Servers

Ahto City

Basilisk Droid



Hex Droid


Legions of Lettow


Scepter of Ragnos

Senator Contispex

Tassaa Bareesh

The Exile's Crystal

The Kumumgah

The Ravager

The Shadow Runner

Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tott Doneeta

Trayus Academy

Ula Vii

Uthar Wynn


English RP-PvE Servers

Shaltin Tunnels

The Progenitor

Trask Ulgo


English RP-PvP Servers

Lord Calypho


French PvE Servers


Mantle of the Force

Phateem Halls of Knowledge

Vodo-Siosk Baas


French PvP Servers


Baron Deathmark

Darth Nihilus

Dol Grenn

Hrakert Rift

Princess Galia

Star Map


French RP-PvE Servers

Battle Meditation

Kessel Run

French RP-PvP Servers



German PvE Servers

Darth Andeddu

Dreypa's Oubliette

Exar Kun

Faustin Academy

Force Harvester

Handmaidens of Atris

Lenico Gargantuan

Murakami Orchid

Opila Crystal

Sith Triumvirate

Stereb Cities

Supreme Commander Stantorrs


The Cinzia

The Jedi Tower


German PvP Servers

Blotus the Hutt


Darth Revan's Mask

Darth Traya

Exis Station

Jar'Kai Sword

Pius Dea

The Krath Enchanter

The Restoration Zone


German RP-PvE Servers

Cassus Fett

Vanjervalis Chain

Zayne Carrick


German RP-PvP Servers


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i used to play only SS, now play both, more SF as ive somewhat changed my focus in the game from PvP to PvE so i went were there were more people.

In my view, both are healthy enough, the primary difference i see is that more people = more pops on either side of the ball be it PvE or PvP on SF but for the most part both still pop.

PvP wise in my opinion there are more "better" players on SS, but more overall on SF... but, also more throwers, trolls, and troglodytes in SS PvP. It was always SS for PvP, SF for PvE.. that doesnt seem to have changed all that much.

I still play both, enjoy both, it just comes down to preference at this point really.


Pretty good analysis and corresponds with what I see too.


The only other thing I would add is crafted GTN prices are generally more stable on SS because there are less people crafting and listing. But the prices are generally higher as well. That is also true for CM items because less people listing means higher prices. So I buy my CM items on SF or DM and open them in collections if I want to use them on SS.


The issue with SS is the declining population. And it’s only accelerating as more people move to SF or DM. At the current rate, it will be dead for group content by this time next year.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have characters on all of the English-speaking servers, both factions.


The Harbinger was my original Republic server, now Satele Shan

Shadowlands was my original Imperial server, now Star Forge

Can't remember the name of my Dark vs Light server name, but it was merged onto Star Forge


Come to think of it, I think The Harbinger and Shadowlands were also new server names from the my very first originals, and I was forced to move to these somewhere along the way, well before the DvL event. It's how some of my characters lost their names, despite being created the day the servers went live (no more BH named Heiko with companion Mako, SW named Maro to go with Vette-still twins, though, and my Smuggler named Turner... poof... renamed).


If you had this list of servers to choose from, where do you think you'd go?



US East PvE Servers

Anturi Reach

Assassins of Sion

Axial Park

Canderous Ordo

Colonel Tobin

Corellian Run

Crevasse City

Darth Bandon

Drunk Side Cantina

Eidolon Security


Firaxan Shark

Fort Garnik

Giradda the Hutt

Grand Master Zym


ICE Breaker

Jedi Covenant


Kaas City

Kathol Rift


Keller's Void

Khoonda Militia

Ki-Ta Kren

Krayiss Obelisk

Krayt Dragon

Master Dorak

Mind Trick


Sedyn Kyne

Shadow Hand


Sith Meditation Sphere

Sith Wyrm

Tarro Blood

Telos Restoration Project

The Constant

The Courageous

The Defenestrator

The Razor

The Shadowlands

Whitebeam Run

Zez-Kai Ell


US East PvP Servers


Belgoth's Beacon

Bondar Crystal

Cho Mai

Darth Malak

Davik's Estate

Death Wind Corridor

Firkrann Crystal

Gardens of Talla

Hedarr Soongh

Helm of Graush

Infinity Gate

Iron Citadel

Kinrath Spider

Naddist Rebels

Port Nowhere

Prophecy of the Five


Saber of Exar Kun

Sword of Ajunta Pall


The Deadweight

The Fatman

The Twin Spears

Thendys Noori


Vulkar Highway


US East RP-PvE Servers

Kath Hound

Lord Adraas

Rubat Crystal


Sanctum of the Exalted

The Ebon Hawk


US East RP-PvP Servers

Jung Ma

Ven Zallow


US West PvE Servers

Darth Sion

Darth Xedrix

Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Empress Teta


Gauntlet of Kressh

Hyperspace Cannon

Kaiburr Crystal


Lord Praven

Mask of Nihilus

Master Gnost-Dural

Master Zhar Lestin

Namadii Corridor

Perlemian Trade Route


Space Slug

The Harbinger

The Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Veeboo Lunx


Wall of Light


Zakkeg Beast


US West PvP Servers

Black Vulkars

Daragon Trail

Dark Reaper

Infinite Empire

Mandalore the Indomitable

Nadd's Sarcophagus

Rakata Mind Prison


The Crucible Pits

The Bastion

The Maw

The Swiftsure

Warriors of the Shadow

Wound in the Force


US West RP-PvE Servers

Begeren Colony

Lord Ieldis

Vrook Lamar


US West RP-PvP Servers

Ajunta Pall


English PvE Servers

Bacca's Blade


Dune Bantha

Dxun Battle Circle

Flames of Crucible


Goluud Corridor

Hidden Beks

Hydian Way

Kellian Jarro

Ludo Kressh

Luka Sene

Nightmare Lands

Peragus Mining Facility

Rogue Moon


Sluis Shipyards

The Arkanian Legacy

The Red Eclipse


English PvP Servers

Ahto City

Basilisk Droid



Hex Droid


Legions of Lettow


Scepter of Ragnos

Senator Contispex

Tassaa Bareesh

The Exile's Crystal

The Kumumgah

The Ravager

The Shadow Runner

Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Tott Doneeta

Trayus Academy

Ula Vii

Uthar Wynn


English RP-PvE Servers

Shaltin Tunnels

The Progenitor

Trask Ulgo


English RP-PvP Servers

Lord Calypho


French PvE Servers


Mantle of the Force

Phateem Halls of Knowledge

Vodo-Siosk Baas


French PvP Servers


Baron Deathmark

Darth Nihilus

Dol Grenn

Hrakert Rift

Princess Galia

Star Map


French RP-PvE Servers

Battle Meditation

Kessel Run

French RP-PvP Servers



German PvE Servers

Darth Andeddu

Dreypa's Oubliette

Exar Kun

Faustin Academy

Force Harvester

Handmaidens of Atris

Lenico Gargantuan

Murakami Orchid

Opila Crystal

Sith Triumvirate

Stereb Cities

Supreme Commander Stantorrs


The Cinzia

The Jedi Tower


German PvP Servers

Blotus the Hutt


Darth Revan's Mask

Darth Traya

Exis Station

Jar'Kai Sword

Pius Dea

The Krath Enchanter

The Restoration Zone


German RP-PvE Servers

Cassus Fett

Vanjervalis Chain

Zayne Carrick


German RP-PvP Servers



You forgot the Asia Pacific Servers


Dalborra (PvE)

Master Dar'Nala (PvP)

Gav Daragon (RP PvE)

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