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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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You never fail to present Harbinger as a heavenly paradise. Why?
Because I've been overwhelmingly surprised by the number of great people I've met on the server. My experience is such a drastic contrast to what others, like you, portray, that I have to believe it's a deliberate attempt by you and others to vilify an entire server for no real reason other than to create fake drama.
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Because I've been overwhelmingly surprised by the number of great people I've met on the server. My experience is such a drastic contrast to what others, like you, portray, that I have to believe it's a deliberate attempt by you and others to vilify an entire server for no real reason other than to create fake drama.


I could say the polar opposite.


My experiences, and those of many others, have been such a drastic contrast to what you claim your experiences have been that the argument could be made that those presenting Harbinger as a heavenly paradise are deliberately being less than honest and downplaying the toxicity of that server in order to hopefully "attract" more people to that server to provide fodder for their LFG queues.


Note, I am NOT accusing anyone of doing so. I am just pointing out that your "belief" that all of those who have experienced the toxicity of Harbinger's community are only trying to "vilify an entire server for no real reason other than to create fake drama" is not the only way that our differing experiences could be interpreted.

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Whether it is griefing or trolling it doesn't matter. The problem is Harbinger has a toxic reputation and if you have to deal with either behavior on a daily basis the game no longer is fun and most people will not do it and when you fill up your ignore list then you what do you do? You seemed to miss the point that I said I filled up my ignore list is a short time I was there or you just want to ignore it.


I think your just making this up and are anti non RP because not even I have filled my ignore list up after almost 6 years of play so either your talking all gobble gobble or you just hate people that don't suit your play style.

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I think your just making this up and are anti non RP because not even I have filled my ignore list up after almost 6 years of play so either your talking all gobble gobble or you just hate people that don't suit your play style.


My ignore list is full also. Am I "just making that up"?


What about all the people in this thread who have stated that they moved off Harbinger to another server specifically because they found Harbinger to be too toxic? Are they "just making that up"?


I think it may very well be that some people simply condone trollish behavior or dismiss it as "normal and acceptable", while others recognize it for what it is.

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I think your just making this up and are anti non RP because not even I have filled my ignore list up after almost 6 years of play so either your talking all gobble gobble or you just hate people that don't suit your play style.


Having followed both you and Casi's posts in the forum for some time now.. I'm going to trust and accept her comments over yours. She has a much better track record of being fair and objective in her posts. You.. not so much.


Yes.. as adults we can all ignore most attempts at harassment in an MMO server. But that in no way means there are not players who make it their passion to try to spoil the fun some RPers are having.


Simply ignoring is more difficult for RPers because there actually are people on servers like Harbinger that for whatever reason actually seek out and deliberately try to interfere with or annoy RPers. They exist to some degree on all servers, it's just that Harbinger has more of them... probably because it is the server destination of choice for some of the more toxic MMO players in SWTOR. It's just a different form of bullying but since most RP is group based and social in this and other MMOs.... the harrassers see a ripe and tangible target... even if it is just gerbil-jumping in and out of a cluster of RPers trying disrupt the RP.... while simultaneously yelling and shouting to spam up the chat window.


Note: I personally am not a big RPer.. but I do reside on an RP server, by choice, and I respect the RP community and not only do nothing to disrupt or disrespect them... I will even go out of my way to defend them if/when I see harassment in progress. Same is true for my entire guild, and we have a zero tolerance rule for any member harassing any RPer or RP event.

Edited by Andryah
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I also wish bioware would make SWTOR sub only none of this F2P if they really want to play this game they have to sub then we will see who the loyal players are and most of those won't be the RP community.


And generally people are more respectful of others "space" since they're paying for the same privilege.

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I also wish bioware would make SWTOR sub only none of this F2P if they really want to play this game they have to sub then we will see who the loyal players are and most of those won't be the RP community.


That's funny, since there appear to be more of the "give us more for FREE" threads asking for more access to group content for FREE than there are asking for more access to RP.

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That's funny, since there appear to be more of the "give us more for FREE" threads asking for more access to group content for FREE than there are asking for more access to RP.


end of the day the RP scene is not all glory as people make it out to be those servers are worse than the harbinger and the ebon hawk is full of sicko players trying to invite strangers to ships and strongholds for fun times you don't know the age of the player and that in it's self is scary You never see this on the harbinger so if someone swears at a player or calls them bad who cares but asking people to goto areas for sexual nature that is serious.

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end of the day the RP scene is not all glory as people make it out to be those servers are worse than the harbinger and the ebon hawk is full of sicko players trying to invite strangers to ships and strongholds for fun times you don't know the age of the player and that in it's self is scary You never see this on the harbinger so if someone swears at a player or calls them bad who cares but asking people to goto areas for sexual nature that is serious.


You're taking the outlier as the norm.

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end of the day the RP scene is not all glory as people make it out to be those servers are worse than the harbinger and the ebon hawk is full of sicko players trying to invite strangers to ships and strongholds for fun times you don't know the age of the player and that in it's self is scary You never see this on the harbinger so if someone swears at a player or calls them bad who cares but asking people to goto areas for sexual nature that is serious.


Show me on the doll where that one RPer four years ago touched you :rolleyes:

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end of the day the RP scene is not all glory as people make it out to be those servers are worse than the harbinger and the ebon hawk is full of sicko players trying to invite strangers to ships and strongholds for fun times you don't know the age of the player and that in it's self is scary You never see this on the harbinger so if someone swears at a player or calls them bad who cares but asking people to goto areas for sexual nature that is serious.


Ahh so you want RP gone from the game then?

See this is the atitude that's making the RPer's not want sever merges

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Ahh so you want RP gone from the game then?

See this is the atitude that's making the RPer's not want sever merges


It falls on deaf ears. We've tried pointing this out before, but it goes unnoticed. It's like people that are nose-deaf to their bad body odor. You could give them a bar of soap and they still won't get it.

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Heh, heh. The "Friends" you speak of where once 'Strangers" you met when the MMO had a larger population. Kind of the whole point of playing an MMO and joining a guild and jumping on their VOIP. It's what an MMO is all about.


Since you are so tied to your 4 or 5 friends it's about 96% likely you'll quit SWTOR when they move onto another game and they almost always do. Successful MMO's ensure a large pool of people who want to play the game so that people can enjoy every bit of content the game has to offer.


MMO does not mean "Must group," "must group with strangers" or anything else. It's been said over and over again: it's just an indication that a lot of players exist on the same plane.


Actually, most people I know, including myself, do group activities, interact or form guilds with real-world friends and partners. You know, those people you meet outside of the Internet in your real life. Not random strangers from the Fleet.


And I'm mostly a solo player and have no intention of quitting regardless of where real-world friends go, so you might want to work on your prediction skills.

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Ignore him. He constantly bashes the roleplay community. He thinks roleplayers just sit around and do nothing and if that is the case I like to know how I got my achievements and how I got two of my fourteen characters to 300 (before the daily bug). I am sure you don't get CXP for roleplaying or standing around doing nothing.


I have learned just to ignore anything he says even if he responds to one of my post. It is not worth the trouble talking to someone like him that constantly bashes roleplayers and has an opinion that roleplayers do nothing and thinks ERP is actual roleplaying.


Good to know - thank you. I will throw him on 'ignore' now.


And yeah, that 300 CXP, all those datacrons and "Legend" reputation statuses my characters have didn't come from their outfit modeling...

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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HuaRya and Fushnchips,


I've stayed out of this debate until now but: No offense, if you two are trying to serve as "ambassadors" for Harbinger to demonstrate that it isn't full of trolls and griefers, you're not doing a very good job and might want to brush up on your diplomatic skills.


Protip: Likening RPers to sexual predators isn't a good opening pitch or way to win friends and influence people.



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HuaRya and Fushnchips,


I've stayed out of this debate until now but: No offense, if you two are trying to serve as "ambassadors" for Harbinger to demonstrate that it isn't full of trolls and griefers, you're not doing a very good job and might want to brush up on your diplomatic skills.


Protip: Likening RPers to sexual predators isn't a good opening pitch or way to win friends and influence people.




But it's true the ebon hawk with it's predators lurking around the fleet.

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I will admit right off the bat I did not read the whole thread so forgive me if this has been brought up already.


I know most people want to see people in the world I like to see them at times. I however enjoy some time where its just me. I dont know how much a merger would mess with that


But the biggest issue with a server merger would be names. Who or what decides who gets to keep a name if 2 people have it? I for one would be very upset if I had to rename one of my guys


Otherwise if server mergers brings life back then go for it

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I will admit right off the bat I did not read the whole thread so forgive me if this has been brought up already.


I know most people want to see people in the world I like to see them at times. I however enjoy some time where its just me. I dont know how much a merger would mess with that


But the biggest issue with a server merger would be names. Who or what decides who gets to keep a name if 2 people have it? I for one would be very upset if I had to rename one of my guys


Otherwise if server mergers brings life back then go for it


Names haven't been discussed yet because guild assets, i.e. guild banks, guild ships, guild strongholds and personal assets, strongholds, outfit changer, legacy banks, are more of an issue than names right now and BW has stated unless they can get those issues fix where no one loses their assets and guilds can transfer intact there will probably not be a merger.

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Names haven't been discussed yet because guild assets, i.e. guild banks, guild ships, guild strongholds and personal assets, strongholds, outfit changer, legacy banks, are more of an issue than names right now and BW has stated unless they can get those issues fix where no one loses their assets and guilds can transfer intact there will probably not be a merger.


Even with all that names should be discussed. Maybe not right now but there has to be a plan for them. Otherwise there will be plenty of mad people

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For the specific Guild issues you’ve raised, we would need to ensure the entire Guild, their Flagship/decorations, Bank/Tabs/items, and Stronghold/decorations remain 100% intact. The goal would be for the Guild members to notice absolutely nothing different and this means any returning players would still be in your guild unless you specifically removed them. Bottom line for your Guild would be making sure we protect all your hard work.


The losing of character names is one of the key points we are still discussing. We know there’s a variety of issues to resolve including, but not limited to, name collisions, establishing a priority system, purging of old names beforehand, and players attempting to reserve names. We all have character names we want to preserve, so this is a key factor in the overall decision.




Keeping in mind there are different situations when it comes to players reserving names.


In some cases they are just trying to insure they get to keep a name they already have and if they are successful, a name no one else has, yet.


There are also players trying to reserve cool names they do not have, that someone else has. Hopefully this will not become a method to make name grabs.

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I also wish bioware would make SWTOR sub only none of this F2P if they really want to play this game they have to sub then we will see who the loyal players are and most of those won't be the RP community.


Yes I agree. I think making the game F2P was the worst thing they could do. I don't mind if they have a trial version where someone has one character they can lvl till the end of the 2nd chapter of their class story, but will have to pay to see the end.

Bioware give too much away for free in this game and the subs are the ones that pick up the bill for these people who are too cheap to pay. Then they whinge because they don't get enough free content, whaw, whaw.

Problem is Bioware have now set that expectation and the model is in place and changing the F2P aspect too much can have a dramatic affect on player population, which also end up effecting subs. Just look at what they've done by removing paid passes from the GTN and locking Preferred players out of CXP gearing. Both have had a big impact on the population.

Personally, I would like to see them go back to a model where we pay real money for expansions. Add prepaid passes back on the GTN for PVP and FPs. Allow F2P to get gear the same as anyone else. Expansion playable content would be locked out if the expansion isn't purchased. That means that a F2P-Preferred player could buy the expansion to open up that part of the game and play it. This way Bioware are actually getting some return for making the content and subs aren't carrying the burden for those too cheap to pay.

Edited by Totemdancer
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