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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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Forgive me if this has already been discussed... these old eyes can't always handle sifting through dozens of pages on the forums anymore!


Eric or Keith: regarding the merging of Legacies; I understand how things will work so far as higher level Legacies over-riding lower level Legacies. But what if multiple Level 50 Legacies are involved? (or multiple level 40s, etc.) Which Legacy name would be kept in such an eventuality? Would it be possible to give us a choice as to which Legacy name to keep?


I know there is a Legacy Rename item available, and would have absolutely no problem in obtaining one if I were to choose to change a Legacy name of my own accord. But this merger could potentially result in a forced Legacy name change, and therefore a forced acquisition of the rename item... and that would not sit well with me, or many others, I'm sure. Thanks...



Fade to Black...

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I was wondering in future updates if the items and gear from the that can be bought from the vendors in the Cartel Bazaar with Cartel Market Certificates will be addressed at some point? Currently i can't purchase much from those vendors like Essuran Export, I.C.E, Freebooters and such because i don't have the certificates or enough reputation from the tokens that used to drop in previous cartel packs...I for one really like some of the mounts, dyes, weapons, and gear from that... :D

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Long time player (Beta!) first time caller - as a guild leader since way back when we could still open world on Illum (sniffle. Memories), I have to ask what the general path forward for maintaining and strengthening the viability of guilds/clans is? The overall direction of the game seems designed to maximize solo-ability of all aspects of the game with ad hoc grouping via in-game tools. In other games, these systemic "quality of life" improvements have relegated guilds to a vestigial structure at best.


In my humble opinion, the ability to grab end-game gear...and now farm that gear off one toon and pass out through your legacy, coupled with incentivizing the group finder, seem to be squarely targeted at bringing on new players with little to no regard for a difficulty curve craved by existing veteran players, with a second order effect (be it planned or hopefully unplanned) or eradicating the utility of a guild as anything other than a social structure. When coupled with the existing guild size limit and conquest mechanics seemingly designed to promote "Zerg guilds", it almost feels like you don't want some of us around? Time to hang up the fuzzy dice on the bridge of our ship?


TL:DR: where's the guild love?

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So serious question. What about the guilds that have Flagships that are 6/15 or 15/15 or whatever. How will those guilds be compensated for their efforts? Starting over is just not an option. How will this be handled? And what about all the time and money that went into the guilds, donations, etc?
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HOT PROSPECT server name


Hi Keith, Can you please look at changing the west coast server name from Hot Prospect.

Personally I don’t like it and I’m seeing feedback on the forums of others and in game of others disliking it. But I’ve seen no one complain about any of the other destination server names.

Could you possibly make a thread for week, where we could suggest names and then you could take the top 3-5 and do a poll for another week,

I know there maybe negative feedback from people saying it’s unfair because they can’t do the same on the other destination servers. But at this stage I’ve not seen people complain about those names,

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HOT PROSPECT server name


Hi Keith, Can you please look at changing the west coast server name from Hot Prospect.

Personally I don’t like it and I’m seeing feedback on the forums of others and in game of others disliking it. But I’ve seen no one complain about any of the other destination server names.

Could you possibly make a thread for week, where we could suggest names and then you could take the top 3-5 and do a poll for another week,

I know there maybe negative feedback from people saying it’s unfair because they can’t do the same on the other destination servers. But at this stage I’ve not seen people complain about those names,

They said on the stream that server names are locked in and cannot be changed.

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1) If I have legacy cargo holds with 6 bays each on multiple servers and they are so full that if they were combined they couldn't possibly be compressed to stack and still fit the 480 slots, what happens to the stuff that won't fit? Is it mailed to the first toon that logs in on the new server or do I now have 12 bays and 960 slots?


2) If I bought legacy unlocks on multiple servers, will I be refunded the credits for the redundant unlocks?


3) How do I choose which legacy surname lives on (or do I rename the combined legacy?)


4) Are all achievements unlocked combined for my new super legacy? And for incomplete achievements, are the two totals added together potentially resulting in me being granted the achievos after the fact?


5) Doesn't apply to me, but while I'm asking questions, what happens to legacy xp totals, is the larger number taken or are they added together?


I apologize if any or all of these questions have been answered, I just never saw a link to an in depth logistical breakdown and there's only a handful of comments in the dev tracker so I think these are all unanswered.

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I haven't seen a lot of answering of questions going around even though the same questions keep cropping up? Wasn't one of the first comments on this thread that our questions would be answered here?



Mine ( still unanswered ) -- Do all characters under level 10 transfer during the merge? Is it just names they are at risk of loosing? ( I often make new characters to kit out in between double xp events and then go back to them to do the class stories when double xp starts -- I sink a lot of credits into them when I create them for appearance armors, dyes and other such things so it would be nice to know if I now need to rush level them to at least 10 )


Another that keeps coming up -- Are the server names set in stone or does Hot Prospect -- a name a great many seem to dislike -- have a chance of being renamed to something else?


Another mentioned many times -- Is there a chance of adding an @prefix to our character names, so we can all keep our names?


I am sure there are heaps of others still unanswered. Yes, No's or maybe's would be nice -- most questions only need one of these three responses.

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They said on the stream that server names are locked in and cannot be changed.


I call this because it litterally takes two seconds to go in and change a server name. Any prepped marketing might also be effected but that shouldn't be more than a minor annoyance at best to have a name so many dislike changed.


If it's anything more than this they are doing it wrong.

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Keith or Eric, now that server merges and legacy banks are coming, please explain how this will affect credit escrows and 'active' character maximums for players who'll go to Preferred status.


With legacies combining and legacy surnames not unique among users, could you possibly allow multiple legacy surnames within each player's legacy on a server? Characters could then be grouped under different surnames on the Family Tree, granting each character access to display a particular surname and giving the Family Tree window more purpose than it currently has.


Also, for greater convenience when legacy cargo bays merge, please consider sending ALL items there into 'Legacy Overflow' and let players pull items back into empty storage bays as they choose. The current plan sounds like filling legacy bays first automatically and randomly assigning items to overflow, which might include stacks of crafting materials. Giving players more flexibility in this organizing process would be a great benefit. Thank you.

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They said on the stream that server names are locked in and cannot be changed.


Yeah, I posted before I watched it. Seems a real shame they didn’t think it through or at least do a poll. There is a petition going at change.org with apparently 17000 signature to change it.

Someone needs to give Musco the proverbial slap on the back of the head for being a dumb .....

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I haven't seen a lot of answering of questions going around even though the same questions keep cropping up? Wasn't one of the first comments on this thread that our questions would be answered here?



Mine ( still unanswered ) -- Do all characters under level 10 transfer during the merge? Is it just names they are at risk of loosing? ( I often make new characters to kit out in between double xp events and then go back to them to do the class stories when double xp starts -- I sink a lot of credits into them when I create them for appearance armors, dyes and other such things so it would be nice to know if I now need to rush level them to at least 10 )


Another that keeps coming up -- Are the server names set in stone or does Hot Prospect -- a name a great many seem to dislike -- have a chance of being renamed to something else?


Another mentioned many times -- Is there a chance of adding an @prefix to our character names, so we can all keep our names?


I am sure there are heaps of others still unanswered. Yes, No's or maybe's would be nice -- most questions only need one of these three responses.


Lots of questions were answered in the live stream.


All characters will move, even those under lvl 10, but they may lose their names if there is a conflict with someone of a higher lvl.


Server names are set in stone according to what Musco and Charles said in the live stream


There is no prospect of getting a prefix as far as I know.

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What about those of us that truly want to be separate from Rep vs Imp?


KotFE started a fantastic way that many of us hoped would do just that, but instead, after claiming leadership of our own, we're being forced back into either the Sith Empire or Republic. Lorewise, the only way my character's legacy might possibly survive is through a third faction, seeing how the Sith Empire ultimately falls, and no one remembers the heroes of the Old Republic of this time.


Yes, I want to stay in the Alliance. Having a third faction is the solution and then building reputation with the other factions to use their facilities or visit their fleets, etc

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EA probably think everyone will go out and buy Battlefront (or subsequent versions). Just on that basis alone and how they don't give BioWare enough resources to truly polish SWTOR makes me not inclined to purchase any EA title. They haven't changed a bit.


I’m actually glad I didn’t preorder it now. I was going to this week, but now I’m going to wait and see what 5.6 is like, if it doesn’t pan out, I will consider BF.

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With legacies combining and legacy surnames not unique among users, could you possibly allow multiple legacy surnames within each player's legacy on a server? Characters could then be grouped under different surnames on the Family Tree, granting each character access to display a particular surname and giving the Family Tree window more purpose than it currently has.</snip>


This is actually a great idea that I was thinking about myself. Each character already has a "Such-and-such Legacy"

title. I suppose it's a foregone conclusion and all the dominoes are already set for 5.5, but it would be nice if characters transferred in to a different could keep their previous Legacy name. I'll cross-post this over in suggestions...

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Yeah, I posted before I watched it. Seems a real shame they didn’t think it through or at least do a poll. There is a petition going at change.org with apparently 17000 signature to change it.

Someone needs to give Musco the proverbial slap on the back of the head for being a dumb .....


Is there? I couldn't find it.🎅 17k is a lot of signatures, most I see swtor getting on there for various "movements" is below 100.

And they only have a month and a half to get these 17k signatures.:o

Edited by Eshvara
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Hey Keith


I was just wondering if you were going to be doing some kind of character slot discount week leading up to the first major united forces update. I personally don’t have 52 characters but I’m concerned that I will not be able to play the characters that I do have as I know I have 2 more characters on projenitor and tomb of freedom naad. Just a half price discount would be alright... please?

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Forgive me if this has already been discussed... these old eyes can't always handle sifting through dozens of pages on the forums anymore!


Eric or Keith: regarding the merging of Legacies; I understand how things will work so far as higher level Legacies over-riding lower level Legacies. But what if multiple Level 50 Legacies are involved? (or multiple level 40s, etc.) Which Legacy name would be kept in such an eventuality? Would it be possible to give us a choice as to which Legacy name to keep?


I know there is a Legacy Rename item available, and would have absolutely no problem in obtaining one if I were to choose to change a Legacy name of my own accord. But this merger could potentially result in a forced Legacy name change, and therefore a forced acquisition of the rename item... and that would not sit well with me, or many others, I'm sure. Thanks...



Fade to Black...


I think as a goodwill to those players who have legacies on multiple servers, considering this is a forced change, they would have given a free legacy rename option in account settings, in a similar way you get one free transfer etc. It wouldn't be too hard to provide that considering it isn't a player created problem.


Either that or have the merger trigger a legacy rename, so that option is open to all players. It certainly needs to be looked at.

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And that Charles wants to do something more with class stories next year! Charles also said they are very aware people want to be able to move away from the Eternal Alliance and return to their original factions :D


I really do not want to go back to my original factions with most of my chars. I therefore hope that this will be optional and not forced on everyone.



2) If I bought legacy unlocks on multiple servers, will I be refunded the credits for the redundant unlocks?


3) How do I choose which legacy surname lives on (or do I rename the combined legacy?)


4) Are all achievements unlocked combined for my new super legacy? And for incomplete achievements, are the two totals added together potentially resulting in me being granted the achievos after the fact? (...)


2. Good question.


3. They said that the name will be randomly chosen if you have two or more legacies at the same level.


4. Very good point! If I e. g. killed 45 imps on Nar Shaddaa on one server and 5 on another server, I should get the achievement for killing 50. However, they stated that the higher number will be chosen, in my example 45. Now that you mentioned it, I realise that I find this unfair. They simply neglect things you did in the game.

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While we are on the subject of quality of life for the game I have a question for story players --



Will the latest story snippets we have been given (Iokath, Umbara etc) ever be made repeatable? As well as future story content.


Being an MMO obviously there is not a save feature to go back to certain parts of the story easily to experience again and now we are getting to the point where -- the entire story is long. Its a long haul to get from level 1 to Iokath or Umbara just to experience certain story aspects again (such as say Umbara on a Theron romanced char etc) -- its even a fairly long haul from the start of Kotfe (needed to lock in romance). The repeat function for chapters is amazing but now we are back to story we can't repeat easily -- not without going through hours of chapters to get to 5 mins of story we want to see again.

Edited by Suzsi
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