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Everything posted by everclearisalive

  1. There is a queue for taxis to the event 2m, apart of course, and gamorean guards offering you hand sanitiser and a gamorean smile. The Hutts have said "all is fine", and Imp's have advised the event is "good for the economy". And the Jedi Academy Kids will be going back to school next week. All joking aside, I'd also like earlier notice for calendar/events, like the OP. I also appreciate BW are doing their best in difficult times, and hope everyone is safe and well, working hard/playing from home and eating cookies.
  2. Yes, just an awesome, also lazy way to win a fight I also second dirty kick, in particular for knockback enemies or annoying npc's, however I wait until I can follow dirty kick up with a one shot kill. Shiv is a good agent trick. Some other good shouts from you peeps I second - Stealth (i stealth everything now lol), CM wins, SH decorating. Ahem.. My smuggler recommends "Shooting first". Whatever that means... Being overpowered is satisfying when you get a main story character who is mouthing off and then you just bring in heroic moment and hit them for everything...! I found it satisfying that when my agent started mouthing off, Darth Jadus (i think) force choked them to put my agent in their place. that made me appreciate how powerful he was. They then hated and enjoyed killing sith whenever they could. Away from fighting, the sounds - nearby Datacrons (also collecting one), incoming email, friends online etc all feel good to hear. Finding a cool armour, SH combo, the little things. There is a lot to this game to love, even if people would tell you otherwise. So as I say to non-players, The game's depth of choice, SH, PVE, PvP, story, FP's, GSF, clothing, RP, Lore, companions, mounts, etc must be satisfying, as I keep going back. You can play at whatever speed you want or just sit in a SH/Cantina and chat. It's versatile.
  3. My cons' hun, Nadia. my first and so far only, and is sweet and warm, with a bit of fire. I love the voice actor's voice, especially on the crew skills stuff. Very ASMR, I guess. On that note Vette, Lana and Senya's crew skills soundbites do my nut in. Vette is obnoxious as a crew skills voice... I'm sure this is subjective and will change if doing a romance scene. My male smuggler is just flirting with everyone, and I haven't finished his story yet. My females, Knight and Agent haven't found anyone to their liking. Very fussy people lol. Or I, as a straight male, find Doc to be a right tool and I've friend zoned the rest! I can see Talos Drellik getting romance, especially as I've seen the actor in the TV show Frasier... I might have to look at their options again. Raina Temple will be an option for character too. One last thing, I've said that I'd love to re-play the romance cutscenes as an optional activity. Not getting any boosts or xp etc, but just to re-see them, kind of like a person remembering the moments and options, like we all do in real life. it doesn't change the story to re-play them, so why should I have to re-do a whole new consular to see it again, or go to youtube and see another player do it? It can't be that hard to implement as an activity? It's already in the game. It would just be a good addition and reminder to players of all the effort that BW have done in the first place to make such great stories.
  4. Yup. I agree. I've said elsewhere, I went back to F2P last month, and planning to stay off-line until December at least. I have zero interest in logging back in for the foreseeable future. I truly miss the SoR expansion, and the hutts, and would pay for that. Right now, my time is better spent elsewhere on my steam backlog. Sadly, new games keep coming out with actual content, and come November when the patch hits, we have the steam Halloween sale exp. 30th October, Black Friday sales, and Xmas sale, and I'll have more new games. I was hoping for more from this roadmap. I had my fingers crossed so much, it's just way too little too late to keep me from coming back right now to a game I once adored.
  5. I'd second that as long as it's not CC's.
  6. Alts aside my name is not likely to be too popular, I've got 5 years behind him, but it's a name I use for most games, it's personal to me. That might seem sentimental, and it is, and if they dropped a super-expansion and I had to play but the only name available was "Ima Dork"... I'd take the name and play. But they're not, and I'll likely just play some other game until they do.
  7. Sadly that's how I feel. I'm not that bothered about a name for my characters, but just disappointed in the whole roadmap. It'd just be one thing too much. For me, this year has been 9 months of wasted money. I unsubbed September and not sure when or if I'll ever log back in to play. I have good memories of this game, but i have a steam backlog and right now I'm gonna spend 3-4 months on that.
  8. I agree with this. Personally what would make me pvp is if it felt more like SW Jedi Academy. As a pvp game that was so much better, much more fun. Also, we all went in exactly the same level, we had zero reliance on who spent 200 hours learning what and reading what guides. We logged on, clicked buttons and laughed. Shorter pvp matches would help, that way if i suck, I don't feel like I've waste the time of better players by just feeding the enemy my deaths. Even the best have off days and aren't feeling it. Sitting there for 15-20 minutes of pvp or GSF when you're way off the mark will just make you quit and not go back. And, ranting and raving at a noob or whatever will just scare them off from reading the 200 hours of guides to "get good". I'd pvp if i didn't have so much to learn. Part of that is the community expectations of who should pvp.
  9. That's a fair point you made. I spent a good couple of hours actualy committing time to the game rather than just doing a quick hour etc. I enjoyed doing the Dragon's maw chapter on an alt. I enjoyed doing a few planet's dailies, (the crazy xp helps. I enjoyed seeing other's doing those dailies too. It was busy on the planets. The game is still lots of fun.
  10. "keep the current CXP amounts for the Daily Areas." This. The cartel coins would be nice but would be easily wasted. Getting to tier 3 on alts would be better than a few coins for RNG items. Also please make all the other planets included on this "crazy CXP bug!"
  11. I worked CS years back with a girl who got lots of abuse down the phone. She told the person to "go boil their head in a vat of lard." She kept her job. lol. Putting up with us moaners is kinda hard and i feel for Eric. Doesn't mean I'm not frustrated though!
  12. He would've make a great sith though. all that scheming... anyway, SPOILERS!
  13. to be fair, i tried and failed to get a code. but it's impossible to rage-quit/log-out when I'm not even logged in! I will just try to meditate whilst sleeping. Anyway, i know what's happened, the Umbara train's been cancelled due to "unforeseen cicumstances". It'll be up and running tomorrow... I hope. *Foolish naive jedi!*
  14. Or meditate peacefully Jedi-style wishing goodwill to Bioware and Eric etc? We're not all sith. just frustrated lol!
  15. I REALLY want Terry the Testing Squirrel. I assume he sits on a pile of cartel coins whilst Bond-villain-like stroking the taun fawn pet. I would also assume it comes with a hologram of Eric Musto Shouting "FIx it! Fix it! Fix it!"
  16. Yup. A EU day wasted. Work hard, (I actually think that the dev's understand this bit right about now!) then come home for SWTOR. Tried to log on for 4+ hours now. My sub is up in 4 days and just keep thinking why do I bother? It's not raging, just apathy now. My fave game for 5+ years, thousands of hours, but just feels like I'm clinging on when I should just go do something else more fun. Cartel coins are irrelevant. I'd just get a box with stuff I don't want that I can't sell as the European servers seem dead. Pets mean little to me, I never use them. Feels like they rushed the patch out having delayed it twice. Save the coins and the pet and just make SWTOR better and release the patch "done when it's done". Not release "beta, hoping it'll be better".
  17. Edit - i see it's been answered above lol. I think it's "less than" buying as an example nar shadaa via vendor on fleet. So, (made up numbers lol) if nar shadaa was 1 mill creds to buy, the new SH would be half a mill with FP key. The vendor that is selling the "magical, illusive key", must I assume sell other items. Please let it not be like Ziost or the manaan vendors. Honestly, make it worthwhile to visit them and have lots of decorations to buy, otherwise the vendors might as well just be "key drops at end of killing the 10th attempt FP boss". I actually love how Rishi has the "vendor market square". Rishi is a great planet for design IMHO. All the vendors vying for trade, that felt natural and made sense. It's just a shame that nobody high level needs to go back there as few items are usable other than cosmetics. Possibly re-look at vendors on each planet and add a few items to make a repeat visit worthwhile.
  18. Agreed. We're likely in the minority on the forum, but I think the ideas are flowing, and a lot of people are more optimistic now than before. That only lasts as long as Bioware deliver, but I'm hopeful that my fave game can still deliver long term. I think that, taking into account that Keith asked for fair reflection from the forum, he has got fair reflection. Not vitriolic anger, but feedback. It seems like it's 3 points players have raised. Class changes, decorations for SH's, and lastly "The 242 issue". I'm gonna put my head on the line and say that for once people aren't raging "boo! Too little, too late. you suck, I'm unsubbing!" and more providing the fair reflection that was asked for. If that fair reflection is ignored, the players will be upset I guess. Cue raging. I think the positive will happen and compromises will be found. Dropping down to 236 from 242 isn't life-changing for BW. Adding more deco's gains won't be too hard to implement. Class changes will always be subjective, so that one will divide opinion no matter what. I think Keith has got what he asked for, and can now do what he needs. Fingers crossed we all end up happy.
  19. These three Q's stood out for me. Q3 - I think it's do-able for an event every quarter or 6 a year. I like the neverwinter online "siege of neverwinter" event. http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/7006233-siege-of-neverwinter-event-now-live I think it fits so well with the MMO group content, it's a "drop-in when you want" thing so you can get 20-30 solo players (or groupmates) all joining up to take down what is an event "world boss". It's repeatable every 20-30mins etc. Solo players are'nt tied in to a half-hour/hour op/flashpoint etc, and makes it good. PVP could have an event on tattoine etc where they get to go nuts in a free-for-all "last man standing battle". have like 40 pvp'ers duke it out. it'd make planets viable again rather than instanced areas. I'm not a PvP'er but i could see that being a fun blast. Have a story like Jabba the Hutt want's a PvP gladiator yadda-yadda-yadda. Q5 - I'd happilly pay $20 for a Shadow of Revan type expansion. I can't see how that wouldn't pay for itself? Q6 - I really can't see that happening. It's not good to be compared to rivals games, better or worse. If they are struggling it'd be game-killer to admit it. If it's doing well, other games would start looking over... it's just bad business to release that.
  20. This! We have so few decorations that makes a new stronghold idea seem pathetic. I love the SH's. I'm in favour of them, but we need more crafting options for decorations, better GTM search mechanics for decorations, more vendors on fleet or reputation, better drops i.e put them in command crates which can be sold on GTM if not wanted, flashpoint, PvP, ops drops, and lastly bundles on the CM. Specific bundles as said, a staff bundle with new alien staff, plants/tree bundles, art/wall item bundles, lighting bundles, ship bundles, centrepiece bundles etc. I can't be the only one who looked at manaan and thought, "I ain't about to line up my my 50+ companions in a long row next to the fountains, for the sixth SH time. And I've no idea what to put on all those centrepiece hooks. it's not like I can buy a Defender never mind a Millenium Falcon on the GTM. I have a folder of screenshot items that I would love to have in my stronghold, 20 ish, all in-game, all I assume usable for a bundle or craftable by crew skills. The decoration pack was took off CM way too soon. The Manaan pack seems pricey but a step in the right direction.The GTM is empty, and nobody wants what's on there, we've all got the same items in our SH. The new SH, timing seeming a bit off with Manaan being released seems like a good idea. I just won't bother if it's placing the same items over and over. That doesn't seem like fun.
  21. I agree. I miss nadia. I've said before, if they won't give us our companions back with new stories, let us have new companion storyline tab on galactic command so we can re-visit the storylines inc romance ones to remind us of why we love the comps! Surely that can't be too hard to implement? I'd like a new planet but i suppose as someone else said, solo players have had kotet etc. Which btw for me are just solo flashpoints, rather than planetary mission stories, which I'd prefer. I think they could look at making planets worth re-visiting for group content, outside of fp's/heroics, maybe like rewarding/improving world boss battles. Right now, and I'm positive about the roadmap ideas, this game feels less like a pure mmo rpg, even less like it's star wars.
  22. This big rant is spot on. I will add mine. I unsubscribed a few days ago. Just out of pure boredom, not rage, and a pure loss of faith in the management of the game. I've played for 4-5 years, not always as a sub, but I logged on and spent cartel coins when I was F2P to show that I enjoyed the game. I've been holding out for open-planets again as it's still my fave part of the game, yet we get none, and the GC garbage ( which I gave you credit and hope on) was hopeless. It takes questing too long to level GC up, so why bother? I admit I suck at PvP so why waste other player's time filling a PvP space for the absolute garbage that I get in the rare GC level up's I get? I should have an option to select what i would like in the box and the RNG will give me based on that. If i dont need comp gifts or pets then dont give me them. They will just be scrapped. Waste of Dev skills surely? I don't care for flashpoints, done them all. Didn't love them so harder modes are pointless to me. As for op's, I don't try/ nor want to try them and would ruin it for those that 100% do. You get the same and vice-versa from different groups. RGP'ers are missing stuff. Op's guys missing stuff. PvP'ers are missing stuff. PVE open-world questers are missing stuff. I'm an amateur CG artist and I could design and create a half-decent PvP map in a month using the models database that you have. I just don't know what you spend you're time doing. Do EA bosses? I now think it;s reached a point where EA should end the game or change management. - a real V2.0 effort. I'd feel lost in some ways, but it's like a break-up. It's no longer what it once was. I'd spend 8-12 hours a day playing, now one. If that. Stardew Valley has given me more fun in the last week than TOR this year. That has ONE DEVELOPER FFS. I assume you get paid well, and are complacent. No longer hungry. You almost had me with companions coming back. It's like only two of them, and Nadia Grell isn't one so that sucks for my consular. Ignoring our rants for PvP, Op's, less junk in GC etc as you've likely read/ignored that...so why bother again? My 5 cents - Add more mission storylines on planets. Send Sith to Jedi planet's etc - they're end-game allied so mix it up. Surely some Sith planetary stuff could be ally-linked so a Jedi could do them. Let the player say if he wants to be ally flagged so he can go to the opposite base areas for missions. Or are planets only for new players? Merge Servers. Make it feel like an MMO. I'd play black desert etc and it's full of players. Surely TOR is just spread too thin and not that empty? Have more events like Life Day throughout the year. For all it's worth, it did bring players together, added a community feel. Have an Empire day, and a Rep' day, just do more. Get chat active again. instead of just spam. Drop in polls or something or tie it in to the official swtor and SW twitter feeds. Keeps people involved and that helps. There is nothing worse in an mmo than feeling alone. Guildies are seeing they have no one to chat too as guilds are emptying. That's not an mmo to stick with. I hope we get to be in an At-At. Looking out as its walking on Hoth. Innovate. Look, drop the cartel market RNG and do what ARC games etc do with neverwinter/star trek, but cheaper. Let us buy what WE want not just random stuff we don't. Have huge selections of items listed to buy directly from you and not RNG drop potentials. The items are there but not on the GTN as that's dead,.I bet people bought Treek. I wonder why? They wanted to. The CC are worthless if we just get a random item we don't want. if you actually are listening why is it the same years on? Sadly, I suppose I'm the problem. I want the start game planet-style endless content whilst being an end game player. TOR is likely fun to new players. I hear FF14, WoW and the rest are too!
  23. Bump - this bug is still an issue. Couldn't reset the mission via the mission log reset button. I tried everything, going to stronghold, ship, logging out and clicking reset all instances in portrait but nothing worked. Went to fleet, (twice) and the reset mission button appeared finally. hope this helps anyone else.
  24. Thanks for the quick reply. well, I might as well delete that Imp character. I've just done one character to level 65 on light side. Not sure I can be bothered doing another from 1-65. So much grinding!
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