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General consensus of 6.0 as it stands now (9/24/19)


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Aww, isn't that endearing? Them giving us back something they were taking away without anyone ever asking anything of the sort :o




I feel like this is a fair belief in general. People are more driven when something that provides a fair amount of joy or sense of escapism to their everyday life. A lot of us have been with the game throughout the years from good to bad and worse, so if someone has something to say, they should be free to. We're ALL customers here anyway. Should they be chastised for having a different perspective based on previous experience and the current outlook? No. Should we make broad assumptions about how miserable they must be irl because of continued negative statements on the next iteration of the game? No. You can literally skip over these threads if you're tired of seeing these posts, whether they're dumb or constructive.


I understand why people are adopting (for the umpteenth time in this game's history) a 'wait and see' mindset and yeah, they've made some changes to the systems based on some feedback. But that doesn't change the fact that quite a few of the things they're changing, were NEVER asked for, the few things they've changed for the better don't go far enough, and the things they have yet to change or even hint toward changing upon request are STILL ignored. Less than a month to launch, already passed the initial launch date, nearing that good ol '2 month holiday' time for BioWare too.


What should be excitement, is dread.


Words of wisdom. ^


He was just throwing a hidden insult under the radar of the forum mods by attacking other people's real lives, which have nothing to do with the forums btw. it was a primitive attempt to rile other posters up is all. :D


I wasn't going to bother responding but feel that your post was an interesting read and wanted to comment on it.


I mean, if I have to read their crap, why can't I complain about their complaining? I'm also free to post what I want.


Not every game forum is like this one. This one is particularly whiney lately.




I posted a thread a long time ago for BW to stop fixing what isn't broke, and to focus on new content instead. So I agree with you there. But I think we did ask for new set bonuses, and to change up this stale class meta that has not changed in 2 years. We also complained about the poor itemization, loot, and Galactic Command crates.


I suspect that BW wants to get away with as much RNG as possible because it's simplistic, and easy to automate.


Yeah, we might have asked for a change to the meta, and a change to the awful Galactic Command crate gearing system, but guess what was in the GC loot box system that everyone hated? Oh, that's right RNG!


So, what did they do? "hey guys, let's give the players what they want... a new gearing system... with MORE RNG!!!!" Makes sense, right? No it doesn't.


Also, you whining about people whining isn't any better.

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don't wreck crafting so it's no longer solo-player friendly.


To an extent this has already happened.


Rarity of materials required for higher end crafts are barely available, definitely not in any consistent manner, for a solo player who doesn't PvP / run operations (RNG based from Command Crates, or pay through the nose via GTN). Essentially BioWare contributed to inflation in the game due to materials required as well as the quantity of those materials required. Schematics is a whole different story.


I look back at some older crafting schematics, they don't require jumping through hoops to make those items, just straight forward crafting / gathering.


I honestly haven't taken a look at 6.0 crafting and I'm not inclined to do so currently. I'm hoping it'll be an improvement, but cost effectiveness wise, again BioWare are contributing to inflation instead of keeping things simple and available to players of the solo nature who just enjoy crafting.

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it was a primitive attempt to rile other posters up is all. :D


I will concede to your expertise since you seem to be the master of riling up forumgoers per the existence of this thread. I'm not sure if you or Trixxie are better at it. Zion is pretty good at it, but he at least doesn't seem to have the same tired old agenda of outrage.


Yeah, we might have asked for a change to the meta, and a change to the awful Galactic Command crate gearing system, but guess what was in the GC loot box system that everyone hated? Oh, that's right RNG!


So, what did they do? "hey guys, let's give the players what they want... a new gearing system... with MORE RNG!!!!" Makes sense, right? No it doesn't.


I think I'm fairly well established as being anti-RNG. But if the Tactical acquisition, as posted on the PTS forums, are any indication, then perhaps the devs are trying to move away from so much RNG per the feedback in the PTS forum. Fingers crossed. They have a month to figure it out.


Also, you whining about people whining isn't any better.


Come on man, you are complaining while the PTS is down for the next big update AND in the wrong forum.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I was feeling inspired so made the thread. I can easily create a version 2.0 if need be.


I'd love nothing better than for BW to make me eat my words of criticism regarding the game design choices they appear to be making with 6.0, but feel confident they will not.


For the record, if they pull off a miracle with 6.0 I will be the first to create a high praise thread. By miracle, I have low expectations; remove the RNG to a degree gearing isn't extraordinarily frustrating and improve upon crafting, don't wreck crafting so it's no longer solo-player friendly. Oh, and just mix up the class power structure in PVP, I am sick of the same meta for the last 3+ years. Is this too much to ask for?


Hey … for whatever it's worth .. I really understand your frustration. And IMO … FRUSTRATION is exactly what is driving you right now.


You … ( a whole lot of other folks .. me included) REALY like Star Wars. I'd say for myself 98% of what prompted me to be interested in buying the game was the fact that it is Star Wars … ( well a part of the genre at least).


At first there were several elements of the game that we liked. (BTW.. it should be noted that I did not like all of the original stories … sorry I just didn't). BUT … over all I gave it high enough marks to keep playing.


* companions: I like the fact that our companions were more than just a mindless idiot asking me if I "wanted a pint" . It was a new idea … and it worked.

* I also liked the different stories for each of the different classes. Again... some I didn't like at all... BUT there were different stories to play through … and that was interesting and over all well done.

* Crafting was easy to get into and fun (more or less).

* My reaction time had already began to slow down a bit and my PvP ability was a crap shoot at best … soooo this time in this game I let that aspect slide (sorry … some times life hands you some things that you just have to deal with.)

* Solo play had grown and allowed me to expand the area PvE …

* gearing was OK .. and a player could at one time buy even Artifact mods from fleet vendors. No guess work … just buy what you need. YES really good higher end gear also dropped … but it was also a good option for those of us who chose "custom" gear to be able to load that gear out as needed.


TODAY as it stands (not the PTS)

* Companions: Pretty much a dead issue. They are there … but essentially bricked !

* Individualized class stories : Pretty much gone

* Crafting: Expensive. 6.0 even more so. Many mats hinge upon how big your guild is for accessibility. MANY threads have been written on this. 6.0 may be shaping up to the same thing. Hopefully the new PTS update will help clear the air on this subject.

* Solo players: "Could be in for culture shock" as I understand it. Again … not good. But I have no concrete data to say for certain. Some will hail the change as a good thing … others will not !!

* gearing : RNG... ugh !! I really don't need to go there. Enough has been said on this for now. I really am looking for the PTS update ASAP ! IMO … it is imperative that this is cleared up ! The sooner the better.


So much negativity.. UGH !! The simple fact is that right now the list above is what is driving that sort of concern !!


I like the game … but parts of it do concern me as well.

No ! I'm not going to blast the development team over this! The are grown mature adults. They are quite capable of understanding without me holding their hands (or in my case constantly pecking them on the head like some sort of dead corpse !!)


For Lhancelot I understand where you are coming from. I do wish there was a better way to get the attention of the right person at BW .. for all the right reasons … and come to the best decision possible.


I personally wouldn't over play it though.. In the long run it could be counter productive.

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Perhaps the problem isn't the game. Perhaps the problem is the whiny *****es complaining about everything. Literally every other mmo in the world uses an RNG system for gear drops. the issue at hand might be that gaming just isn';t their forte. All I read was "I want everything handed to me, I don't want to work for it, wahhhhhhh"


A friendly one, you are.


And confusing playing with work, you do. A typical mistake.


Basically, the opinions are clear here. As always, some criticize something, and others come to BW's rescue. It's a bit pointless at this point to argue. We cannot do anything else but wait and see what happens (and I 100% agree with the OP, that they are adding a lot of changes that really no one has asked for, not even the ones defending those changes).


My current mood, after testing quite thoroughly on the PTS, is that I am very unhappy with those new changes. I don't even care about the RNG (after all, I like Galactic Command), but the overall construct of everything being only about gear. Gear never interested me that much. I don't like that now the whole game is only about gear, basically. But I digress. The point I want to make:


What should make everyone worry is the very low amount of people actually commenting on the PTS. And the very low amount of people actually playing (testing) on the PTS (when it is up, of course). I find that worrying. It's just a handful of people left who are motivated enough to test this game. Many don't care enough anymore.


The problem is never people who are angry or upset. Those people still care enough to raise their concerns.


The problem is all the people who simply don't give an eff anymore and just leave.


And if the amount of different posters on this board, especially the PTS forum, is any indication, then things don't look overly promising.

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I will concede to your expertise since you seem to be the master of riling up forumgoers per the existence of this thread. I'm not sure if you or Trixxie are better at it. Zion is pretty good at it, but he at least doesn't seem to have the same tired old agenda of outrage.


Well, glad you admitted to your subversive form of forum PVP. :cool:


As for my own, I realize it may be hard to tell the difference between trolling and true concern, but I really mean it, I still care.


You ought to be glad people like me, Jatta, KendraP, Trixx, Kodrac, Buzzard, Zion and so many other posters too many to name write critically when BW is deserving of such criticisms.


I should also note many of our best forum posters have quit the game due to changes happening that they vehemenently opposed. Those posters (PennyAnn comes to mind) wrote eloquently, in extraordinary detail as to why they hated the past changes to conquest and those respectful well-written threads and posts were ignored in indignant fashion.


I can look past personal differences here, and judge a post or thread by the logic within it. If it's true, sensible, or resonates well with me I don't care who wrote it, I also won't bother "looking up their post history" to be sure I ought to agree with them or not, based on my personal feelings for that poster or what they have written 5 years ago.


Back to the topic at hand, the changes proposed by BW even in the updated 6.0 are not enough. You should not settle for less than good just because it's "better" than the slop they dished out earlier with the 6.0 PTS patch.


What is happening is the same pattern as before... BW serves slop, people hate it, complain and cry about it, so BW dishes out slop with a tiny bit of salt added to it to flavor it up a bit... And, people walk away still feeling unhappy with the slop served but too tired to push on with their rightly grounded criticisms of the unsalted slop that was served initially.


I understand why, I reach points like that too. When I become indifferent I leave the game. I am playing the game right now, and so I have passion for it, and don't want to see more slop added to the game. I also refuse to silently accept their salted slop just because it's better than the slop without salt.


I believe they can adjust tactics and gearing sets, even if they come out heavily imbalanced etc. That can be adjusted easily. I am actually more concerned about the gearing system because once that is added, they will not adjust it much after that, not for months or even years.




My other concern? Crafting!



To an extent this has already happened.


Rarity of materials required for higher end crafts are barely available, definitely not in any consistent manner, for a solo player who doesn't PvP / run operations (RNG based from Command Crates, or pay through the nose via GTN). Essentially BioWare contributed to inflation in the game due to materials required as well as the quantity of those materials required. Schematics is a whole different story.


I look back at some older crafting schematics, they don't require jumping through hoops to make those items, just straight forward crafting / gathering.


I honestly haven't taken a look at 6.0 crafting and I'm not inclined to do so currently. I'm hoping it'll be an improvement, but cost effectiveness wise, again BioWare are contributing to inflation instead of keeping things simple and available to players of the solo nature who just enjoy crafting.


I always like crafting on MMOs, I always craft! If they destroy this part of the game, that's just one less part of it I still enjoy that will be gone.


I am a solo-player, and even now in this meta of crafting on SWTOR I can manage well and turn a profit with crafting alone. I think the crafting system has room for improvement, no doubt... But it's playable for me anyway in it's present iteration.


If crafting is ruined, I only have Space Barbie and PVP left to keep me entertained on SWTOR. :(

Edited by Lhancelot
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They have another month.

Please wait until it is live, With the wine - Swtor-death-threads. ;)


The only reason there has been ANY POSITIVE change from the first version of PTS 6.0 that dropped is because of threads like this, and posters like this, NOT waiting until it went live.


Honestly I felt two things when I saw this thread this morning when I was at work...where I can't post from any more because I'm simply too busy (the novelty of actually have a job that makes me work will wear off before too long).


1. It's a good thing to have a summary of several different threads in one place so people at Bioware don't have to click through pages and pages of posts in two different forums to see feedback.


2. I felt left out...none of mine made the cut. :(

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The only reason there has been ANY POSITIVE change from the first version of PTS 6.0 that dropped is because of threads like this, and posters like this, NOT waiting until it went live.


Honestly I felt two things when I saw this thread this morning when I was at work...where I can't post from any more because I'm simply too busy (the novelty of actually have a job that makes me work will wear off before too long).


1. It's a good thing to have a summary of several different threads in one place so people at Bioware don't have to click through pages and pages of posts in two different forums to see feedback.


2. I felt left out...none of mine made the cut. :(


I was lazy I only pulled from one little area of the PTS forums sorry Darev. You provided an immensely detailed thread that deserves to be read in it's entirety though, pulling snippets from that wouldn't do it justice.


I actually had one thought in mind, which was how I kept reading that only a "few" naysayers on the forums were unhappy with the proposed 6.0 changes to the game.


It's clear there's far more than just a "few" unhappy forum posters expressing their opinions and feelings about 6.0. That was really why i compiled the quotes in the first place.


If you notice, I mean many of those posters rarely ever post, too. Also, many of the posters are very different in their ingame activities, yet they all have a common message to BW about the incoming 6.0 gear system.

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Just give up and wait for the new PTS to be released. I am HIGHLY confident that you and I will be there to offer our objective criticisms with regard to specifics as opposed to vague, out-dated generalities that are no longer operative.


Personally, I will be looking for four things:


1) Does Takanna's sale of "discipline specific mods" mean that we can buy the exact mod we want, or is it random within the discipline?


2) Are earplants, implants, relics available for direct purchase or is it still 'since they are legacy-wide' we think that softens the blow? Depending on drop rates, this could be a blessing or a curse.


3) Will they lower the costs of crafting? Right now it is a waste.


4) What will Tech Fragment costs / disintegration rates / storage limits be? No point in resolving the RNG issue if these three issues remain unresolved or are out of whack.


I have some subquestions about Conquest and Alacrity cutoffs, but I don't think those will get resolved until after release. I share Kendra's view of Amplifiers, but BW has at least been honest about those.


See you on the PTS. Others carry on...<<plays Disintegration by the Cure>>






P.S. Yes, Kodrac, I know -- I'm overly fact-driven. Guilty as charged. :rak_03:


Edit: The wait should be over soon. Eric just posted...


We were hoping to have PTS up today but ran into an issue. We are currently looking good for tomorrow though! I will provide more details tomorrow.



Edited by Jdast
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I was lazy I only pulled from one little area of the PTS forums sorry Darev. You provided an immensely detailed thread that deserves to be read in it's entirety though, pulling snippets from that wouldn't do it justice.


I actually had one thought in mind, which was how I kept reading that only a "few" naysayers on the forums were unhappy with the proposed 6.0 changes to the game.


It's clear there's far more than just a "few" unhappy forum posters expressing their opinions and feelings about 6.0. That was really why i compiled the quotes in the first place.


If you notice, I mean many of those posters rarely ever post, too. Also, many of the posters are very different in their ingame activities, yet they all have a common message to BW about the incoming 6.0 gear system.



I did notice that. I think that was also a good choice on your part, for the exact reason you stated.

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Just give up and wait for the new PTS to be released. I am HIGHLY confident that you and I will be there to offer our objective criticisms with regard to specifics as opposed to vague, out-dated generalities that are no longer operative.


Personally, I will be looking for four things:


1) Does Takatta's sale of "discipline specific mods" mean that we can buy the exact mod we want, or is it random within the discipline?


2) Are earplants, implants, relics available for direct purchase or is it still 'since they are legacy-wide' we think that softens the blow? Depending on drop rates, this could be a blessing or a curse.


3) Will they lower the costs of crafting? Right now it is a waste.


4) What will Tech Fragment costs / disintegration rates / storage limits be? No point in resolving the RNG issue if these three issues remain unresolved or are out of whack.


I have some subquestions about Conquest and Alacrity cutoffs, but I don't think those will get resolved until after release. I share Kendra's view of Amplifiers, but BW has at least been honest about those.


See you on the PTS. Others carry on...<<plays Disintegration by the Cure>>






P.S. Yes, Kodrac, I know -- I'm overly fact-driven. Guilty as charged. :rak_03:


Edit: The wait should be over soon. Eric just posted...


Good point. See ya on the PTS !!

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PTS forums full of negativity? They are only reacting to what they are experiencing. If it was enjoyable, do you think there would be as much negativity? I doubt it.


I think it's important that they read critical feedback when it is truthfully applied. 6.0 is important, and the people have spoken. Hopefully BW is listening.


Lhance, you know I respect you and we mostly agree with each other, but you probably should have held off on this thread till the next pts build is up tomorrow (hopefully).


Yes there will still be plenty of RNG (which I’m also not in favour of). And yes, it seems Bioware have completely ignored all the feed back on crafting (or haven’t bothered to tell us what they are doing).

But, Eric already posted a bunch of changes happening for this build based on our feed back and rightful outrage at the RNGness of the system.


Let us test it this week and we’ll see just how much they’ve listened. If it’s not enough, then you can guarantee I’ll be jumping back into pushing for more changes, the same as you. Just give them a few days and we’ll know what’s, what,


And if for some reason Eric is reading this, CAN WE PLEASE HAVE AN UPDATE ON WHATS HAPPENING WITH CRAFTING.



For those that haven’t seen or read, this is Eric’s latest post on the upcoming PTS build changes.

I suggest you all read them and then jump on the pts when it comes up to see how they are.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Lhance, you know I respect you and we mostly agree with each other, but you probably should have held off on this thread till the next pts build is up tomorrow (hopefully).


We all know chances are everything in those quotes will ring just as true now as they will 6 months from now. This thread and many more like it will be thriving just fine when 6.0 goes live. Prove me wrong Bioware.

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IMO the italic part is the only gearing info that maters and makes all RNG concerns obsolete


You bring up some good points and questions I want to try to address.


Overcomplicated - I realize that these really long posts about spoils of war make it seem really complex. Most of this is born out of the fact that we are just being very open about all of the workings under the hood, which we don't typically do. To address your feedback directly think of it this way:

Play whatever content you want, you will get constant gear for whatever you are playing. If you don't get the thing you want, go to the vendor and buy it.

It is just that simple. If you want to really get into the inner workings, then the info is there for you!


Learning from adding 248+ - Let me clarify. When I say adding new gear we are not talking about vertical (higher item ratings). I am talking about horizontal (more set bonuses / tactical options).



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I predict they will tweak and fine tune more things, and maybe alter how some things work. But it won't be complete -- because it's the PTS and it's a work-in-progress (i.e. beta).


Right. I know. You're being practical which is all fine and good. I used to be practical too. Which is why I also understand Dasty's play it for what it is approach. But... There's always a but. All I'm saying is we've been down this road before and we know how that has turned out, more than a few times. Take the wait and see approach enough times and you recognize a pattern. And you just know this same thread will be back, whether it's made by Lhance or someone else. I'm expecting it after release. That's how much faith I have in BW anymore. I'm probably not saying anything you don't already know either. You just haven't reached the same nope, I'm done with this **** point yet.

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All I'm saying is we've been down this road before and we know how that has turned out, more than a few times. Take the wait and see approach enough times and you recognize a pattern. And you just know this same thread will be back, whether it's made by Lhance or someone else. I'm expecting it after release.


This is right. My criticism is result oriented. I have not made anything up regarding awful game design choices on BW's behalf, whether it's past updates or 6.0.


I could understand people being offended by criticisms if BW had done right by it's customers, but they have not. For years now. For years loyal players have stuck with SWTOR in all it's meltdown glory.


At this point, the least BW can do is produce game changes people actually want. Just listen to the players for once, BW. It's not complicated. Stop punishing alts, stop with all the RNG, and build on the parts of the game that are viewed favorably.


The only thing that works is brutal honest criticisms and dropping subs which hurts their money. Civil "discussions" does nothing, just look at past threads created by some of the most eloquent posters regarding past changes with conquest. I mean players were literally begging for the destruction of conquest to be rolled back. All they got was slight tweaks to a bad conquest system, that still made it a bad conquest system lol.


Sound familiar, right? Oh, let us tweak this awful RNG-based gearing system and just make it really bad, it's an improvement, right guys? Oh thanks almighty BW! You guys really are listening! What?! If they were listening they wouldn't keep doing the same dumb crap over and over, year after year making DUMB game design choices that push subs off the game. This is advice that could help them financially too, btw. All they keep doing is losing players and money. Pretty sure they care about money, right?

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Yes, it's an endless cycle.


I was incredibly dissatisfied with late 4.x and early 5.x -- and my posts reflected it. But when Keith took over, he focused on the content that I enjoy: Daily Areas, PVP, Raiding. Crafting, gearing, etc are all secondary to actual content. So it's just weird to me how zoomed in people get on a "side aspect." You don't play the game to gear do you? What content do you play and how repeatable is it? Mine is virtually endless because even if I beat a NiM boss on my scoundrel, I still haven't done it on a VG or a Shadow. Now with Tacticals, Amps, and new Set Bonuses -- I have new and interesting configurations to beat a boss.


Again, I think it comes down to "why do you play this game?" Take a break from the game if it's not fun.


Off topic: One thing I wish the devs would do is to put achievements for beating a boss on a specific class/spec/role. I think someone said somewhere (livestream?) that adding those would be quite an undertaking and that the devs would rather work on creating content.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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There are things like crafting I don't like how it is on PTS but then again crafting is something I just no longer do past level 66 items. So whatever BW do it's not making it worse than it is right now on the live servers.

As for the rest well I don't have an issue with it at all. Gearing will be better than what it is now even more so for players with a lot of alts. Getting the new fragments, well you can just buy the items you need. Never going to feel sorry for you just because you cannot gear up to max level on the first day. So far how many quests/FP/OP's have been updated on PTS? Very few, so talk about making mountains out of molehills.


Conquests, well not really doing conquests now and have not even tried to do them on PTS, so better? worse? Cannot say so few quests actually have been updated with new gear and points for conquests. So sure may well be far worse? Something I will find out for myself once its go's live and not just on PTS.


So all in all my opinion is gearing will be easier, conquests, crafting will be just as bad,which means no better or worse. Crew missions do seem worse IMO but at present is still subject to change besides crafting is something I just don't do due to the isotope in level 70 items, so again I just don't care anyway. Some nice QoL items coming. Story remains to be seen.


11 posts does not count as the general consensus, even less so if you read those 11 players posting history. Which for the most part is just a barrage of negative posts which go back long before we even know about 6.0. So.... not really going to care about much of what they say, if anything.


As for you Lhancelot the fact you have put what you deem true and false statements in your own signature based on your own believes, also means not really going to care much about what you say either.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I know that conquest is going to be a grind, and perhaps a lot of newer friendly guilds may dissolve because of the new point system 500k for small, 2 mil for medium and 5 mil for large, it will be mostly the larger guilds getting bigger, and may also force players whom get tired of the grind for conquest out of game. Lol, 50k personal goal, at times I do perhaps that on a total of 3 alts a day to give my guild enough encryptions to try to keep up with the larger guilds whom can do 5 to 10 mil a week easy. Most we have done is about 1.8 million but most of the time it is about 1.4, at moment we are doing medium yield and after expansion, we may have to drop back down to small yield so we can get enough points for the week.



Not sure what was reasoning for raising the point goals, perhaps it was for less people to participate or perhaps there are too many guild in game and they want to cut down, maybe those are the reasons, because anything else benefits the large guilds whom will just get stronger and perhaps if we have guild vs guild pvp will totally dominate the smaller guilds.

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Here's where I stand.


I have not logged in once since the day after the first PTS for the new gearing.

It was quite simply an utter abomination of a gearing system.

If they rowed back 90% of the RNG it would still be as bad as the first iteration of loot crates.


I don't need to log in to the PTS to know that a 10% reduction of 90% too much RNG is still not enough for me to want to play - my goldfish can work that out.


All those people saying "wait and see what the next PTS brings" are a) deluding themselves and even worse b) deliberately trying to deceive the rest of us.


If 6.0 goes live with more RNG than 1st Iteration Command Crates I'll simply uninstall and not bother looking back.


No Bioware Staff member has yet answered this question: Would you work all week for an RNG pay packet, that will most likely COST you money to convert to something useful?


Until they do answer that, and explain how and why they would, then they are just treating us players as cash-cow fools; and I don't know about the rest of you, but I am no one's fool.


All The Best

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Yes, it's an endless cycle.


I was incredibly dissatisfied with late 4.x and early 5.x -- and my posts reflected it. But when Keith took over, he focused on the content that I enjoy: Daily Areas, PVP, Raiding. Crafting, gearing, etc are all secondary to actual content.


PvP and Raiding are all secondary to the actual content I care about. In fact I have not played a single MMORPG that would not be immeasurably improved if PvP were just dropped entirely.


My content is Story Arcs, Crafting, and Housing.

Housing has been in need of major improvement for ages.

6.0 guts Crafting entirely and makes it almost impossible to use unless you are in a Raid guild.

Story Arc has been less than mediocre since KotFE/ET.


All The Best

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PvP and Raiding are all secondary to the actual content I care about. In fact I have not played a single MMORPG that would not be immeasurably improved if PvP were just dropped entirely.


My content is Story Arcs, Crafting, and Housing.

Housing has been in need of major improvement for ages.

6.0 guts Crafting entirely and makes it almost impossible to use unless you are in a Raid guild.

Story Arc has been less than mediocre since KotFE/ET.


All The Best


Add companions to the list and you are spot on !!


Sorry Dasty… but unless something changes I'm standing here with egg on my face for at least wanting to believe that BW was making some effective changes with the new PTS … just not good right now !!


My apologies.


To have so much potential in a single game … then simply throw it away.


I guess that is something I will never understand !


Maybe someday another Star Wars based MMO will emerge that's as much fun as this one once was... and good companions as well. But I don't see that happening.


EDIT: Someone should probably hang a sign up that reads: Would the last person to leave SWTOR please remember to turn the light out !!

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Add companions to the list and you are spot on !!


Sorry Dasty… but unless something changes I'm standing here with egg on my face for at least wanting to believe that BW was making some effective changes with the new PTS … just not good right now !!


My apologies.


To have so much potential in a single game … then simply throw it away.


I guess that is something I will never understand !


Maybe someday another Star Wars based MMO will emerge that's as much fun as this one once was... and good companions as well. But I don't see that happening.


EDIT: Someone should probably hang a sign up that reads: Would the last person to leave SWTOR please remember to turn the light out !!


You have absolutely nothing to apologize for! Frankly, neither do I.


All we can do is play the hand we're dealt. Some will choose (as is their right) to fold, take their cards and leave the game. Some will choose to vent about the whole company.


I choose a different route -- to offer specific criticisms. As you know, because you quoted me on the PTS forum, that is precisely what I have done. But I'm not going to waste my time lambasting BW as a whole, it serves no productive purpose and I don't need cathartic vents on a game forum to feel better.


My views on Takanna still offering "Unidentified" items for sale, even within discipline, should be pretty clear. I focus on facts (as has been pointed out) not vague hyperbole. And I didn't mince my laser-focused words.


No egg on either of our faces. If nitwits want to call me a White Knight I couldn't care less. As I've said in these types of threads before, I have an audience of one -- Keith. I think he knows my views. How he responds is up to him. How I respond to his response is, of course, up to me.



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