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Utility Changes coming in GU 5.6


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Let's get cracking:


Gunslinger / Scoundrel:


Dirty Fighting / Ruffian: Even though DF / Ruffian lost some POTENTIAL energy, these disciplines will now have MUCH more stable energy gain. Let's see what the crit rates were for DoTs on average...45-50%. Meaning that at worst, it's going to be same and at best a bit more reliable. But this'll help the newcomers to these Disciplines the most(as well as leveling players). I like this change very much. Good job!




Scrambling Field: Sure, the nerf's valid and called for. But it shouldn't be that much of a nerf, so we'll see about the future.




Sawbones: Can't comment, sorry.




Utility nerfs: Sure, this is a welcome change. I still think that the Vanguard should also have Adrenal Surge(at the very least) and, ideally, Trauma Stabilizers. Because, who's the short range class here? But even this is welcome.


Assault: YES! I'll no longer need to lug that stupid *** rocket around as an Inn.Ord! THANK YOU! <3 (btw, that detail was also stupid as fk on Boba ; otherwise he was cool as fk, but that rocket! Han simply needed to shoot the damn thing to splat him)


Vanguard: AT LAST! <3


Utility changes: Yes, us PlasmaTechs needed that AoE damage reduction BADLY because given that at least 5% of Vanguard damage comes from Into the Fray...you know. I've another idea for PlasmaTechs, but later. Added resilience for Tanks is always welcome. Very, very good changes! I LOVE them! They're beautiful.


Tactics: Yes, make Tactics super tanky again! :D


Overall, these changes should impact Vanguards in rather nice way and help us Plasma / Pyro Techs more than could be obvious at first glance. Nice job. But there's another thing. Electro / Pyro Shield utilities also give us at the very least 5% damage. Given that we Plasma / Pyros have no way to reduce Reactive / Energy Shield cooldowns, this gives Tactics / AP Disciplines undue advantage. I suggest that you also move the Shield recharge bit from Reflexive Shield to an utility of sorts. Leave the mini shield procs as they are. This'd be all that Plasma / Pyro Techs need atm imo. Besides old Immolate / DfA animation, ofc :D




Balance: The DoT bugfix is VERY WELCOME. It was a stupid feature of a Discipline that unduly nerfed Balance's potential in real situations. But, what I'd like to see is MORE OFFENSE, NOT MORE DEFENSE! Balance has some problems with DPS, not as much with defenses.


TkT: Talk about stupid change! Again, Sages can reach up to ~70% DR(if not more!) for short periods of time. They DO NOT NEED MORE DEFENSE! TkT especially has HUGE PROBLEMS with DPS. BUFF THE DPS! TkT NEEDS a DPS BUFF! I repeat: TkT NEEDS A DPS BUFF!




Can't comment. But from passing glance, the Serenity change is very nice(just as is Balance's) and the retool of AoE damage redux to an utility is also welcome(just as it is on Vanguard). Nice job!




Utility changes: Gather Strength, sure whatever. A bugfix's always welcome! AoE damage redux being available to everyone is also very nice. Very, very nice changes.




Yes, thank you for taking care of that stupid clipping crap. The dps and performance should be only as random as crit / hit rng is. Being dependent on lag, phases of moon etc was very moronic. Plus, I like overall "CASUL" direction you've sent Combat down. Maybe it'll be playable now below 50 APM...




With the exception of TkT changes(stupid, unnecessary ****), I LOVE these changes! Keep it up, you're great! At least in this aspect. ;)


Are u serious about combat dude? This spec was underperforming compared to fury and no one is playing it! Damn i hope the classes you play will be nerfed one day to ground so you will feel how it is to play a class which underperforms so much in pvp

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i dont even...

With enough alacrity we could always use 3 abilities even without clipping.

Under berserk it was 3 abilities without clipping again no matter what. So what is this 2 stack thing?

This just confirms that the balance guy doesnt play the game.

We are talking about at least 800 dps loss,does he know that??

Not to mention that Fury now will have more burst than carnage.With the recent buff to it it will also have more substained so may i politely ask what is the role that carnage will fill now???


I believe the new roll Carnage / Combat will excel at is - Cannon Fodder! Which is actually what their renaming the spec too.

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This is totally false. Right now it's possible to fit 3 abilities inside the Ferocity window without clipping regardless of whether Berserk is up. Clipping only lets you fit the extra Dual Saber Throw into the Berserk Ferocity as a 4th ability.


With this change Ataru Form Strikes won't be affected by Ferocity and every Ferocity window will buff 1-2 fewer hits. Based on some of my parses, this is >750 dps loss (assuming every Ferocity is Devastating Blast + Vicious Throw/Gore). This will put Carnage 200 dps behind Concealment and on par with Madness, making it the lowest parsing melee spec and tied for the lowest parsing spec in it's DPS tier. This is also going to be a huge nerf to its burst capabilities as well as its AOE capabilities.


This will turn one of the most engaging specs into braindead ability spam. The stacks should be 3 to at least preserve some of the current feel of the spec and not result in a huge over-nerf.


Indeed, looks like combat team has no idea how carnage works. With such idiotic changes carnage will be pretty useless. Even now fury outperforms it, so stupid

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Please, PLEASE reconsider the carnage change. You guys are about to ruin one this game's most iconic specs.


They have done this before.They have already ruined anni since 3.0 so i think they dont give a damn.

The real problem here is that the combat balance guy (CBG from now on) doesnt know that even without clipping we can use 3 abilities in the ferocity window even not under berserk.

That speaks volumes for his knowledge of the game.

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Are u serious about combat dude? This spec was underperforming compared to fury and no one is playing it! Damn i hope the classes you play will be nerfed one day to ground so you will feel how it is to play a class which underperforms so much in pvp


Yes, I misunderstood it. Been positive AGES since I played Combat / Carnage. Even then, I prefer Concentration / Fury and Watchman / Annihilation to it.


Sure, what I propose now is that the Precision automatically affects Ataru Form procs without draining stacks and the increase of stacks to 3.


Would that be ok?

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Yes, I misunderstood it. Been positive AGES since I played Combat / Carnage. Even then, I prefer Concentration / Fury and Watchman / Annihilation to it.


Sure, what I propose now is that the Precision automatically affects Ataru Form procs without draining stacks and the increase of stacks to 3.


Would that be ok?


The spec is fine as is. The stack change would make it even more inferior to Fury.

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Actually losing potential energy means more flurry and that means losing dps and/or being sort of useless :(


But how do you reach above 50% crit rate(cutout for this change to be considered a nerf) without sacrificing MASSIVELY on Alacrity or Precision or lord knows what else?


Trust me, this one will be an especially welcome change.

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The spec is fine as is. The stack change would make it even more inferior to Fury.


3 stacks are not enough?


And think of the Discipline as of its own unit. Don't compare it now, for Conc / Fury can be easily adjusted too.

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3 stacks are not enough?


And think of the Discipline as of its own unit. Don't compare it now, for Conc / Fury can be easily adjusted too.


No, it ruins the fluidity of the spec. If I wanted to play Fury I would, I like Carnage the way it is.

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Nerf carnage for 1k if you want...but dont remove how the class is played. thats like remove a spec and give us another spec..no wants that.

Do a poll and check for yourselfs.


This might not be the way you though the class should be played, but it turn out to be..so accept it. People like the spec as it is.


This is the most iconic spec in game IMO, please dont remove it.

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Wanna play the high latency card? Ok.

Remove alacrity from the game as well because low ping gives better results to players and its unfair for those with high ping,amirite?

If you want to stick with this ferocity change though then stacks must be 3 and include ravage.

Edited by giorgo
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  • In addition to its other effects, the Hitman utility now reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by 30% for the Pyrotech and Advanced Prototype disciplines, and reduces the damage taken while stunned by 30% for the Shield Tech discipline


Would have preferred to see a skill based utility, and btw pt tanks can't/don't take that utility. It's unlikely that I will use it. It'd also odd to me that you didn't justify the changes as you did for snipers/mercs. This makes me wonder how much thought was actually put in to this.

Edited by LeglessChair
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How exactly?


The main difference between Carnage and Fury is how both are played.

Ferocity needs to be a 3 sec window instead of just being hard stacks due to the fast "twitchy" nature of Carnage.

Giving Carnage stacks would essentially make it a worse Fury.

It already has less burst, less CC immunity, now you want to make the spec less fun too. Just remove it.

Edited by Ruhun
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The main difference between Carnage and Fury is how both are played.

Ferocity needs to be a 3 sec window instead of just being hard stacks due to the fast "twitchy" nature of Carnage.

Giving Carnage stacks would essentially make it a worse Fury.

It already has less burst, less CC immunity, now you want to make the spec less fun too. Just remove it.


Fair enough. I don't like it's twitchy nature, so I'd LOVE this. But I understand why a lot would not.


As for crying about PT defenses, just stop it. BW gives you a finger and you immediately want the entire world. Ungrateful sods. It'll come. Patience.

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Musco dropped the bomb and disappeared without return like a divine creature...and all we can do is hope that devs will listen to our prayers :rak_angelic:

The old Friday post trick in all its glory :cool:

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As for crying about PT defenses, just stop it. BW gives you a finger and you immediately want the entire world. Ungrateful sods. It'll come. Patience.


BW didn't give a finger. The cut the whole hand off.


PT tanks can spec into DR on stuns but the DPS spec loses it. DPS PT is the worst class to play in PvP right now because it has 1 dcd and 1 stupid kolto thinggy that no one cares about because you melt through it anyways.


Ungrateful is not the term you should be throwing at the player here, but at BW. We put up with there garbo broken specs for years and they still don't get how bad other specs are. All the complaining is 1000% justified. "Patience" ... are you serious

Edited by DenariusJay
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BW didn't give a finger. The cut the whole hand off.


PT tanks can spec into DR on stuns but the DPS spec loses it. DPS PT is the worst class to play in PvP right now because it has 1 dcd and 1 stupid kolto thinggy that no one cares about because you melt through it anyways.


Ungrateful is not the term you should be throwing at the player here, but at BW. We put up with there garbo broken specs for years and they still don't get how bad other specs are. All the complaining is 1000% justified. "Patience" ... are you serious


Please most forum complaining is nonsense. Some of it is valid for sure but most of it is just bad players being bad and complaining

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Hey guys

Great question (token musco opening line - btw my phone autocorrected musco to miscommunication...)

Whilst we **** your servers up and ignore your feedback, we thought we'd **** up your gameplay as well.

Have a great day



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