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6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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it is the worst


getting to 306 isnt terrible but min maxing is meaningless except for 1 op and 1 fp... capping everyone, making stims, relics, buffs useless... its like they chopped off every limb of the game... if people gear in non capped BiS 50% of stats are going to be useless in 99% of content.


This is what I don't understand, why are the legacy operations not scaled to 75? Why are you level scaling me in an op and capping my power and mastery?

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Play release PvP with Battlemaster bags and then tell me again how 6.0 gearing is the worst ever. People are really trying to blow this out of proportion.


They just have not figured out the system yet. I have to admit I was a little taken back by it at first, but once you get in there and grind out some gear and figure out how to work the system, its pretty decent.


You cant please some people, they think everything is the worst ever.

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Well, you can always do what I'm doing. Play the story a couple times, get to 270-272 or so, remove your payment info and go do something else for however long it takes them to come out with something else that might be worth paying for again. They might actually get the hint (although I'm not betting on it.)
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I find it frustrating right after you buy a new piece of gear at the vendor but it comes with no stats, I'm not really a fan of this new concept, I work my *** off getting new gear but it comes with no armoring, mods or enhancements?


Because it takes a week at most to be fully geared and bis ? Be happy you don’t have to gear thru nim ops like previous expansions. Or war zones that drop coms to by pieces of war zone only gear.

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I find it frustrating right after you buy a new piece of gear at the vendor but it comes with no stats, I'm not really a fan of this new concept, I work my *** off getting new gear but it comes with no armoring, mods or enhancements?


Stuff to put inside your gear literally rains on you in flashpoints and operation and if you don't like group content - there is plenty to earn in chapters, dailies, solo flashpoints and renown crates, just a bit slower.

After playing with the new system I would say it's the best in the game's history:

- Allows to directly buy set bonus gear and pick from different sets for each class,

- Gives you plenty of gear and plenty things to do with gear you don't like,

- Does not exclude any group of players (anybody can get almost anything, it's just a matter of time depending on chosen type of content),

- Tacticals are awesome.


While BW messed some things up (crafting is pure pain, there were some mistakes in balancing, not a fan of conquest changes) I find gearing near-perfect.

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LOL at the 'I love it' crowd - you do realize that it's all meaningless, once you hit 306, you'll be stat capped just about everywhere in the game save for the new op and fp, so they might as well have given everyone stat templates.


And not just that, everything at or near 306 is gold (ooooh, so shiny), so repairs and mod removal cost 4X as much.

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I hate the RNG factor, but I do love the ability to gear up my Alts.


The problem is it’s convoluted if you don’t understand the mechanics of gearing up with this system. Which Bioware haven’t told anyone and it’s been trial and error and can be expensive credit wise as you pull things in and out of gear.


Luckily, I was able to work all of this out on the pts when we could have unlimited resources to test.


Here is a simple guide to gearing up.


1. At lvl 70, you want to have the highest iRating (total gear rating) as high as possible so that the random drop gear keeps giving you higher pieces.


2. I found the best way to do this is have one lvl 70 legacy set to share between all of your Alts (set bonus gear is useless and make no difference in lvl up to 75.


3. To achieve number 2, you can go through all of your characters and rip out all the highest iRated gear and put into legacy gear (remember, set bonuses are no longer on armoring).


4. Use this set till lvl 71 and then place it back in your legacy storage as you get 268 iRating pieces. “DO NOT UPGRADE ANY THING IN THIS SET”


5. From lvl 71-74, the highest iRated gear you can use is 268. So just store any higher rated gear in your legacy storage (even if it’s crappy gear). That includes storing excess 268 gear you may pick up.


6. Try and create a second legacy set with all 268 iRating. You can do this with some of the mod’able Armor you pick up or by using older legacy gear and ripping out 268 internals and putting them into the shells.


7. The reason you want a iRating 268 legacy set is for your Alts as they lvl from 71-74 because 270+ is only wearable by lvl 75 characters.


** note ** : you no longer have specific armoring, mods or enhancements locked to gear or slot type. So you can rip out internals from any piece to create another. ie, Rip out the armoring out of a belt, mod from a glove and enhancement from a chest to make a leg piece.


8. You will pick up a lot of 268 gear as you lvl. This should allow you to create a “sort of” min max 268 set. Even when you get to lvl 75 (if you lvl fast), you will still be getting 268 until you have a total 270 iRating.


9. It’s important to have a full set of 268 iRated gear to then store for your other Alts.


** note ** Level 75 and 270+ iRated gearing,


10. When you get to lvl 75, you will hopefully be getting 270 gear, as you lvl the gear, it’s important to watch that iRating or you will not get higher gear (very fast, if at all). That means watching all pieces and not just concentrating on getting up one piece you can min max.


11. You can achieve number 10 by also ripping out armoring, mods and enhancements. Even if you just rip out a 272 mod to a 270 hand, it can eventually contribute to your over all iRating.


11. Eventually you will have an iRating or 271, then 272, then 273 and so on. As your iRating goes up, you will get better and better gear. But only if your total iRating keeps climbing.


12. You will occasionally pick up a tactical or set piece along the way. Keep these even if they don’t match your current class properly. You will need them later for other Alts and the tactical helps get your iRating up (I think).


13. Don’t buy stuff from the vendors as you lvl unless you are desperate because it’s a waste of tech frags. If you do max your tech frags, buy a set bonus piece on a little used Alt and log straight off. These pieces have a refund timer and as long as you don’t login on that Alt and let the timer run down, you can basically store excess tech frags that way till it’s time to buy your set pieces (which don’t come with internals).


14. As you lvl up, keep the best set you can for a variety of Alts. You should swap this set(s) between your Alts so that you will always be getting higher iRated gear, regardless of which Alt you are playing, you will be gearing up to 306 the fastest.


15. When you get to iRating 300+, you should start specialising in your different class gear and possibly start buying set bonus gear. By now, you should have mostly 300+ armorings, mods and enhancement to fill these up. You can still swap them with all your Alts because they will start to get drops for them too at 300+ lvl,


16. At iRating 306, you should start to min max properly. There really is no point doing it with gear lower than this because there are 18 different the same types of armoring, mods, enhancements, hilts, barrels, ear, implants and relics.


** Note ** Remember, all of your left side stuff like ears are also legacy bound now. So you can swap those between your Alts


My own plan is to not use the RNG vendor until I’m ready to min max. That may not be the best way or other people’s preferred way, but I think it will be the most efficient use of tech frags.


Let me finish by saying I’m not a fan of the 18 different types of the same gear for each iRating or the amount of iRating LvLs (268 - 306 is over kill). And I dislike the RNG factor immensely, but the ability to gear up Alts by swapping any and all gear via legacy to keep them all lvling at the highest iRating makes this the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had.


Anyway, I hope that help people with gearing up. And I hope I haven’t missed anything in my explanation.

The biggest challenge I’ve found so far is the “house keeping” or the gear in my legacy storage and making sure I don’t deconstruct anything too early.


Bless you! I'm not even going for BiS 306 gear. But I do want better gear than what I have . You explained it perfectly for me.

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TBH after going through Onslaught with a few characters my opinion has not changed much. They'll keep whatever they got from Onslaught, including the tactical, but the gearing is so confusing and complex that I can't be bothered to get them more than the 272 or whatever they ended up with. It's not like they're doing any more content and need it at this point.
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LOL at the 'I love it' crowd - you do realize that it's all meaningless, once you hit 306, you'll be stat capped just about everywhere in the game save for the new op and fp, so they might as well have given everyone stat templates.


And not just that, everything at or near 306 is gold (ooooh, so shiny), so repairs and mod removal cost 4X as much.


97,000 to remove gold items is an absolute killer and completely unnecessary for Bioware to jack up the price so high. You go from 36,000 for purple at 298 and straight to 97,000 for gold at 300.


The one thing 306 does allow you to have when playing in stat capped areas is better secondary stats, which aren’t capped at all. That allows you to min max those to the lvls you want. Which is the only reason I did a 3 day grind to 306.


The other good thing about this gearing system is the ability for “everything” that drops from 268-306 to be legacy bound. That means once you get to 306, ALL of you Alts can play with 306 Armor. You no longer ha e to grind the gear all over again for each Alt. I think if I did, I wouldn’t have spent the 3 days grinding to 306 and would have spent the time casually playing what I wanted.


Another part of why I did the 3 day grind is I fully expected Bioware to do a typical “Bioware nerf” to getting the gear faster than they probably intend people to. Usually it’s “Can’t have people getting anything easy” attitude.

Luckily they haven’t nerfed it, so other people can still follow this sort of gearing up if they want to. But if I’d known they wouldn’t nerf it, I would t have done the grind.

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I hate getting stuck at certain ilevels. I've had to buy at least 5/6 pieces of unidentified gear between 280 and the current 283 I'm sitting at now because I just keep getting low gear or low mod drops that do nothing to help boost me further and it's frustrating to still be getting 270-274 gear drops or 278 mods/armourings/etc that do nothing for me either. :(
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I actually like the gearing system. The sets and most Tacticals are good and drop pretty easy.

And you can do whatever you want to get bis gear (some faster, some slower). No more Queen runs :)


What I don´t like is that the crafting takes so long. I´m still trying to learn schematics for golden medpacks ...

Edited by Ahwassa
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TBH after going through Onslaught with a few characters my opinion has not changed much. They'll keep whatever they got from Onslaught, including the tactical, but the gearing is so confusing and complex that I can't be bothered to get them more than the 272 or whatever they ended up with. It's not like they're doing any more content and need it at this point.


Even if you get to 306 it doesn't mean your gearing is finished. You still need drops to get other 306 mod which gives power instead of endurance which your class doesn't need or stronger 306 armoring since your 306 armoring is weaker. More power 306 crit enhancement than 306 mastery>crit enhacement etc. All these min maxing is needed for better performance in pvp yet requires spending tonnes of time doing non-pvp content

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I am happy with this gearing system because as a player that primarily plays PvE content, it allowed me to, in one week, get my main in BiS gear (minus augments) and multiple alts in 306 gear. Doing what I like to do (being flashpoints and operations) made this very easy. I have no complaints with the loot drops from this content.


I completely agree that PvPers got, once again, the short end. Just like the start of 5.x with Galactic Command, PvPers do not get an equivalent amount of gear drops from their warzone boxes than the gear drops from PvE content, and this sets them back in the gear grind unless PvE content is played. I believe that PvPers should still have their own armor sets, away from the PvE stuff that, by solely doing PvP, they could obtain at the same pace that a hardcore PvE player can grind out a set this expansion (imo removing the expertise system was a large hit to this playerbase).


Although I am happy with this expansion's gearing system and looking forward to the future optimistically, I understand that other players do not like this new system. It requires a lot of grinding, has a lot of credit sinks and, like 5.x, pressures PvPers to do additional PvE content to get the extra gear needed to rise up through the vertical grind of the gearing system.

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by this weekend I'll have both my operative and sin in 306 full set bonus with correct mods and armorings/enhancements and decent rolls on amps without doing a single RR run. Not to mention I work a full time job and even had to work last Saturday. After that I can just spend my time pvping all I want until I can get better amps but that's it, gear grind is done and it's just PvP all the way now, i did some PvP but frame drops are so bad atm anyways so it's not even worth it some days to queue, better to just be doing some PvE and gear up now or be behind more later, it takes little effort honestly, probably easiest game to grind gear needed for PvP Edited by tharlainmar
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Now after a few days of gearing up i can say that current gearing system is total garbage. "Play what you want" policy was a fake since with current system if you play only pvp or try to get full gear only with crafting it will takes years to gear up at least one character in full BiS gear. Stealth classes just spamming red reaper fp runs and getting full 306 gear in two days. Pvp gearing is much slower compared to mm fp. Crafting turned into credit owen since you require tonnes of mats to make best gear parts and credits to at least get to 700 crew skill lvl.


Since gearing in this game rapidly turning to wow's model i don't see any reason staying here. My sub runs in one week and if nothing is changed iam out.


Nah, 5.0 was the worst. 1 star thread.


Your stuff please.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I completely agree that PvPers got, once again, the short end. Just like the start of 5.x with Galactic Command, PvPers do not get an equivalent amount of gear drops from their warzone boxes than the gear drops from PvE content, and this sets them back in the gear grind unless PvE content is played.

Not to mention that you don't get any gear (not sure if you get tech fragments or not) if you lose the match.


PvE - Run Hammer Station (15 minutes maybe) and get 10-15 pieces of gear

PvP - Lose a match (at least 10 minutes) and don't get any gear


Yes, I know that PvP is all about winning but when you have to depend on 7 strangers for your gear, it doesn't help much.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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Well... after getting to 306 for a while, i have to say i dislike this system.


I get so much useless crap and no useful items. I do weeklies, flashpoints, dailies, warzones and i get nothing but trash (i'm 306 but not every slot is 306 and the stats are wonky, so i need alternatives, but all i get is 302/304 or worse stuff)). I'm sick of it. This is simply not fun. I want to go to a vendor and get my gear.

I do personally enjoy the Ossus system we had before a lot more than this. The weekly made you do special content and you would get enough unassembled components for weekly turn in's where you'd get the gear you wanted. It was pretty fun to do the Ossus world bosses weekly as well and playing all of my alts. If was weekly capped but it was fun and rewarding.


Oh the renown boxes are useless as well. I though that galactic command crates were bad but hey perspective. They are great compared to these useless ones. Hardly any upgrades. And there were no useful things like companion gifts.


This system is uncessarely random and complex. I am having to grind everything on my main, and will have to pass stuff to my alts, wich means more boring grinding. I don't get to actually play my alts until i gear them up. It's just all around frustrating. I think that Keith, being a player with a lot of alts, will definitely feel that this isn't ok.


The system is even ok at the start. You get several upgrades quickly. But once you get around 280 it gets horrible.

I do think i am gonna drop the game because of this. Cause those that grinded their face and took advantage of it early are now hopelessly overpowered, wich is unfair to the rest of the community (especially those that don't play stealth characters).


So, yeah. Turns out i am not very pleased with this. I am feeling more frustration than fun, wich was the feeling that got me to leave WoW as well.

Edited by Nemmar
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Oh, I see ... it's the PvP wonks whining about gear. Take a couple of days to do something other than "MINE IS BIGGER!!!!" and you'll get the gear.


How about we remove all gear drops from pve and force you to pvp? You wouldn't like that very much would you?

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Well... after getting to 306 for a while, i have to say i dislike this system.


I get so much useless crap and no useful items. I do weeklies, flashpoints, dailies, warzones and i get nothing but trash (i'm 306 but not every slot is 306 and the stats are wonky, so i need alternatives, but all i get is 302/304 or worse stuff)). I'm sick of it. This is simply not fun. I want to go to a vendor and get my gear.

I do personally enjoy the Ossus system we had before a lot more than this. The weekly made you do special content and you would get enough unassembled components for weekly turn in's where you'd get the gear you wanted. It was pretty fun to do the Ossus world bosses weekly as well and playing all of my alts. If was weekly capped but it was fun and rewarding.


Oh the renown boxes are useless as well. I though that galactic command crates were bad but hey perspective. They are great compared to these useless ones. Hardly any upgrades. And there were useful things like companion gifts.


This system is uncessarely random and complex. I am having to grind everything on my main, and will have to pass stuff to my alts, wich means more boring grinding. I don't get to actually play my alts until i gear them up. It's just all around frustrating. I think that Keith, being a player with a lot of alts, will definitely feel that this isn't ok.


The system is even ok at the start. You get several upgrades quickly. But once you get around 280 it gets horrible.

I do think i am gonna drop the game because of this. Cause those that grinded their face and took advantage of it early are now hopelessly overpowered, wich is unfair to the rest of the community (especially those that don't play stealth characters).


So, yeah. Turns out i am not very pleased with this. I am feeling more frustration than fun, wich was the feeling that got me to leave WoW as well.


You need to use the RNG vendor to get those last couple of things. Once you do, hen only 25% of your drops will be 306 and 75% will 304 ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You need to use the RNG vendor to get those last couple of things. Once you do, hen only 25% of your drops will be 306 and 75% will 304 ;)


Yeah but how do i get 306 mod with power instead of 306 mod with less power but more endurance? Especially considering that i like doing pvp but tired of pve. Maybe devs needed to give us vendor which allows us to switch 306 gear parts (armorings, mods etc) we don't need on same 306 lvl gear parts but with stats we need. For instance, i swap 306 mod with more endurance on 306 mod with less endurance but more power and maybe pay some credits for such swap (100-200 k). Since now i have tonnes of useless 306 gear parts with wrong stats and i don't get drops of gear parts i need...

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Yeah but how do i get 306 mod with power instead of 306 mod with less power but more endurance? Especially considering that i like doing pvp but tired of pve. Maybe devs needed to give us vendor which allows us to switch 306 gear parts (armorings, mods etc) we don't need on same 306 lvl gear parts but with stats we need. For instance, i swap 306 mod with more endurance on 306 mod with less endurance but more power and maybe pay some credits for such swap (100-200 k). Since now i have tonnes of useless 306 gear parts with wrong stats and i don't get drops of gear parts i need...


There are a lot of mods. I would like an exchange vendor too, but we know the devs love RNG, so I don't think we will get it. Especially since then we could infinitely trade and resell the mods to get the amplifier we want (tech wizardrly pls).


I want the higher mastery, low endurance, medium power mod because I think that's good for scoundrels due to the new ability giving +20% to mastery total.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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