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Everything posted by knightnvy

  1. "why P2W will ruin the game" Go back and search every other Why X will ruin the game thread and see if it happened. /thread
  2. how about sending an invite is asking... and when you decline its you saying no... not that hard, man some people...
  3. random isnt good, you have to cancel the variances. Normalized random is what should be in an MMO
  4. nope i dont seem to have a problem with this... Guess i wasnt spoiled by wow..?
  5. just kick them anyway? you dont have to have a reason.
  6. NO, just no, wait... make that GOD NO, I would rage quit so hard. Dont get me wrong I love eve... but i play that and swtor at the same time because its so slow... dont turn my swtor into eve i already have an eve.
  7. just the way real women should be built... just sayin
  8. dont bother telling them they are the tech gods bow down and worship them. They are right and you are wrong... Do you remember those IT sketches on SNL its just like that MOVE lol
  9. well i have a 50 that id like to move over to where the guild decided to go to after launch
  10. that doesnt make any sense.. so im going to go with no.
  11. nerf is not the solution. the others need to be buffed.
  12. NO! nerf is never the right way to go... not 2 weeks after launch just NOOOOOO!
  13. Anyone with any sort of brain understood this... sigh
  14. no it is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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