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Game Update 5.4a


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Personally, I dont give a **** about free stuff, but if you're gonna give us free stuff get it to EVERYONE. Not make it a 1st come, first serve and screw the rest of you thing. I swear I have never seen anything like that.


I just want the game to be up so we can play STAR WARS. But, now I feel like I deserve compensation after that little antic.


He, Eric, later said the codes were not compensation but rather a little something for whilst we're all haunting the forum. If you click on the "B" at the header of the thread and "next" through Eric's messages, you'll find it.

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no you call the company and get things fixed. if it is a reason on their end that there was an outage, then they should compensate. are you seriously that stupid???


My ISP compensates you just have to have a brain and know how to talk to them in order to get it. I actually pay more for the sub here than i do to my ISP so a few CC to compensate isnt asking much. Especially considering the over priced cartel market

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They were one-time use codes, and they were used before the page even finished loading for most people.


I'm sure there will be some kind of apology for "Sorry, no Star Wars today," but I'm not sure what form it will take.


There had better be something, otherwise I really am going to rethink supporting this game further...


First they add a stronghold we can't even use because of the conquest cap/stronghold cap, then they bug the holy living hell out of the game because they didn't do proper testing of the content before releasing it, then they add insult to injury by giving a very tiny group of super fast internet users free things right in front of the whole community, and then after all that...


They refuse to make fair play to the rest of us that are literally being screwed right up the tail-pipe by not making those things available to everyone that is being horridly affected by their incompitant job...


Talk about one giant steaming pile of....

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I never heard or seen any online game compensate for the time they are down.


It does happen from time to time. Usually when something major breaks. You do not see compensation for scheduled down time. You see it when things like the server had a total melt down and had to be completely reset to a previous condition and it took about a week. That got me a month of subscription time on a game I played back in the early 2000's. You rarely see it for a one day downtime sort of issue, but if it turns into an all day unscheduled downtime and then morphs into multiple days you might see something. Though what is anyone's guess.

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I'm not one for ranting and/or posting in forums, but it is extraordinarily refreshing to see someone who a) understands the issues and b) is not sobbing into their warm milk about how UNFAIR it all is. Mistakes happen, and when they do it causes inconvenience. That is life. So what if it has lost you a few dollars/pounds/euros? How much more would you have spent down at the pub if you had gone out tonight?


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"


Heh, you are likely not in the software business, and neither is the one you are quoting. Of course we SW developers hate buggy releases, but we are much ashamed when they happens and we add more tests for the next release. That is one sour spot BioWare has not learned yet, to test ahead of release.

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I never heard or seen any online game compensate for the time they are down.









I could keep looking but its really boring. these were the first 3 that showed up after googling compensated downtime

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He, Eric, later said the codes were not compensation but rather a little something for whilst we're all haunting the forum. If you click on the "B" at the header of the thread and "next" through Eric's messages, you'll find it.


Yup. His entertainment, to imagine the crowd fight for scraps. Ha-ha. Funny.

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Hey Fellow Fans and Devs,


The devs definitely understand the frustration considering they are fans of the game as well. Please cut them some slack. Eric is being extremely transparent at the risk of the already growing retaliation. We all love Star Wars. We all love this game. Their resources are limited. They are working as fast as they possibly can to fix it. I don't know if you know this or not but code looks like the matrix. Finding where one thing is messed up in a humongous game is like finding a needle in a hay stack. With limited resources this takes time. Patience my jedi friends.


As for the people that are asking for compensation. You are upset about 50 cents in American dollars. Even less in Euros. Is two quarters worth throwing in the towel? For you to ask or threaten to cancel if they do not give you more than this value in your form of currency is outrageous. Yes it is unfair that the game is down. The devs did not purposefully crash the game. It also unfair for you to ask someone to give you (in some cases) up to 45 American Dollars for 50 cents in American Dollars. The devs want to make you guys happy with what resources they have. They are trying. You subscribe because you love this game. You subscribe because the devs made this game what you love. Give them the opportunity to do exactly what they are supposed to do. Good things come to those who wait. May the Force be with you all.



Concerned Citizen


Finally!!! Someone besides me with actual intelligence.

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I don't always test my code but when I do so I like to do it production. So stay on call my friend.


As an IT infrastructure engineer for a large employer on the east coast, your team should be down right embarrassed to have any unscheduled down time. You have the resources and the infrastructure to run an out in the WILD test server that you can place every single change to prior to delivering this to production and affecting your customer. I guess there is a very cavalier attitude to change management in your line of business but trust me if this happened where I work people are getting walked out the door TODAY at the very least there is going to be a meeting with the upper echelons of SR management where you get to beg for your job.


This is absolutely un acceptable for a company with the financial resources EA/Bioware this is plain and simple, squeeze every dollar out of them with out putting any in that EA has been known for. I would be humiliated professionally and personally if a change I was responsible for ending in downtime outside of the scheduled hours.


Out here in the real world that would cost pretty much any company millions of dollars, you, on the other hand, throw free codes out and can't do that right shameful.




As an IT administrator I would want to curl up and die if a whole server-infrastructure would be down for more than 4 hours (!) just because I didnt tested what I was about to patch.


At least I would really really want to ensure that this could never ever happen again.

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Terry sounds awesome. Maybe we can choose? Because I find rancor mounts too big, so I'd rather have Terry. ;)


I REALLY want Terry the Testing Squirrel. I assume he sits on a pile of cartel coins whilst Bond-villain-like stroking the taun fawn pet. I would also assume it comes with a hologram of Eric Musto Shouting "FIx it! Fix it! Fix it!" :)

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how would you use them for future knowledge?


You open your account and click on "redeem a code", then click "redeem code" and copy/paste the code into the box that appears. Check the box saying you agree to the EULA, and click "redeem". Then it will tell you it is an invalid code, or the code has already been used, and you can feel your anger and hatred grow, leading you further and further down the path to the Dark Side, where you can join me.

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Here in EU it's dark. Can't see what it looks like this late at night. ... :p

*went for a walk outside, walked face first into a tree in the dark, cursed at bioware for making me walk in the dark, went back inside and browsed the forums again and mumbled something about idiotic suggestions from reading the forums*

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There were codes given, but apparently in the time it took me to wolf down lunch, they were consumed, much like my lunch, rather than being perpetual like the cantina codes, so lunch was all I got.


Edit: Meatloaf and peas


I ask for individuals compensation , they dnt have scam only 20 ppl right ?

So compense all ppl u have scammed .

Its logic.

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Rain is requested, rain is received. These are all unique codes (1 redeem per person), and I know there are concerns about bots. I am gonna put them into spoiler tags so that should there be bots (which I haven't seen evidence of, just fast people) they can't scrape them as easily.


EDIT * Codes removed since they are all redeemed*


Good luck!





I would like to point out the term "1 redeem per person" doesn't mean the code can only be used once, it means that each person (account) should be able to redeem the codes. Please use the right lingo when dealing with customer service and public relations, this is why your "rain" didnt go over well.

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There were codes given, but apparently in the time it took me to wolf down lunch, they were consumed, much like my lunch, rather than being perpetual like the cantina codes, so lunch was all I got.


Edit: Meatloaf and peas


For the record, you couldn't "crack on off" in the time it took for those codes to get consumed...

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I REALLY want Terry the Testing Squirrel. I assume he sits on a pile of cartel coins whilst Bond-villain-like stroking the taun fawn pet. I would also assume it comes with a hologram of Eric Musto Shouting "FIx it! Fix it! Fix it!" :)


Yes, and Terry also says "It pays its subscription on time, it does this whenever it's told"

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*went for a walk outside, walked face first into a tree in the dark, cursed at bioware for making me walk in the dark, went back inside and browsed the forums again and mumbled something about idiotic suggestions from reading the forums*


Take now a walk with my Shepherd ...... fine Rain, darkness all around us......

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