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New WoW expansion announced! Any hurry-up for SWTOR?


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There is nothing to brag about with WoW sending out a new expansion, they do it to rip off their customers. Joining WoW now you would need to put in at least $300 dollars, then start buying every expansion for $70 each plus at monthly sub.


The sad fact is, SWTOR does not care about their customers and every business move they made for the game has been a big middle finger to the customers. The problem with star wars nerds running a company, is that they are the same people you see on star wars forums saying everyone else is stupid because they disagree with their conclusions on some element of Star Wars. They lack the mental ability to realize their "vision" of swtor is not important, what matters is creating a fun game that adapts to their customers.


With WoW you have greed ruling every choice, but they adapt their game to the customers so to keep it active and popular. SWTOR is run by self absorbed know it alls that don't care what their customers what, but they have a fair and balanced business model to not over charge their customers. I guess you have to pick your poison for now, but when an MMO comes out that adapts to their customers and has a reasonable price it will put both out of business.

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There is nothing to brag about with WoW sending out a new expansion, they do it to rip off their customers. Joining WoW now you would need to put in at least $300 dollars, then start buying every expansion for $70 each plus at monthly sub.


You mean 20$ for the base game + all expansions (except for Legion) and 30 days of game time, and 50$ for Legion itself. Not saying that's not pricey but it's a far cry from 300$. :rolleyes: Besides with Thanksgiving coming up their Black Friday sale will kick in within the next 1-2 weeks and there'll be discounts for the above most likely. Last year it took the 20$ set down to 5$ so just a heads up for anyone who's considering Warcraft.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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There is nothing to brag about with WoW sending out a new expansion, they do it to rip off their customers. Joining WoW now you would need to put in at least $300 dollars, then start buying every expansion for $70 each plus at monthly sub.


What? No you don't. Not even close to that lol


Legion goes for anywhere between about $20-40, depending where you get it from and when

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What? No you don't. Not even close to that lol


Legion goes for anywhere between about $20-40, depending where you get it from and when


Depends on your region, not everyone who games live in the mighty U S of A. also since I tried to go back I have paid for 4 battle chests and 1 expansions and 3 game cards roughly about $280CDN because my old account cant RaF and I rolled a new account with a friend yadda yadda yadda. you might not think WoW is a money Jam but once you start leveling characters without heirlooms and need to retrofit a couple fresh accounts, it adds up PDQ.


Now with SWTOR the Game cards here cost $30CDN and no Sales or GST taxes on top of that. with WoW its $35 plus both sales tax and GST. also I can nab a $35 pre paid visa with exchange to get the 19.99 coin allotment and get a few things unlocked. so say I spent half of what I spent on WoW I could get 3xSWTOR Cards and a $35 pre paid visa roughly $120ish CDN makes it more budget friendly for sure...

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Depends on your region, not everyone who games live in the mighty U S of A. also since I tried to go back I have paid for 4 battle chests and 1 expansions and 3 game cards roughly about $280CDN because my old account cant RaF and I rolled a new account with a friend yadda yadda yadda. you might not think WoW is a money Jam but once you start leveling characters without heirlooms and need to retrofit a couple fresh accounts, it adds up PDQ.


Now with SWTOR the Game cards here cost $30CDN and no Sales or GST taxes on top of that. with WoW its $35 plus both sales tax and GST. also I can nab a $35 pre paid visa with exchange to get the 19.99 coin allotment and get a few things unlocked. so say I spent half of what I spent on WoW I could get 3xSWTOR Cards and a $35 pre paid visa roughly $120ish CDN makes it more budget friendly for sure...


WoW is a nice polished game even after 6 years SWTOR has the same issues since day 1 with not being able to preform mass player content like pvp battles on planets, 16M raids and world boss groups the game just jams up for players and after 6 years that's not good enough but if EA actually put some of the money into the game then we might have seen a change but by 2019 SWTOR will have to be done you can dress something up with new paint for only so long before it all falls off and that's this game.

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WoW is a nice polished game even after 6 years SWTOR has the same issues since day 1 with not being able to preform mass player content like pvp battles on planets, 16M raids and world boss groups the game just jams up for players and after 6 years that's not good enough but if EA actually put some of the money into the game then we might have seen a change but by 2019 SWTOR will have to be done you can dress something up with new paint for only so long before it all falls off and that's this game.


Perhaps, but way I see it is this game will be around for a long time to come you may think that EA is doom and gloom, and you are probably right, but their are a Few things you are not considering


EA Still keeps UO up and running, as well as DAoC, Titanfall, and a few others that a lot of people here consider either dead in the water or don't even realize still exist. in my eyes if we go to maintenance mode. its because 1. forum Jock's are hell bent for some type of Failure and drive people away. 2. The Game makes less than the cost of the soon to be 5 servers to run. 3. look how long they kept the other servers alive for which obviously was costing EA money and then they invest in new hardware to add 5 new Mega Servers? its like saying Hey I bought this $200 Car but I want to put in a $3000 Stereo and pump the Bass out of it!!!!

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Perhaps, but way I see it is this game will be around for a long time to come you may think that EA is doom and gloom, and you are probably right, but their are a Few things you are not considering


EA Still keeps UO up and running, as well as DAoC, Titanfall, and a few others that a lot of people here consider either dead in the water or don't even realize still exist. in my eyes if we go to maintenance mode. its because 1. forum Jock's are hell bent for some type of Failure and drive people away. 2. The Game makes less than the cost of the soon to be 5 servers to run. 3. look how long they kept the other servers alive for which obviously was costing EA money and then they invest in new hardware to add 5 new Mega Servers? its like saying Hey I bought this $200 Car but I want to put in a $3000 Stereo and pump the Bass out of it!!!!


if the game dies, it has nothing to do with the players on the forum, it has to do with BW making the same mistakes over and over and driving players away. The game will hang around as long as EA wants to say they have a SW MMO. Once they don't care about that, it'll be gone. So, could be next year or could be 10 years, but for all intents and purposes, it's dead now.

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There is nothing to brag about with WoW sending out a new expansion, they do it to rip off their customers. Joining WoW now you would need to put in at least $300 dollars, then start buying every expansion for $70 each plus at monthly sub.


It's funny how people who try to make another game look bad usually have no idea what they're talking about. Almost like they don't have any experience with it- which isn't a bad thing, you don't have to like something and you don't have to try it to know you don't like it. But be honest.


Currently WoW is free to download and play up to level 20 (with restrictions, obviously). All old expansions are rolled into the base game once they are no longer current, so you get all of them free of charge, save for the current expansion.


And, last I checked, expansions were around $60- or $15 if you're patient enough to wait for a sale.


With WoW you have greed ruling every choice


... Um. WoW isn't the game that pelts you with microtransactions even if you subscribe. You subscribe to WoW and you get all of the game. All of it- almost everything in the game is earnable if you're willing to work for it, every place is explorable, every playable race is available, every quest is doable by anyone regardless of when they were subscribed.. No paywall attached, save your subscription.

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Depends on your region, not everyone who games live in the mighty U S of A. also since I tried to go back I have paid for 4 battle chests and 1 expansions and 3 game cards roughly about $280CDN because my old account cant RaF and I rolled a new account with a friend yadda yadda yadda. you might not think WoW is a money Jam but once you start leveling characters without heirlooms and need to retrofit a couple fresh accounts, it adds up PDQ.


Now with SWTOR the Game cards here cost $30CDN and no Sales or GST taxes on top of that. with WoW its $35 plus both sales tax and GST. also I can nab a $35 pre paid visa with exchange to get the 19.99 coin allotment and get a few things unlocked. so say I spent half of what I spent on WoW I could get 3xSWTOR Cards and a $35 pre paid visa roughly $120ish CDN makes it more budget friendly for sure...


Why would you buy 4 battlechests, or a single batlechest to begin with? You get the full game including all expansions up to and including WOD just buying the base game. There's no reason to buy a battlechest at this point because they're obsolete, unless you literally want physical copies of the game


I've probably been playing WoW for about 2 years now. I've switched accounts twice. Neither time did I need to buy anything more than the base game and a sub to start leveling. RAF works great for leveling even without heirlooms (3x xp on missions you do together with afriend/being able to summon them or outright grant each other levels instantly)


I don't know where you're from or why you'd need to purchase all of that, but what you're saying is basically like saying SWTOR is too expensive to play because you decided to buy 10,000 Cartel Coin cards along with buying KOTFE three times (even though you dont even need to buy it) and buying up all the legacy perks via CC's


SWTOR is definitely the cheaper game, as you only need to pay for a sub (14.99), whereas in WoW you need to pay for the latest expansion ($20-49.99) if you want to play it as well as the base game ($5-20). Then a sub once the free game time from those expire.


Though you can use in-game currency to literally pay your sub or buy other games from Blizzard (Which apparently now includes being able to buy Destiny 2 using WoW Tokens) or expansions

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SWTOR is definitely the cheaper game, as you only need to pay for a sub (14.99), whereas in WoW you need to pay for the latest expansion ($20-49.99) if you want to play it as well as the base game ($5-20). Then a sub once the free game time from those expire.

Then again, WoW might have a lot more content because of those paid expansions and therefore per dollar/euro you get more.


SWTOR may cost less but that's not a real argument if you also get less for it. I get that that's different for people who don't have much money, but then again, I would suspect that that's also not the target demopgraphic for a business generally speaking.

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Just watched the trailer and I wish it wasn't the case but makes me want to dust of my death knight. I know its cartoonish graphics and walls of text for quests but there is just so much to do.


I left WOW earlier this year, not because of the graphics, I did not mind those but because I was fed up with Legion and the new trailer is nothing to lure me back. Another round of Horde/Alliance war, no thanks. But it will lure lots of people back who wanted that war to get back on track, so I guess WoW might get a huge number of players to return. I honestly will stay with Elder Scrolls Online and here for any Star Wars cravings I have. :)

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You're not. My fiance and I had the same conversation recently when we returned to Warcraft and I expressed similar sentiments to my FB friends who play SWTOR/Warcraft.


I know a fair few people who’ve played/play swtor and when ever you see them in another MMO, the first thing we all gravitate to is how badly Bioware ****ed up swtor

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I know a fair few people who’ve played/play swtor and when ever you see them in another MMO, the first thing we all gravitate to is how badly Bioware ****ed up swtor


Its all subjective really In a sense, fun is what you make of it. if you enjoy just rolling different characters with lightsabers or blasters then SWTOR is your thing, not everyone needs a large group to enjoy this game with. its like going to the theaters some people enjoy it while others most likely these days watch Netflix...


some people like Mall and big box store Black Friday shopping, well if your Canadian, you guys in the USA are pretty cut throat... Literally!! :eek:

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Its all subjective really In a sense, fun is what you make of it. if you enjoy just rolling different characters with lightsabers or blasters then SWTOR is your thing, not everyone needs a large group to enjoy this game with. its like going to the theaters some people enjoy it while others most likely these days watch Netflix...


some people like Mall and big box store Black Friday shopping, well if your Canadian, you guys in the USA are pretty cut throat... Literally!! :eek:


That's what it comes down to. People have different ideas of fun and different goals as to what they want to get out of a game. If a person's primary gaming motivation is doing 16-man raids, SWTOR might not be as fun for them as WoW or some other games. It doesn't mean that SWTOR is 'failing,' just that there are other games that will have more of what they, personally, want.

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Its all subjective really In a sense, fun is what you make of it. if you enjoy just rolling different characters with lightsabers or blasters then SWTOR is your thing, not everyone needs a large group to enjoy this game with. its like going to the theaters some people enjoy it while others most likely these days watch Netflix...


some people like Mall and big box store Black Friday shopping, well if your Canadian, you guys in the USA are pretty cut throat... Literally!! :eek:


It's not solely that though. Critiquing SWTOR has little to do with not liking the game/IP or needing more people to play with (I'm a solo player here by choice, in Warcraft too though I'll pug or LFR if the mood hits). In my case when I 'gripe' about SWTOR while playing another game or just as it comes up in conversation... it's my LOVE for the game that drives the critique. My wish they'd do better, could do more from bug fixing to small QOL improvements and more/better content update across the board. The base premise of this game has so much potential, it could be so much but I feel a lot of it is going to waste due to EA's management and budget.

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WoW is on the ball with full blown expansions every two years and now a vanilla wow legacy servers. It feels like time for a huge swtor announcement to come soon, you know, with those multi-million dollar fancy trailers they invest in advertisement instead of the actual game. But seriously, lets do it this time.. something special.. charge me full price, **** charge me 100 bucks and i'll still buy it, but make it special.. like the mcdonalds secret sauce, ya'll have something that is gonna blow us away.. I believe I'm part jedi as the force is tingling in me like I feel a disturbance and it's not because I just ate a big box from taco bell.


First, yes. I would absolutely LOVE a big huge expansion with tons of content and all the bells and whistles.


Here's the problem though when reality kicks in. SWTOR seems give a not good return on investment for EA. Just look at the game's history.

So, in short, the game is struggling to keep what playerbase it still has. After all, we're not doing server merges because there's too many people on the servers.

I don't mean to be a naysayer, but looking at things objectively, we're getting less and less as time goes by.

Even 5.6, which is supposed to be a big or huge update (I forget the exact terminology used in official communication) when compared to updates earlier in the game's history and especially updates in the game's peers, is not as big as BW/EA is trying to make it out to be.

All that to say, the game seems to be winding down (though it is important to note that as of present, we are not in maintenance mode), so the hope of a big, huge expansion like SWTOR's peers get seems to is just that, hope with little chance of happening.

I don't see EA as willing to invest a whole bunch of money into a game that consistently fails to impress gamers. The only sort of exception is 4.0 before and maybe right at launch, but the hype of 4.0 quickly faded after it was released and started to drive away even more people.


Now, anything is possible. It's possible that behind the scenes, things are in the works for a SWTOR renaissance. But, I'm not getting my hopes up without any solid evidence.


I'm sorry for being a doomsayer. I am just trying to be a realist and look at facts and things objectively.

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The only reason i am still here and not playing wow, if i want to be truely honest about it, is how overwhelming wow is right now in just the amount of content i would need to go through in order to get just one of my toons up to speed. the day i cancelled my sub i spent it fishing....for a single fish...across 9 toons...across the lands. it gave me a chance to reflect on how much the garrisons were time gated and how expensive it was going to be for my broke self to keep up with what i needed in each garrison across my 11 toons.


I got overwhelmed at the gravity of the calculations and logged out. I really wanted the noodle cart and had read up on a farm from MoP on top of the fishing items...and do some type of progress so that i could enjoy the previous expansion. But the garrisons were integral for WoD (at least i felt) so all my time was spend working them.


From what ihave kept up with on wow the amount of time i would need to play catch up with be mind numbing. So, i dont go back and i stay here. however, the next few months will determine where i end up in march.

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Swtor isnt wow, and the playerbase dont necessarily seek the same from two different companies.

Loled. Which mmorpg playerbase doesn't prefer the loads of content, commitment and love Blizzard gives to WoW? People not in their right mind i guess.

Most of players here will be hyped if they announce a new expac...full with quality content...but that's not happening....BW learned this year that whatever the quality and quantity of new content is, there will always be a few players that will play by their tune, because what we got this year compared to what a AAA MMO would have got is one big nothing. Less then nothing if you count nerfs and server merges.

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Loled. Which mmorpg playerbase doesn't prefer the loads of content, commitment and love Blizzard gives to WoW? People not in their right mind i guess.

Most of players here will be hyped if they announce a new expac...full with quality content...but that's not happening....BW learned this year that whatever the quality and quantity of new content is, there will always be a few players that will play by their tune, because what we got this year compared to what a AAA MMO would have got is one big nothing. Less then nothing if you count nerfs and server merges.

See WoWs credibility. Obviously all that "love" hasnt kept it from deteriorating just like every mmo to date. They all go down the same path eventually, so companies need to try different strategies to hopefully break the mold.


EQ just released an expansion, but that doesn't mean its servers are flooding with players.

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See WoWs credibility. Obviously all that "love" hasnt kept it from deteriorating just like every mmo to date. They all go down the same path eventually, so companies need to try different strategies to hopefully break the mold.


EQ just released an expansion, but that doesn't mean its servers are flooding with players.


I respectfully disagree....WOW is still the KIng sadly and its because what continuous support over the years has accomplished. Sure, there will always be deteriorating but compared to other MMOs, compared to this game.....worlds apart. How come for close to a decade WOW still sits on the throne of MMO? I don't think an explanation is needed for anybody with half a brain. I myself dont like WOW as game, but am not blind for all the work that was and still is thrown in it.


Companies need to try different strategies....well...i think: releasing next to no new content for a year, server merging, closing a whole regional datacenters, lying to your playerbase, nerfing classes, reusing old content for the purpose of grinding rng lootboxes is certainly not the way to go...

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