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Do you guys think bioware will pull a wow?


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1. they upgraded textures, shadows and other effects during the 4.0 (or maybe early 5.0) cycle. Its in the dev tracker and patch notes, and you could look it up to see if what they did, match what you are asking for.


2. TBH IMHO if Drew wrote the companion returns, Iokath, and the current Theron story arc, then he (surprisingly and unfortunately) did not live up to his reputation, and the game has not lost much for his departure. If you read the summary of the article about him leaving, however, it states he was working on Anthem which suggests that he has not contributed to SWTOR for some time. However, there are also quite a few other threads that note the story writing is about a year ahead of release, so it is possible that Drew had been writing for SWTOR and we are yet to see them. Either way, it is not evidence of the end of stories for SWTOR.

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WoW's models looked absolutely hideous, given that the game was launched in 2004. They needed an update, badly.


I fail to see what's exactly wrong with SWTOR's models? They've added new animations and facial expressions and even updated the eye color for players and NPCs. Usually, new important NPCs have their own unique facial textures and eyes. Shadows and other textures have also been updated. Each new set that has been released is far more detailed than the vanilla ones.


This feels like a rather pointless topic.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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WoW's models look absolutely hideous. I fail to see what's exactly wrong with SWTOR's models? They've added new animations and facial expressions and even updated the eye color for players and NPCs. Usually, new important NPCs have their own unique facial textures and eyes. This feels like a rather pointless topic.


I disagree with WoW's models being hideous. It's a different art style, but not ugly. (imo) There's nothing wrong with swtors models, but I do wish we'd get some new cosmetic features. Especially for the non humans!

Edited by Eshvara
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WoW's models looked absolutely hideous, given that the game was launched in 2004. They needed an update, badly.


I fail to see what's exactly wrong with SWTOR's models? They've added new animations and facial expressions and even updated the eye color for players and NPCs. Usually, new important NPCs have their own unique facial textures and eyes. Shadows and other textures have also been updated. Each new set that has been released is far more detailed than the vanilla ones.


This feels like a rather pointless topic.


And what would be a useful topic for us to post? Tell us and we'll be sure to only post those. You'll be our point-man to make sure that's all we ever post.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I disagree with WoW's models being hideous. It's a different art style, but not ugly. (imo)


You replied to my un-edited response. I meant to say that the old models looked bad, especially humans and orcs. Their eyes and facial movements looked rather unsettling. The new updated models are much better.


And yes, new hairstyles and eye colors... maybe even new faces would be a welcome addition.


And what would be a useful topic for us to post? Tell us and we'll be sure to only post those. You'll be our point-man to make sure that's all we ever post.


Anything else. No point in complaining about something like this. If the thread meant adding new hairstyles, eye colors and even new faces to the already existing models... that would be better. But asking for a complete new overhaul for a game that came out in 2011... That's a stretch.

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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You replied to my un-edited response. I meant to say that the old models looked bad, especially humans and orcs. Their eyes and facial movements looked rather unsettling. The new updated models are much better.




Anything else.


Well yeah, the old models were pretty bad. Still enough people love Vanilla WoW (including the old models) that blizzard is giving them a vanilla server for it.

Anyway, I'd love an overhaul, but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen, if it's even possible. While models such as Arcann, Senya, Lana and whatever pleasantly surprised me, I do think that is as good as it gets! (For npc's) I'm not sure we'll ever be able to have the more detailed faces.

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Well yeah, the old models were pretty bad. Still enough people love Vanilla WoW (including the old models) that blizzard is giving them a vanilla server for it.

Anyway, I'd love an overhaul, but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen, if it's even possible. While models such as Arcann, Senya, Lana and whatever pleasantly surprised me, I do think that is as good as it gets! (For npc's) I'm not sure we'll ever be able to have the more detailed faces.


People seem to be obsessed with the vanilla editions of a game mostly due to nostalgia. Other reasons such as removed/nerfed content can also apply. I share the same thoughts on other games such as 4Story and TERA, but mostly because recent updates have nailed these games to the wall.


Can players even use the new models for this "vanilla" server? Also, one of the main reasons why Blizzard decided to do this was to strip their fanbase's attention from Private Servers.

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Their best writer just walked out the door. No telling who else is following him.

I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.


AND.. if you read his blog.. it is clear why he left.... because he wanted more time for his freelance work in addition to a day job. Being on a dev team in a big studio can be pretty hectic at times, so I can see him moving to a smaller studio with more freedom promised to him as part of the deal.. since he provides a specific specialty to the studio.


He also stated clearly that he had no "dirt" to dump to the players about Bioware, or any Bioware projects, either... so don't bother emailing him and trying to extract some dirt to spread all over the internet.


Please stop all the doom and gloom just because one person left for a better work/life balance for their personal desires.

Edited by Andryah
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People seem to be obsessed with the vanilla editions of a game mostly due to nostalgia. Other reasons such as removed/nerfed content can also apply. I share the same thoughts on other games such as 4Story and TERA, but mostly because recent updates have nailed these games to the wall.


Can players even use the new models for this "vanilla" server? Also, one of the main reasons why Blizzard decided to do this was to strip their fanbase's attention from Private Servers.


^^ Accurate assessments, in my view.

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People seem to be obsessed with the vanilla editions of a game mostly due to nostalgia. Other reasons such as removed/nerfed content can also apply. I share the same thoughts on other games such as 4Story and TERA, but mostly because recent updates have nailed these games to the wall.


Can players even use the new models for this "vanilla" server? Also, one of the main reasons why Blizzard decided to do this was to strip their fanbase's attention from Private Servers.


People don't seem to want transmog and new models on the vanilla servers, through a big survey. Anyway back on topic.

What exactly do you feel like needs an overhaul op?

Edited by Eshvara
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Their best writer just walked out the door. No telling who else is following him.

I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.

First one leaving the sinking ship. And he won't be the last and with Anthem looking like it's going to bomb I don't think eaware will be around much longer.

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and make an engine upgrade for models and textures?

i sure hope so personally.

and maybe release some more faces, abit older this time.


Not a chance.


I'm not sure the base engine they are working with is even capable of such an upgrade. Then you add in the money and resources it would take and the idea is just even more unlikely.

Edited by Quraswren
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First one leaving the sinking ship. And he won't be the last and with Anthem looking like it's going to bomb I don't think eaware will be around much longer.


Anthem has seen the leaving of the studio head at the time, lead animator (Steve someone?), Laidlaw and now Drew. This is number 4 "big name" leaving the ship. I highly doubt he'll be the last but time will tell.

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More on topic: engine upgrade is highly unlikely unless EA suddenly sees swtor as one of their major games again. Texture upgrades have already been dripping out bit by bit, with eyes being the first major one that people didn't even like so I highly doubt they'll attempt to mess with textures ever again, even hair which the new styles sorely need a fix to the colours.

I will admit I really like the better textures used in a lot of the newer outfits now. There are some big improvements, the one that cause both big issues (eye colour) and big improvements both is lighting, reflection and shadows upgrades. We don't need a beefy engine upgrade for the textures, we're already getting better ones if we can just sit back and let them finish it...


I'm personally waiting for more vanilla cutscene fixes/overhauls like with the opening scenes. not changing dialogue or anything at all jsut improving the cutscenes. That'd be nice. As would more head options ... or better yet remove makeup from complexion or whatever it's glued to, and eyebrows into it's own slider too. and eyes. give us more freedom over which bits of the head to change rather then having them all stuck into one option.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Their best writer just walked out the door. No telling who else is following him.

I wouldn't hold my breath at this point.


He was working on Anthem, not SW:TOR. He was among those pulled off quite some time ago.

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