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In a few months, we'll all be playing Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2......


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Also, everything you said about an MMO being an MMO is what Guild Wars 2 is, besides having a subscription. Not all MMOs need to have a sub to be considered one, it's just the standard for these days, and sadly it's an unnecessary one as developers don't even need the $15 a month to keep servers running and to keep content pumping.


well i agree just because a game if F2P does not mean it is not an MMO. As for the 15 dolalrs there was a study done a ywr or so ago that found that in F2P games that were mico transaction based that people still paid an average of 15 dollars to play. Notice i said average as there are some that will buy ever pet, mount or cosmetic item in the store just to have them while some will never pay a dime. I also reference micro transaction as i recall there was a game that was in dev that was F2p and was not based on micro transaction but was based on add placement ingame ie things like a billboard advertising coke and things like ordering a pizza ingame which would be delivered to your house Never remember hearing to much about it after that announcement so have no idea to be honest if it every launched.

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I wasn't even into the Diablo series at all but I have to say the game looks extremely tight. GW2 I've followed super closely for the last year and I think we are all mostly going to be very happy if pvp and a lack of grind is a good thing to you.


Personally i'm done with this whole gear grind mmo model. Give me equal gear from day 1 like GW2 is doing. Let's just pvp and have fun like League of Legends does. This PVe/PVP gear grind business is just stail and boring.


Yep, the world in general is moving towards quick games with no commitments to time or a lot of skill and understanding. Like Angry Birds.


Some deplore the grind model because it makes for unhealthy addiction to the game. All we do now is wait till some company find that sweet spot of the perfect blend between one-off win/lose scenario and MMORPG continuity

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SWTOR is not a MMO either...


TBH, it feels like Guild Wars - there are player hubs, but outside of them there is nothing. I rarely see any other people in the area I am in... For example, over 2 days on Belsavis I seen whole, let me count, 4 people passing by.


wow what server are you on I am on velee and there are people all over the worlds. Today infact we had 8 pvp fights in the open world that were full group on group ( with 8 different groups not the same ones over and over again) fights just working on datacrons on Alda.

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On My Way to Guild Wars 2 BABY! ill be bumping this thread 24/7 !



I dare NEVER again touch EA/Bioware mmo.


Considering you'll be giving ea/bioware a monthly sub just to constantly bump it, i say go ahead!


Also, who are you daring?

Edited by Cormey
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Just my two cents since I'm not a hardcore MMO person and I never really cared much for Diablo or Guild Wars so I know I'm already biased.


But ya know that the subscription you pay goes to putting out bug fixes and expanded content via patches, and from the look of the patch notes SWTOR seems to have a dedicated development team.


Think of it as two hot girls

One is ok looking, but the promise of getting hotter over time (SWTOR)

The other looks really good, but after you've been with it for two months your going to have seen everything there is to see. (GW2)


For some endgame rushers (who hilariously enough enjoyed the game so much while playing it they played straight through to the end then complained... hallmark of a good game usually but I digress) that two months will amount to three days.


It's ok, SWTOR will be waiting for you and it's a forgiving lover.

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Yep, the world in general is moving towards quick games with no commitments to time or a lot of skill and understanding. Like Angry Birds.


Some deplore the grind model because it makes for unhealthy addiction to the game. All we do now is wait till some company find that sweet spot of the perfect blend between one-off win/lose scenario and MMORPG continuity


I love your gross over exaggeration of the truth. Are you saying League of Legends is the equivalent to Angry birds? LLLLOOOOOLLLLLL


The meta game involved in LOL is far higher than anything we've seen in a long time. Maybe WOW metgame and I'm positive Starcraft 2 has a Super deep meta game.


LOL is one of the deepest meta's out there. Saying LOL is shallow while you talk about SWTOR show's how clueless you are.


I'm not a starcraft 2 player but i'll tell you right now that a average Starcraft 2 player would poop out the average SWTOR player and tea bag them over and over.


Swtor has literally no competitive support and even if it did the abilities lag so badly competitive players wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot pole.

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But ya know that the subscription you pay goes to putting out bug fixes and expanded content via patches.

It doesn't, at all. All of that is pure profit. MMOs don't need to charge a monthly fee to sustain servers, add content, or create expansions. Box sales and the occasional micro transaction (like WoW or Guild Wars have which are purely cosmetic) are more than enough.


And because GW2 is an MMO there isn't any less of an expectation on how often content patches should be given out. Just because the payment method is different doesn't mean GW2 will receive less patches than SWTOR. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by IndoJabijin
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i agree, for me i was expecting a star wars mmo with huge content like big planets and big space contents and we get this railed and limited leveling, surely lots will quit when another "good game" shows up if not now


at the end this mmo will be like all the others besides the actual "boom" of subscriptions, just a mmo for a small group of ppl who are real fanatic of sw or something


no trolling or anything i think its te truth.

Highlighted in bold is the reason why players are QQing all over the forums.

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You got MMO's going on their 11th year as is (I'm not even sure if the old EQ/UO etc are still running). The internet didn't start with WoW, nor did the MMO genre. Its possible that WoW was your introduction to them, but please, keep your tweenie doom & gloom predictions ingame so they do not clutter the already stuffed-with-whining forums yes?
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BioWare and EA had a chance here to make a difference, yet they failed.


I can imagine that meeting"


EA unqualified executive: "Let's make a SW MMO to make money. Call our strongest studio here"


BW: "Eh, hello."

EA U. Ex: "You are best. Make us SW MMO."

BW: "We only know how to make good stories."

EA U. Ex: "Put them in this new game!"

BW: "But what about the mechanics?"

EA U. Ex:"Just use WoWs"

BW: "But WoW is very last gen, although with the new expansions it has some great ideas. Have you seen Guild Wars 2?"

EA U. Ex:"Don't care! Make story, make money, make game like 2004."


End of meeting.

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I won't play Guild Wars 2, 10 abilities on action bar is not my style and don't like Asian MMORPG's.


I probably will buy Diablo 3 (not day 1) and play it for some time but not for long, since it's free and mindless grind, click, click, click. But i won't ever, never pay any subscription money to Blizzard again.


So not all, i will play Swtor, maybe some Diablo 3 for 1-2 weeks, thats all. (Also i'll play Mass Effect 3 for 2 weeks.)

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I don't understand. What part of Bellevue, Washington screams Asian? :|


Aesthetically it does look very Asian in design, at least to me. It's one of the things that kinda puts me off the game too, even though I'm gonna give it a chance (it's innovations sound interesting and I'm curious to see if it will work, plus I like the look of the Mesmer class)

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Aesthetically it does look very Asian in design, at least to me. It's one of the things that kinda puts me off the game too, even though I'm gonna give it a chance (it's innovations sound interesting and I'm curious to see if it will work, plus I like the look of the Mesmer class)

I do understand that some characters look the part. But that hardly makes the game Asian. What I think will stand out from the game are it's aesthetics. It's gameplay, mechanics, story and lore, as well as art style go very much in sych with each other to work.

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Diablo 3, although a good game (I'm in the beta), won't be taking any subs from anything. It's just a single player game with co-op.


As for GW2, can't comment, but I highly doubt it's going to be a huge competitor in the pay to play market, seeing as it free to play after buying the disc.

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