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Feedback: Warzone Changes


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Hey folks,


Please use this thread to post your feedback on the 5.9.2 Warzone Changes. A few reminders:

  • Our goals are to shorten the average time of our Warzones to be around 12 minutes each. Also, we have some WZs that are exploitable due to environment hacking, we want to fix that.
  • Please try to reserve your feedback until after you have played the Warzone changes on PTS.
  • Make sure to include which Warzone your feedback is targeted at.
  • If your feedback is about a bug, please use the PTS bug report forum. This thread is aimed solely at feedback.

You can find a full list of the changes, here:




  • Characters who hack their way into places they shouldn’t be, such as outside the arena or in the ground, will die.
  • Currently, acid causes characters to take 10% of their max health in damage every second, prevents stealth and all healing.
  • Acid will now work as follows:
    • Characters will take 1% of their max health in damage every second and reduce all healing done/received by 2% per stack.
    • Characters affected by acid will begin with one stack and gain one stack per second.
    • Acid will still inhibit stealth.



  • Turrets now damage ships for 12 damage per tick (up from 10)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so


Ancient Hypergates

  • Orbs now score more points (up from 6, review below)
  • Orbs scores ramp up each round of the game:
    • Round 1 = 12 points per orb delivered
    • Round 2 = 15 points per orb delivered
    • Round 3 = 18 points per orb delivered
    • Round 4 = 21 points per orb delivered
    • Round 5 = 24 points per orb delivered
    • Round 6+ = 27 points per orb delivered

    [*]Player corral forcefields have had their up-time reduced, the forcefield is now down for 10 seconds and up for 15 seconds (previously 30 seconds)



  • The Hutt will become bored of a single ball carrier and kill them after 45 seconds (down from 2 minutes)
  • To win before time expires, the winning team will need to score 10 times (up from 6 times)
  • The match will now last for a maximum of 10 minutes (down from 13 minutes)
  • Players can no longer catch the Huttball while stunned. This creates more opportunities for counter-play, such as intercepting passes intended for a target you stun.
  • Adding attacker points for catching a pass from a friendly target:
    • Currently the thrower of the Huttball receives 500 points, but not the receiver. We will increase the receiver to gain 250 points.
    • We would also like a touchdown pass to award both players equally (currently the thrower gets 500 more points). Here is what the new breakdown would look like:
      • Thrower: 2750 Attacker Points total
        • 500 Attacker Points from completing pass successfully
        • 2250 Attacker Points for throwing a scoring pass

        [*]Receiver: 2750 Attacker Points total

        • 250 Attacker Points from receiving a friendly pass
        • 2500 Attacker Points for possessing the ball for a score


Novare Coast

  • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.
  • Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk)



  • Door now take 6 seconds to arm (down from 8)
  • Defenders now have 15 seconds to disarm door bombs (down from 20)
  • Extending the bridges and lowering the shields now takes 6 seconds to channel (down from 8)
  • Forcefields are now blocking the reactor room doors until the bridges are extended
  • Characters who hack their way into unintended areas of the map will now die.




  • Teams now start with 500 points (down from 600)
  • When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so



Edited by EricMusco
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Dear Developer-Team!


Would you be so kind and please reactivate the classic achievement-titles (like "Cutting Edge") on the PTS again? I think that I speak for a lot of people who missed the chance 4/5 years ago who would love to earn these nice titles at last!


Thank you for all your efforts! Best regards,



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Dear Developer-Team!


Would you be so kind and please reactivate the classic achievement-titles (like "Cutting Edge") on the PTS again? I think that I speak for a lot of people who missed the chance 4/5 years ago who would love to earn these nice titles at last!


Thank you for all your efforts! Best regards,



Quoted for truth.
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Dear Developer-Team!


Would you be so kind and please reactivate the classic achievement-titles (like "Cutting Edge") on the PTS again? I think that I speak for a lot of people who missed the chance 4/5 years ago who would love to earn these nice titles at last!


Thank you for all your efforts! Best regards,




I'm for that as well.

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It being after midnight here, I only stayed for two matches. With a time set for people to play, there was very little wait for a pop for either.


I'm only a sporadic PvP'er and have yet to get the hang of Huttball, so my comments on that are very, very slim. I didn't encounter any problems with the area, and play seemed to run well.


As for the Mando Arena, I loved the layout. The curving structures offered all sorts of Line of Sight challenges and possibilities without hampering movement and flow. For some reason, play started with four on our side and only two on the other. I'm sure they noticed the problem, too. Normally, I don't care much for arena contests, but this is one I want to try again and again.

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The Voidstar warzone is obviously bugged (some players spawned in the ending zone, the timer is not starting). But I'm sure you are aware of it. If you can't fix Voidstar for the next playtest session, just take it out of the queue.


I really like the shortened Huttball timer (players get blown up after 45s instead of 2min). That makes the matches much more interesting. For example, now when you see someone close to the goal line, it actually makes sense to put a 8s mezz on him instead of already running back to center, in case his timer is low. (In fact, that's how I could prevent a goal today, and my team got the ball instead). You could probably shorten the timer even more, maybe not 30 seconds but 35-40 seconds.

On the other hand, Huttball had the worst performance out of all maps. Playing from Europe, you notice a lot more position bugs due to high latency than in other warzones.


Some PVP clickable objects no longer have a blue glow to them. Not sure if you did that due to immersion or if it is a bug, but please revert it to how it is on live. For example, now you can no longer see if a pylon in AHG is clickable or not, without looking at the timer. Other maps are even worse, e.g. the grappling hooks in Queshball no longer appear to be clickable.

For a low learning curve, all clickable objects in PvP should have a blue glow, that way new players know what they can click without having to hover their mouse over it.

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Also, I believe the UI in AHG is bugged. In this screenshot, I am on the golden team and both pylons were captured by my team so they should be golden, yet they show up as purple. This is a pure display bug; we received the points correctly and won the match.


By the way, I really like that you can now click on most (if not all) objectives out of stealth. Having to unstealth prior to tabbing, e.g. in civil war, has always been annoying. Thanks for the change!

Edited by Jerba
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I played 3 matches (one huttball, two arenas) on the wednesday 07-10 playtest but sadly I was too tired to continue.


From what I've experienced is that the promised matchmaking is still nonexistent. The first arena was a full trinity comp vs 2 dps and 2 healers. The other arena was 3 dps 1 healer vs 3 dps 1 tank. Not balanced at all. I guess tanks are seen as healers so that makes it "equal teams" but it's not. I did not check the balancing on the huttball game but heard some stories about 3 heal 3 tank games. Some elaborating on if it works and how it works would be appreciated!


As for the huttball, I think you shouldn't increase the goal limit to 10.

Most huttballs I play including the one on the PTS are absolute slaughters and end in 6-0. By increasing the amount of goals needed to be scored you increase the suffering of one team of having to live through it. With 6 goals they can say "Hey atleast it will be over quick". With 10 they might think "Pffff I can't live through another bad huttball game" after which they leave, creating backfills, creating more unhappy people.


For the rare gems of good huttball games the limit of 6 is fine as well since they tend to go on for a lot longer and will probably always end cause of the timer instead of one team reaching 10.


I did not manage to get the enemy team to test the new intercept mechanic but I hope you guys managed to get it to work. It doesn't seem to work in the stronghold huttball though I could be wrong.


Cross faction seemed to work flawless good job on that one.


Looking forward to the next one which I hope will be during a day where I can actually stay longer!


Also I pity the person who has to filter through most of the offtopic stuff posted in these feedback threads. :p

Edited by DarthYun
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I also think the huttball score going to 10 is unnecessary and even "bad". I had 4 huttball matches total. One Quesh and 3 "original". The Quesh was a blow out. And at 6-0 I can not express in polite words how disappointed I was to remember "oh right, it doesn't end yet". In fact, I was so disgruntled that I immediately quit when I got the 2nd Quesh match I could have played. (I'm ashamed to say, but just no... I could not do another one. :( )


The other 3 huttball games were all great back-n-forth games. They all ended by timer, with scores of 3v2, 5v2 and 4v3. I agree with what some other have already said, huttball doesn't need to go higher in score. I consider a good huttball match to be one where it's HARD to score, but both teams are coming close. I don't want a "race to 10" where both teams are scoring at will, or even worse a "wait till 10" where only one team is scoring over and over.


The ball exploding after 45 seconds was nice. I got caught by it once, and I saw others also get exploded. I didn't see any timer that I could find which would tell me how much time I had left. Maybe that's a good thing? I'm not sure. Definitely makes me nervous when I feel like I've held the ball for more than a few seconds. It also makes me more... erm, I hesitate to say "angry" when no one goes ahead for a pass.


TBH, I didn't really even notice the changes to the other WZs. The increased damage in ACW, the only thing that registered was that the score was no longer evenly divisible by 10.


I only had one AHG, and orbs did not decide that one or even matter much. The other side was just a bit better, and slowly pulled ahead. We did try a stall tactic at their pylon at the end, and now that I think back... I did notice the barrier was coming down more often to let us out of spawn. I liked that. Even with only 3 (maybe 4) of us trying to stall them, we nearly did it.


I only had one Arena go to acid, and that happened just as we had managed to kill off 3/4 of them. So it was 1 healer v 4 DPS at that point. Not a good test I guess.


I never had a Yavin. :)


And Voidstar was bugged all night I think. :(

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Had a lot of fun games last night! Thank you to everyone who participated and to the Devs for organising this!


Here's my initial feedback:


Alderaan Civil War - Shortening the match time.

- Turrets now damage ships for 12 damage per tick (up from 10).


A good change! Definitely made the match pace faster (which was great!).


Yavin Ruins - Further, differentiate the map from Alderaan Civil War along with shortening the match time.

- Teams now start with 500 points (down from 600).

- When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0).


Again made the match go by faster! A good change. Doesn't quite dissuade number farming mid games but at least they're over faster now. (This goes for ACW too).


Ancient Hypergate


Didn't get a Hypergate match sadly. :(


Huttball - Lot's of changes haha

The Hutt will become bored of a single ball carrier and kill them after 45 seconds (down from 2 minutes)

To win before time expires, the winning team will need to score 10 times (up from 6 times)

The match will now last for a maximum of 10 minutes (down from 13 minutes)


Didn't really notice the attacker point changes (I forgot about them whoops). But as for the stuff I listed above, I like the shortened match time. I LOVE the ball exploding after 45 seconds. But, I don't like the score being at 10 I'd prefer it to be 8. 10 feels like too much IMO.


Novare Coast

Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk).


I completely forgot about this change. Don't know if anyone else tested this. Will test this myself next playtest session.




Bugged. :( No timer so nothing happened. Sad. :(




Again, I had a lot of fun last night despite the focus fire I got (made it practically impossible for me to play objectives some matches). :p May have to go incognito for the next session so I can focus more on testing things!

Edited by Pandoras_Jar
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I also think the huttball score going to 10 is unnecessary and even "bad".(
Agreed! It should be kept at 6. I've seldom had any games that were 5-6 where more time would have been nice...10 is far too many.
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Tanks seem to have more survivabilty, though this is just how it "felt" to me.


I did not notice any different in team compositions. It seems the matching making was still unbalanced. I think a fix would be to ignore groups for unranked Wz, I mean what if people queue 2 tanks and 2 healers for a war zone? it means that they will end up with the perfect team as the match making will queue then with 4 DPS, while the other tam might end up with 8 DPS ( players will find every way to cheat the system, and with the buff to tanks, it's a sure loss for the DPS team).


The Cross-Faction is nice. Somehow the scoreboard thing was confusing me; maybe it's as someone said, it had the team colors switched around.


Queshball match seems way longer, just my opinion.


Did you buff Sorcerers?


Click-able objects do not have the blue-ish-grey gloss thing over them. Like for example, the speeder in Civil was doesn't not have the appearance of something that you can interact with.

Edited by Yezzan
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We queued up a full trinity comp (PT tank, Operative heals, Lightning Sorc dps, Lethality Operative dps) at 7pm Eastern. For people in eastern time zone, the event would be taking place officially from 7pm to 10pm Eastern.


Here is a breakdown of our matches, comps, and wait times (the queue slowed down noticeably after 10pm):

  1. Queued at 7:10, popped at 7:18, waiting time: 8 min (Mandalorian arena vs trinity comp)
  2. Queued at 7:29, popped at 7:45, waiting time: 16 min (Mandalorian arena vs trinity comp)
  3. Queued at 7:53, popped at 8:15, waiting time: 22 min (Makeb arena vs 2 heals 2 dps)
  4. Queued at 8:33, popped at 8:42, waiting time: 9 min (Hypergate 8v8)
  5. Queued at 8:57, popped at 8:58, waiting time: 1 min (Queshball 8v8)
  6. Queued at 9:11, popped at 9:30, waiting time: 19 min (Mandalorian arena vs heals dps 2 tank)
  7. Queued at 9:42, popped at 9:48, waiting time: 6 min (Queshball 8v8)
  8. Queued at 10:10, unqueued at 10:20 because someone had to go, reworked our comp into (1 heal 2 dps)
  9. Queued at 10:31, popped at 10:32, waiting time: 1 min (Corellia Sq arena vs 1 heal 2 dps)
  10. Queued at 10:43, popped at 10:49, waiting time: 6 min (Makeb arena vs 1 heal 2 dps)
  11. At this point we added a 3rd dps to our group, so now we have a 1 heals 3 dps comp
  12. Queued at 11:01, popped at 11:15, waiting time: 14 min (Corellia Sq arena vs 2 heals 2 dps)
  13. Queued at 11:24, popped at 11:26, waiting time: 2 min (4v3 Corellia Sq arena vs 1 heals 2 dps)
  14. Queued at 11:33, popped at 11:39, waiting time: 6 min (4v3 Makeb arena vs 1 heals 2 dps)
  15. We queued again but left queue after a couple of minutes to duel in the Team PvP area because you can't fight each other while grouped
  16. No more queues or queue pops after this


Color codes are based on what I find an acceptable wait time to get a queue pop. Green == ok. Yellow == starting to get to be too long. Red == way too long.


While we were waiting for number 3, three 8v8 matches were running, all three finished, and at least two new ones started, all without us getting a pop. This was the first time we noticed that we were getting passed over for matches. And while we had a 4-man or tank in the group, this persisted throughout the night. Arenas also seemed to be favored for this comp.


I have serious questions about the delay in pops for groups or groups with a tank (not sure which the issue stems from). If we CAN be queued (don't have a bad comp), we should NOT get passed over for pops just because of our comp or group or whatever. The match making in the queue SHOULD do its best to balance matches, but ultimately should NOT prevent players/teams from getting pops in a timely fashion.


At one point we experienced a PvP queue bug (entry 8). We had 3 people (2 heals 1 dps) but were not queued, and could not queue with this comp. So I respec'd back to dps (comp now: 1 heal 2 dps), but I couldn't queue for a regs match (https://imgur.com/a/Gk2GpXl). It was disabled. I think the game probably didn't register that I was in a different spec now and thought we still had 2 healers? But then it gave me a weird message over the disabled regs queue button (https://imgur.com/a/qW4EWlA, "group composition is too low to queue for an arena ranked match"), which seems to be a ranked queue button error message not a regs queue button error message. Fortunately, one of the other group members could queue us, so he did (because he wasn't the one who respec'd???).


Later in the night, we left queue because we wanted to duel in the Team PvP area of the Rishi SH. So here is a use case that I don't know how to fix: PvP players typically like to both PvP and duel. However, you can't queue for a match as a group and duel while waiting, because if you're in the same group, you are not flagged to each other. So basically you have to group up, queue, and quit out of the group while still queued so you can duel. And then you have to reform after the match to queue again, and then quit out of group again to duel. While this is nothing new, with all these upgrades to PvP and the new PvP-focused SH, I was hoping it would have been addressed/fixed at least in here (the SH). But it still hasn't, and now I'm not sure how to to fix it without breaking other things or requiring tons of recoding of the PvP area mechanics in the Rishi SH.


Also, the matrix cube/wind crystal bolster bug is still present in 5.9.2.


The cross-faction queuing seemed to work fine. The only issue I saw is that /general only works to communicate with same-faction players. You still have to use /say to talk to players from the other faction. I feel like both factions should be in the same /general chat instance so everyone can talk to everyone else.


Changes to Queshball/The Pit. We only had Queshballs, but I assume this applies to The Pit too. 10 scores is too much, 6 scores feels about fine. If you're getting stomped, you pretty much just want it over with by the time they get to 6. If you're not getting stomped and are actually having a good fight, then the clock will be the limiting factor, not the number of scores, because there'll be a lot of back-and-forth before a score happens, if one happens at all. Also, 45s to carry the ball before exploding feels too short given the amount of stuns and roots in this game. You have to give people at least a little time to get the ball moved while being stunned repeatedly. It used be that people would conserve stunlocking for fire-pulls or acid-knocks, but now, because the carry timer is so short, it is in the enemy team's best interest to chain-stun and root the ball carrier as soon as they get it, because odds are they can waste enough time stunning the ball carrier that he'll blow up before he can get it anywhere. The timer should probably be somewhere in the range of 1:00 to 1:15 minutes.


Thanks for organizing this event! I look forward to the next one!

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The death field in ACW is wonky. I was in Mid and leapt to someone on the opposite side of the turret and got insta-killed. I assume my character somehow clipped into the turret, but given I was leaping at a person in my LOS I shouldn't have died. Perhaps having a slight delay on the kill option so that these sorts of issues don't cause people to stop using their gap closers close to the turrets?


On Snow in ACW I saw someone do the typical 'run down the stairs and try to LOS + heal". When they rolled away they rolled under the platform the turret is on and became unattackable. (I could tell where they were because I had them targetted.) You might want to extend the death field to under the platform as well in case this could be exploitable.


In original Huttball I think I only saw one person killed by the timer, so folks were definitely passing it more. I would suggest adding a distinct UI element to show the time remaining before the Huttball carrier gets killed. It would be nice if both sides could see it, but it should certainly be shown to the carrier.


The original Huttball match felt really dynamic and fun. If this can carry over to Live I'll be quite happy. (I like a constantly moving/changing PvP situation. Stalemates/turtles are boring.)


Matchmaking felt off. There seemed to be way more healing going in some matches which causes things to stalemate. I know this is an issue with the PTS player pool, but was the matchmaking limiting the amount of healers and/or tanks? (I could be just seeing the amount of off-spec healing from skilled players.)

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- Didn't notice much of a difference in Alderaan or Hypergates.

- I love the huttball change! People were forced to pass the ball or try to goal fast, and the couple of matches I had, there were zero times when someone scored simply by giving the ball to a tank and then having all the healers in the team heal that tank. One time someone tried, and the ball carrier ended up exploding. :D

- I only got 1 Voidstar and it was really just a parsing practice, so I can't comment on that much. I'm a little worried the 6 second timer is going to make the unpleasant duty of guarding even more unpleasant, but didn't get to experience it much.

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