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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please give us Mixed Faction PvP we have long pop times


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It's getting ridiculous waiting 20mins plus (sometimes 2 hours) for pops if you are out side the 4-5 hours a day when there are enough people on for the time to be less.


Please make pvp mixed faction or cross faction or what ever you want to call it. There just aren't enough people in the queues in any bracket even when they pop under 20mins because we just get the same people every match while the other faction waits twice as long for pop.


I understand the whole RP thing, but if there aren't enough people to pvp then there is no RP anyway. It's better for pvp to pop then not at all.


It would also help with the faction imbalance when one faction is dominating another. Nobody likes getting pummelled every match so half of them end up moving to the other faction and the pops get worse for those who want to stay on their preferred faction.


On top of that the queues seem to be having a problem even when there are enough people in the queue. We are either waiting for pops when there are 20 of us there or it's putting the same factions against themselves even when there are enough people on both sides. Did you do something to the server instances when you did the data centre move. Is this a limitation of the hardware?


Common Keith, you want people to pvp, but if we can't pvp because of lack of population at the time we are on or because there is something funny with the queue, then pvp dies and all this balance work and changing unassembled components will be for nothing.

The game is supposed to be 24 hours a day, not a 4-5 hour time bracket. We should be able to login at anytime and play. I understand that is unrealistic, but to be limited to a 4-5 hour bracket to get healthy pop times is ridiculous. We should atleast get 16 hours a day when pop times should be reasonable.


The only other solution is you actually make pvp inviting and fun to play instead of making people grind. But even that is probably to late to fix the pop times because there just aren't enough people anymore. So please make pvp mixed faction like you have with Odessen Proving grounds.

Edited by Icykill_
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As a mostly-Pub player, I kinda hate to admit it, but yeah, this would be nice. Even if it were for the non-factional stuff anyway like Huttball and Arenas, it'd still be an improvement.


With the stupid way the queue decides the next match it would need to be all maps. ie, how many times have you played the same map in a row and not got one of the others.

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The game is supposed to be 24 hours a day



I understand that is unrealistic




Anyway, I know that when I login at 7 am to the game while im at work, I wont get any PVP, GSF (well maybe ill get veteran FPS) pops, its just how it is, those are the times for farmers to go slice nodes, do heroics etc. its time to do stuff you dont need a group for. You can do Eternal Championship for rancor drop, KOTFE/KOTET chapters for CXP and much much more.


I am fine with the pops at certain times as people do have a life, but in your case the timezone is an issue I would say. Still, being on Harbinger I am surprised by the lack of pops, might have something to do with the recent class changes and people not playing as much probably (also vacation season) like mentioned here Week by Week effects of changes


Nevertheless there is the Odessen warzone, which is cross faction, so I think that should give you a pop from time to time even if there are less reps quing. Was funny how only that wz popped at start.

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Please make pvp mixed faction or cross faction or what ever you want to call it.

My own preference is to call it "Mixed-Faction Team". After all, we already have Mixed-Faction Match (Imps on one side, Pubs on the other) and One-Faction-Only Match (Imps on both sides, OR Pubs on both sides, which puts Hypergate/Civil War/Novare in "simulation" mode).


And of course we already have MFT matches on Odessen, and it's an obvious good fit for Huttball and 4v4. The announcer scripting would be a bit weird in Hypergate/Civil War/Novare, though. I wouldn't treat that as a reason to drop it. Just put it in post-Zakuul Alliance terms, like Odessen is now. (Perhaps not Blondie as announcer, eh?)

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It's getting ridiculous waiting 20mins plus (sometimes 2 hours) for pops if you are out side the 4-5 hours a day when there are enough people on for the time to be less.


Please make pvp mixed faction or cross faction or what ever you want to call it. There just aren't enough people in the queues in any bracket even when they pop under 20mins because we just get the same people every match while the other faction waits twice as long for pop.


I understand the whole RP thing, but if there aren't enough people to pvp then there is no RP anyway. It's better for pvp to pop then not at all.


It would also help with the faction imbalance when one faction is dominating another. Nobody likes getting pummelled every match so half of them end up moving to the other faction and the pops get worse for those who want to stay on their preferred faction.


On top of that the queues seem to be having a problem even when there are enough people in the queue. We are either waiting for pops when there are 20 of us there or it's putting the same factions against themselves even when there are enough people on both sides. Did you do something to the server instances when you did the data centre move. Is this a limitation of the hardware?


Common Keith, you want people to pvp, but if we can't pvp because of lack of population at the time we are on or because there is something funny with the queue, then pvp dies and all this balance work and changing unassembled components will be for nothing.

The game is supposed to be 24 hours a day, not a 4-5 hour time bracket. We should be able to login at anytime and play. I understand that is unrealistic, but to be limited to a 4-5 hour bracket to get healthy pop times is ridiculous. We should atleast get 16 hours a day when pop times should be reasonable.


The only other solution is you actually make pvp inviting and fun to play instead of making people grind. But even that is probably to late to fix the pop times because there just aren't enough people anymore. So please make pvp mixed faction like you have with Odessen Proving grounds.


Once again, i disagree. I like star wars (reps vs imps) not mixed wars. Most of the current warzones (except odessen) were made during classic content and dedicated to war between republic and empire. I dont like kotfee (like most of the players), i did it only on my main, all my other characters are still in classic story. Faction warzones will make this game not star wars, true sith cant ally with jedi, it is absurd. It is only reps fault that they are bad on warzones. Personally, i transferred all my rep toons to t3m4 where reps fully dominate in pvp whereas playing my imp chars on tre. Players must adapt not game, it is not bioware fault that one faction is bad and another is not. They have no authority to adjust faction balance, it is something that is self- regulated. War goes as it is, someone is winning and someone is loosing...

Edited by omaan
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:I am fine with the pops at certain times as people do have a life, but in your case the timezone is an issue I would say. Still, being on Harbinger I am surprised by the lack of pops, might have something to do with the recent class changes and people not playing as much probably (also vacation season)


Another thing that plays into queue times (and probably is becoming a major factor) is that the PVE casual players that have been queuing for warzones to get their main in full 248s are getting there and no longer have a reason to queue for PVP. Once you have one toon fully outfitted, the drops you get from that toon can equip most if not all of your alts with gear sufficient to do any of the other content in the game up to and including Master Mode OPs. That affects all servers resulting in extended queue times.

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That is a very daring statement and your source is?


Forum as a whole. I saw more negative replies than positive:



Especially here - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=926070&highlight=Kotfe (even some devs think that kotet/kotfe are worse compared to previous swtor content)








Etc, etc. Although lately we can see many threads which are showing kotet/kotfe in a positive side, overall most of the players either dont like it or thinking that classic class stories are much better.

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Forum as a whole..


I did not have to read any further.


Do you think these forums present "most players" ? The best guess is that around 10% of the game population comes here. Its not representative at all. You can speak your mind, but you cannot make statistics from this. Even the forum threads that Devs make to get the "players opinion" its just a way to buy time for the Devs, since they are over schedule and out of resources to do anything.

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Another thing that plays into queue times (and probably is becoming a major factor) is that the PVE casual players that have been queuing for warzones to get their main in full 248s are getting there and no longer have a reason to queue for PVP. Once you have one toon fully outfitted, the drops you get from that toon can equip most if not all of your alts with gear sufficient to do any of the other content in the game up to and including Master Mode OPs. That affects all servers resulting in extended queue times.


Well quite a few people que through GSF instead of PVP on TRE, you can see that in terms of pops. The GSF community is much much more smaller and you see right away who is playing, queing etc. You see the premades imp side and assembled pug groups rep side. People do what ever to get pops. GSF is still a better way to gear than ranked or unranked PVP.


Also, for me its so that since I have mastered ships on my main I only play with him, then get a 242 token from a HM ops and upgrade to 248 and send over in legacy gear to alt. Its the fastest way to gear alts in my opinion and you dont even have to PVP, GSF is fine for it.

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That is a very daring statement and your source is?


I don't know about MOST, but I don't like it. I usually run new story content multiple times on different servers. That stopped with KOTFE, there was no point. No real variation in the story, didn't matter which class you did, the story ends up the same way.


The most recent story publish, dealing with the new daily area, I stopped at the 4th "chapter" with the vehicle combat. I MUCH prefer the original stories (all 8 of them) vs. a single story.

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Regarding the OP


As little as I PVP, and that I play on a mostly dead server 1/2 the time, I completely agree with this idea.


You can already have Imp vs. Imp in all the warzones, and Pub vs Pub, so the whole "Imp vs Pub" aspect is really thrown out the window for me right there.

One of the newer flashpoints has mixed teams already, so if it's technically possible, as seen by the one that has it, why not spend some dev time and allow the originals to be set up that way as well?

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Whos that mysterious "we", OP? I am getting regular pops on both sides at any time on Rec Eclipse. If you are unwilling to find server more suited for your timezone, at least dont use plular to describe your personal problem.
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I did not have to read any further.


Do you think these forums present "most players" ? The best guess is that around 10% of the game population comes here. Its not representative at all. You can speak your mind, but you cannot make statistics from this. Even the forum threads that Devs make to get the "players opinion" its just a way to buy time for the Devs, since they are over schedule and out of resources to do anything.


There Is always average numbers, you can never ask EVERYONE due to unreal to do so. Even social reports, interviews are never based on EVERYONE's answers, you always see 10/20; 20/100 participants answered "yes" or "i dont like it" etc. All info we receive about "most's opinion" is always relative. Even election of deputies and presidents are not relying on everyone's decision since most of the voters may not even come to vote. So thats why we judge by reading threads and comments on forum. Those who are not writing on forum, apparently dont even care what they play, and not interested in showing their opinion.

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The devs actually posted (1-3 months ago I think) where they get most of their player feedback.

It wasn't these forums.

From what I remember, it was the "other" social media mediums...reddit/twitter/etc.


Honestly, it surprised and disappointed me, but only subscribers can post here, and they have to cater to the larger player base, which includes getting that feedback.

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That is a very daring statement and your source is?


Server populations? Metric reviews? I like when people make it impossible to measure anything. With the amount of info available around anything nowadays you can measure anything performance within a reasonable precision relatively easy. And no, 5.0 was not positively received.


Back to mixed faction, I am not aware of any server that has good ques and many have non-existing ques outside of prime time. Mixed factions can help that and remove faction imbalance, which many servers have. The only logical reason around this is Emp vs Rep RP request. Even the story moved beyond that a while back. Hanging on to it in PvP is just stupid.

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Once again, i disagree. I like star wars (reps vs imps) not mixed wars. Most of the current warzones (except odessen) were made during classic content and dedicated to war between republic and empire. I dont like kotfee (like most of the players), i did it only on my main, all my other characters are still in classic story. Faction warzones will make this game not star wars, true sith cant ally with jedi, it is absurd. It is only reps fault that they are bad on warzones. Personally, i transferred all my rep toons to t3m4 where reps fully dominate in pvp whereas playing my imp chars on tre. Players must adapt not game, it is not bioware fault that one faction is bad and another is not. They have no authority to adjust faction balance, it is something that is self- regulated. War goes as it is, someone is winning and someone is loosing...


You are really missing the point and your argument is wrong.

1.) If you really want to leave it as it is now (balance wise I mean, and keep imp vs pub), then you should be asking that there are no imp vs imp and no pub vs pub. Meaning if you are on the side with the imbalance (like imp on Harbinger) you'd almost never get a pop and pubs would be popping instantly forever. But currently its all imp versus imp because even the most patient pub player stopped queueing when win rate dropped to below 1% of the time.


2.) If you want to help the problem you should be playing on the weak faction on each server (assuming you are not already). So, play only the weak faction on both servers and do some solo queueing, then come back here and lets see what you suggest. If you are playing the strong faction on your chars, then this thread isn't for you. It is to solve issues for some players, not you. So to say, "I realize the game currently sucks for other players, but it works good for me so who cares about making the game better for all...." doesn't fly. Go away.

3.) This is a subscription game, not the real world. The game designers HAVE TO MAXIMIZE FUN for all players. That means they HAVE to get involved when there are imbalances. This isn't some social experiment of some sort of free-to-play alpha-phase of a game, this is the subscription for-profit game. If they do nothing to better include an enormous amount of players like an entire faction, they are potentially losing an enormous amount of players and in turn revenue. Maybe you would like your game to die? Or would you rather it lasts a few more years because they decided to keep the game fun for as many people as possible?

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Well there is a mixed PVP warzone map (Odessen) the question is if the group finder program sophisticated enough to make that warzone pop? Or are you talking about a 4v4 mixed faction? Or are you talking about a blanket across the board elimination of faction specific PVP? After seeing the chaos in Odessen WZ I don't think that would be a happy new normal for pvp.


What they do need more than this is a GSF mixed faction map which I posted in the 'Suggestions" section. A place this thread should've been posted.

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It's really needed in Ranked to cut down on Q-syncing.


If they had XServer Queues then you can rotate the servers, 1 from each until the match is full.


The only whay to stack that would be to have everyone be on different servers and for every server to have to exact same number of people in the queue.


This would also encourage a balanced population on each server because the servers with the most people queuing would pop the slowest.


There are so many advantages to a XServer Q too bad they are unable to code it.

Edited by Foambreaker
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