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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post your favorite emote!


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I've became attached to,:rak_03::rak_04::rak_06:

I also like,🎅 No idea why, that's probably why!(phone emote) Maybe it doesn't count. :p


:d_confused::d_grin::d_frown: Oh and these! They remind me of a certain something, that some may would find inappropriate. I completely love it.:rak_03:


I think that's about it.:rak_03:

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Smilies? I like :o, it's kind of humble and embarrassed. I also really like :jawa_mad: and :jawa_redface:


I like all the jawa ones really, I'd love to make stickers out of them and put them everywhere :jawa_angel:


Are we supposed to be talking about emotes in the game though?

Edited by grania
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In game I use chicken for nearly everything. It's my only form of non-keyboard communication.


If I'm having a crafting binge and I can't be bothered to do anything else I'll just chicken the crafting trainers.


On here, I rarely use emotes. I probably use :eek: more than anything else.

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I wondered too, but as he typed a forum Icon and said nothing else, I just assumed he meant the forum ones.:rak_02:


I meant forum ones, hehe.


But if we're talkin' in-game then definitely /slap. :sul_wink:


Loving all your guys' replies, they're quite hilarious.

Edited by doohickeyexpress
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