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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I came back to this game after a long break about 4 months ago.At the start I really enjoyed it,all new to me and shiny.Got my main geared up and a few alts to 70 .Started to get bored then stopped playing altogether.

Sub cancelled.The reason the absolute awful command grind.Doing it once to full BiS was enough to put me off it for good and sucked the whole enjoyment out of the game.Opening hundreds upon hundred of crates of junk, a complete and utter waste of time.I was doing other stuff too,HM ops,pvp too and I just got to the point why am I doing this?I'm not even enjoying it.

Everybody in my guild nobody likes the whole GC sham and by the looks of the forums isn't much liked here either.

Who came up with this whole Command crap?Whoever it was your doing a great job in chasing people away,you know why?Because it's an rng suckfest for people who like alts.Opening near 1k crates and still not be fully BiS is a disgrace,and forced me away as it did to a good few of my pals.

Change it to comms then maybe,just maybe I will come back,but to have endgame as rng is just so retarded.Let us buy what we need with comms instead of lets disintegrate guys and laugh at them.

No doubt there will be the usual there's nothing wrong with it,well i'll tell you what you can keep it.

My money is going elsewhere.

Anybody interested in a real Star Wars game should check out Star Wars Galaxies Legends.Everythings in it,healthy population,economy the lot.And it feels so good to be back there.

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GC is certainly still doing harm...gearing has improved for those doing Ops, but the grind to 300 is painful, especially the crap that comes from 99% of the boxes.


I'm sorry you aren't sticking around, but you have a valid point...end game is just RNG boxes now for many people...

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Trust me. Gamers understand your frustration with galactic command and why it would cause a gamer to leave swtor.


The RNG and grind on one toon is bad enough but to be expected to do it on alts that the game encourages you to make it some of the worse design and development I've seen in a long time.


Hate to see more gamers leave but it is understandable. swtor has dropped the ball on so many things it's not a surprise to hear more gamers leaving.

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They need to put more incentive for doing raids and stuff in the game NOT add yet more grind.


I'll probably be done once I get the rest of the class stories completed. KotFE and KotET can go fondle themselves, not impressed with those at all.


I've never come across another game with so much stuff I don't want to do in it. Well done BW, well done.


I may need a guild though, maybe a good guild could alleviate things.......oh and a decent PC.

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The RNG and grind on one toon is bad enough but to be expected to do it on alts that the game encourages you to make it some of the worse design and development I've seen in a long time.

The highlighted part is so true. SWTOR has been a game of alts since design...GC is as anti Alts as I have ever seen. It doesn't mix well with the freaking game design in the least.

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The highlighted part is so true. SWTOR has been a game of alts since design...GC is as anti Alts as I have ever seen. It doesn't mix well with the freaking game design in the least.


I have well over 400 alts now with well over 40 character level 70 across 6 accounts. So speak for yourself when saying its anti Alts. I don't have an issue with it at all. I don't have any problem with others like you not liking it, but am sick to death of you and other thinking you represent EVERYONE else.

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GC is destructive, it always has been destructive, it has no real purpose any more it's purpose has lost it's meaning... and oh right, bioware doesn't want to do anything about it. the suspicious side of me thinks Ben Irving made some shady deal with the bioware management to keep this crappy system in place after destroying the community and getting his promotion.


Keith made this big song and dance about communication and yet not one word on how he plans to deal with this awful GC.



Edited by Celise
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I came back to this game after a long break about 4 months ago.At the start I really enjoyed it,all new to me and shiny.Got my main geared up and a few alts to 70 .Started to get bored then stopped playing altogether.

Sub cancelled.The reason the absolute awful command grind.Doing it once to full BiS was enough to put me off it for good and sucked the whole enjoyment out of the game.Opening hundreds upon hundred of crates of junk, a complete and utter waste of time.I was doing other stuff too,HM ops,pvp too and I just got to the point why am I doing this?I'm not even enjoying it.

Everybody in my guild nobody likes the whole GC sham and by the looks of the forums isn't much liked here either.

Who came up with this whole Command crap?Whoever it was your doing a great job in chasing people away,you know why?Because it's an rng suckfest for people who like alts.Opening near 1k crates and still not be fully BiS is a disgrace,and forced me away as it did to a good few of my pals.

Change it to comms then maybe,just maybe I will come back,but to have endgame as rng is just so retarded.Let us buy what we need with comms instead of lets disintegrate guys and laugh at them.

No doubt there will be the usual there's nothing wrong with it,well i'll tell you what you can keep it.

My money is going elsewhere.

Anybody interested in a real Star Wars game should check out Star Wars Galaxies Legends.Everythings in it,healthy population,economy the lot.And it feels so good to be back there.


I don't like RNG any more than the next guy.. But be careful where you go.. RNG seems to be the new shiny to MMO developers as almost all games are going from a little (like here) to OMGWTF did you do (like a friend told me they're doing in that other game that shall not be named)..


Hate to see people go, specially since I just got time in my life to actually game again.. But just be careful because there is a LOT worse RNG out there right now.

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Yeah this gc system is pretty bad, and the rewards for pvp are low. I see people log in, run 20 warzones in one day to complete weekly and 12 UC quest, and then just forgetting about queueing for another week.... told them dozens of time that there must be 4-5 daylies which goes one after another with 10-12 UC as a reward so people had incentive to queue and gear up for normal time. Or at least reduce the cost of BiS gear since it is very expensive. Previouse Ben Irvin and new Keith K. both have no idea how to regulate this game. Providing more rewards for ranked will just drag more afk'ers and noobs in green gear to ranked because true ranked players are doing it not for UC lol.


Tier 4 drops are just garbage, mostly getting 244 trash, same pets and empty shells (they could at least put there some good things from old cm packs lol)


One stupid decision after another. Thats why online is shrinking very fast.



Oh and their class balance takes too much time. In other mmo i see class adjustments every month whilst we waited 9 months since 5.0 appeared

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I have well over 400 alts now with well over 40 character level 70 across 6 accounts. So speak for yourself when saying its anti Alts. I don't have an issue with it at all. I don't have any problem with others like you not liking it, but am sick to death of you and other thinking you represent EVERYONE else.


What are their GC levels?

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I've accepted the grind, but what disappoints me is the fact that they pass up every opportunity to get us fired up about the game. Leaving double CXP in place is a perfect example. It makes almost no difference to their hamster-on-a-treadmill approach to BiS because the Tier 4 drop rates are so low, but it would have created the illusion of progress and - more importantly - that they want to make us happy. I'm having a hard time understanding their failure to take advantage of that.
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I have well over 400 alts now with well over 40 character level 70 across 6 accounts. So speak for yourself when saying its anti Alts. I don't have an issue with it at all. I don't have any problem with others like you not liking it, but am sick to death of you and other thinking you represent EVERYONE else.


I have a GAJILLION alts on a SUPA BILLION accounts and they're ALL level 70 and max GC. RNG gearing is EXCITING, AMAZING and quite the ADVENTURE! Very best SWTOR! Thousands years of GREATNESS to come! Sky is open for shining light of MAGIC crates gifted by MOST EXCELLENT RNGesus!

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I have well over 400 alts now with well over 40 character level 70 across 6 accounts. So speak for yourself when saying its anti Alts. I don't have an issue with it at all. I don't have any problem with others like you not liking it, but am sick to death of you and other thinking you represent EVERYONE else.

For "normal" players, not for people like you. And I do not speak for you or anyone else, so stop with that nonsense. I can, and only do, speak for myself, unless I specifically state otherwise. I didn't figure I needed a disclaimer after every post I make, but it seems like you need one.

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I have a GAJILLION alts on a SUPA BILLION accounts and they're ALL level 70 and max GC. RNG gearing is EXCITING, AMAZING and quite the ADVENTURE! Very best SWTOR! Thousands years of GREATNESS to come! Sky is open for shining light of MAGIC crates gifted by MOST EXCELLENT RNGesus!

No kidding lol

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Yeah so this is the like 100th post about this which has been discussed by thousands and how bad this is. They continue to throw terrible band aids at the problem, never truly fixing it, even when a number of perfectly viable solutions have been presented.


Obviously, after 7-1/2 months of this garbage they just don't care. Care about their customers, their customers feedback or their customer's ideas.

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Yeah t4 crate twilight zone it should be called.Don't put up with it anymore.Anybody that defends It is either already got what they already want so **** scrub or is an EA employee.

The whole GC is a farce,get 70 then grind another 300 levels,then after 300 grind another 1000 and still not get BiS.

No more,horrible horrible GC.It's killing this game.

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a number of perfectly viable solutions have been presented.


But not by BioWare, so unless they actually come up with the idea I guess we're lumped with the RNG gearing system that has been band-aided and forgotten.


Let us be completely honest here. If BioWare had been inclined to really listen to the feedback and take that criticism on-board and acted accordingly, then they would have properly fixed it. Not tempered it to an extent that they seem to think finds the balance between their design goal and what some of us would prefer to see.


I mean, we called this right at the beginning prior to 5.0 landing, that it would be a terrible system and then BioWare would "graciously" accommodate players feedback and adjust it so it wasn't quite as bad. All the while claiming that they listen to player feedback, while retaining the awful system that they wanted to implement.


I mean clearly it's a case of "wool" and "eyes" and "try". Perhaps BioWare should try harder. It's been the exact same with every single expansion I've seen the Austin studio produce, implement a terrible system or alter something to such an overkill extent, then dial it back while pretending to claim that they truly listen.


Guess what, doesn't work, and that's a truly rubbish way of doing games development by what is meant to be a AAA games studio. Sheesh.

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On the fleet they have these really cool vendors that sell bis armour for unassembled components.


1) They don't sell BiS armour for unassembled components. They sell BiS armour for unassembled components and the lower tier gearpiece. That is a significant difference.

2) You need a lot of these uc's to gear up a character in full 248 gear.

3) These vendors are totally not cool if you hate pvp and I'm going to take a wild guess and say that probably most altoholics are more pve-oriented.


That's why I think that this is not going to get rid of the altoholic concern at all.

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1) They don't sell BiS armour for unassembled components. They sell BiS armour for unassembled components and the lower tier gearpiece. That is a significant difference.

2) You need a lot of these uc's to gear up a character in full 248 gear.

3) These vendors are totally not cool if you hate pvp and I'm going to take a wild guess and say that probably most altoholics are more pve-oriented.


That's why I think that this is not going to get rid of the altoholic concern at all.


Okay lets assume you have lots of alts and you don't pvp at all.


With shared command tokens all your alts can buy command boosts.


Any brand new alts can get a full set of 230 set piece gear. That's plenty for sm ops and fps.


You only need full 248 set piece gear for nim or ranked pvp.


I have 8 alts, decked out in a mix of 242, 246, 248 gear playing super casual with the current system. I don't play nim or ranked. With legacy currency I'll be able to level more alts.


It's unfair to expect BW to let everyone gear all their characters in bis gear in under a month. They did that in 4.0 and after 3 months everyone quit because they had nothing left to progress their characters.

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It's unfair to expect BW to let everyone gear all their characters in bis gear in under a month. They did that in 4.0 and after 3 months everyone quit because they had nothing left to progress their characters.


Nonsense. People quit because they found the story not worth repeating on every alt and the lack of new group content boring You progress ops, not gear.

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