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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Everything else looked great. But that one tiny bit just ruined it for me. Jenny, I feel the same way. I waited eight months to just be disappointed further. I am just looking at my fic, and wondering what the heck is the point of finishing it now.


I have been expecting a worst case scenario for months, so my fic has two completely me endings semi-sketched out, since I expected this in advance because pessimism. So I can finish those patchy scenes up before I never play my characters again.

basically, I can bring my fic to a close. Even though I am nowhere near writing KotFE stuff, I have two endings to slot in when I am.

I actually couldn't find one thing in -must not be named- that I actually thought could be interesting... There's so much to squeeze into an hour of play time (Dev's words), it's all going to be shoddy.

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Last month BioWare put on a trial period for the Influencer Programme, I can't get early access to anything until the trial period finishes, but what they asked me to do was give them feedback from the community on a monthly basis. In the first report I sent them I went into great detail about why it would be a bad idea to put a kill option on Theron, particularly because he's one of the few same-sex options available that features heavily in the main plot that wasn't killable etc. I can only assume that feedback wasn't seen/taken on board.


Regardless, once everyone has played the flashpoint if you guys wanna post your thoughts on the flashpoint and the Theron story arc I'll add it to my report. I'm waiting until Eric returns from his honeymoon to ensure it's read. I also plan to do a video review of the flashpoint on my channel, so I can gather feedback from there too. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but it's worth a try.

I didn't know you did influencer stuff. Yeah, I'll have some things to say, even right now but right now I won't because 1: Spoilers. 2: My temper is through the roof and it would not be pleasant. I want to rage and curse but I'm wise enough to realize such feedback gets me nowhere. Not that my rational and calm words have ever had an impact either. I mostly think they only claim to care about our feedback and opinions but in the end, they're still gonna go do their own dance no matter who it upsets or how many players it chases off. Guess they don't like our money. Yep, I'm bitter right now, and probably irrational, not gonna pretend I'm not.

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Everything else looked great. But that one tiny bit just ruined it for me. Jenny, I feel the same way. I waited eight months to just be disappointed further. I am just looking at my fic, and wondering what the heck is the point of finishing it now.

I expected to be disappointed. Even while I tried to have faith, I was prepared for a let-down but this... this surpasses every expectation in terms of being disappointed. This is worse. This is cruel. There are other notes I read of events that would pique my interest in the Flashpoint but it is not enough to outweigh the devastation of this Theron business. I'm done being jerked around by Bioware and their ideas of exciting/being pleased and whatever misinterpreted terms they wish to hurl our way to avoid saying "Yeah, we suck, but you guys are bigger suckers for showing faith in us lolz".

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I didn't know you did influencer stuff. Yeah, I'll have some things to say, even right now but right now I won't because 1: Spoilers. 2: My temper is through the roof and it would not be pleasant. I want to rage and curse but I'm wise enough to realize such feedback gets me nowhere. Not that my rational and calm words have ever had an impact either. I mostly think they only claim to care about our feedback and opinions but in the end, they're still gonna go do their own dance no matter who it upsets or how many players it chases off. Guess they don't like our money. Yep, I'm bitter right now, and probably irrational, not gonna pretend I'm not.


I am beginning to believe they are honesty trying to kill their own game. People said SWG was bad but not from my point of view, the devs didn't deliberately pushed their subscribers away like BW seems to be doing.

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I am beginning to believe they are honesty trying to kill their own game. People said SWG was bad but not from my point of view, the devs didn't deliberty pushed their subscribers away like BW seems to be doing.

Yeah, I heard someone else suggest the same. I cannot fathom why a company would but at this point, it sure as hell seems that way.

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I expected to be disappointed. I expected plot holes. I expected there still to be loose ends. But, stupid me also expected to be happy (ish).



  • Theron fans will be happy.
  • Theron will not be given a kill option unless it makes sense story wise.


Unless the spoilers are wrong, both of those statements are bold faced lies.

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Last month BioWare put on a trial period for the Influencer Programme, I can't get early access to anything until the trial period finishes, but what they asked me to do was give them feedback from the community on a monthly basis. In the first report I sent them I went into great detail about why it would be a bad idea to put a kill option on Theron, particularly because he's one of the few same-sex options available that features heavily in the main plot that wasn't killable etc. I can only assume that feedback wasn't seen/taken on board.


Regardless, once everyone has played the flashpoint if you guys wanna post your thoughts on it/the Theron story arc I'll add it to my report. I'm waiting until Eric returns from his honeymoon to ensure it's read. I also plan to do a video review of the flashpoint on my channel, so I can gather feedback from there too. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but it's worth a try.


Thanks for trying. I'm glad you're doing SWTOR stuff now, I enjoyed your videos and posts for DA:I and ME:A.

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Yeah, I heard someone else suggest the same. I cannot fathom why a company would but at this point, it sure as hell seems that way.


Maybe so people wont complain when they shut the game down and try to get everyone to buy Anthem and all of its microtransactions/lootboxes?

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I don’t think I will even get out of bed tomorrow. I’ll juat watch what is on YouTube and see what happens and if a kill option happens I will just cry my eyes out the rest of the day and stay in bed and never get back on swtor cause it will be dead to me.


The game has pushed the envelope way too many times. Choices don’t matter, only edgelords. All I kmow is I looked at what source they got their information from and I just don’t see where anything says that there is a kill option. I don’t know if that is just wishful thinking by edgelords but then I am not sure where the information is coming from. Course this is the first time I have ever tried to look into information that is supposedly leaked but those claiming that there is a kill option don’t link the source of their information and that’s where you have to question things, even if it is wrongfully obtained if you are going to say “Oh there is a kill option.” then link your source or don’t make the claim. (I don’t mean on here I am talking about where whoever is putting out these “spoilers” is getting their information all I say was one website linked at at least one of them and nothing said Theron was getting a kill option.)

Edited by DarthEnrique
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So I just finished Umbara and Traitor Among the Chiss for the first time, and dang. Umbara crushed me, but Chiss was pretty meh story wise though, so much tease on the new look just to see it for like a minute tops.


So I read some of the spoiler, now maybe something changes we will have to wait and see ourselves tomorrow, maybe the option is there but the player doesn't get to actually do it, cutscene makes him escape or something. Slim chance but its all I have. Of course they could have this option and still make a difference by still making him have content regardless but hmmm. I mean Arcann did get a romance even after the fact. I think at most we can do is voice together that we don't want a drop in content for Theron, that they have to make a difference now.

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So I just finished Umbara and Traitor Among the Chiss for the first time, and dang. Umbara crushed me, but Chiss was pretty meh story wise though, so much tease on the new look just to see it for like a minute tops.


So I read some of the spoiler, now maybe something changes we will have to wait and see ourselves tomorrow, maybe the option is there but the player doesn't get to actually do it, cutscene makes him escape or something. Slim chance but its all I have. Of course they could have this option and still make a difference by still making him have content regardless but hmmm. I mean Arcann did get a romance even after the fact. I think at most we can do is voice together that we don't want a drop in content for Theron, that they have to make a difference now.


Yes there was a romance of Arcann but that doesn’t mean that anything more will come of it as Arcann does not make an apearance on Iokath, Umbara or Triator Among the Chiss, which is what bothers me. Why give Arcann a romance orpion now but not have him part of the story at all? It is bad writing on Bioware’s part and does not give me any hope for Theron, if we are to believe these people actually datamined the information as they claim (I’d love to see their source if there is none why believe it?)

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Yes there was a romance of Arcann but that doesn’t mean that anything more will come of it as Arcann does not make an apearance on Iokath, Umbara or Triator Among the Chiss, which is what bothers me. Why give Arcann a romance orpion now but not have him part of the story at all? It is bad writing on Bioware’s part and does not give me any hope for Theron, if we are to believe these people actually datamined the information as they claim (I’d love to see yheir source if there is none why believe it?)


Oh yeah I agree, I don't fully take on this info as official, I mean I did see on an official reddit post Infinity War spoilers for example and later turned out to not be really what happens in the film when I saw it. While there is datamine, since it has not been updated with the patch on it, Im not sure how this people would get this info. Oh well only one way to find out, prepare for the worst, hope for the best, I guess :( .

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Oh yeah I agree, I don't fully take on this info as official, I mean I did see on an official reddit post Infinity War spoilers for example and later turned out to not be really what happens in the film when I saw it. While there is datamine, since it has not been updated with the patch on it, Im not sure how this people would get this info. Oh well only one way to find out, prepare for the worst, hope for the best, I guess :( .


Yeah, that’s the problem, it seems from my reading based on a supposed npc thing that says “near death” whatever that means and to me that doesn’t mean kill option per say, while people may claim this source is reliable and the site that’s not always a 100% guarentee as “near death” could mean you can try but Theron escapes, which isn’t a good option either but then again could mean that Theron is badly wounded at the end of this and we spare his life, there’s many ways to interprete that so best bet is wait and see. Can’t base something on a claim of “near death”.

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I don’t think I will even get out of bed tomorrow. I’ll juat watch what is on YouTube and see what happens and if a kill option happens I will just cry my eyes out the rest of the day and stay in bed and never get back on swtor cause it will be dead to me.


The game has pushed the envelope way too many times. Choices don’t matter, only edgelords. All I kmow is I looked at what source they got their information from and I just don’t see where anything says that there is a kill option. I don’t know if that is just wishful thinking by edgelords but then I am not sure where the information is coming from. Course this is the first time I have ever tried to look into information that is supposedly leaked but those claiming that there is a kill option don’t link the source of their information and that’s where you have to question things, even if it is wrongfully obtained if you are going to say “Oh there is a kill option.” then link your source or don’t make the claim. (I don’t mean on here I am talking about where whoever is putting out these “spoilers” is getting their information all I say was one website linked at at least one of them and nothing said Theron was getting a kill option.)


I can't find the source now that said he had a kill option. It was there, and now it is gone. I wish I had a screenshot of it. There was the main spoilers, which is still posted, but the major spoilers part is missing, which is where the kill option was listed.

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I'm going to be the optimist in this post and wait until I see what's going on for myself. I really don't trust much datamined stuff, simply because it's the internet and it's easy to fake stuff. Easy, people. Wait and see. ;)
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I'm going to be the optimist in this post and wait until I see what's going on for myself. I really don't trust much datamined stuff, simply because it's the internet and it's easy to fake stuff. Easy, people. Wait and see. ;)


Agree with you there.

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I can't find the source now that said he had a kill option. It was there, and now it is gone. I wish I had a screenshot of it. There was the main spoilers, which is still posted, but the major spoilers part is missing, which is where the kill option was listed.


Maybe that should give us hope...

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I can't find the source now that said he had a kill option. It was there, and now it is gone. I wish I had a screenshot of it. There was the main spoilers, which is still posted, but the major spoilers part is missing, which is where the kill option was listed.


it's still there. Doesn't matter, in 10 hours we'll see it in-game. I'm staying off everything because the last thing I need is to be flooded by 'bad' screenshots.

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Guys you do realise that in some people playthrough Theron not just betrayed a dark lord but tried to kill him and swore to destroy his empire. Just think about it for a second and try to tell me that it would be bad writting to not let those player have the choice to kill him ? So yeah those players are ignoring all the clues he left them to see that his intentions are not very clear but maybe they chose to ignore them for the sake of how they want their story to be played.


Dont get me wrong Theron is the only reason why i'm excited for story, I'm always going ligth side and I cant even watch dark side choices or break up scenes on youtube, I tried to watch once and it made me cringe to death. But you have to understand that SWTOR is dark and ligth and they have to give satisfaction to both side, they can give him a kill option as long as they give anything other than a lame kiss scene ... come on please I need a hug.

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Because some of us have had every character we enjoy yanked from any future story due to this "option" it is not an option. possibly dead for some means gone from any future content unless romanced and getting some letters at some point, maybe a lame cookie-cutter kiss scene here and there. I for one am sick of it, that is bad writing when only the killers get anything for it and the rest of us get punished.


"If" it's worst case and Theron can be killed it means all 3 m/m choices can be killed off and all their story roles are over. :rolleyes:


And this. I still haven't found anything regarding Koth, how's that for no content at all for a possibly dead LI...

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