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Everything posted by shalea

  1. the bug seemed to have removed HK-55 from my comp roster, Yet It kept Zoomy
  2. This is what I mean https://imgur.com/Jb6llJ7 I've circled the icon that needs to be pressed, If it's not working then it's probably a bug with the outfit designer and not an issue with the pants
  3. In the image you posted the check box for unify colour is not checked on the pants, it's greyed out. Try checking it see if that helps?
  4. To get Theron Back, Or any lost comps just use the companion terminal in your room on Odessa
  5. Can't log in either, Have the old 8 digit security key, Can't log into the website either tried multiple browsers and devices
  6. Can I vote yes for this too?, I mean imagin being able to do stuff on the Theoretika with out having to have the mission in your log
  7. Not gona lie, I was against mergers but they seem to have got everything sorted. Only thing I'm worried about is RP trolling, But I figure I better give it a chance, Maybe I'll be suprised
  8. Lord Calypho, EU RP-PVP then went to Progenitor during the first server merge
  9. See I kinda agree with some of this, Mostly the part of just focusing on one part of the game for three years. Focusing on story exclusivly while it did bring people in it didn't keep them. I never understood why they didn't rotate their focus, Say one month story, The next FP's, Then PVP and then OP's. Surely that would have been better for retention?
  10. Ahh so you want RP gone from the game then? See this is the atitude that's making the RPer's not want sever merges
  11. Problem with this is that people who want an RP server would be forced to transfer to an American server and potentially have to deal with high latency. If thier going to keep an RP server in the US they need to keep an RP server in Europe.
  12. Not sure if it's a bug or not But just checked my currency tab and I still have 10 Recon Data left, Even though I only had 60 Recon data before buying the traders access thing, Course if this is as intended I'm gona be a bit miffed because it means I could have picked up the SH last week
  13. Can use the companion terminal to get them back
  14. So your idea of compromise is for the US to get an RP server but Europe to just get the one megaserver? Sorry but fair is fair if one area gets an RP server so should the other
  15. Or One US PVE/PVP one US RP, one European PVE/PVP server and one European RP server? The problem with only one RP server and it being in the states is that people from Europe would have to play on a US server to play on a dedicated RP server. I'm not even sure how transferes work between US and Euro servers for that to be feasable with established toons.
  16. Or don't, The Progenitor is an RP server, As has been stated multiple times Some of us would rather stay on an RP server than be forced to move to a server Where we are likely to br trolled.
  17. Wouldn't just offering perminant free transfers be a better idea than forced server merges? If people feel like they want to be on a higher pop server they can transfer and if they don't want to they can stay. I know with transfers you could loose guilds/SH's/ ships and stuff but you'd probably lose them with a server merge any way?
  18. Why is it some people are happy to ignor what RPers say about the issues they have with any potential merger like what we do isn't important? We pay a sub too. As has been said multiple times a seperete instance just won't help, It is far to easy for trolls and griefers to change instances to interfere with us if everyone ends up on one megaserver.
  19. Trooper lvl 65 Hadn't started the mission before today
  20. if you explain what the quadcore bug is we may be able to help?
  21. not sure how acurate this is but Wookpidia has the game starting in 3643 BBY and Rise of the Hutt cartel/ Shadow of Revan taking place in 3640 BBY so three years have passed, Though it does seem a lot to happen in 3 years http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Old_Republic_era
  22. my scoundral dose the same when I log onto her
  23. I wouldn't call Artificer worthless, Not with the BOE relics that can be made now as well as hilt's, Admitidly yeah not so good for crystals
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