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Commanding Legacy and mirror classes


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I have to agree the way it was worded was very misleading. If it was per base class it should have been stated as such. They way it was wrote led people to believe any 4 classes not one from each base class.


I know if I had done that in my law class my teacher would have lecture me on the correct way to present the facts.

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This really ticks me off, I have 5 toons at CXP rank 300. 2 Sages, 1 smuggler, 1 commando, and 1 sorc. Now I have to grind all of those levels on a class I do not enjoy playing? Seriously WTH? I want some clarification on this, because this is not what we were told in the roadmap.


I ended up doing each of the 4 base classes, I didn't expect a catch but honestly it makes sense.


Why would they let you level 4 of the 'easiest' class to get to 300 w/stealth or with high damage when they can require you get a more rounded experience?


That said..... I really hate how they decided to do this. It said 4 characters, not 4 different classes (or base classes) I got damn lucky with the fact I wanted to level my sorc(dps) warrior(tank) operative(heals) and merc(heals). Had I not had plans for those four I would be much MUCH more upset than I currently am.


While I get the idea that 'but sniper is different from operative' it's an advance class, not the base class. While your AP can't be changed, you originally had to pick base class, then pick AP in game, so had they explained it, they likely still would have fallen short of the mark.


Now looking at the GC achievements and the perk under the achievements, it shows an achievement for each of the base classes hitting 300 - they should have at a minimum based the perk on having 4/8 of those achievements.



Another thing I dislike with this perk, it does not show anything in the legacy perks window that indicates it's properly there. It just has the original perk that says it stacks for the 4 base archtypes.

Edited by Manathayria
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Fair to say the Devs always find new ways to twist things to make them worse.


Thankfully if you want to keep your characters name you have to subscribe so it doesn't matter for the next month what they do subscribe or lose your characters name and try and come up with a new name at this point.

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Why would they let you level 4 of the 'easiest' class to get to 300 w/stealth or with high damage when they can require you get a more rounded experience?




Going by that logic, I think most might have been Ok with the same classes not counting but a sage and a shadow play entirely two different ways and that works for most adv. classes.


Those characters should be counted individually. They are nothing alike. The base classes means nothing.


How the hell bioware missed telling us this limitation is a problem especially so now that cxp has been neutered.


Now it makes me wonder what else bioware is holding back that is actually different than what was presented and told.

Edited by Quraswren
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Can we please get a comment on this? This was clearly not what was advertised or what the patchnotes say ("The “Commanding Legacy” perk has been modified to allow a player to get a 25% CXP bonus for each character they have in their Legacy at Command Rank 300. This buff stacks up to 100%."). I have worked pretty hard to get 3 characters to rank 300 and having those only count as 2 because I leveled an Assassin and a Sorc feels like a punch in the gut... Edited by PhantomWarlock
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At risk of piling on...


I think it is fair to say that over time we begin to get a sense of the personalities and posting styles, particularly of regular posters here on this forum.


I think it is fair to say that regardless of category; i.e., "pessimist" vs "optimist" or "jerk" vs. "sweet brilliance like Dasty" ...


There is complete unanimity on this point. Setting aside the poor (well, complete lack) of accurate info communicated, it is also difficult to justify this decision logically. As pointed out before, so I won't belabor the point: Several of the so-called mirror classes play nothing alike and have completely different class armor sets.


I'm fortunate and have all the archetype classes raised, but I particularly feel for some who made a conscious decision to raise certain classes with the CXP Daily Bug (something you guys encouraged) and are now the collateral damage.



Edited by Jdast
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To my horror, I did the math in game with a few dailies and I'm getting 75% for two warriors and two other classes. So this "mirrored" class statement apparently assumes same basic class. So my Juggernaut and Marauder are not stacking. Grrrr. Had I known this when they announced it I would've put the effort on the one class I let lag behind.
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Mirrored classes I can understand because they use the same armor. But sage and shadow (or sorcerer / assassin) should count as two. Heck, they did away with non-advanced classes anyway. Why bring that crap back for this purpose? This is at best horrible communication and at worst deliberate dishonesty and bait and switch.
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Mirrored classes I can understand because they use the same armor. But sage and shadow (or sorcerer / assassin) should count as two. Heck, they did away with non-advanced classes anyway. Why bring that crap back for this purpose? This is at best horrible communication and at worst deliberate dishonesty and bait and switch.


Never trust PR person or developer, their default mode is to lie.

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There isn't a great deal of content coming through to 2018. The end game is pretty much grinding CXP, now with the bug and all its likely people have gotten further in that grind than was planned so it make sense from the dev point of view to try to invalidate what people have achieved to get them to do it again on a different class.


Sure it seems a bit screwed up, but once you are at rank 300 what else is there to do except do it again on a different character. 5.5 brought no content and its going to be the best part of 2 months before 5.6 drops and that is not exactly 9 new chapters to play through. So they have to stop subscribers being done with the grind too quickly and this seems to be the way they have opted to go about it. Is it right, probably not but this is from a team that have decided to merge servers and then made it so if you want the best chance of keeping your characters name you need to be subscribed; which seems some what mercenary.


Though I'm sure that someone will post how the devs really care about the game and the community, what the best for it and really doing well with increased communication. While everything is obviously Ben's fault. Though strangely when he was in charge there was signifcantly more content.

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Sounds like a case of the right hand (management/marketing) saying we want one thing and the left hand (design/programming) either misunderstanding the right hand or finding technical difficulties and just did the next best thing without communicating it back. I've seen it lots of times as the go-between. Edited by kodrac
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What a crock of typical Dev/Producer Crap!!! Everything stated about this legacy effect specifically said 4 characters, not the 4 classes. The comments from Keith about there being no plan to expand it beyond 100% for 4 characters even implies that this was to have been character based and not class based. From the announcement I spent most of my time working to get a sniper up to 300 on the imperial side while the daily bonus was functional. I spent only a little time after I got the sniper working my trooper up where if I had known it was classes, I would have spent most of my time and had my 4 classes done. In commercial business this tactic is called bait and switch. Shame on you Bioware and development team. Put the daily bonus bug back in for two weeks and let us get the class we need up or, revert the legacy bonus to character as stated and not classes. You have been talking about the importance of communication with players and then present this abortion and a slap in the face. Not cool.:mad::mad::mad:
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Going by that logic, I think most might have been Ok with the same classes not counting but a sage and a shadow play entirely two different ways and that works for most adv. classes.


Those characters should be counted individually. They are nothing alike. The base classes means nothing.


How the hell bioware missed telling us this limitation is a problem especially so now that cxp has been neutered.


Now it makes me wonder what else bioware is holding back that is actually different than what was presented and told.


Oh, I agree, like I said - it makes sense they're pushing it as different base classes - I have 6 300s, I'm not as pissed as I could be because I lucked out by having each base class when this patch went live.


However, they said per character and didn't do it.


How they did it making sense and it not being a dick move and being communicated horribly are totally different things. I know how differently they play because I've got every class to 70, usually multiple times (except sniper, because I don't care for that play style At All, but because of dailies was going to be my next 300, it's now likely to stay stuck at 270 with how bad the nerf was).


They sucked at communication here and they made the change only after destroying CXP gains from dailies. I had hopes they'd be careful when they nerfed them back but it looks like they're likely to get ignored again.

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I'm beginning to get seriously annoyed by Bioware promising us ways to decrease the grind, but then add little requirements like this without telling us so before the patch hits. My characters are mirrors of each other in two cases. I actively play a Jedi Guardian, Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin, Jedi Sage and Smuggler.


The Guardian and Sage are at rank 300 and give me 50% experience. However, the Sith Marauder and Assassin, of which the later is at 285(!), aren't supposed to yield me any net result despite me investing 200+ hours into their GCXP grind? To get the full bonus, I now have to dust up a commando or mercenary I rarely play, do 270 levels with it and then leave it on the side because I don't enjoy their playstyle just for a 25% XP increase?


Yeah, no. Guys, I'm beginning to think you don't understand how communication works. It's understandable that people are frustrated when you promise relief from the GCXP grind by perks and other things, but then add stupid requirements such as this without communicating. Remember the Umbaran SH when you didn't tell us about the weekly cap making it impossible to get the SH within the first week? Same thing.


Can't you at least once communicate the positive effects and (negative) extra requirements before we log in to the fact?


These little bait and switches they do are getting really annoying. After the news came out, I went and focused on toons that were closer to 300 to get four up there and grinded them out. Had I known, in advance, they were going to pull this, I would have made different choices, as I am sure everyone else would have too.


Do I think it's on purpose? No, I think it is more sloppy work on their part. Initially they probably were going to make it four toons but decided along the way to make it class based. And in their typical close communicative manner, they just never let us know.

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Never trust PR person or developer, their default mode is to lie.

I highly suspect it's less a "lie" and more a case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing. I'm not sure if that's better or worse, but this doesn't feel like one of those moments one attributes to malice.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


I verified with the team and the current implementation is intended, but I am seeing some confusion around the perk so let me explain how it works. Every time you hit Command Rank 300 on one of the mirrored base Classes (more on that in a sec) you get a 25% bonus to the base value for CXP gains. Since there are four sets of mirrors, you can gain four stacks of this buff, up to a total of 100%. It looks like this:

  • Any Knight or Warrior to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Consular or Inquisitor to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Smuggler or Agent to 300 adds +25%
  • Any Trooper or Bounty Hunter to 300 adds +25%


Separately, I know there are questions about how we communicated (or didn’t) around this perk and so let me explain what happened. When Keith put information on the perk in the roadmap, it was meant to be fairly general, but we realize if we had been more specific we could have saved some of this frustration. The requirements for the perk were born out of some technical limitations which prevented us from giving you a bonus for any character which hit 300 (such as multiple Sith Warriors). As I was gathering the notes for 5.5, I didn’t realize that limitation had been put in place and it wasn’t caught during internal review. None of this is meant as an excuse, you should have had this information before today and it should have been in the notes. I apologize for that not being communicated, that’s on me.


The above information has been added into the patch notes for clarity, we hope that you still get to enjoy the benefits of increased CXP as you rank up in Galactic Command.





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It is of each base class and mirrored. If you have a guardian and a marauder, they will only count towards 25% and not 50%, seeing they share the same base class tree as Knight/Warrior. To get the full buff, you need one of each different base class at 300. They cannot mirror each other. Even different AC across factions only count once if the base class is the faction's mirror.


This goes for same factions too. A Sentinel and a Guardian will only count once since they are both Knights.


I'll just leave this here:


Legacy Perk – For each character that reaches Command Rank 300, we will automatically add an additional 25% bonus CXP to your entire Legacy up to a maximum of 100%. You do need to purchase the initial 25% perk, but the additional 75% will be free. And, YES, this Perk is retroactive, so you will immediately benefit once we deliver United Forces Foundation.



From the Roadmap last week as found here: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002-0


It specifically states characters. Not each class. Not each mirror. Each character. What happened in the span of a week that this changed so drastically or couldn't be communicated to us?



So... Let me ask this. Who has the most 300s and only 25%? I'll throw my hat into the ring, as I have 9 CR300s and I'm looking at the same ******* 25% bonus I had yesterday. Why? Well, those 3 Juggs, 3 Guardians, and 3 Sents only count as 1, so you know, **** me eh?


Usually I just let crap go, but this? This is NOT what they said as quoted above. Character DOES NOT equal base class + mirror. I'm used to feeling meh at best or disappointed - but it does piss me off that they say one thing and then do something else. How about we not put things out if it's not even kind of correct?


Did I need to get 2 juggs and 2 sents and 1 guardian to 300 when I could have done a shadow, a merc, and a scoundrel? No, but maybe I just like my knights/warriors...


Not particularly happy tonight.

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