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In-game Items you Want to Return


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Perhaps if there was a list of items that are no longer in game, it would make selecting them much easier. I honestly dont know what is no longer in game and what is, via the CM or drops or whatever other avenue that is available.

I feel like, if we need Bioware to tell us an item's not available, then it's not the sort of widely desired unavailable item that they're asking about! For me, the obvious items are decorations like Makeb Gazebo (from a removed achievement), First Grand Statue of Mandalore (from a community cantina), etc. Not even items from old cartel packs or cartel certs, because they're still obtainable (albeit with great effort/expense), but items that literally can't be obtained at all anymore by any method.

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Oh there is one huge thing for the pre order people that would be nice, make all the current Black-Yellow Crystals available for Level 10 use, not just the warhero ones, please? seems silly that those crystals still require level 50.


and speaking of Crystals I am surprised no one has mentioned the old crystal vendor on fleet. There was a lot of people pretty upset when they learned it was removed after F2P went active. it was basically the only place to get the Dark side purple crystal iirc and the white crystals. not sure if they would implement the white ones but the authentic purple crystals would be a nice touch!

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I feel like, if we need Bioware to tell us an item's not available, then it's not the sort of widely desired unavailable item that they're asking about! For me, the obvious items are decorations like Makeb Gazebo (from a removed achievement), First Grand Statue of Mandalore (from a community cantina), etc. Not even items from old cartel packs or cartel certs, because they're still obtainable (albeit with great effort/expense), but items that literally can't be obtained at all anymore by any method.

I keep seeing suggestions followed by someone saying its currently available via vendor or CM, or whatever. Obviously there is a lot of uncertainty about the status of many items that were believed to be removed. Some clarification would be ideal in order to cut down on the unnecessary suggestions.

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I keep seeing suggestions followed by someone saying its currently available via vendor or CM, or whatever. Obviously there is a lot of uncertainty about the status of many items that were believed to be removed. Some clarification would be ideal in order to cut down on the unnecessary suggestions.


Also, IMHO if the only place to get something is for millions of credits on the secondary market (ie, the GTN) and there's no way to obtain it via a vendor, achievement, drop or Alliance crate, it counts as 'removed.'

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Also, IMHO if the only place to get something is for millions of credits on the secondary market (ie, the GTN) and there's no way to obtain it via a vendor, achievement, drop or Alliance crate, it counts as 'removed.'


I agree to an extent.


With some exceptions, including but not limited to CM items, if someone is "sitting" on something that can no longer be obtained by any means, then yes, I would say that would count as "removed", even though it may be possible for a new player to acquire it if a player who is sitting on one decides to sell it on the GTN.


If something can be obtained via drop, vendor, achievement, etc. even if obtaining that item requires patience or "grinding", then IMO, the item has not been "removed". An example would be the two armor sets from the original Rakhghoul event and the armor set from the Grand Acquisition event. Those armors have been added back to the game giving players who did not obtain one or more of those armor sets during the events the opportunity to obtain those armor sets and the Sharp Dresser achievement, but they are not easily obtainable.



Not easily obtained does not equate to "removed", IMO.

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Things needed to complete achievements:


- Taun Fawn (Taun Fond Achievement)

Cantina Code that can be made retroactive to be in-line with how current codes are distributed.


- Taunta (Taun Fond Achievement)

Available at the Collector's Edition Vendor, -1 for making CE things available without having a CE so maybe remove this one from the achievement.


- Minimech CE (The Collector Achievement)

Available at the Collector's Edition Vendor, -1 for making CE things available without having a CE so maybe remove this one from the achievement.



I'd like to see some things have a guaranteed drop:


- Red Helix Mount (HM Xenoanalyst II)


- Helix Hyperpod Mount (NiM Terror From Beyond)


- Symbiote Rakling Pet (HM Eyeless)


* It's so difficult now to even get people together to do these so I'd like to see one (1) guaranteed drop that people can roll for cuz then at least we'd know going in that at least one person would get the item.



- Cartel Market Certificates

Can be put into Command Crates.


- Reputation Items

There are some that are next to impossible to level due to the rarity or unavailability of reputation items so these can also be put into Command Crates.

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On the topic itself, does anybody have a list of mounts/pets that aren't available anymore? The only lists I could find were from 2015. The only mounts that would really make sense to bring back are the Korrealis mounts removed in 1.2. The others listed there were either event exclusives (that come back with their respective events) or PVP rewards. The missing pets are are all promotional items that wouldn't fall under the scope of this thread.


So... I guess the Korrealis mounts?


They are back in T1-3 command crates and this really was a bad move it totally wrecked the value in something that was rare.

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I agree to an extent.


With some exceptions, including but not limited to CM items, if someone is "sitting" on something that can no longer be obtained by any means, then yes, I would say that would count as "removed", even though it may be possible for a new player to acquire it if a player who is sitting on one decides to sell it on the GTN.


If something can be obtained via drop, vendor, achievement, etc. even if obtaining that item requires patience or "grinding", then IMO, the item has not been "removed". An example would be the two armor sets from the original Rakhghoul event and the armor set from the Grand Acquisition event. Those armors have been added back to the game giving players who did not obtain one or more of those armor sets during the events the opportunity to obtain those armor sets and the Sharp Dresser achievement, but they are not easily obtainable.



Not easily obtained does not equate to "removed", IMO.


I'd agree with this, but I'd also add items that are only available from vendors with defunct currency. There are a number of vendors who sell things in the game that use currency that you cannot buy or earn through any means at present.

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the authentic purple crystals would be a nice touch!

Currently obtainable in-game for two Eternal Championship trophies (magenta and cyan too).


I feel like a lot of the stuff people have been asking for in this thread is currently obtainable in-game. Some people have commented that this means we could use a list of unobtainable stuff. I mean, sure, the list wouldn't do any harm to have. But if I really wanted something I would check out all avenues to see if it could be obtained some way.

Edited by Estelindis
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But if I really wanted something I would check out all avenues to see if it could be obtained some way.

Yes, i could go to each of the hundreds of vendors, check the gtn for each item, look in the CM, which doesn't have a search button for specific items, and complete every fp and ops in every mode repeatedly until I confirm the drop presence; or I can post here and ask 1 person to compile a list instead.


Let me ponder that choice for a while.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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Yes, i could go to each of the hundreds of vendors, check the gtn for each item, look in the CM, which doesn't have a search button for specific items, and complete every fp and ops in every mode repeatedly until I confirm the drop presence; or I can post here and ask 1 person to compile a list instead.

It's more like, as you play the game and see more and more of it, you see more and more of what's available. When you do the Eternal Championship and check out the vendors, you see the rewards, etc. Also, the historical cartel market can be searched via the Collections filter. Collections usually states the source of each item.

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I'd agree with this, but I'd also add items that are only available from vendors with defunct currency. There are a number of vendors who sell things in the game that use currency that you cannot buy or earn through any means at present.


If those currencies truly cannot be obtained, then I would tend to agree.


However, currencies with low, or very low, drop rates, such as Cartel Certificates, are not unobtainable.


Once again, not easily obtained does not equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".

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I would like to echo the sentiment that flashpoint decorations (including the Heroic Star Fortresses) are not dropping.


Also missing are the datacron decorations from gold elite and champion mobs from heroic missions.


There were so many named sets of weapons and armor, some of which were moved to the adaptive gear vendor on the fleet, some to the legacy gear vendor on the fleet, and some to the command crate drops. Many don't exist anymore. Marauders used to get a curved hilt lightsaber called the Dread Battlefield Commander Saber and offhand Saber from Tatooine missions (one was a heroic and one part of the bonus series.) These don't drop anymore, although you can get the Executioner's saber, which looks identical, from tier 3 command crates. Lightsaber of the Mind's Eye was a blue hilt saber that dropped from flashpoints but doesn't any longer.


But honestly, I'd be thrilled just to see the missing decorations come back, and the Conquered Exarch armors (really just the bracers from the heroic Star Fortresses.)

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Why don't we go back to what this forum was started for and list the items (minus armor and weapons) and let the devs decide what they will add or not add and stop arguing back and forth over what should be added. They have stated what they would like from us and this constant bickering back and forth is not going to help them figure out what people want.


A reminder of the post they made:


Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:



Stronghold Decorations


For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!



Edited by casirabit
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Wings of the Architect and Dread Master's Crest.


I may be mistaken, but I thought the wings and the Crest still dropped, albeit with very low drop rates, and only in NiM.


Once again, not easily obtained does not equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".

Edited by Ratajack
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It's more like, as you play the game and see more and more of it, you see more and more of what's available. When you do the Eternal Championship and check out the vendors, you see the rewards, etc. Also, the historical cartel market can be searched via the Collections filter. Collections usually states the source of each item.

1). The stuff needed for achievements dont all show up in collections, and vice versa.


2). I have completed all content in the game, and while doing so, i looked at what vendors had to offer. That doesn't mean that the same stuff is still there. Stuff is added and removed and changed with every patch, so to be tasked with checking my list (see above post) after every patch is not practical.

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to be tasked with checking my list (see above post) after every patch is not practical.

We clearly have different philosophies about this. My natural response to your problem would be to suggest you make the list yourself. :D I'm not being flippant. I literally feel like it's more enjoyable to create the thing that will help you rather than depend on someone else to do it for you, because you can rely on and guarantee your own actions (whereas you can't depend on the actions of other people to quite the same degree, so you don't know if they'll actually do what you ask). I like feeling that the result's a sure thing rather than being uncertain. I come from a background of game modding, so if I'm playing a game that doesn't have something I want in it, I usually try to find a way to put it in rather than asking the devs (who have so many other people's wishes to consider - I only have to think of my own!). Not that SW:TOR is the kind of game that lets us mod it... The number of times I would have been happy for the devs to let me take over reskinning items for them is too many to count!


I do understand if you feel differently. It makes sense if a person would prefer uncertainty if it means they don't have to do anything. :o And actually lots of sites with info about sources and availability do already exist, so much of the work is already done by other people. This one is great for decoration info, for instance: https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/list-of-decorations/

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Most certainly a way to get cartel certificates and cartel reputation items. The old Slot Machine was a great concept before it got nerfed to hell. This would alleviate the problem of not being able to get some of the nicer decorations.


Also, if cartel certificates/reputation could be gained in easier way, adding some older CM decorations to the bazaar vendors would be nice as well. the old packs are next to impossible to obtain these days.


Oh yea, and one more thing - return FP/Ops deco drop rates (or in case of Tython/Korriban the currency) to proper levels, or have them be a guaranteed drop from bonus boss and higher drop chance from final boss or something.

Edited by Aries_cz
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So what? Was here since Beta, number doesn't mean jack. Played at the earliest opening in this game (nice try, you weren't really here before anybody.) If you did too, then good for you. Players during that time had 2 YEARS to get the gear, so NO EXCUSES on not getting it before it was removed when the next expansion hit. Johnny-come-latelies have A TON of gear to choose from, vastly more than those here since the getgo. No excuses to try to make a grubby grab for removed veteran gear; go bother pvpers about bringing back PvP season rewards.


None of your rant matters anyway because


For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.

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