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Server Merge Discussion Thread


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See. That is the attitude of "I'll use the term 'compromise', but I'm not really willing to give up anything I want." that I mentioned earlier.


If I understand you correctly, you only want BW to allow "free" transfers of full legacies, and then only to specific servers. That does not seem like much of a "compromise" to me.


Offering every character a ONE TIME free transfer (with restrictions that would apply to any character that uses that free transfer to help prevent abuse) is a much fairer option. Tell me why Johnny should be able to move any or all of his characters TO toxic cesspool server X, but Billy has to pay to move any or all of his characters AWAY from toxic cesspool server X. Tell me why if Johnny wants to move ALL of his characters to server Y, he should get to do so for FREE, but Billy, who only wants to move SOME of his characters (but not his entire legacy) should have to pay to do so?


I cannot help but wonder if some people are afraid that if BW were to offer "free" transfers from any server to any server, that maybe servers like Harbinger may see an exodus as people choose to leave that cesspool in favor of a much more respectful community.


Sometimes you just don't get it.. you argue about not wanting mergers because YOU don't want to give anything up if a merge happened

But someone suggests something other than mergers and it isn't anything that will affect you and you trash the idea because you want to argue... no one can say anything positive or helpful without you turning the discussion into a full on argument about nothing or you twist everything everyone says just to make it toxic.


You know what, merge the servers for no other reason than you want to argue with everyone trying to help and about any suggestion or idea so we don't have to merge or if we do merge, any help ideas to make it smoother...you are only hurting the game.


I'm sorry to you other guys who don't want forced mergers.. I've tried to find solutions so we don't have to... I've tried to find solutions on making it smoother if we do have to merge...I'm just so sick of some of the antagonist people in this thread who aren't here to help, only hinder.


Some people won't be happy unless the people who need group content leave the game. Why can't you get your proverbial message together on wether you want what's best for the game. We have a shrinking population and we are now all in a symbiosis wether we like it or not. If we lose a big chunk of any group, the game will fail completely. That includes group content. If people can't play group content they will leave. The same goes for story people if they stop making story content.


All these people are doing it in this thread are doing a disservice to everyone and makes people more extreme in their views that we should merge to fix the group content problem

I used to believe we should merge, I thought it was the only option. I've listened to all sides and now think forced mergers aren't the best idea, there are other options to try first...


I can tell you that lots of the group people I talk to don't understand your position on not merging because they say you can play your content on any server. They don't understand your community or how merging will affect you. The more certain people high jack the discussion, the more your msg is being drowned out. That just means that group players harden their position when they see intransigent people against everything except their own precious part of the game.

Every part matters, everyone should get to play the way they want.


If anyone can come up with a fairer system to get the group content people together, with all of their stuff in one move and it not cost them anything, then I'm open to ideas.

As far as I see it, we either have free legacy transfers like myself and others have pointed out or we merge. It's the only way we get to keep all of our things the same as people who don't want to merge.

Fair is fair, some people shouldn't get to keep all their stuff at the expense of others.


Anyway, I should know better than to look at this person's posts, I've already got them hidden, but sometimes I look. I even made the mistake of agreeing with them publically. I can tell you that will never happen again and I will never look at another of his posts because I know he is just looking to bait me and others.


To everyone else, sorry for the tirade, I'm pretty sure that's the response he was looking for. So I apologise to the rest of you for having to see it.

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Did you read his comment. It is one free transfer per character, not just one character, so you are essentially getting to transfer your legacy but it is done per character for those that might want not to have them all on one server.


He was baiting me and added what looked like a small bit of reasonable info, but the language used and the Johnny - billy rubbish he spouts is only to get to people. That's how you troll, you make it look sort of reasonable while getting under someone's skin and make them explode. Well he got his wish.

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Free unlimited transfers (that keeps outfits saved :D) so I can move around freely to any server to raid and thus not have to gear a brazillion amount of toons and also buy and sell. Or merge the servers since most of the anti people are the same ones who cheered the solo 2 years which turned servers too ghost towns and told anyone who wanted raids to piss off. Honestly I'll take either or. Or both just to see them get their just rewards. Be funny as fudge. :D


Those are my 2 options plox. :D


That doesn't help :rolleyes:

But you made my point perfectly about people hardening their views against other parts of the community.

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That doesn't help :rolleyes:

But you made my point perfectly about people hardening their views against other parts of the community.


I'm just being honest. Me moving my toons freely around hurts no one and provides items some servers don't have because NiM is exclusive to select servers now but the Rpers also enjoy a neat Statue they can't get themselves. As for the rest they brought it upon themselves. And in any case merges aren't decided by anything said here rather BW weighing the cost the loss of image by merging vs saving money and justifying it to shareholders. :p



Anyways for the memes XD

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He was baiting me and added what looked like a small bit of reasonable info, but the language used and the Johnny - billy rubbish he spouts is only to get to people. That's how you troll, you make it look sort of reasonable while getting under someone's skin and make them explode. Well he got his wish.


That johnny/billy bullsh*t is their most transparent baiting attempt, and it's pretty funny when you consider that it does the exact same thing they keep insisting the pro-merge crowd are doing: assuming that the other side's complaints are somehow less important.


Say you want merges, they say that those are harmful to guild assets. Say you want merges with guild assets solved, they say you can't assume they'll be solved. Say you want free legacy transfers off of depopulated servers and their response is a very open "but what about meeeeeee" response, questioning why players should get free transfers off of dead servers and this imaginary johnny who hates the "cesspool" shouldn't.


And then they have the audacity to claim that YOU'RE the one who's uncompromising. :rolleyes:

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That Bioware has looked at this, that they are throwing it out there for us to discuss.


The same as the "Official Armour Thread" or the "What Would You Like To See For Direct Sale" thread, where they pick up every suggestion and go with it? Or is it maybe that they were fed up having to keep merging threads from the same ten people stamping their feet about this perceived "death" of the game, and have somehow convinced themselves that a server merge is required?


First of all, did you miss the part where I said that I was on Ebon Hawk?

Try not to pretend that there aren't any griefers and trolls there, okay? Stop acting like everyone's in RP-mode 24/7.


OK, go to Harbinger, and try to RP on there and see what happens. Yes, there are trolls on every server, and we'll never be rid of all of them, but to put all of us together on the one server, to make it so much easier for them to troll, would be foolhardy at best.


But you sound like the sort of person that would just quit rather than try.


I prefer to think of it as someone who doesn't want to quit, who is happy with the game, and doesn't want to change just to support someone else's PvP queue pop lust. But if I'm forced to play alongside people who think it's funny to try to ruin my enjoyment, just so someone else can have their precious queue pop 3 seconds faster, then I probably will quit.


That without even knowing if you could keep your name you would just assume the worst and cry about how they "ruined" the game.


Again with focusing on the name. Losing the name alone wouldn't make me quit. I've spoken to some people who are even more invested in their characters than me, and they've said if they lose their name, they'd quit. For me, it'd be annoying, since I've managed to keep the same names for over 5 years, but that alone wouldn't stop me playing. Losing my name, my guild assets, random stuff from my vaults, my outfits, having those other people I play with quit, putting up with trolls, all the gold spam condensed onto one server, the frequent server breaks and rollbacks that Harbinger already gets - THAT would make me quit.


Yes, because giving people things to help smooth over some inconveniences is just like giving people things that can kill them if used. :t_rolleyes:


It's called hyperbole. Getting a free reskinned copy of a pet I already have about 5 of to replace all the things I just mentioned, won't help me keep playing the game.


In an earlier post I said that if they could find a way to make legacy names unique, and that if they could maybe "fix" last names to be capitalized, that maybe no one would have to lose any name that really mattered.


STOP fixating on the names.


What ideas do you have besides complaining or "keep things the same and let people log on to empty servers"?


I like choice. If you like playing on a busier server, play on a busier server. No-one is trying to take that option away from you. If you want a quieter server, one where there aren't 15,000 togruta jedi calling themselves Ahsoka (it's almost like a clone army itself), then you have that option too.


This whole campaign is just to suit the wants of a few players who think 5 minutes in off-peak time is too long to wait on a queue pop. Forcing people who mostly won't even use that queue off their home server, which in turn is going to force a lot of people out of the game - people who probably spend more on average on the Cartel Market to buy crates, outfits and decoration packs.


But hey, at least your queue will pop ever so slightly faster than before the merge.

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That johnny/billy bullsh*t is their most transparent baiting attempt, and it's pretty funny when you consider that it does the exact same thing they keep insisting the pro-merge crowd are doing: assuming that the other side's complaints are somehow less important.


Say you want merges, they say that those are harmful to guild assets. Say you want merges with guild assets solved, they say you can't assume they'll be solved. Say you want free legacy transfers off of depopulated servers and their response is a very open "but what about meeeeeee" response, questioning why players should get free transfers off of dead servers and this imaginary johnny who hates the "cesspool" shouldn't.


And then they have the audacity to claim that YOU'RE the one who's uncompromising. :rolleyes:


The keep the status quo folks don't want people to leave their server for a new mega server. They continually craft an argument where no consensus can be reached. If they feel someone is making a good point they attack them in tandem. They themselves used to have a larger audience when the people who solo'd heroics for millions of credits were around but have disappeared since that practice was nerfed. Conversely, the pro-nim raiders and ranked pvp'ers don't have the voice they once did. The proponents of each side share a diminished audience.


It comes down to one simple principle. You either want to bring people together in an MMO or keep them a part. Pick.

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Hyperbole. I would guess most people don't want their personal play style impacted and could care less about other people as evidenced by this thread. My stance is I do not want to server merges unless I can be guaranteed to keep my name / assets and get to choose the server where I am forced to migrate. I am not opposed to free transfers and think it is lame that transfer have an associated cost. I am not even opposed to restricting the free transfers to specific servers if BW is trying to increase population on some servers and reduce population / close other servers. I would think most people would find this a reasonable solution, but it seems most people on this thread want to force mergers come what may with little regard for the people impacted.

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Sometimes you just don't get it.. you argue about not wanting mergers because YOU don't want to give anything up if a merge happened

But someone suggests something other than mergers and it isn't anything that will affect you and you trash the idea because you want to argue... no one can say anything positive or helpful without you turning the discussion into a full on argument about nothing or you twist everything everyone says just to make it toxic.


You know what, merge the servers for no other reason than you want to argue with everyone trying to help and about any suggestion or idea so we don't have to merge or if we do merge, any help ideas to make it smoother...you are only hurting the game.


I'm sorry to you other guys who don't want forced mergers.. I've tried to find solutions so we don't have to... I've tried to find solutions on making it smoother if we do have to merge...I'm just so sick of some of the antagonist people in this thread who aren't here to help, only hinder.


Some people won't be happy unless the people who need group content leave the game. Why can't you get your proverbial message together on wether you want what's best for the game. We have a shrinking population and we are now all in a symbiosis wether we like it or not. If we lose a big chunk of any group, the game will fail completely. That includes group content. If people can't play group content they will leave. The same goes for story people if they stop making story content.


All these people are doing it in this thread are doing a disservice to everyone and makes people more extreme in their views that we should merge to fix the group content problem

I used to believe we should merge, I thought it was the only option. I've listened to all sides and now think forced mergers aren't the best idea, there are other options to try first...


I can tell you that lots of the group people I talk to don't understand your position on not merging because they say you can play your content on any server. They don't understand your community or how merging will affect you. The more certain people high jack the discussion, the more your msg is being drowned out. That just means that group players harden their position when they see intransigent people against everything except their own precious part of the game.

Every part matters, everyone should get to play the way they want.


If anyone can come up with a fairer system to get the group content people together, with all of their stuff in one move and it not cost them anything, then I'm open to ideas.

As far as I see it, we either have free legacy transfers like myself and others have pointed out or we merge. It's the only way we get to keep all of our things the same as people who don't want to merge.

Fair is fair, some people shouldn't get to keep all their stuff at the expense of others.


Anyway, I should know better than to look at this person's posts, I've already got them hidden, but sometimes I look. I even made the mistake of agreeing with them publically. I can tell you that will never happen again and I will never look at another of his posts because I know he is just looking to bait me and others.


To everyone else, sorry for the tirade, I'm pretty sure that's the response he was looking for. So I apologise to the rest of you for having to see it.


Did I strike a nerve, or was it just the fact that I had to audacity to not just blindly agree with your "suggested compromise".


I was not trying to "trash the idea". I was trying to expand on it and make it more equitable for all players. My suggestion would not take away player A's opportunity to move his entire legacy TO server X, but it wold also give Player B the opportunity to move AWAY from server X. It would also give Player C the opportunity to move some of his characters to server X, some to server Y and leave some on server Z.


I notice that you chose not to answer the two questions. Why is it "fair" for person A to be able TO server X for FREE but player B should have to pay to move AWAY from server X? Why should it be FREE for player A to move his entire legacy to server X for FREE, but player B should have to pay if he only wants to move some of his characters?

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Did I strike a nerve, or was it just the fact that I had to audacity to not just blindly agree with your "suggested compromise".


I was not trying to "trash the idea". I was trying to expand on it and make it more equitable for all players. My suggestion would not take away player A's opportunity to move his entire legacy TO server X, but it wold also give Player B the opportunity to move AWAY from server X. It would also give Player C the opportunity to move some of his characters to server X, some to server Y and leave some on server Z.


I notice that you chose not to answer the two questions. Why is it "fair" for person A to be able TO server X for FREE but player B should have to pay to move AWAY from server X? Why should it be FREE for player A to move his entire legacy to server X for FREE, but player B should have to pay if he only wants to move some of his characters?


You don't give up do you it's like a seagull picking at rubbish, If Player A is on a dead server it should be FREE but if player B is on the harbinger for an example of course they should pay it's pure logic and a great move that they should do it would give players on those dead servers a great choice of a new home.

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Hyperbole. I would guess most people don't want their personal play style impacted and could care less about other people as evidenced by this thread. My stance is I do not want to server merges unless I can be guaranteed to keep my name / assets and get to choose the server where I am forced to migrate. I am not opposed to free transfers and think it is lame that transfer have an associated cost. I am not even opposed to restricting the free transfers to specific servers if BW is trying to increase population on some servers and reduce population / close other servers. I would think most people would find this a reasonable solution, but it seems most people on this thread want to force mergers come what may with little regard for the people impacted.


Atypical specious reply and going backwards in the progression of this thread. All of that is addressed and mostly demystified in Keith's podcast.

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Atypical specious reply and going backwards in the progression of this thread. All of that is addressed and mostly demystified in Keith's podcast.


Your arguments are weak. It is obvious that you don''t understand the meaning of the words "atypical" or "specious", but thanks for trying. Just yesterday people were debating various forms of compromise. I provided a form of compromise that should work for all players. There was nothing "atypical" or "specious" of me providing a compromise when the debates were around various forms of compromise.


You are also the one who made the statement "It comes down to one simple principle. You either want to bring people together in an MMO or keep them a part. Pick". You have tried to make this an either or choice and made it seems as those against server merges are against bringing people together in a MMO. That is an unreasonable position to take which is why Ratajack keeps destroying the arguments of you and the other server merge supporters.


The people against server merges don't want to be negatively impacted and they want the people that want to leave their server to be able to leave. There is no push from the non-server merge supporters to negatively impact the game play of anyone. It is the server merge supporters that are advocating to negatively impact other players.

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You don't give up do you it's like a seagull picking at rubbish, If Player A is on a dead server it should be FREE but if player B is on the harbinger for an example of course they should pay it's pure logic and a great move that they should do it would give players on those dead servers a great choice of a new home.


So, player A is on Pot5 and Player B is on Harbinger. Neither player is happy with their current server.


If I understand you correctly, you want to say that Player A is "trapped", but Player B can transfer if he wants to be on a different server. How exactly is that "logical" and NOT hypocritical?


I'm not advocating preventing players from transferring to a more populated server if that is what they want. I am only advocating giving ALL players the SAME opportunity to change servers, whether that be through paid transfers or "free" transfers. What is "good" for one player should be "good" for all players.

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So, player A is on Pot5 and Player B is on Harbinger. Neither player is happy with their current server.


If I understand you correctly, you want to say that Player A is "trapped", but Player B can transfer if he wants to be on a different server. How exactly is that "logical" and NOT hypocritical?


I'm not advocating preventing players from transferring to a more populated server if that is what they want. I am only advocating giving ALL players the SAME opportunity to change servers, whether that be through paid transfers or "free" transfers. What is "good" for one player should be "good" for all players.


Generally, in MMOs, when the studio sees underpopulated servers, they give incentives (which include free transfers) to encourage people to move from a more populated server TO a less populated server.


Which is the exact opposite of what the person you are replying to actually wants. They clearly are devoid of understanding of how server transfer incentives actually work in the broader MMO market.

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Generally, in MMOs, when the studio sees underpopulated servers, they give incentives (which include free transfers) to encourage people to move from a more populated server TO a less populated server.


Which is the exact opposite of what the person you are replying to actually wants. They clearly are devoid of understanding of how server transfer incentives actually work in the broader MMO market.


The problem is that a majority of servers are now lightly populated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and only a couple are populated enough to have the server status reach BioWare's standard level. Gone are the days of heavy, very heavy and full servers, and so what is BioWare's incentive to get people to move away from the more populated servers to less populated ones.


If anything, I would think that in this case they need to do the math on their end and decide which option is the best for business, and I think that is why they want our input on the matter. On one hand, it might cost them less to operate fewer servers, and so they might want to shut some down, and on the other hand, they need to assess how many people will resub or unsub as a result of shutting down servers so that they don't end up loosing more money in sub fees than they will gain in cost savings.


Of course their are probably more to it than just that, like making sure that they have a good checklist of things to do before enacting any plans that they may have to merge them.


Whatever reason, I personally doubt that they will incentivize people to move from a server with a standard population to one with a low population, and I think that if any incentives are offered they will probably go, and should go to people currently on the low population servers.

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Generally, in MMOs, when the studio sees underpopulated servers, they give incentives (which include free transfers) to encourage people to move from a more populated server TO a less populated server.


Which is the exact opposite of what the person you are replying to actually wants. They clearly are devoid of understanding of how server transfer incentives actually work in the broader MMO market.


It would seem that some are only concerned with what they want (server merges) and all else is irrelevant and meaningless.

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In the podcast Keith in charge of dev staff decided to bring up new mega servers designed to max out toons with out lag. The mega servers will allow guild banks and ships to move along with legacy.


established servers stay status quo

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In the podcast Keith in charge of dev staff decided to bring up new mega servers designed to max out toons with out lag. The mega servers will allow guild banks and ships to move along with legacy.


established servers stay status quo


Unless I am mistaken, that is all contingent upon BW being able to resolve all the technical issues surrounding guilds, guild assets and personal assets.

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You have no clue on anything you just like to strike and cause grief to forum posters it's very logical that any MMO would offer free transfers from a dead non populated server. I have 51 max level toons on harbinger I also have toons on pot5,jungma and getting a free transfer for those toons on the depopulated servers is normal but I should pay the full fee if I wanted off the harbinger it's just pure business sense and clearly you have none so please stop slapping that wet fish against that post.


As another poster pointed out, it is very UNUSUAL for an MMO to offer incentivized transfers FROM low pop servers TO high pop servers,


The norm is to offer incentivized transfers FROM high pop servers TO low pop servers.


Again, it seems some are so focused on the server merges that they want that they refuse to see the hypocrisy that they spew or how their desires will negatively impact others. Even if they could see how their desires would negatively impact other players, I doubt they would care, as long as they get what they want.


We can go round and round on this forever. i will not "shut up". I will continue to voice my opinions.

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Again, it seems some are so focused on the server merges that they want that they refuse to see the hypocrisy that they spew or how their desires will negatively impact others. Even if they could see how their desires would negatively impact other players, I doubt they would care, as long as they get what they want.


We can go round and round on this forever. i will not "shut up". I will continue to voice my opinions.


I agree with Ratajack, the players focusing on the server mergers are usually just thinking of their personal needs. I just don't understand why the DEV teams can not just acknowledge that implementing a cross server queue will resolve ALL of these issues. It will not impact any players in a negative way. Lag you say. Does the PTS have lag? There isn't an East coast or West coast PTS. That is basically all they need to do. One more server, Like the PTS, all the players in the queue go to that server for the ops run, PVP, whatever group content they get into. What about finding our friends from other servers? Easy, use the Origin chat and voice chat. Then you can see friends that are playing SWTOR, Battlefield, Mass Effect, etc...

It just makes good sense to put their budget for low population server issues towards implementing a cross server group content queue and allowing for the Origin chat system to overlay the game. I can not find any objection, to the server merger issue, that cross server queue would cause or make worse, and I can not find any positive of a server merger that cross server queue doesn't also provide. The only thing with this system, is you have to be on the same server of a guild you want to join, and the GTN would be server specific too. But putting everything into one megaserver means there is only one GTN for everyone. WOW implemented a cross server queue, and it doesn't matter what server you roll a toon on, there is group content popping 24/7. That would be awesome to apply to SWTOR.

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I agree with Ratajack, the players focusing on the server mergers are usually just thinking of their personal needs. I just don't understand why the DEV teams can not just acknowledge that implementing a cross server queue will resolve ALL of these issues. It will not impact any players in a negative way. Lag you say. Does the PTS have lag? There isn't an East coast or West coast PTS. That is basically all they need to do. One more server, Like the PTS, all the players in the queue go to that server for the ops run, PVP, whatever group content they get into. What about finding our friends from other servers? Easy, use the Origin chat and voice chat. Then you can see friends that are playing SWTOR, Battlefield, Mass Effect, etc...

It just makes good sense to put their budget for low population server issues towards implementing a cross server group content queue and allowing for the Origin chat system to overlay the game. I can not find any objection, to the server merger issue, that cross server queue would cause or make worse, and I can not find any positive of a server merger that cross server queue doesn't also provide. The only thing with this system, is you have to be on the same server of a guild you want to join, and the GTN would be server specific too. But putting everything into one megaserver means there is only one GTN for everyone. WOW implemented a cross server queue, and it doesn't matter what server you roll a toon on, there is group content popping 24/7. That would be awesome to apply to SWTOR.


Keith stated in the previously linked podcast interview that cross server would not be happening.


He did talk about NOT FORCING anyone to move, and allowing people to remain where they are, if they choose to do so. it seems to me that would also be a good indication that server merges may not be happening, as a merge would be a FORCED moved of players.


Judging from that interview, it appears that we may see some new larger, higher capacity servers added, and players able to voluntarily move to those higher capacity servers. Of course, that is all contingent upon BW being able to resolve all the technical issues surrounding guilds and guild assets, as well as all personal assets.

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So my Guild's officers discussed this issue and chance during our officer meeting tonight. By and large, we were all fairly excited for the chance, mostly because we've been somewhat struggling in recent months for people and activity. We're definitely not adverse to making another move - it certainly wouldn't be the Guild's first merge, anyway. But we did have some concerns, too.


(1) We have done our best to accommodate our members' characters, so we have a lot of guild SPACE. We have 8 guilds in-game, with 7 guild ships and 8 guild strongholds that are all fully decorated, and 8 guild banks that're not necessarily full but we have officers busily moving items back and forth between our banks all the time. It's WORK just thinking about reestablishing those SPACES.


(2) Some of our most veteran players are off playing different games now. Like I said, quite a few of us were here and helped manage the Guild during the last server merge. We bantered for a while to describe the space we'd carve in our personal character inventories for as much of our Guild's credits and inventory. Sorry but we just don't trust computer(s) enough not to hang onto our STUFF.


(3) Our name! Seriously, we've held onto our Guild's name through server merges already. Our Guild represents a gaming community that we're glad to be part of, so we don't want to lose our name in any future merges. We're really intent on hanging onto our name on whatever server we're playing on, bottom line.


Off the top of my head, those were the concerns we shared during our monthly officer meeting tonight. So I decided to share, here. Thanks for all you guys do, anyway. And wave!

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The talk about the possibility about losing outfit slots also scares me. I have literally just finish the outfit that I like the most on my main, and so it would tear me up if I was forced to lose it.


Do you not keep items you equip in outfitter?

I've learnt from a few mistakes that it's better to add the dye to the item before you use the item in outfitter. That way if something happens you've still got the dye equipped to the gear. It's also handy if you get bored of it and want a wardrobe change. The trick is to keep each of the gear items you add dyes to.

I've got a few tops, pants and feet items that I mix a lot. So with some I might have 3 of the same tops in my cargo hold, but all with different dyes.

I am concerned about a few that I equiped dyes directly to in the outfitter before I changed how I did it. One has a Black-Purple dye and they are impossible to buy any more or if they are listed they are over 2mil.


Edit : one of the toons I moved to TEH had 10 outfits. But before I moved her I took screen shots of each of her outfits.

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Do you not keep items you equip in outfitter?

I've learnt from a few mistakes that it's better to add the dye to the item before you use the item in outfitter. That way if something happens you've still got the dye equipped to the gear. It's also handy if you get bored of it and want a wardrobe change. The trick is to keep each of the gear items you add dyes to.

I've got a few tops, pants and feet items that I mix a lot. So with some I might have 3 of the same tops in my cargo hold, but all with different dyes.

I am concerned about a few that I equiped dyes directly to in the outfitter before I changed how I did it. One has a Black-Purple dye and they are impossible to buy any more or if they are listed they are over 2mil.


Edit : one of the toons I moved to TEH had 10 outfits. But before I moved her I took screen shots of each of her outfits.

Yeah, I have just started to do that, but some of my items are, like, super old, like, I'm talking years, and for some reason or another I no longer have the gear piece. Admittedly, that's my fault, but I was also quite new to the game nonetheless it's something BW will need to figure out how to move outfit slots.

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