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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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I'm kind of impressed that they would put this much effort into new servers and all our assets remain intact. I'm happy about this announcement.

Likewise. It seems like they really thought this one through. Very pleased about how this has been handled!!!

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Likewise. It seems like they really thought this one through. Very pleased about how this has been handled!!!


I am beyond content, beyond happy, truly I am beaming and radiating with joy right now. This day is glorious and how glorious the day will be when the United Forces servers will be implemented!

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The team needs to find a better way to deal with character names once the servers are merged. Please keep in mind that you are throwing RP servers in with PvE ones, and in the case of the former names are arguably even more important. I have been a subscriber since day one and have characters who were around since launch, yet are not played as much because I do not PvE/PvP specifically. Same can be applied to many other roleplayers. Now we are likely going to be penalized for our chosen way of playing the game.


Obviously I am not familair with the internal workings of your servers, so any suggestion I could give is pure theory. Using a combination of character name and Legacy name to differentiate between characters would seem like a viable way to make certain no one is forced to change the names they have grown attached to.


I also hope better steps will be taken to deal with trolls who will no doubt flock in great numbers to any location with public RP going on, seeing as the server merge will incorporate several PvE servers along with the RP one.

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Likewise. It seems like they really thought this one through. Very pleased about how this has been handled!!!


Agree. I have been very opposed to server merges but it seems all of my deal breaker concerns have been addressed. With my concerns addressed I am going to keep an open mind and not rage about it since they have tried to address my concerns. Overall very happy with the roadmap I can live with a lack of story content with all of the other stuff they are doing.

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The new servers and the overhaul to group finder are my favorite things to come to the united forces update. Can't wait!

Oh come on DJ...anyone who knows you knows that your stamped "outfits" not being lost is by far the most important part of this for you ;)

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I left The Harbinger in no small part due to the insanely long respawn rates of certain necessary Daily Heroic Objectives that, when combined with a very populated server, result in some Dailies becoming infuriatingly frustrating to complete.


Please, please, please, please, please, fix:


  1. Hit 'Em Where They Live - Republic Balmorra

    1. Increase number of Deadeye's
    2. Increase the spawn rate of Deadeye's
    3. Instance the zone

[*]Justice for the Lost - Republic Balmorra

  1. Increase number/type of targets that drop Database Access Codes
  2. Make Database Access Codes a guaranteed drop for ALL group members.
  3. Instance the zone

[*]Mutations - Republic Taris

  1. Increase number of Irradiated Rakghouls
  2. Increase the spawn rate of Irradiated Rakghouls
  3. Instance the zone

[*]Possessed Hunter - Imperial Dromund Kaas

  1. Increase the spawn rate of Valen Korik
  2. Instance the zone

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I'm going to be the first to admit, while I'm against the server merging...


This looks like a step in the right direction for the game. Among things like will outfits save during the transition and how will names be handled are among my curiosities.


New Servers with *gasp* software updates to the engine to address group queues and such? I may be about to make a 180 on my crabby *** posts. There is a lot I still don't see that I'd still like... but, maybe, just maybe... they can mend the broken ship after all?

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Oh come on DJ...anyone who knows you knows that your stamped "outfits" not being lost is by far the most important part of this for you ;)


Not gonna lie, I was actually very pleased to read that! I've spent many giggles and laughs putting together those sexy outfits.

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Hi! I'm cautiously excited about the upcoming Server Merges. I am, however, a little nervous about how strongholds will be handled. Will we need to redecorate everything, like with a server transfer?


take the time to actually read the two posts and youd have your answer ;)

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I'm kind of hoping they add something other games have now as far as the naming goes so we don't have to worry about character renames.


If they'd just add a toggle on/off for in game chat (so it doesn't look tacky)... they could simply add our @forum handle or @email address to our account and none of us would have to change our character names or have to worry about losing them to someone else.


I hope that is something they've thought of and just isn't in the notes yet.

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I'm kind of impressed that they would put this much effort into new servers and all our assets remain intact. I'm happy about this announcement.


I am too. I cant fault the way they are going to do it.

But it would have been good if they’d said it 3 months ago even if it isn’t till November.

It would have stopped a lot of people from leaving.

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