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5 Hour Slicing Results


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i guess the moral of the story is what is the point of the lockbox missions if they dont on average return a profit any more

how would all of the other crafters felt if one of your crew skills the main purpose of it was replaced with "click this button so that in 36 minutes ill take a few hundred gold from you"

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Slicing was retardedly silly in its ability to make credits. The Nerf made it retardedly broken. There has to be a middle ground. I think the game itself is fantastic and there is so much content on the way, quitting over a trade skill is premature and well go ahead and fill in yourown blanks.
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Slicing was retardedly silly in its ability to make credits. The Nerf made it retardedly broken. There has to be a middle ground. I think the game itself is fantastic and there is so much content on the way, quitting over a trade skill is premature and well go ahead and fill in yourown blanks.


If they can break something in one week, and not fix it in the three weeks I have remaining on my initial game time... I'm not sure I want to pay to keep playing.

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I'd like to say to the OP and those of you that feel strongly about the slicing changes being both negative and game breaking.





Anyway those of you that have chosen to un-sub to the game based on the companies decision to change an imo overpowered skill, then good luck to you and the rest of the losers still playing WOW.


As for me I shall continue to play the game based on the fact i'm enjoying myself and making decent money off of quests and loot selling to need slicing anyway. Let's remember they introduced a skill which enable people to farm cash for free, pre-nerf I was able to make 500 to 1000 cred's PER MISSION with a very low level slicing skill. IMO way overpowered.


Since you've all rage quit though, (which you are completely entitled to since it's your money and I have no issue on how you spend your money) I'm wondering why you're still posting on the forums?

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from those 10k credits (and strange because at this time i get way more with slicing in 5hours)

u can buy the mats other people have to farm in 5 hours so u can craft your stuff, slicing is gathering remember. You also can craft while having slicing, slicing is ment as a gathering skill.


no it is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'd like to say to the OP and those of you that feel strongly about the slicing changes being both negative and game breaking.





Anyway those of you that have chosen to un-sub to the game based on the companies decision to change an imo overpowered skill, then good luck to you and the rest of the losers still playing WOW.


As for me I shall continue to play the game based on the fact i'm enjoying myself and making decent money off of quests and loot selling to need slicing anyway. Let's remember they introduced a skill which enable people to farm cash for free, pre-nerf I was able to make 500 to 1000 cred's PER MISSION with a very low level slicing skill. IMO way overpowered.


Since you've all rage quit though, (which you are completely entitled to since it's your money and I have no issue on how you spend your money) I'm wondering why you're still posting on the forums?


Good job reading more than the first post... oh wait you didn't. Its not a rage quit. Its a lack of any communication on the topic from BW. Course this has been repeated and in another 5 posts someone like yourself will pop on here to flex the ole epeen and call us all losers.


The Reds are nice, keep paying that tax on the tea. The queen will take care of you innocent settler. Just keep mum about it.

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I'd like to say to the OP and those of you that feel strongly about the slicing changes being both negative and game breaking.





Anyway those of you that have chosen to un-sub to the game based on the companies decision to change an imo overpowered skill, then good luck to you and the rest of the losers still playing WOW.


As for me I shall continue to play the game based on the fact i'm enjoying myself and making decent money off of quests and loot selling to need slicing anyway. Let's remember they introduced a skill which enable people to farm cash for free, pre-nerf I was able to make 500 to 1000 cred's PER MISSION with a very low level slicing skill. IMO way overpowered.


Since you've all rage quit though, (which you are completely entitled to since it's your money and I have no issue on how you spend your money) I'm wondering why you're still posting on the forums?



Granted, if you cancel ur sub based on the nerf alone you are a little childish, but if you cancel because you are fearful of this being the Modus operandi, then i can't blame you. I not so angry about the nerf as i am the blatant disregard for customer in the form of no Communication from bioware, just knee-jerk reactions.

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If you really believe that this nerf was the result of forum QQ, versus all the hard data BioWare is able to access...then I don't think you'll ever be happy with anything anyone says about the nerf.


Slicing as a mission skill is still profitable..do some missions lose money? Sure, some are total failures and return zero credit, some lose a couple hundred credits. The minor losses are easily offset by gathering one or two lockboxes in the world. The larger losses are offset by selling a schematic or mission discovery, plus the occasional crit with a big profit.


I've tracked every slicing mission I've ran post nerf (not the world lockboxes though), the least I've made over a day has been 6k. Obviously, if I have time to play more and keep my companions out on missions, I make more.


I didn't track my missions pre-nerf, so I can't directly compare hard numbers...but I'm still making money. Keep in mind the Devs said pre launch that mission skills for gathering would not be as efficient as doing it yourself via farming, and right now, that seems to hold true for slicing.

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Do you seriously not think that Bioware has looked at the various statistics surrounding slicing?



It was blatantly op. Even now it's still insanely OP.



Slicers STILL lose less than I do every time I try to level my own mission skills AND gathering missions.



You know what Bioware did?


They finally brought slicing in line with the other gathering professions



This means that the slicing missions do not generate profit, JUST LIKE OTHER GATHERING MISSIONS.



I dare you, go take 1 mission skill, 1 gathering, and 1 crafting.



Send your companion out on a gathering mission. You will lose money. The cost to send them out to gather material is not worth it to sell it back on the market.


The issue with slicing was that you MADE A PROFIT FROM THE MISSIONS.




The only time a gathering skill should generate profit is if you are in the field gathering, WHICH IS STILL POSSIBLE FOR SLICING




As far as I can tell, the gathering missions are solely for bolstering supply if you need the resources. It was never really meant to create a profit from my pov.

Edited by Meluna
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Good job reading more than the first post... oh wait you didn't. Its not a rage quit. Its a lack of any communication on the topic from BW. Course this has been repeated and in another 5 posts someone like yourself will pop on here to flex the ole epeen and call us all losers.


The Reds are nice, keep paying that tax on the tea. The queen will take care of you innocent settler. Just keep mum about it.


oh wait, it is a rage quit...

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when over HALF of what the skill generates is money, not materials or other things, if the money generated isnt more than what you put in, then its a worthless skill

on my server mission discoveries sell for about 1-2k for the 340 purples

the schematics i have gotten sell for 1-5k

and augments dont seem to sell well at all but thats all this skill gives you

when the lockboxes are half of your missions, and the lockboxes no longer provide a profit (all day i have been slicing and i have netted about 4k in about 3 hours with 3 companions and 400 slicing)


yah the other skills dont just provide pure profit, but thats not what they were for, slicing doesnt help any of your other skills out, the stuff you randomly get from them outside of the lockboxes arent in demand so its only job was just to make money, if it doesnt do that, what is the point of slicing now?

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when over HALF of what the skill generates is money, not materials or other things, if the money generated isnt more than what you put in, then its a worthless skill

on my server mission discoveries sell for about 1-2k for the 340 purples

the schematics i have gotten sell for 1-5k

and augments dont seem to sell well at all but thats all this skill gives you

when the lockboxes are half of your missions, and the lockboxes no longer provide a profit (all day i have been slicing and i have netted about 4k in about 3 hours with 3 companions and 400 slicing)


yah the other skills dont just provide pure profit, but thats not what they were for, slicing doesnt help any of your other skills out, the stuff you randomly get from them outside of the lockboxes arent in demand so its only job was just to make money, if it doesnt do that, what is the point of slicing now?


So, are you no longer turning a profit, or did you make 4k? Because both things stated in your post can't be true at the same time.

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As i see it there is no sense to pick slicing over any other gathering skill or investigation skill, since you cant skill it by slicing dead enemies like scavangers & bio´s do along with nodes and plants. Your bound to earn more to just sell mats over GTN unless your already 400 slicer with stacked slicing missions to use with it.

With augments being close to worthless (sell-wise, at my current skill a mission cost like 1500-2000 for rich augment missions and if your lucky to get a epic one they are at the GTN for prices below the cost for sending the crew on the mission), why even bothering to have slicing skillpoints at all?

For a chance to get schematics and crewskill missions?

Well i would rather go with UWT or TH since you get schematics from those aswell along with mats or gear wich will render more money, especially while levling.


With what words would any sane person recomend a new player to go slicing now?

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No, if you would L2Read, then you would find the majority of us that canceled because of a lack of any support. Not just with slicing, but with numerous other problems this game has.


The lack of support over the 10 days the game has officially been released?!? Really? 10 days is long enough to judge game support? Unbelievable. Do you cuss the workers out at the drive up if they don't give you your food within 20 seconds too?

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My biggest worry about this Nerf is that no longer will I be able to sell my crafted goods on the GTN for anywhere near what I was selling them prior to the nerf to slicing... which means I as a crafter will have less money to buy crafting materials on the GTN with.


I knew a few people that made a fortune with slicing pre-nerf but spent most if not all that money on the GTN buying up crafting materials to level other crewskills and crafted products to help them gear up themselves and their companions. Those people are now broke and had they known this slicing nerf was going to be so drastic they would have not spent so much money.


Something is going to have to change in order to help offset the credits lost do to the slicing nerf. In my opinion economy is going to stall for a bit thus making it a little harder for us non lev 50 people to level up our crewskills (to the fullest), train all our class skills, afford speeders and speeder training at the appropriate level and get adequate gear for our characters.


I personally think Bioware should lower the cost of all crew missions so that all crewskills are a little more affordable to level up thus not putting that much of a strain on our credit pouches.

Edited by Treebyrn
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Slicing sux, but still I took it for my main again ... if I can get 3-4k profit per hour hopefully it will at least cover repair costs and I won't have to farm gold myself. Now the question is do I get at least the 3-4k per hour ? Sometimes it feels like with 400 slicing I struggle to break even at all.


If not you can still use it for short cuts in flash points ... totally worth a crew skill slot ^^. Not really joking ...

Edited by Repefe
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I may have missed the boat on this.


I have slice/ scavenge/ cyber, currently slice skill over 300'ish, I'm lvl 21 and a little over 75K. Still have to buy my license so it will knock my creds in half (have a DD mount), but game play wise this adjustment hasn't affected how I play.


Knee-jerk reaction by BW? Agreed. If i had a dime in my life time involving people's or companies' knee-jerk reactions...i would have a house filled with dimes.


It happens, move on and enjoy the game or Occupy BW

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There is only one thing that troubles me about the nerf and that is the size of it. I worry that this shows a lack of experience and systems knowledge from the team responsible... let's just hope the same guys are not responsible for class balancing eh? ;)


All in all though, I just dropped slicing and took up Treasure Hunting. It took all of a few hours to get that up to my level. /shrug

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I'm with Okato on this. They nerf the 49-50 missions to death, so now the 41-48's actually are more productive credit wise. I'm not saying nerf 41-48, but it seems exceptionally short sighted to lower a higher level skill to a point that that lower one makes more sense.


I'm sure they will fix the error one way or another, but it seems like a rash decision that in the end caused far more issues then it resolved.

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So. Many. Slicing. Threads. x_x


Forgive me if Im wrong, but wasn't part of the point to open those little chests nodes lieing around? Do they compensate in any way for the nerf?


I am not versed on the subject, but if the skill was going to lead to massive inflation it needed to be nerfed. Even if said nerf is just a band-aid until a proper balance could be struck.


As for OP cancelling his sub? Well. LAWL. That's just cutting your own nose off to spite your face.

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