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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)

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Why in the world are datacrons a game stopper for you??


I'm level 40 and only have picked up one datacron along the way (because I was with some guildies who are datacron junkies and they wanted to get one while we were on a heroic mission). I do just fine when soloing and in PVP without all the datacron bonuses.

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Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)

I couldn't get the datacron on tatooine yesterday.


Instead of complaining about it, I went and found other ones for another set I could use. Everything worked out fine.

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Why did you make the jumping for datachrons so hard??


This is starting to become a game stopper for me!

And please please don´t say: "Well it´s suppose to be hard beacuse of the reward"!

Granted that i´m not the greatest jumper in hte game but i´m fairly good.

But after like 50 tries it´s getting to be really anoying to say the least!

I mean i get that you shoul have thing in the game that you have to work hard for but this is crazy! AND it sucks the fun out of the game as a whole!


I realize you can´t rebuild the maps but could you make jumoing easier please?

I mean sometimes whei i think i´m perfectly aligned for ajump i don´t jump of at all

and sometimes i overjump!


There should be a way to buy those datacrons for a high amount adjusted to the level you are in!


(Yes i tried without speed, and force speed, and with those also. And i´ve gotten all datachrons for Corousant and Taris and one from Nar shaddaa)


Nar Shaddaa pissed me off royally. Took me quite a while to get all the jumpacrons.


But... once I got them all, I was extremely satisfied, and would not change how it works.

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Why in the world are datacrons a game stopper for you??


I'm level 40 and only have picked up one datacron along the way (because I was with some guildies who are datacron junkies and they wanted to get one while we were on a heroic mission). I do just fine when soloing and in PVP without all the datacron bonuses.


Because they are permanent stat bonus increases. The ones on Nar Shaddaa add +3 points to whatever skill they are good for, ie... aim, presence, strength... why would you NOT get them?


I think at later levels some datacrons give +6 to stats.

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Datacrons are incredibly hard for me to get. I'll admit it - I'm a terrible jump puzzler. They're frustrating - even infuriating - and they taunt me with their siren glow. It is for these reasons that I love them.


That Other Game became boring because everything was just too easy, and so there was never any sense of accomplishment. They tried to fix this using achievements, but then made most of the achievements hard only by making them loooong, not challenging (think the seasonal drake mount, or the explorer or quester meta achievements).


I hope BW continues to add these kinds of surprising and unique challenges to SWTOR, adding not just to /played but to actual enjoyment.

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So Op... Basically you want them to be hard, but only up to the point where you find them annoying, then they should be nerfed?


If you arent good enough to get them, then you dont deserve them, its as simple as that. Now you might not like that, but thats just tough nooki. You could always just call a friend and ask him to get them for you.


Edit: And no they should not be able to be brought, cause all content doesnt have to be accessible to everyone

Edited by Liania
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I can't understrand why the heck they would turn any element of an mmoRPG into a jumpfest like that...What the heck were they thinking..were they that desperate to add anything that would pass for "content" that they would add arcade style minigames?



I think I answered my own question...Space...Datacrons...I am seeing a pattern


As a side nore Datacrons remind me of "LOGOS" from that MMO jugernaught "Tabula Rasa"..lol...Great artists steal? ..

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Datacrons are incredibly hard for me to get. I'll admit it - I'm a terrible jump puzzler. They're frustrating - even infuriating - and they taunt me with their siren glow. It is for these reasons that I love them.


That Other Game became boring because everything was just too easy, and so there was never any sense of accomplishment. They tried to fix this using achievements, but then made most of the achievements hard only by making them loooong, not challenging (think the seasonal drake mount, or the explorer or quester meta achievements).


I hope BW continues to add these kinds of surprising and unique challenges to SWTOR, adding not just to /played but to actual enjoyment.


Couldn't agree more. I Need them I crave them

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Here's a clue OP. Stop whining about it, but on your big boy pants, and stop trying to make the game easier because of your inability for self reliance. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't impossible.


Try, and try again, and if that don't work then continue to try, and try again. It's people like you who ruins a games challenge because enough of the care bears playing continue to protest on forums, and start petitions over their inabilities.


My final say is that you need to go play an MMO that caters to your kind. Might I suggest your local browser based MMO?


Stay out of the fire.

Edited by Oric_Orinson
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The issue is not that some of these datacrons are hard to get. They are suppose to be, otherwise what's the point, right?


The issue is that jumping and character control itself is not responsive enough. For example if you try to jump and press a directional key too fast, your character just shuffles forward and falls off the ledge. Which is understandably frustrating, especially when it happens on the last jump.


It takes a while to get a hang of jumping in this game, as it's not as responsive as in other games. Just be patient, it gets easier with practice.

Edited by krookie
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The issue is not that some of these datacrons are hard to get. They are suppose to be, otherwise what's the point, right?


The issue is that jumping and character control itself is not responsive enough. For example if you try to jump and press a directional key too fast, your character just shuffles forward and falls off the ledge. Which is understandably frustrating, especially when it happens on the last jump.


It takes a while to get a hang of jumping in this game, as it's not as responsive as in other games. Just be patient, it gets easier with practice.



Jumping does feel odd, I had issues with some of the holocrons on Coruscant, but by the time I reached Nar Shaddaa, I had learned to work around it, making the jumping far easier than first time trying it. Just adapt around the problem, its not impossible, turning off sprint does help ALOT on the places where you dont have that much room to make a jump.

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Normally I wouldn't mind them if they didn't reward raw stats.


Because they reward raw stats I feel like I have to get them all, or at least the ones that reward my class stats because I have to or I'm weaker then everyone else.



They should not have rewarded stats at all in the first place, stupid idea in my opinion.

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Heaven forbid if anything is hard in this game...yeah, lets just make it a "roll your face over the keyboard easy mode 24/7" for all the ppl complaining about how hard some things are...


if you don't like the game, the door is this way ------------------------------>>>>>

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