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Upcoming Maintenance and Fixes


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Hey folks,


Quick update on the status of our next patch. There are some key issues that were introduced in 5.10 that we want to address next week. The current plan is to have a patch no earlier than next Tuesday, Dec 18th. Look for a post on Monday with a status update on timing.


Here are the issues we are tentatively looking to fix (standard disclaimer that this is still subject to change):

  • It is no longer possible for characters to be left with no Main Story Mission after completing “Inflection Point”.
  • “Flesh and Steel” will now track kill progress for the entire Operations group on R8-X8 and Kil’Cik as intended.
  • Characters who reunite with Dark Side Jaesa will no longer have her Influence set to 1. Dark Side Jaesa will once again accept your Companion Gifts.
  • Characters who acquired Dark Side Jaesa prior to 5.10a have had her Influence rating restored to their pre-5.10 values.
  • Characters who reunite with Light Side Jaesa on Ossus will no longer receive the Dark Side Jaesa Alliance Alert.
  • The lightsabers equipped to Darth Malgus and Tau Idair are now Bind on Pickup as intended (previously Bind on Equip)
  • The [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal is now available on all days of the week, not just Tuesday.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the bugs that we intend to fix following the release of 5.10. We will likely have more bug fixes in January and February. This is just to clear some of the more major/blocking issues.


Thanks everyone! Look for more details on Monday.



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Hey folks,


“Flesh and Steel” will now track kill progress for the entire Operations group on R8-X8 and Kil’Cik as intended.




So for those who did it and didn't get credit, will we be given the credit or will we have to do both bosses again?

Edited by Banthabreeder
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Hey folks,


Quick update on the status of our next patch. There are some key issues that were introduced in 5.10 that we want to address next week. The current plan is to have a patch no earlier than next Tuesday, Dec 18th. Look for a post on Monday with a status update on timing.


Here are the issues we are tentatively looking to fix (standard disclaimer that this is still subject to change):

  • It is no longer possible for characters to be left with no Main Story Mission after completing “Inflection Point”.
  • “Flesh and Steel” will now track kill progress for the entire Operations group on R8-X8 and Kil’Cik as intended.
  • Characters who reunite with Dark Side Jaesa will no longer have her Influence set to 1. Dark Side Jaesa will once again accept your Companion Gifts.
  • Characters who acquired Dark Side Jaesa prior to 5.10a have had her Influence rating restored to their pre-5.10 values.
  • Characters who reunite with Light Side Jaesa on Ossus will no longer receive the Dark Side Jaesa Alliance Alert.
  • The lightsabers equipped to Darth Malgus and Tau Idair are now Bind on Pickup as intended (previously Bind on Equip)
  • The [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal is now available on all days of the week, not just Tuesday.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the bugs that we intend to fix following the release of 5.10. We will likely have more bug fixes in January and February. This is just to clear some of the more major/blocking issues.


Thanks everyone! Look for more details on Monday.




I can't even play the content of this update because major Anri wont spawn and of course there's no fix for it in the notes and CS don't bother answering tickets.

Edited by obek_kwae
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The current plan is to have a patch no earlier than next Tuesday, Dec 18th.

In that case, characters who missed out on [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal this Tuesday won't be able to complete it this week. Will those who completed Flesh and Steel but were not able to get [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal, be retroactively awarded a Crystal?

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Mr. Musco, can you please tell the team to make 252/258 mods not bound to slots so that we could min/max our stats?


That shouldnt be hard to do.




after they refuse to respond to any of the questions regarding this topic and seeing no patch note for the next patch, im pretty sure that it is indeed intended.


we are close to reach enrage here.


i totaly hate these "goodbye"-posts, but i gonna say it anyway:

im this close to quit the game. not because theyve done the slot bind change. but because they didnt even had the *********** balls to put it in the patcj notes nor respond to any of our questions. and you know why? because they are totaly aware of what they did and how the response of the com would be. instead they ghost patch it without losing any word about it.


proove me wrong eric and patch it tuesday. but at this point i gotta question myself if i want to spend money on a company which obvsly is trying to scam me.

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We will likely have more bug fixes in January and February.



Ahahahaha! :D


This means, bye. We're off to vacation. Have fun with the bugs! See ya next year. Like 4th week in January "next year."



Edited by Zerileth
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I hope there will be some updates on the inability to summon Koth and the random freezes that are happening when playing Ossus (both the story cut scenes and the dailies).


The freezes on Ossus are so bad at this point that trying to do the dailies, the game crashed twice within a half hour. My system is very new so I don't think this is merely a "bad graphics card" thing.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Hey folks,


Quick update on the status of our next patch. There are some key issues that were introduced in 5.10 that we want to address next week. The current plan is to have a patch no earlier than next Tuesday, Dec 18th. Look for a post on Monday with a status update on timing.


Here are the issues we are tentatively looking to fix (standard disclaimer that this is still subject to change):

  • It is no longer possible for characters to be left with no Main Story Mission after completing “Inflection Point”.
  • “Flesh and Steel” will now track kill progress for the entire Operations group on R8-X8 and Kil’Cik as intended.
  • Characters who reunite with Dark Side Jaesa will no longer have her Influence set to 1. Dark Side Jaesa will once again accept your Companion Gifts.
  • Characters who acquired Dark Side Jaesa prior to 5.10a have had her Influence rating restored to their pre-5.10 values.
  • Characters who reunite with Light Side Jaesa on Ossus will no longer receive the Dark Side Jaesa Alliance Alert.
  • The lightsabers equipped to Darth Malgus and Tau Idair are now Bind on Pickup as intended (previously Bind on Equip)
  • The [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal is now available on all days of the week, not just Tuesday.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the bugs that we intend to fix following the release of 5.10. We will likely have more bug fixes in January and February. This is just to clear some of the more major/blocking issues.


Thanks everyone! Look for more details on Monday.




Are you kidding me- you've broken SnV on HM and above because of the automatic city fail, Dread Palace is buggy with closed doors, weird boss health and apparently impossible to do timed runs but you aren't addressing that the issues have even been acknowledged. They are key issues, major blocking issues and with your little siesta over the holiday periods, others and I are seriously concerned you intend to leave endgame content broken and a HM/NiM raid impossible to complete. And the only fixes you intend are to do with the new 5.10 content?


You put in all this grind to try and force us to stay but sometimes, you don't consider that we leave because you break content and leave it a buggy mess and frustrate playing what there is to play.



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Well most people have time off during Christmas and New Year, why can't the devs?


There's having time off for the holidays--which is totally fair and EA employees definitely deserve, 100% behind that--and then there's dropping broken content that bugs out huge chunks of the game on players right before going on 6 weeks of 'holiday break'--which is what they routinely do. Remember their initial completely kriffed up version of CXP and Command Crates? They dropped that right before the holidays too, then didn't start working on fixing any of it until the following February. And people wonder why sub numbers keep tanking.

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Hey folks,


Quick update on the status of our next patch. There are some key issues that were introduced in 5.10 that we want to address next week. The current plan is to have a patch no earlier than next Tuesday, Dec 18th. Look for a post on Monday with a status update on timing.


Here are the issues we are tentatively looking to fix (standard disclaimer that this is still subject to change):

  • It is no longer possible for characters to be left with no Main Story Mission after completing “Inflection Point”.
  • “Flesh and Steel” will now track kill progress for the entire Operations group on R8-X8 and Kil’Cik as intended.
  • Characters who reunite with Dark Side Jaesa will no longer have her Influence set to 1. Dark Side Jaesa will once again accept your Companion Gifts.
  • Characters who acquired Dark Side Jaesa prior to 5.10a have had her Influence rating restored to their pre-5.10 values.
  • Characters who reunite with Light Side Jaesa on Ossus will no longer receive the Dark Side Jaesa Alliance Alert.
  • The lightsabers equipped to Darth Malgus and Tau Idair are now Bind on Pickup as intended (previously Bind on Equip)
  • The [Weekly] Masterwork Data Crystal is now available on all days of the week, not just Tuesday.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the bugs that we intend to fix following the release of 5.10. We will likely have more bug fixes in January and February. This is just to clear some of the more major/blocking issues.


Thanks everyone! Look for more details on Monday.




Please reduce the grind around the Tier 5 Gear !


- remove 252 need to access 258. Allow 248 to direct update to 258 !

- reduce by 2 the crystal requested !

- remove the unassembled increase (500, 1000). Base the cost of a crystal on 500 nothing else. And no weekly cap.


After reading feeback since a week and on PTS, it's too much grind for a poor stat increase and a dedicated stuff for God from marchine Nightmare mode ! Was batter to be a tier 4 alternative gear.

Edited by Syal
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So question I already know the answer to - are those of us who did your bug detection for you in "flesh and steel" going to get our lightsabers without doing it again, or do you intend to ignore us and continue to crap on your loyal subscribers?


For anyone delusional enough to think your loyalty is valued half as much as your immediate money, the answer is we're going to be crapped on again.

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So question I already know the answer to - are those of us who did your bug detection for you in "flesh and steel" going to get our lightsabers without doing it again, or do you intend to ignore us and continue to crap on your loyal subscribers?



Also, if you plan on gearing to tier 5 you better have the whole entire set ready, or byebye set bonus.

Oh, and enjoy accuracy enhancements on your sorc.

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