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Time for Bioware to slaughter another couple hundred gamereasy spammers


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Yes! and also the CC referrals spammers as well. Please take action to ban them as most CC referrals spammers are also credit scammers as well. A visit to any starter planets will always find dozens of them spamming in chat all the time trying to scam new players.
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Be careful about citiing the names of the sites these spammers are promoting. By all means mention them in a PM to Eric, but don't put them in your posts, and above all, don't put them in thread titles.


Title obfuscated.

Correction: I edited the title and it didn't change.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I've tried editing titles before and it doesn't seem to work.


Is it just me or these people or always very active during early morning hours ?


I believe they advertise in the same timeframe on all servers. So US prime time, but early morning on the European servers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have heard them at all times of the day, but the spammers that yell it or does it in gen chat may be upsetting but the ones whom mail you the message are the worse, just wondering if they have any connections to Bioware, that either gives access to the character lists or someone there might be getting a cut.



With the high rate of everything, I know people are considering making purchases, just to buy the item they wish. And there arer others who say that you can make 20 or so millions in a matter of 3 to 4 hours playing or lvl up to 70 from 1 in about 6 hours or so, to me those are scammers as well.

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I am of the belief that players are using credit sellers to purchase masterwork gear - particularly mainhand and offhands in addition to Rated 240 augments. I'm sure proceeds from the recently patched GTN exploit were used for masterwork and augment purchases also. Edited by jimmorrisson
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I have heard them at all times of the day, but the spammers that yell it or does it in gen chat may be upsetting but the ones whom mail you the message are the worse, just wondering if they have any connections to Bioware, that either gives access to the character lists or someone there might be getting a cut.


I've seen a 'broken' bot in action which gave away how they go about collecting their lists. One of those obvious bots standing next to a mailbox on a starter planet was spamming a repeated cycle of apparent who-list searches into general chat, first searching for any characters within specific lowbie level ranges, then searching for max level characters per class.


Since it was standing next to the mailbox, I'm assuming it was (intended to be) 'multitasking', both collecting the names and spamming them.


No need for connections with BWA with access to the who list.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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  • 1 year later...
I know it's been quitte some time now since the last comment but this issue still remains today and quitte frankly, i am getting very "annoyed" by it to put it mildly. Before this, i've played World of Warcraft and they've had the exact same problem for some time. The only difference is, that company actually managed to deal with it and if they can do it, i'm pretty sure BioWare can too. I mean, sure... you could ignore that spammer but then another one would take its place and it keeps going, so there needs to be a permanent solution to it. And up until this weekend, it use to be just one "spammer" at a time but now that i saw 2 simultaneously, i am like: "This is getting out of hand... Now, there are 2 of them"
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Spammers more you complain about them i notice the more you get emails i just ignore both delete the email and move to next chat now,




I don't really get emails from them and thank God for that. It's just that i see them when i am on the fleet.

And first, it was just one, but now there are 2 of them. I mean... i get it... They wanna offer their "services" but filling a whole chat channel up with that "garbage" because that's what it is, that ridiculous.


And yeah sure... i could just leave that channel but that should'nt be neccesary.

And sure, like i said above, i could also just ignore them but then another one would take its place.

So putting them on ignore is kinda pointless.

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trade spam is an unresolved problem for Blizzard/WoW as well. they've banned a ton of users, but has had zero effect on trade spam. the only thing you can do there is put trade channel on ignore, move it to its own separate window, or install a 3rd party addon that filters out "spam." the addon has nothing to do with Blizzard.


I prefer life w/o all of the addons, but iunno. that's just personal preference.

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Does spam report even do anything anymore? I've not gotten confirmation popups on spam report since the patch, and assumed it was broken, and that that's why the spam bots were becoming an issue again.


Good point. I don’t know.

I guess the best we can do is all try and see what happens after 10 people report spam. I suggest someone whose got guild resources to test this for us if they are willing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know...

It would be nice to get a response from BioWare for a change.

I am sure they are aware of the fact that there are these "resprentives", "bots" (or however you or they wanna call 'em), that come out there, on both the republic as well as the imperial fleet and spam their "garbage"


But the fact remains:

I did'nt ask for it, i did't want it, and i'm sure i ain't the only one who feels like that either,

so i want them gone. Permanently.

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Is there a visible sign when they do this?


In the original Guild Wars, Dhuum the god of the dead appears with his scythe to decapitate the character which is frozen in place as the account is banned.


Some people would do things, like using profanity in game chat, to get a temporary ban just to make videos of the effect.

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Is there a visible sign when they do this?


In the original Guild Wars, Dhuum the god of the dead appears with his scythe to decapitate the character which is frozen in place as the account is banned.


Some people would do things, like using profanity in game chat, to get a temporary ban just to make videos of the effect.


No unfortunately not. But when the rak event was on, people used to stand beside them and try to explode on them, so they'd die. Not sure if many were killed, but these days they just log in, spam, then switch, so you can't really catch them online.

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You know...

It would be nice to get a response from BioWare for a change.

I am sure they are aware of the fact that there are these "resprentives", "bots" (or however you or they wanna call 'em), that come out there, on both the republic as well as the imperial fleet and spam their "garbage"


But the fact remains:

I did'nt ask for it, i did't want it, and i'm sure i ain't the only one who feels like that either,

so i want them gone. Permanently.

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