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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What do you want in regards to eyes?


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People have complained about the eyes because they're glossy / shiny. Then it gets fixed, and after the screw ups, fixed again. Now some are glossy and lively looking, but others are muddy and bland, like the eyes on a corpse. No gloss to them.


So I ask: What do you want specifically?

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I want the original colors back.

I want the original textures back.


What would be optimal is if they released the new colors/textures as separate appearances, so people who like them could choose to have them. People who don't like them could choose the old colors/textures. I actually do like the neon green/new texture eyes on one of my characters...but for *every other character* I have, I think their eyes look hideous. I'd love to be able to CHOOSE to have these new intense colors/textures for the character(s) I want them on.

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I think Bioware should be left alone to do their graphics updates as to me it seems this is what they are trying to do, and because of the old stuff being so very different to the new content things will change as they upgrade how the textures and colours of everything get put in.

I do not mind remaking characters after all the changes are done and stay as final finish and personally believe choice between old and new graphics may not be compeltely possible even though I'd like that, so I stand with full upgrades and updates rather then nothing at all, and I say that knowing I won't agree with all the changes that can possibly be made but I am hoping if they can finish messing with eyes they can move on to fixing the hair colours (proper black, anyone?) and maybe give them a texture upgrade from the plastic look.


I would Bioware to leave the eyes as-is now, and I really hope they are not turned away from giving the hair some fixes because of all the eye complaints when they tried to upgrade those.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Honestly, I was happy with the old. Then I liked the updated when they were so bright. And now I like them after the update as well. But I think, if possible people should be able to have the old ones.


I agree though about the hair, that really needs some fixing! Especially the "black".

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I just want the colors to be corrected to what they were before. Not having dark brown eyes - when it's not only a very common color in our world but also a very common one for Star Wars characters (like Padme and Leia, who both had extremely dark brown eyes), is weird to me. My Dark I's eyes also look kind of bizarre now.


I actually liked the dimension and textures of the eyes in the 5.6 update. If they had not messed with the color palette I would have thought they would have been perfect to keep.

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I actually liked the dimension and textures of the eyes in the 5.6 update. If they had not messed with the color palette I would have thought they would have been perfect to keep.




I like them the way they are now. :)


I do too. For the most part. But some are still dull and lifeless. Those I don't really care much for.


I haven't seen the "sparkly" eyes that are mentioned. I see glassy eyes and dull eyes. I haven't looked through all of the eyes on the ID, so I'm going only on what I've seen.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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I want what we had after patch 5.6 but before patch 5.6.1, the new colours and textures we were given. I want the lively and lighter eye colour hues back and I never ever want to return to what we had originally, the plastic-like design with no depth or realism to it. Edited by Ylliarus
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I never had any problem with the eyes. The only issue was the Multiple reflected points of light on the eyeball. There were 3 or 4 of them instead of only ONE.


My characters are mostly Chiss and the Intensly Bright Red eyes were fine other than for the excessive light points. I liked the color and the brightness to the color. Now the eyes have the correct number of light points reflected on the eyeball, but the intensity of the color is too low. The eyes no longer have the color brightness or intensity that they had before the patch.

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I just want them to fix the colours since Dark Brown isn't Brown anymore. Also, how could anyone like the sparkly eyes? I don't see the appeal of your character looking possessed when he or she is inside a dark establishment.


Because people like different things?

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The new eye style was fine. What was not fine was changing colours entirely, like turning yellow into muddy green. The ideal way to handle things would be to add the "new" eyes as options rather than replacements though, and let appearance changes be done with credits instead of coins for subscribers... or at least offer a one-time free change for all current characters.
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People have complained about the eyes because they're glossy / shiny. Then it gets fixed, and after the screw ups, fixed again. Now some are glossy and lively looking, but others are muddy and bland, like the eyes on a corpse. No gloss to them.


So I ask: What do you want specifically?


What i wanted is that my YELLOW CM eyes become YELLOW again. After that new patch cm yellow eyes became green-yellow instead of bright yellow. Thats not what i paid for! With recent fix they became back to yellow again (even though they are not as bright as they were before).


Bioware cant just change the eyes colour we had before lol, yellow cant become green jesus christ.

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What I want is to get the original eye colors back, including whiter whites. I dislike like the current beige whites. Most of my characters would look pretty good if they cleaned the whites back up.


The “sparkly eyes” were nice in bright areas, but freakish in dark areas. If they could make them responsive to lighting conditions and not always look like they have a photographer’s spot light aimed at them I’d be content with them.


Some of the 5.6 colors would have made a nice addition, but they were way too bright and blotchy for my taste. I prefer natural looking eyes to dayglo. Had they been offered as a free pack I don’t think there would have been any issue.


Hopefully Bioware learned that you don’t force changes on people’s existing characters. You offer new choices, or at the very least, provide free changes so people can adjust their characters back to what suits them.

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They applied the texture of the new Sith eyes to every type of eye, these eyes have two shades of colour and are lighter, Miralian red eyes are the same file as dark v corrupted eyes, so Miralians with red eyes now have bright orange Sith eyes.


Whoever is doing the textures is probably someone from another area filling in for someone who actually knows how to do it.


I don't really think the person/people looking after this part of the game know how to fix the things that are broken, mostly because they can't even tell some things are broken, Cathar body textures have been broken since forever.

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Good responses, but remember we did get our yellow eyes back. The reversion fixed that for us, at least. So what I'm seeing is this, for the most part:


We want:

  • Semi-glossy eyes with one point of light reflecting in them. Not the bland eyes that look flat and lifeless.
  • Colors that mute in darker settings instead of glow.
  • Dark brown shade returned.
  • Add the colors from 5.6 back in, but not as replacements for existing premiums (Give them their own color slot).


Am I missing anything?

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Good responses, but remember we did get our yellow eyes back. The reversion fixed that for us, at least. So what I'm seeing is this, for the most part:


We want:

  • Semi-glossy eyes with one point of light reflecting in them. Not the bland eyes that look flat and lifeless.
  • Colors that mute in darker settings instead of glow.
  • Dark brown shade returned.
  • Add the colors from 5.6 back in, but not as replacements for existing premiums (Give them their own color slot).


Am I missing anything?

Not sure if anyone else has ever noticed, but all the CM eyes (at least yellow, white and I think blue) has always had the "glow" in the dark. I've been okay with it as I use yellow and white on a Sith and cyborg respectively, but I imagine a lot of other people don't care much for it and this would be a chance to get that changed.

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I listened to the podcast (bad feeling I think? no idea as I usually don't listen to them at all and found it on reddit) that had a small bit from the guy who redesigned the eye textures explaining the eye colour change, and am now very full in keeping the eyes as they are now, so that they can add more and different eye variations in the future. Texture swapping cannot be just done without other parts changing a little, to get more depth and colour variation for the future the current had to look a bit different, but it may be far better in the long run.


So I'm definitely on the - keep them as-is now please fence, for the betterment of new options in the future.

Since things will change as they upgrade the stuff they can and accepting that some tones and stuff from vanilla will change a little may be the only way to get other current issues fixed when it comes to textures and colours for character design.

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I like them for the most part now. Dark brown could be a bit darker and some others could still use some color adjustment but I like them.


What dark brown? It no longer exists. See it for yourself.


Good responses, but remember we did get our yellow eyes back. The reversion fixed that for us, at least. So what I'm seeing is this, for the most part:


We want:

  • Semi-glossy eyes with one point of light reflecting in them. Not the bland eyes that look flat and lifeless.
  • Colors that mute in darker settings instead of glow.
  • Dark brown shade returned.
  • Add the colors from 5.6 back in, but not as replacements for existing premiums (Give them their own color slot).


Am I missing anything?


Thank you!

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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my main sw warrior: the hereic of darkness, champion of the light and proud of it. his red mirialan eyes had a tinge of yellow and made them look more silly than something you'd see in iris. if you wanted to make the coloring look more authentic, grab pictures of eyes and their iris and take a close look at them, it isn't a solid color. it is more a flowing pattern colorations and being that not every human is perfect, it doesn't need to be exactly symetical in the pattern.


some irises have two colors to them, for example some people could have hazel colored eyes but have a gray ring around the outside, just inside of the iris, some people could have gray colored iris but have sploges of hazel next to the pupil. others could have green eyes and almost a third of their iris has hazel color next to the pupil.


take advantage of the iris patterns as well, some could be flowing in pattern, others are just black thin lines of color throughout the iris.


what i want in regards to the eyes, either leave them as they are or actually do something to improve them and try make em look like irises.

Edited by Celise
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People have complained about the eyes because they're glossy / shiny. Then it gets fixed, and after the screw ups, fixed again. Now some are glossy and lively looking, but others are muddy and bland, like the eyes on a corpse. No gloss to them.


So I ask: What do you want specifically?


I want Bioware to make everyone a Miraluka so we can stop hearing about the eyes!

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