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Why do you still play SWTOR?


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I'm playing swtor because I do actually enjoy and love the game despite of some of its flaws.

I love the PvP, the story, the wide variety of CM outfits. I also really enjoy playing my class "SI"

I also like how you can be either a casual player or step it up and do some of the more challenging things in the game. I also like being a part of the swtor community, we may all have different opinions about the state of the game and get into heated discussions a lot, we do all have one thing in common, and that is liking star wars!

I'm also quite happy with the new direction and I am excited about where the game is heading in terms of story. I can't wait for the next big update!


TLDR: I play for Fun, story, Lore, Nostalgia, PvP and collecting outfits! And Arcann.:rak_03:

So I'll be sticking around for a while! :D


What about you?

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I like it because its star wars and I do enjoy doing flash points and story line missions. Just re sub'd 20 mins ago so I'll have some fun for a while longer and some free 1month i got as well. So two months to re figure stuff out again and continue have fun playing.
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I like it because its star wars and I do enjoy doing flash points and story line missions. Just re sub'd 20 mins ago so I'll have some fun for a while longer and some free 1month i got as well. So two months to re figure stuff out again and continue have fun playing.


Oh great! Welcome back.:D:D

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I enjoy the game a lot, wouldn't be here still if I didn't, and I have since release (though was away for a short time period after Makeb release) but I can't pin it to just one thing for why I still enjoy it after all this time and doing msot of the content. Though it can definitely be pinned on mostly the solo aspects, and pvp.


I enjoy the current story line a lot - Shadows of Revan right through to Umbrara

PvP and GSF - despite the queue times I enjoy both versions of player vs player, I do miss the old days 4+ years ago with the wars on Alderaan open world PvP, on the server I was on at the time, though. Some of my best memories of the game were from back then.

the characters - companions and non-companions. Some excellent characters scattered around, and excellent VA's even for small quest lines.

The class stories and voices - I love them all, well not so much trooper, though smuggler and Sith Warrior are my favourites.

Planet arcs (plus bonus series), faction arcs (Ilum to SoR) even sidequests in 'vanilla' swtor - I can redo these over and over. I enjoy them immensely them, there's so much to do.

Decorating my strongholds - I've been known to pick up all my decs every few months and start over so it's a constant form of amusement for me.

Collecting stuff in the collections tab - armours, weapons (lightsaber hilts and sniper rifles/bowcasters mainly are my <3 ), and especially the toy model ships!


All those keep me coming back.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Why do you still play SWTOR?

For the life of me, I keep asking that same question everytime I think of logging in or I see my bank statement saying I've paid another month.

If they don't take big steps to fixing the reasons why my friends, partner and guildmates have all left, then I won't need to ask the question anymore because I won't be playing 😢

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I get to force choke stuff.


That and it has "leave me alone I have no wish to talk to anybody" provisions in the extensive story gameplay.


It's an MMO with some of (some) of the usual pa-lava that accompanies them.


That and glowsticks and blasters, those two things are very important.


It's cheap. If it was anymore than a tenner it'd be long gone.


I guess I enjoy it, when it works.

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I've only been playing since May, but this is the longest period of time I've ever stuck with one game at one time before. I'm enjoying the class stories; I've completed 3 now, and just started a fourth. Unlike most people, I did enjoy KOTFE and KOTET, though I don't see much replay value to them, so I'll only be doing them on the various versions of my 'main' that I have created. I love playing my main; I've made 3 versions of her so far. I love developing her backstory, and filling in the gaps that BW leaves out between the class stories and the different missions.


I've done Ilum through Ziost Imp side, and am really looking forward to doing them Pub side, but am saving that for the last class story I play, which is looking like it will be the consular.


I love story, and I love figuring out who my characters are as the story progresses. I have an idea how I want to play them when I start, but that often changes and gets reworked as I go through each chapter. I'm trying to play a DS SI right now, which is very hard for me to stick to. But that is all part of the fun, too.


I enjoy crafting and crew skills, and trying to earn credits off the GTN from crafting. I probably spend several hours a week just cycling through my alts to keep them all crafting, while I browse the forums.


And finally, I really like opening those stupid command crates. Never know what I'm going to find in them, so it sort of feels like christmas. :p Which means, I really like the daily bug right now, cause it means I have a lot more crates to open.

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I resubbed 2 weeks ago after a 1 year break.


I'm currently playing because i have a bunch of story to play, KotET, Iokath and Umbara. I play solo and i play for the story, companions, dressing and a bit of strongholds.


I enjoy unlocking armor sets and dressing my toons the way i like. I couldnt care less about group content or gearing, the story usually provides enough tools to beat it no problem, and that's the only thing im interested in.


Besides, i still havent played ANY of the vanilla Republic stories, only the Imperial ones, so that's another goal i have currently, to play them in order to get the legendary player thing.


I'm currently finishing KotET with my main (Sorc), after that i plan on farming Alliance crates with her and 3 more characters which are max level (another Sorc, my Operative and my Juggernaut), so that i try completing my Remnant sets collection.


I'm an altaholic and have something like 20 different characters, some of them are Republic toons on early stages of their stories, so i plan on playing the WHOLE game up until Umbara with my female Sage so that i can see the whole thing from the Republic perspective, and then i'll just keep playing the Trooper, Smuggler and JK vanilla stories till i see them all.


Plently of stuff to do, that's for sure. When i'm done with all that, i hope we already know what's coming next and hopefully it will be good enough to keep me subbed. Otherwise i'll probably unsub until there's enough solo content to make it worth again.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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I play this game because it is Star Wars -an universe that has brought much joy to me ever since I saw the Phantom Menace when I was, 8 years old I think. I play this game because it lets you take part in Star Wars universe's events, to shape them while meeting a whole lot of interesting people, whether its in form of companions or enemies. You see many interesting planets, visit some planets that we've seen in films, and its amazing.. This game has been a great joy to me for over three years now, and it hasn't lost it shine. I still remember my first character: a red haired, body type 3 male Consular, who swinged his lightsaber more than used force powers lol :p. I've gotten deeper nto SW-lore because of this game, and thanks to this, I played the predecessor KoTOR -series this summer, and it made me to appreciate this game and voice acting even more. I enjoy doing FPs, and for few years now, I've been RPing with some of my toons, and I've gotten new friends while doing so -a thing I personally thought would never happen!

I've tried my hand in WoW, but I haven't been able to grasp onto it. SWTOR's world and events feel much more familiar and interesting to me than those of WoW's, also feeling more easier to grasp than WoW's.

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I love Star Wars. Been hooked since the original films.


I play it because I like SW. The 1-50 game was what hooked me but the rest is mediocrity at best but that doesn't change my love of SW. Sadly, that game is gone now because I've done it. The stories are now pretty bad after 50 and even worse as of the past few years. The content is stale and what little is new makes you wonder what first grader they have creating and writing it. But I digress....


This game also provides me a way to get some free money (aka CC) and I get enough to make it worth my time and it's over the sub cost but a fair amount. Even though if you look at the 279 referrals I have. The amount of active has decreased by a huge portion. Those are real people no longer here but that doesn't decrease my love of SW. It keeps me in a clear picture of what bw has done to the game but it's enough to keep me around.


I get my SW fix with a bit of free and I get to hang around a few people that fall under the same reasons but should something better came along then this game wouldn't have the same pull.

Edited by Quraswren
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The Star Wars Story & lore. It's the only Star Wars RPG released in the last 5yrs. I built a PC just to play this game on max settings. I'm THAT big a SW fan. While I'm really looking forward to the Visceral SW game, I'm afraid I won't be able to play as a Jedi/Sith in that. So I'll probably be here until they shut down the servers.
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I subscribe like a few weeks per year to

  • get my Star wars MMO fix
  • Appearence customization
  • And out of nostalgia of how glorious this game was in late 2011


But lately I got bored of :

  • the aging gameplay ( in term of animations, no new classes, badly tuned creeps,etc.)
  • the hero engine (very buggy and wonky )
  • the priority given to the cartel market above everything else.
  • the subscription model business on top of the CM, which is very greedy in my opinion.


It might be the last time I give money to Bioware, I don't really trust this company to deliver quality products any longer.... Unless Anthem is very good.

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I'm playing swtor because I do actually enjoy and love the game despite of some of its flaws....

What about you?

At this point I'm playing partly because I still like SWTOR and partly because I haven't seen any other MMORPG that appeals to me at this time. (I've played GW, GW2, WoW and a few others in the past, but I'd like to start with a new MMO that doesn't have a lot of "baggage". A new SW MMO would be perfect.)

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