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Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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I will of course wait and see if they do something to buff balance and TK for sure. but if not... well.... FFXIV looks very pretty and actually has NEW content every expansion. And that is indeed very sad, since i've never actually unsubbed over the last 5.5 years (or so)... atm really considering it. Like what is this tendency of: oh, they nerf this class... hmmm what is the fotm? let's re-roll that. I've never understood that and never followed it myself lol, but lol...*** did revivication do to deserve more nerf? it's very bad already anyway.:eek::eek:
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So, the Devs don't want people playing Sages/Sorcs at all?


I don't understand. The DPS specs suck, so healing was the only thing a Sage/Sorc could do. Now, they won't even be viable healers...I...wow....just, wow.

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As a forever sorc healer I absolutely love this. All you fotm ****lords who have been disgracing sorc heals for so long, bubye.


These nerfs are big, and we needed big nerfs.


I do not, however, agree with the way they have implemented these nerfs and it looks pretty apparent they use the "dart board" tactic to figure out what changes to make because they are woefully inept.


I would have rather roaming mend be tapped in charges over total % healed, increased force costs/constraints and increase force return from reverse coruptions.


The resurgence nerf is asinine but ok.


Innervate nerf is good.


I do think we'll be the bottom of the barrel on HPS now and I'm happy with that, this should have never been an HPS class. That's for Ops. As long as we can still bring burst response we will be ok as a class. If we have **** defensives, **** burst response and **** AOE heals, that will be problematic but I don't think thats where we'll be.


The fotm ****lord sorc train is leaving though, get the **** aboard 95% of you.


Lol... you have obviously not been a sorc healer long... or healed anything of any import.


Bring numbers... which they NEVER do. Or ****.

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I will of course wait and see if they do something to buff balance and TK for sure. but if not... well.... FFXIV looks very pretty and actually has NEW content every expansion. And that is indeed very sad, since i've never actually unsubbed over the last 5.5 years (or so)... atm really considering it. Like what is this tendency of: oh, they nerf this class... hmmm what is the fotm? let's re-roll that. I've never understood that and never followed it myself lol, but lol...*** did revivication do to deserve more nerf? it's very bad already anyway.:eek::eek:


I will quote the only important part here... FFXIV. Somehow EA can't get right what a house 1/50th their size can.


Like I said... if this didn't have lightsabers, it would be gone already.

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Wow they nerfed madness and lighting as well...Good job, good job, i apllaud. So nerf for the dps jugs are in queue? they clearly overperforming atm, needs to tune them down. And buff snipers and operatives guys! Y forget about them every patch!
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Wow they nerfed madness and lighting as well...Good job, good job, i apllaud. So nerf for the dps jugs are in queue? they clearly overperforming atm, needs to tune them down. And buff snipers and operatives guys! Y forget about them every patch!


well to be fair, so far they've made the glass cannon be a noodle. the actual changes to the DPS specs haven't been posted yet. :D:D but it better be a good buff if our self-healz are being lowered again.

(when your dots heal you for 100-300 hp per tick........ out of a 130k hp pool... yeah that's useful. REALLY..... not)

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It's like the Merc nerf thread all over again....... THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!.......


Both needed a nerf, both are getting a nerf. Anyone who plays a sorc healer and is worth their salt has seen this as a necessity for a VERY long time. Maybe it's extreme, but we still haven't seen what they have in mind for Vir/Engi snipers, Madness Sorcs, and whatever else might be next, so for the love of god, stop with the ridiculous overreacting and give it some time. Utilities haven't even been brought into the picture yet, so who knows where that will leave us. But if you're crying about unsubbing over a nerf'd class, all I have to say is, welcome to MMO's snowflake, you're in for a bumpy ride. :p

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Some adjustment was needed but this nerf is way too harsh. The class is being nuked into oblivion. Sages and Sorcs are already the bottom of the barrel when it comes to DPS, now they get to be the worst performing healers too.


Post nerf what exactly will this class be good at besides dying?

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Exactly why must all healers in the game have a single target HPS? Are all healers the same? Are burst healers the same as sustained healers? Is it so wrong to have a class, which is good at nothing else, at least be good at healing?

Why ? because they want all the healers to be as viable in long fights

Problem is they forget the differences in the abilities they have which make a big impact on burst and aoe healing.

Is there going to be a single target DPS for the game, and when can we expect Merc/Mara DPS to be reduced, or immortal jugg DPS to be raised, so that they all adhere to the target DPS for an swtor player?

As for this Musco posted about it the 15 june:

There is a target DPS for long fights, specs are grouped together based on melee/ranged and sustained/burst and adjustments are made based on that.

Of course, this balance don't do much for short fights.

Damage Groupings for Damage Dealing Disciplines

Melee Sustained Damage Dealers (up to +5% of target DPS)

  • Annihilation Marauder / Watchman Sentinel
  • Hatred Assassin / Serenity Shadow
  • Lethality Operative / Ruffian Scoundrel
  • Pyrotech Powertech / Plasmatech Vanguard
  • Vengeance Juggernaut / Vigilance Guardian

Melee Quasi-Burst Damage Dealer (up to +2.5% of target DPS)

  • Fury Marauder / Concentration Sentinel

Melee Burst/Ranged Sustained Damage Dealers (at the target DPS)

  • Advanced Prototype Powertech / Tactics Vanguard
  • Carnage Marauder / Combat Sentinel
  • Concealment Operative / Scrapper Scoundrel
  • Deception Assassin / Infiltration Shadow
  • Engineering Sniper / Saboteur Gunslinger
  • Innovative Ordnance Mercenary / Assault Specialist Commando
  • Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage
  • Rage Juggernaut / Focus Guardian

Ranged Quasi-Sustained Damage Dealer (down to -2.5% of target DPS)

  • Virulence Sniper / Dirty Fighting Gunslinger

Ranged Burst Damage Dealers (down to -5% of target DPS)

  • Arsenal Mercenary / Gunnery Command
  • Lightning Sorcerer / Telekinetics Sage
  • Marksmanship Sniper / Sharpshooter Gunslinger


The same way their goal is to have all tanks equal in long fight without caring about short fights



In short this balance pass is made for basic boss fights without caring about spikes/PvP/short fights.

A 2nd pass is needed.

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I don't play sorc and I don't heal (best for everyone :p) but the excellent sorc healers I play with are looking at their merc and op alts after this. Their reaction was like: *reads* LOLWUT *logs merc/op* *checks gear* *signing as merc/op next farm raids*.


We have frequently run double sorcs and by the looks of things this will be a bad thing to do outside of easy content. Generally a change that promotes balanced group composition is a good change but those percentages look brutal and I can see the trouble ahead for many raid teams who have relied on their sorc healers and may not have a easy/quick way to make up for these nerfs (i.e. having all classes of healers so they don't run double sorcs/some player switches class and is equally good right off the bat on his/her new main)


I really, really hope that all the class changes will be tested on the PTS especially because these are not small adjustement that you are making. Sorc/Sage may go from the most played healing class to the least played and by an equally ample margin. Arsenal/Gunnery is looking at a very severe output nerf across the board with even more bad news on the horizon once you get around to look at the utilities. Pyro and Hatred are being buffed but, at least in Hatred's case, it doesn't look on paper like it will be enough to bring it where it's supposed to be. So please, PTS this. Or be prepared for timely and frequent adjustments down the road once they go live and you have "real fake-world" data on their performances.

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Holy smoking bananas :eek:


I mean this is going to hurt a LOT. However.. this could be very good.

A little afraid these nerfs being so big sorcs would become obsolete though.


Curious to see if you guys have plans for nerfing other healing specs too then. Kinda needs to happen anyway.


LMAO!!! Madness is getting a buff. They nerfed my damn bubble but I am sure my madness sorc will get some love.

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Hey folks,


Below you will find the upcoming changes for Corruption and Seer Disciplines coming in 5.3.



Reduced the amount of healing done by Dark Heal by 4.86%

Increased the base Force cost of Resurgence from 40 to 50 and the amount of healing done by its initial heal by 10.59%, but reduced the amount of healing done by its heal-over-time by 14.29%

Reduced the amount of damage absorbed by Static Barrier by 5.3%



Hi Eric,


With the "Sorc Class" changes and not just the Spec, you are basically destroying any hope of us ever using our dps Sorc again in pvp.

I main a lightning Sorc which is the lowest performing dps class in the game. The only saving grace that has still allowed me to play it, was the survivability I had on it.


Those changes SHOULD NOT BE MADE TO THE CLASS... if you want to nerf healing spec, then nerf healing... DONT THROW THE OTHER SPECS UNDER THE BUS TOO...


Everytime you nerf Sorc, you nerf the whole class. Can't you just nerf a Spec? You have already destroyed the class to the bottom.


But you said you wanted a why and what would happen, so here you go -

When a lightning Sorc enters pvp they will be targeted first and destroyed... period... we will not have any ability to survive anymore. That's it... it's simple..


All of the good faith you guys have fostered and built up with me has gone in one fell swoop. If these changes go ahead

"I will be unsubscribing"

Edited by Icykill_
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Healer overview:


Mercenary / Commando

11.533 HPS (1 Target) - 16.378 (4 Targets)

Good for: PVP, Flashpoints, Operations because armor, burst and defs

Eric: OK



Operative / Scoundrel

13.250 HPS (1 Target) - 26.287 (4 Targets)

Good for PVP, Flashpoints, best in Operations because group heal

Eric: OK


Sorcerer/ Sage

12199 HPS (1 Target) - 18110 HPS (4 Targets)

Good for PVP, Flashpoints - best for Pvp because he can run, gets killed because weak armor (maybe we need that extra heal for ourselves)

Eric: nerv him!


New Sorcerer/Sage (-10 %)

10989 HPS (1 Target)

16299 HPS (4 Targets)

Good for Pvp maybe because he can run? - gets killed because weak armor (maybe we need that extra heal for ourselves)

Eric: nerv him!


Great work. Maybe you should remove Pvp and leave the sorcerer alone. I can´t even switch to DD because he is so weak. And mercenary and sniper are also easy to play but they don´t get nerfed. If you hate the sorcerer so much remove the class.

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Great work. Maybe you should remove Pvp and leave the sorcerer alone. I can´t even switch to DD because he is so weak. And mercenary and sniper are also easy to play but they don´t get nerfed. If you hate the sorcerer so much remove the class.


Thats the problem, PVPers have been crying for balance, without realising what balance means!! Balance means nerfs!!

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+1 for removing the entire class.


Not for me. I already wasted millions of credits buying cool lightsabers (which don't apply to my soon-to-be-main merc), and millions of seconds grinding my sorc main to 248's. But right now, a new player or experimenting player might be making a sorc. Devs: don't mislead them into wasting their time.


Me too- sorc heal is my main - just got full 248 gear and thats useless now. In operations and hard Flashpoint he makes just the ri9ght amount of healing. I stop playing before I swith to mercenary.

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I freely admit I have not read the many pages of responses to this post, but I will speak to just the core post itself.


These numbers look brutal. I am concerned that they give the appearance of an attempt at "balance" being made with only PVP in mind. I understand the explanation being given about balancing to a "target" number, but targets, goals, and tactics are not the same between PVP and PVE content. Abilities being cast in a vacuum might reasonably be measured against a target, but the gameplay context is what is going to make all the difference in the world. Burst heal target numbers, as you deal with in PVP, are a completely different kettle of fish from the context of sustained heals while dealing with Ops mechanics...


I look at these numbers, and my heart just sinks when I consider what it will mean for our raiding group. In PVP, players will always be looking for the flavor of the month, gravitating toward the class with the greatest edge, and finding where the boundaries lie and where they can be pushed. What can be achieved in PVP - either by player action, or number balancing - is never going to truly reflect what is happening in PVE.


Are these balancing changes actually tested in Master Mode PVE content?? I cannot shake the doubting fear that they are only being extensively tested in PVP play, or in Story or Veteran mode PVE play if in PVE play at all. Numbers, as we all know, don't always tell the full story. As someone who has long run Seer heals in Master Mode content I look at these numbers and get very, very concerned.


Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, is all I'm saying. Test less drastic tweaks first, yes? :confused:

Edited by JediBoadicea
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Honestly, this is just too much! It's too unfair to smash any class so harshly. People spend a lot of time grinding and its ruined with an update in one foul swoop. What's wrong with minor incremental change. :mad:
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Here is my constructive feedback.


The sheer number of items being nerfed coupled with the degree of defensive changes (DPS impacting) this healing class is going to drop to the bottom of the charts. Does it need a NERF? Yes - it's pretty much agreed that certain things need to be adjusted. This appears to be strictly based on someones broken calculator and MATH only. The % volume of change seems very unwarranted and I'm hoping some of the feedback is being considered.


Would really like to see this tested in real work PTS on some NIM operations as well RANKED PVP.


Right now lots of people have done the silly CXP grind and a massive NERF like this guts all that time investment. Those that love the Sage/Sorc will take the nerf and either leave or stop using completely. Most will abandon the class and go do something else like play another MMO or the next FOTM.


Me... I main a Sorc Healer. I just came back to see how the game was doing. Now with this sort of activity on the heels of Keith starting to make good trust/progress with the community. All the good will lately has been great, but this nerf is a major middle finger to folks that took time to GRIND and "Barbie Dress up" favorite SORC to make them look like the movies. Just makes me want to leave again and wait until the dust settles (Again - back in 6 months or a year maybe).


My suggestion: If this nerf is really going to happen. - Give us the options to MOVE our 300 CXP level to an ALT or maybe do what should have been done when it came out (LEGACY WIDE CXP Level like REP). That change could potentially save some lost SUB's over this latest debacle. Choices matter here Eric/Keith - Question is how you guys going to handle the massive and very negative feedback?


Appreciate the read!

Edited by dscount
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I know it's semi-normal for there to be backlash whenever there's nerfs. But I mean come on.


Can we be real for a second? Isn't 99% of this about pvp? That's where sorc/sage heals are generally perceived to be be a tad on the OP side right? Some might argue they over perform in PVE too, but the margin there is not in line with these nerfs by a long shot.


So why don't we just reduce healing accross the board in PVP? Isn't there a debuff that reduces it in a warzone/arena? Just make these adjustments there! You could even tailer it per class for crying out loud. Wouldn't that be both more effective and also simpler?

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Balance is good, yes - decimating a skill which already is inherently weak and blows major biscuits, is not good for the game or anyone. Revivification DID NOT need a 10% nerf on top of what it received last patch, it's such a near-useless skill already.


Remember way back, when you all pointed and laughed at snipers as Orbital became Lolbital. Guess who is getting laughed at now? Honestly what does the change to revivification bother you for? It was already a bad ability, unless you're in a heavy melee group or with a bunch of ranged stack it shouldn't have been used period. So no real change, use the stacks for consuming.


may operatives reign again


Packs now get Dath to come back and heal with you and we'll call it good. :rak_03:

Edited by Ricky-Fast-Slash
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My suggestion: If this nerf is really going to happen. - Give us the options to MOVE our 300 CXP level to an ALT or maybe do what should have been done when it came out (LEGACY WIDE CXP Level like REP). That change could potentially save some lost SUB's over this latest debacle. Choices matter here Eric/Keith - Question is how you guys going to handle the massive and very negative feedback?


Appreciate the read!


An interesting idea, but absolutely wishful thinking. I don't think the devs would ever even consider something like this. As for how they handle the feedback, they prep you with their first line.


These changes will undoubtedly look and feel harsh to players who have been healing on their Sorcerers / Sages for a long time


This actually means, "yep, you've wasted your time, and we thought of that already. So much so, it's the first thing we said. Guess how much we care."

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