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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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This is NOT a "long term fix" issue, this is not like we're asking for some kind of crazy feature that will require hundreds of man-hours to produce here. This is an EASY fix and should be treated as such. Just drop the purple color crystal (or a weapon slotted with one, as was available in beta) on the Coruscant/Kaas commendation vendors. Den, problem solved, move on to the next problem.


It is not a long-term IMPLEMENTATION, but it certainly is something they would need to discuss before just caving to your lofty goals of having everything handed to you with no effort.

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This is NOT a "long term fix" issue, this is not like we're asking for some kind of crazy feature that will require hundreds of man-hours to produce here. This is an EASY fix and should be treated as such. Just drop the purple color crystal (or a weapon slotted with one, as was available in beta) on the Coruscant/Kaas commendation vendors. Den, problem solved, move on to the next problem.


Sure... but how do you add the new colors? As random drops? As new artifice recipes? As pvp items? Will light or dark side get it, or both? or you just want them to magically appear somewhere in your inventory?


Perhaps not hundreds of man-hours, but I believe some thought needs to go into this.


If it's Artifice, they still have to take some time to figure out the recipe, and level, and stats to go with it. If it's a random drop, they still have to figure out where it can be dropped from. Etc. etc.


Just because you don't think it should take any time to add (because you want things RIGHT NOW), doesn't mean that it will be as easy as you want it to be.

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Ok. So you're volunteering to be one of the ones denied the color you want?


I don't think the color of the crystal should make it rare. Special stats on it, and maybe a special glow effect would be fine.


The standard blade look should be available in pretty much any color supported by the game system. The rare crystals should do something else special.


You're missing the point if you think MMOs are all about stats. Sure, stats help, but we're all doing this to make a cool looking character, no doubt about it.


If they made the items all look the same and just have better stats, the game would completely fail. Unfortunately, since we're dealing with lightsabers here, there aren't many cosmetic changes they can make outside of the color.


They have to make sure that the cheese at the end of the stick is worth going after, or no one will play anymore, and you will be on an empty server with your cool purple lightsaber.

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I really don't think this is something that just needs to be "discussed" it's something that needs to have action be taken on.




We were told this game would have many many color options for lightsabers.


Basically that many really only equates to about 6


Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White and Purple.


(don't give that well there's Cyan, that's BLUE, there's Magenta, it's a shade of RED)


Of those 6 only 4 are reasonably available Blue, Green, Yellow and Red.


And if you're Imperial only 2 of those 4 are even accessible due to stupid alignment restrictions, unless you go lightside then you get 3 options.


So much for choice on that front.


Plus I see plenty of NPCs running around with purple sabers so they can't be all that rare.

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Hey, flag happy person. You're still wrong and being overly dramatic about a purple lightsaber that is perfectly attainable if you actually put in some time. Flag all you want, you're acting pretty selfish/childish.
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Sure... but how do you add the new colors? As random drops? As new artifice recipes? As pvp items? Will light or dark side get it, or both? or you just want them to magically appear somewhere in your inventory?


Perhaps not hundreds of man-hours, but I believe some thought needs to go into this.


If it's Artifice, they still have to take some time to figure out the recipe, and level, and stats to go with it. If it's a random drop, they still have to figure out where it can be dropped from. Etc. etc.


Just because you don't think it should take any time to add (because you want things RIGHT NOW), doesn't mean that it will be as easy as you want it to be.



It's actually more of a matter of just adding them to drop tables that don't ONLY include raid bosses. Unless you want them offered as quest rewards, then it'll take a little bit more work. Its the pre-modded items that would take some significant work.




Color crystals were originally supposed to just be a "look" thing, there's no reason why they should be raid required, their "stats" aren't even that important.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


Ok, was there an announcement somewhere that purple crystals are raid only?


I understand and agree with your feelings on the issue, but without some kind of connotation and reason for this statement, it seems like you're saying something to the affect of 'If barbie comes at me with a hand grenade, I won't eat my soup'.

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If they don't have special raid loot nobody will raid because exclusive loot is the only reason 90% of the people who raid, raid. If people could get that loot from doing things they enjoy then raiding would be killed.


I thought that those super duper armours/weapons and such were enough reason to "raid". If the game had no colours beyond Blue/Red/Green/Yellow, people would still "raid". Yes, they would.


Making the extra colours (hyper)rare seems to go in a mix of "Because (barely) not in the movies", "We are afraid about most of people not using the 'basic' colours", "We are totally scared of the most hardcore lore fanatics", "We must try to force as much people as possible to the can of 'Raid' content"...


But that is just my baseless opinion and jsut glad that my favourite colour after white and fater purple is blue. Oh, and that I always play light side. :p

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This is NOT a "long term fix" issue, this is not like we're asking for some kind of crazy feature that will require hundreds of man-hours to produce here. This is an EASY fix and should be treated as such. Just drop the purple color crystal (or a weapon slotted with one, as was available in beta) on the Coruscant/Kaas commendation vendors. Den, problem solved, move on to the next problem.


Really? Really?


It is not a "fix", it would be a "change". There is no problem, or bug preventing it. It is not broken.


They are taking the time to see *if it should be changed*


I think someone is a snowflake.

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If they don't have special raid loot nobody will raid because exclusive loot is the only reason 90% of the people who raid, raid. If people could get that loot from doing things they enjoy then raiding would be killed.


I raid.



But having said that, everyone shouldn't be FORCED to raid to get anything other than the normal everyday run of the mill stuff. Some people have no interest in raiding.. Some people like to PvP for instance or craft. MMOs are not just all about raiding.

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It's actually more of a matter of just adding them to drop tables that don't ONLY include raid bosses. Unless you want them offered as quest rewards, then it'll take a little bit more work. Its the pre-modded items that would take some significant work.




Color crystals were originally supposed to just be a "look" thing, there's no reason why they should be raid required, their "stats" aren't even that important.


It is not as easy as that... Even if they decide they want it in there has to be discussion on what level, what stats, what mobs would drop it.


you really apparently have no clue.

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If they don't have special raid loot nobody will raid because exclusive loot is the only reason 90% of the people who raid, raid. If people could get that loot from doing things they enjoy then raiding would be killed.


You do realize that raiding in this game is about as simple as it gets. It is even easier then lots of hard modes. All it takes is 8 people who can smash a few buttons to do a normal. Hard modes do get a little more complicated though.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


The best rewards should only come from solo play. Not from bringing a a dozen of your closest friends to help you out. Raiding caters to the loud and weak.

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Hey guys,


Thanks for the thoughtful and well articulated feedback. We're going to re-discuss this topic internally and see what we can come up with. I wouldn't expect any short term changes on this as we've got a lot of stuff in the pipe right now, but I wanted to let you know that we have taken note of the feedback given in this thread.


-- Georg


Yeah definitely make the game easier. Right now we're not spoon fed enough.

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This is unfortunate to read. Personally, I really like the fact that there are 'secrets' in this game, it makes it more interesting to me than an MMO where every answer to every problem can be googled.


I don't need to get into the entitlement fad. That 'other' game has driven many of its original fans away and is losing thousands of subs a month due to wellfare raids and vendor epics. Most of the 'original' MMO crowd simply does not find this to be fun. So we quit playing.


That being said -- I honestly wish they'd just make purple crystals commonplace. Why? Because I hated seeing it in the movies, and don't want one in-game. However the rarity of the item is bound to make it 'prestigous', which means my ego...yes I'll admit it...will demand I put forth the effort to find one, and will then equip and use it so people can note my accomplishment.


I'd honestly prefer if you didn't do this. Samuel L. Jackson's demands to have a different color just so he could be easily picked out during the Geonosis battle was incredibly narcissistic and a slap in the face to fans. I still, to this day, refuse to accept the color as canon. Every thing about his character was a blight on the prequels, one I find more offensive than even Jar Jar Binks.


Make purple common place so I can stop caring about it. Thanks.

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I'm glad we got an acknowledgement that this was a clear issue for people.


It's very uncool that almost every other NPC you fight against as Empire has purple blasters or lightsabers and you're not allowed them.


I know there are other priorities as the game feels like people changed too many things too often and left gaps in the quality.


Went to Outlaw's Den - no point.


Flashpoints need improving to make them on par with Black Talon and The Essles.


So, I'll wait, but how it was before with purple 'gettable' by people who wanted them (from all walks of life) was better. You could always stick some purple crystals in the oranges from PVP vendors or somesuch.


OR just make the PVP purples black core and purple normal crystals craftable.


Also I will point out that you (Devs) did say that you could get opposite faction colours (ie purple and cyan) but it would be difficult. As it stands, isn't this now untrue? More variety, more customisation. MMO this game up!

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Just about every sith NPC standing around from Taris and onward has a purple lightsaber blade. It's available via PVP grinding.. It's actually pretty darn common in the game.


I wouldn't say its rare at all so there might as well be one available via commendations. It's not like the stats have to be any different than the available orange/yellow/red/blue/green crystals.


I'm actually going through a very un-fun warzone grind right now (please for the love of god fix the loot bags!) in an effort to grab one. I mostly just like the way it looks.


Otherwise I won't care much until more 50s pop up in my guild.


As far as people chiding the OP, he said he didn't care as long as it was available via commendations. If something costs say 1000 daily commendations then it'd take him several weeks to acquire it anyway. If a customer is willing to make that grind then let them as they're paying into the system.

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The "whiny- self entitled- instant gratification- shape the game around me and my lack of effort" people that are playing MMOs now.


I'm no "hardcore" or "elitist" as they can be just as bad.

But even I sometimes miss the EQ days where if you couldnt get something because you cant raid or were not good enough. You accepted it and moved on with what you could get

and never expected the game to change around your lack of time or skill.


I won't raid or PvP here... I do that pretty much in EQ2 which is my main MMO. It gets tedious ...


Will I quit cause I can't get a purple crystal? Not really ... It would be nice to have a wide variety of colours to choose from sure, but I thought in the SW universe purple was extremely rare with red, green and blue very common.


I'm glad BioWare is looking into it, and hopefully will give more avenues to get outside of raiding and PvP, but I won't get my hopes up.

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I really don't think this is something that just needs to be "discussed" it's something that needs to have action be taken on.




We were told this game would have many many color options for lightsabers.


Basically that many really only equates to about 6


Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White and Purple.


(don't give that well there's Cyan, that's BLUE, there's Magenta, it's a shade of RED)


Of those 6 only 4 are reasonably available Blue, Green, Yellow and Red.


And if you're Imperial only 2 of those 4 are even accessible due to stupid alignment restrictions, unless you go lightside then you get 3 options.


So much for choice on that front.


Plus I see plenty of NPCs running around with purple sabers so they can't be all that rare.


Have you forgotten that color, can't think of the name, but 400 Artifice can craft it with a vendor bought schem. It's a mixture of red and yellow, oh yeah orange. Oh wait you probably count that as both red and yellow because it is both red and yellow mixed into one color. To be quite honest the Magenta one is pretty easy to get, I have a 400 Artifice Sith Sorc with the schematic.

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I liked the diversity of colour crystals available in KOTOR II. Yes, as a game designer I do understand the need to have rare gear that requires effort to obtain, but I think the current lack of color diversity is detrimental to character customization.


We currently cannot customize the colour of our armour, and we're limited to three or four lightsaber colours per alignment. I would personally like to see white/silver, purple, bronze, and cyan obtainable at all levels by all alignments.


There are already many orange gear sets only obtainable via loot drops and purple pieces of gear crafted with raid drop mats (AFAIK the Rakata stuff requires raid mats). PvP players already have armour that is visually distinct from non PvPers, as do raiders. Lightsaber (and blaster color given this is an MMO) is pretty important to many people.


I had a very specific idea about what kind of lightsaber my character would wield once he was no longer a Sith Apprentice. I've managed to grind, buy, or trade for most of the gear, but I can't for the life of me find the white/silver crystal.

Edited by Heimskringla
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