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Everything posted by Darkfalconheart

  1. I can only speak from personal experience and I have never received the kind of toxic reaction I got in PVP in PVE. Second, yes, when there were rewards in PVP people were trying to get them, even people who did not like PVP at all. That's the kind of "lure" that I think is plain wrong. But again you want rewards there, so that people who don't care for PVP feel they must play. Which actually says that the PVP community itself is very small. As for the third: this game is on borrowed time either way, the contract is running out and the game is not strong enough to pull a WOW and keep on existing way beyond what can be expected. The PVP community being that small won't be that much felt for unsubbing outside their own circles.
  2. Quite honestly, I think it was good they removed the rewards. The PVP Community created their own mess by being toxic. Who whined first their servers were empty, wayyyy before the mergers? The PVPers? Who is howling now that there needs to be something to MAKE/LURE people to play PVP? The PVPers. Sorry, but I think it is GREAT that there is no reason to PVP except for the enjoyment of the same. No rewards players may feel they need or stuff that is only there. If they want players to stick with them in a mode, than they need to behave accordingly. They did not, and most people are smart enough to stay away from ranked, for good reason.
  3. Reading this, I am glad I moved servers after a few days of this mess. Once I moved back to Starforge, I had a better perfomance albeit that server is NA, than on my native German server.
  4. German Telekom Customer, Tulak Hord Server too. After having an unplayable game for about a week, I switched to NA, where I have no lags, ironically.
  5. Quite honestly, if you listen to all the dialogue, you see Quinn's betrayal coming from a mile away. Tremel tells you, that everything Baras every says or does is carefully calculated. On Balmorra you hear Barras tell Quinn that his debt is donw with... I knew at that point that Barras wanted my warrior to hear that bit, and with Quinns overdone entrance to the crew at the spaceport, I had no doubt he was Barras' spy. There also is a change in him after the warrior starts working with the hand, subtle, but it is there. The only option I ever wished for, was to tell Quinn: "I knew all along."
  6. The insta tokens are not gambling. They come at a fixed price and give you exactly what you paid for. They are not random. So they have nothing to do with that issue. WoW sells such tokens too. I really don't understand all the complaining about random boxes selling skins.
  7. Problem is - if I decide to go to another server because a friend as her chars there, I need to restart my legacy and all that came with it. If they made it so, that with making a char there I'd have my entire legacy active (strongholds, perks, unlocks, legacy level, you name it) then I'd happily live without the transfers. So I need to transfer a char, to get my legacy over there.
  8. What exactly IS the problem. This game sells armor shells of all kinds, a very few with mods and other cosmetics for real money. It's not like you can buy end-game gear directly from the shop. So I don't really see the issue. There's no massive advantage in buying stuff from the cartel market. Maybe you can explain to me what the issue is to you?
  9. Quite simply: I am not grouping, I don't care about another comapnion who's just a shell and otherwise am so not interested. I would group if there was something really interesting locked behind the achievement (I am used to grouping from WoW, so am not socio-phobic) but this event has not even made me bother to look up what to do for that companion. I like companions with a story, with interactions, who are someone... not just shells to clutter my UI with.
  10. Elrohir - El - elven Rohir (like in Rohirrim) - Rider, in that context probably: Knight. There's some discrepancies between the dictionaries online available, but methinks those names are explained in one of appendixes of Tolkien's work.
  11. That would solve the problem at once. And it creates more of a spirit of cooperation than formal grouping in some cases. You don't need to group to work together and helping another player out will give you XP&Kill Rewards as well. Even if you only jumped in because the other player had too many mobs attacking him. And that's the kind of thing that would ease the situation in many of the crowded zones at once, in SWTOR.
  12. I am not sure about the best story. I played it once and found it meh. Didn't even keep the character, as I'd never play him again. It's certainly the most non-typical SW story among the class stories, but I found it bland, badly written and uninspired for most of the time.
  13. I left WOW earlier this year, not because of the graphics, I did not mind those but because I was fed up with Legion and the new trailer is nothing to lure me back. Another round of Horde/Alliance war, no thanks. But it will lure lots of people back who wanted that war to get back on track, so I guess WoW might get a huge number of players to return. I honestly will stay with Elder Scrolls Online and here for any Star Wars cravings I have.
  14. Well, Elder Scrolls Online has one huge European server and it works just fine, BUT: I regularly see people complain in chat, because the Russian/French/otherlanguage guilds are advertising there. Most complaints come from English-Speaking people getting confused when there's suddenly a lot of Russian in chat. It takes some tolerance, and definitely some more moderation than SWTOR has to make a multi-language mega-server work. And of course it means you have language-specific guilds, which is another hot topic. I have had this discussion the other week, when someone did not understand that a guild was language specific and would not take people who did not speak the language, no matter that half of the guild members might also understand English.
  15. The problem is, that the system is too grindy (and unassembled components only drop from group activities, so the system is NOT treating all types of play equally.). Paltry 70 CXP for quests/dailies are not an incentive, they make it clear that this is a long and boring grind and artificially stretching out of the end game. Right now, with the daily bug, the CXP are at a ranger for the first time, to make me actually bother. So, the idea was not bad, the implementation was simply lousy. I know a similar system as it is used in Elder Scrolls Online, only there the whole thing is not as grindy, and all your toons benefit from your CP. Along with no RNG boxes, the system there gives you a real reason to want to level your CP - which are account wide, so your alts don't suffer. Quite honestly their system simply rewards you for playing the game, however you like. Right now I think the best they could do is leave the Daily glitch in the running and raise CXP rewards significantly across the board, along with making unassembled components available from no-group, no-PVP activities as well.
  16. The default male was okay, when you used high res. I played female for a long time because there you could make some decent looking avatars if you took time and patience to experiment. There were even websites where people shared successful settings.
  17. Get it through your head - story people want STORY, not some team-stuff you are supposed to spacebar through. Real story. No group-stuff with some story bits in disguise.
  18. As every voice counts let me say this: as a subscriber I highly appreciate that the devs focus on story and have stopped throwing all their resources at useless stuff like OPs and warzones. Yes, it is an MMO, but contrary to what you think an MMO does not have to focus on OPs and PVP... it could e different from the three dozen others MMOs out there. How about that. So... I am rather happy with the situation, and for all I care, they never need to make a new warzone. I never do Ops, so I don't care about them either. I'd like more story, mabye new Heroic 2s, stuff like that.
  19. Same here Shadowlands - Light population and server queue. What the heck...??
  20. Same here Shadowlands - Light population and server queue. What the heck...??
  21. Because a) I have odd playing times, b) I want to go on my own pace, not be told to hurry/spacebar/do this or that and c) I have yet to find players here that would want to group with. I have a few of those in WoW, with whom I feel comfortable to group. And even that only happens when we alle have time together, which happens rarely due to RL demands. I don't want to WASTE my playtime waiting for a group to maybe form and then be berated by someone who thinks I should play entirely differently than I do.
  22. I absolutely agree. They catered to the minor part of the community that wants to dictate how others play. Again. If they do not change it back, I will let my sub time run out and be gone for good.
  23. Don't take this the wrong way: I Too enjoy the game very much and I DO enjoy it very much playing solo. I play for several hours each day, I don't mind having to grind/built companion influence. I do not have to do it in one day after all. The Alliance system has been fun so far - more fun than the grind in Tanaan jungle was, to mention a game that I am giving a break atm. And leveling new chars is a blast right now. So I do not see any reasons for complaints.
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