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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Road Map 2017


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"We will regularly look to offer more customization improvements such as adding Weapon Tuning enhancements to player collections."

I like how that's a thing (and it should be), but after most dualwielders have already been screwed into paying double what any other class did if you wanted to enjoy those.


The fair thing to do would be to check:

Is dualwielder? Has tunings equipped in both?

Then mail them a token to cash in for their equipped tuning so they can sell it back. But I doubt you'd do anything like that, and we'll just have to eat the lost credits.

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"We will regularly look to offer more customization improvements such as adding Weapon Tuning enhancements to player collections."

I like how that's a thing (and it should be), but after most dualwielders have already been screwed into paying double what any other class did if you wanted to enjoy those.


The fair thing to do would be to check:

Is dualwielder? Has tunings equipped in both?

Then mail them a token to cash in for their equipped tuning so they can sell it back. But I doubt you'd do anything like that, and we'll just have to eat the lost credits.


A couple of QoL things that are also annoying, especially for long term subscribers and people who paid more money at the start for different game editions and access, was the removal of those legacy wide things we originally got as part of paying for those editions. Now we either need to pay to open them or theyve been removed. ie the Kotor Speeder edition of the game used to allow you to use that speed from lvl one, now it's the same as any other speeder and we have to pay to open it up for lvl one.. there are others.. that's just one example of how we've slowly lost things we already paid for at launch and are now made to pay for again.


Honestly that is a pet beef if mine..

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Ok PvP class balance!


In PvP there are many disciplines that are simply not viable. PvP is impoverished in terms of choices when compared to PvE (ops). People will go for burst over DoTs (mostly). For example; no one goes Innovative Ordinance or Assault specialist, why? Cause they get smashed every time vs a more bursty spec. Another example is lethality and ruffian, admittedly you see the odd lethality rolling about but they simply get shut down very easily by the burst specs. What I am saying is this, there is a hierarchy of acceptable specs you can go and this truth holds fast in arenas and ranked where the leading specs can easily been seen to be the bursty types. Balance has always faltered around the inherent weaknesses of DoTs in pvp. Best to make a whole new set of spec talents for dots in pvp, if you are going the whole hog in terms of balance. Dots need more defensives than the burst types..... just saying! For example the god roll on concealment is better suited to lethality cause of the slow acting dots and the need for higher defensives, by making the god roll concealment specific you are overpowering the spec (a lot), however share it among the two specs then immediately you have an extra choice for ranked and regs and this mixes things up a whole lot.


Small touches for the classes will allow a far more varied and interesting interactions in pvp. At the moment you see a merc and you instantly know its arsenal, you see an operative and its medicine or concealment. So much of the game is wasted in pvp. Please change this.


Pure tanks are redundant in pvp. This is because defense is a useless stat and autocrits get around shield and absorption. Since each spec gets lots of auto criting abilities you have a problem, plus the crit stat is way to high at the moment, pure tanks get wrecked so easily. Defense mods get changed to power mods and pvp tanks stack crit more than endurance. This is the face of pvp. Massively imbalanced and a right old mess. Make pure tanks viable by tying the guard in with the tanking stats, for instance a guarded target gets x amount more mitigation per defensive stat. not 50% base line as it is regardless of stat levels. You will see a massive change in a short space of time.


I would like to add some classes are still very much over performing in arenas and duels. operatives can be as unkillable as mercs in pvp and skanks can out perform their pure dps counterparts.


One thing is sure, balance is gonna be very hard to achieve. It may prove to be an elusive beast.

Edited by Darthanimus
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That's not whining that is a legit Accessibility issue. I used to say the same thing but if any game wants to do well it has to think about accessibility. And EA are listening, but it may be best to go through the channels dedicated to it:



(PS if you are on Harbinger I'm there, actually would love to join a guild/group with other disabled players- my timezone is the main catch)


Thank you so much for the information - and the validation! I am on Ebon Hawk but have been considering transferring one of my lvl 70's to a west coast server and starting over without having to lose my legacy perks, since I am the only member of my guild who still plays. PM me?

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Add a cross faction fleet to compliment existing fleets or add another ship to the fleets that is cross faction. Also have the ability to duel on all fleets.

You can seperate the the fleet chat by adding another channel for cross faction if you do choose. Make it so it needs to be activated in preferences and not set as a default.

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A Road Map for 2017....


1. Maps.... Literally add more maps, as in expand maps of existing planets.

Begin with the starter planets, Tython, Korriban, Hutta, and Ord Mantell.

Add map areas that only higher level players can access, like other towns, outposts, temples and dungeons, etc. These areas can be set up as daily mission areas, or class mission areas.

Add areas that have multiple levels (dungeons, temples, buildings, etc.) that can only be accessed once you reach a certain character level or rank. Add stuff into these maps that players can interact with to unlock other areas, like a puzzle, and areas that are solo, group, heroic, etc.


2. Missions for finding Gear and training new Abilities..... Add stories behind the abilities that players get throughout the game, or how to find new gear that actually matches their level and class. Once a player levels up they talk to a trainer that sends them on a quick mission to study a holocron, find a wandering Jedi Knight/Master, battle a rival Sith and claim their position/title, find an ancient force relic to build your lightsaber or upgrade your robes/cloak, talk to a Force Ghost, break into a republic armory and get new armor and blasters, sneak onto a cargo ship and steal gear. Access a mission terminal/bounty board to carry out a random mission or collect a bounty on an npc and claim the reward toward tokens for new gear or credits

There are countless possibilities for this and would draw a lot of new and old players back to the game.


3. A Customizable Companion..... a companion that can be unlocked by each character and the player can pick the name, race, gender, and appearance. Then the player can select from several background stories to give their companion. Once that is done the companion can be used just like any other companion, with future story lines as the game progresses.


4. Companions allowed into Heroics, FPs, Groups, and Ops Groups.... When you can't find that final Tank, DPS, or Healer for your group or when a member just decides to rage quit and leave the rest of the group hanging, or when you can't get the group finder queue, the group leader can select a member of the group and allow them to summon a companion. Missing two players, select a second player in your group to summon a companion. This would have to have a limit though, for instance; a Heroic says 2+, so you can have 1 player and 1 companion. Heroic says 4 or a Group...you need to have 2 players and 2 companions (not 1 player and 3 companions), or an Ops Group is 8 - 24... you have to have an equal number of player to companion ratio (4 pers group = 2 players and 2 companions, 8 pers group = 4 players and 4 or less companions, 16 pers group = 8 players and 8 or less companions, and the 24 pers group = 12 players and 12 or less companions).

A general rule to follow; 1 companion per player, players can revive their companions, companions can not be swapped once you enter an instance or while in combat.


5. Tombs, Crypts, and Dungeons...... I mentioned this before in #1. ....Multiple level areas that can be accessed by walking down ramps, or stairs, using elevators, or climbing/jumping up and down rocks.

Areas that are only accessible as you level up, giving you something else to do rather than the same story content over and over again on each character.

These dungeons/crypts/tombs would hold gear, weapons, holocrons, resources, parts, that are required for making other items or improving ones you already have.

Bring an old lightsaber back to your master to gain an augment, crystal, mod, enhancement, weapon tuning, etc. for your current lightsaber.

Find a Sith mask and bring it back to your black market contact and sell for a huge credit bonus, trade it for something else that you want being offered, or trade it to a Reputation Vendor of your choice for a rep token or gear.

Find a holocron to bring back to your master to learn or unlock an ability.


6. Race Warzones.... Yes, everyone wants to jump on their speeder bike, strap on a jet pack, or climb on their varactyl and race for 1st place. The only thing you bring is your mount (you may want to max out it's speed) and your skill at navigation. The WZ is just that, a race from start to finish. Each would be different, with short cuts (if you are willing to take the time to find them if they exist....), npcs trying to knock you off your mount, players falling off their mounts being able to set traps to knock other players off their mounts, static mounts in the wz that can be stolen from you by another player, etc.

GSF Racing.....race other players in your ship through an obstacle course in space! .... and yes, you can disable other ships, and collect engine and shield boosts.

This would be crazy fun!


7. Jet Packs and grappling hooks..... that go up and down, and can make short jumps from a to b. This would be a great item or ability to have, like force Leap or Pull, or the MGGS, allowing a Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Trooper, or Operative to climb up cliffs/buildings to reach random spots that might hide chests, resources, or a hiding spot for an ambush. These would allow less damage during falls if activated (but not if it's an obvious fall to your death off a sky hook or into a canyon) and would also give more reason to pick those classes.


8. Cargo Hold "Search".... I have a lot of stuff in my cargo holds and sometimes I forget that I have things in there. It would be nice to have a search option for Character Cargo Holds and Legacy Cargo Holds to type in a name and have it high lighted in your cargo hold (ex. Satele Shan's Lightsaber: would become high lighted and then the search result would say "Cargo Hold Bay 4"), then you just go to the cargo hold bay it says it's in and you see it high lighted/selected.


9. New Armor/Clothing/Weapons designs.... some of these "recycled" designs are getting old and boring, would like to see more new designs like variations of the Jedi Tunic and Pants, Robes, Boots, Belts, etc.

It would also be nice to see a "Cloak" option added in where you could wear a cloak over existing clothing and armor. Hood Up, Hood Down, No Hood, Short Cloak, Long Cloak, Single Shoulder Cloak/Cape.

New helmets and hats....tired of the Cowboy Hat designs that just keep getting something added or removed. Maybe add in Head Wraps, Full Face masks, and more Single-lens visors.

More Bow Casters, Axes, and Vibro Swords.


10. Cartel Market "Unlock" options.... Having an option to click on an item you received from your cartel pack and click "Unlock in Collections" and "Remove item from inventory" would be much quicker than equipping the item, then un-equipping it, and then having to destroy it to make room in your inventory for the next set of gear. Sometimes it's just impossible to find a companion that uses a "Cannon" or "Sniper Rifle" and you have to find another character that uses these cartel weapons to unlock them.

Once an item from Cartel Packs/Market are placed into your inventory you should be able to click and unlock in your collections without having to equip them.


11. Cartel Item "Recycle" Vendor... Rather than destroy a cartel item you have unlocked and is now taking up room in your inventory or a cargo hold you should be able to "Recycle" the item for Jawa Scrap or sell for credits to a vendor.


12. GTN "Trade" option.... Listing an item on the GTN doesn't mean you will always sell it in the 2 day max you are given. There should be another option where you can list it as "Trade" and then select the item on the GTN you wish to trade it for. The owner of the item you want receives and email about your offer and can then select Yes or No. If No, then you receive a reply email saying the owner of the item you wish to trade for has declined your offer. If Yes, then the trade goes through and you both receive the items you have agreed upon. Since no money changes hands the GTN only keeps the deposit.


13. Faction vs. Faction Event....

You start as a new recruit going through Basic Training.

Once you complete the tutorial for the event you receive your standard issue armor, weapon, and med kits (armor is the same for all classes, full body trooper armor, but the weapon is a generic issue of your class weapon. Both the Armor and the Weapon are green items and not customizable at the start of the event).

Once you complete Basic (tutorial) you are put on a transport and delivered to the event location. You disembark with other players into your main base and report to a squad leader (player or npc) for orders. You and any other players at that time are lead to your position and begin battle (attack or defend) depending on which faction is winning.

As you get kills, defense/attack points, and capture positions/npcs/players you can rank up and collect new weapons, armor, and gear. If you surrender your position you get demerit points, if you get killed or lose your position you get nothing, if you ambush a position or patrol and win you may get to roll for a loot drop or several and get more experience to rank up.

If your squad leader gets killed and you are the highest ranking member of the group you get a field promotion buff that gives you an experience point boost.

As players rank up there will be less positions to be available. These positions start off as NPCs, but as a player reaches the required point level they can have a change of command and are appointed to that position if they accept it. You can decline promotions, which will remove all experience points collected for that level.

The higher your position the more responsibility you have on the command field and the more you get to control the battle. You can pick from lists of missions to take your squad on, positions to attack/defend by your section/platoon, defend or attack as a commanding officer, or orbital strikes and gunship attacks on enemy lines as a general.

At the end of the event there are rewards and titles and a rankings list published for everyone to view.

Save your gear for the next time the event comes around, you'll need it or will have to claim a basic set of gear to enter the event next time.


Would be awesome to see all of this added in, great to see some of it.

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  • Dev Post
Yet again, you don't say what you mean by 'customizing' Theron and Shae. Does that mean only being able to plug a customization into the slot that's BEEN there, or are we going to be able to change their entire set of clothes piece by piece?
The latter not the former, so change their entire set of clothes piece by piece.

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Thank you so much for the information - and the validation! I am on Ebon Hawk but have been considering transferring one of my lvl 70's to a west coast server and starting over without having to lose my legacy perks, since I am the only member of my guild who still plays. PM me?


Opened legacy perks should end up being account perks, especially classes buffs, etc, they should be opened on all servers so you don't need to transfer alts to open them up.

Either that or you have an option to pay with credits and/or CM to open them up account wide.

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The ideas juices are flowing today ;)


Add veteran and master mode to vanilla content. The same as it is for end game story content. But allow us to choose before lvl 10 and not have to do the whole story first before being able to set the difficulty.

This would allow people to experience the vanilla game the way it was meant to be played. So much of the Vanilla game is awesome, but people don't see it or experience it because it's terribly easy now that they just bypass non class missions. You could then put back all those side quests you removed.

Edited by Icykill_
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Lol. Just what I expected from the road map, so not entirely disappointed. But I am glad that you are in charge now Keith. Your communication with the players has been exceptional compared to your predecessors. Continue to keep it up. That is what keeps the negative Nancy's like me positive. And content. Please deliver more content and deliver it equally. Don't do like the previous regimes and concentrate on one facet while leaving the rest in the dust. That has been the main point of contention and the cause of most of the animosity on the forums.
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So for customization, this has been brought up MANY times since the release of swtor, yet has never been added, never been discussed by the devs, etc. PLEASE add kotor 2/prequel style jedi robes (not the robes with a dress, but actual robes where it has pants, boots, and a sash). Seriously, why hasn't this been added? We've seen these styles of robes in kotor 2 (which almost every armor type from that game has been added into swtor), and even in art from the timeline that lead up to this game. Now I'm not talking about robes with armor pieces, I'm refering to this style:








Robes where the outer robe is over the belt, with cloth that covers the crotch and has long wide sleeves. Seriously, add these in finally so that way we can experience this game the way a lot of us wanted to look.

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So for customization, this has been brought up MANY times since the release of swtor, yet has never been added, never been discussed by the devs, etc. PLEASE add kotor 2/prequel style jedi robes (not the robes with a dress, but actual robes where it has pants, boots, and a sash). Seriously, why hasn't this been added? We've seen these styles of robes in kotor 2 (which almost every armor type from that game has been added into swtor), and even in art from the timeline that lead up to this game. Now I'm not talking about robes with armor pieces, I'm refering to this style:








Robes where the outer robe is over the belt, with cloth that covers the crotch and has long wide sleeves. Seriously, add these in finally so that way we can experience this game the way a lot of us wanted to look.


While I've always thought this was possible with current in game items if you mixed them, so I've just wrote off this request. But I've recently discovered it's not.

I went to create my first real Jedi appearance (after 5 years lol) and I find I can't. Mainly because any of the robes that could easily be used, all have the hoods up or they have some silly groin flappy thing that doesn't move and sticks out.

I think if the option to have those hoods down was added, then there are current robes available to build an authentic looking Jedi outfit.

Edited by Icykill_
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I have something to put forth for consideration to be added to the QOL list for this year.


Get rid of the decoration hook system.


I understand the reasoning behind the hook systems implementation. I think more importantly it's not something any player wants. We want to be able to freely place things on our guild ships/strongholds.


Consider it at least. This change would make a lot of people happy, and I bet it would even bring a lot of people in.

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The better analogy is the St. Louis Blues. They're the classic "should be farther along than they are" franchise. However, all the good will has been used up in previous years so they have both sky high expectations and the expectation that a cup will be won every year.


I would submit that while the Devs did not sign a certain large, skill challenged forward to a contract that prevented them from doing anything else (that was what destroyed the Blues' good will), they did create the current population issue and it's not unreasonable to ask them to fix it in the near term.


Eh man, 3 Cup appearances in its first 3 years springs hope. Probably not a more frustrated fanbase (myself included) than the Blues.


Scott Stevens?

Edited by RaiderMid
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I think it's a solid road map. It's consistent with the resources they appear to have, so it's realistic, and I like what he is choosing to spend his resources on. It's not like Xmas morning, but I think the game could improve greatly if this approach was applied over time. If we can just get back some of the departed veterans, while attracting some new blood with the movies, I think we'll do fine.
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Thanks for the roadmap, Keith Kanneg!


It's nice to see progress towards new OPs and PvP related changes. There's a lot of inertia to overcome, and vast changes aren't going to happen overnight. I seldom do OPs, and I don't do PvP. However, I think it's good to improve all aspects of the game, including parts that don't interest me, personally.


A new Stronghold sounds nice. But, without a better system for getting a variety of decorations, it doesn't have much appeal for me. I already have five Strongholds, and not enough items to decorate most of those. I can only take so many basic chairs and Executive shrubs in a Stronghold.


I look forward to the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event.


Additional Suggestions:


-- Cartel Certificates. Hopefully part of the Nightlife rewards, but I’d like a reasonable way to gain Cartel Certificates year round (the Cartel Certificate drop rate from the CSM is ridiculously low), not just once a year.


-- Put Operations and PvP passes back in the Cartel Market for Preferred status players in order to increase the potential player pool for those activities.


-- Please increase the number of Felusia Statos allowed from 4 to a minimum of 12 or more.


-- New ways to get old Reputation. Maybe variations of the Cartel Slot Machine, except, you know, done right.


-- Add another bay to Legacy storage. I’ve got Legacy armor sets; mats used by multiple crafting skills; pets from events and FPs; mounts; Cartel Market armor sets; a variety of crystal colors; and more. Need another Legacy bay, please.


I like doing Space Barbie dress up and decorating Strongholds. I pay a sub. Don’t judge me. :mon_cool:


Your posting of the roadmap, and communication with the player base, are A New Hope (yeah, I went there).


eta: Please allow that cursed, annoying, tiresome DvL banner notification to be disabled.

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A very nice road map, I look foward to the new content.


I hope you guys can figure out how to make the strongholds more alive by creating NPCs that actually do stuff in the strongholds. NPCs that sits down is a good start.


Cheers :tran_smile:

Edited by Icestar
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I like seeing what I will be paying for instead of flying in blind.


First off, thank you.


I am excited for the nightlife event, it has always been my favorite event out of the others.

New warzone, yes please! I hope it's not an arena map though.


Ideas that I've had for awhile.


1. Legacy unlock for non CM armor. I have gotten sets of pvp armor that I loved in the past that I still have, but would love to use on new alts. Same goes for other armors. Should be a credit unlock only.


2. I think stronghold decorations should only be locked out in the stronghold you use them in. So if I have 2 Oricon Torches and place both in my DK stronghold, I should be able to jump into my Tatooine SH and place them again. Honestly I really hate getting a new SH and wanting to decorate it and having to strip my other SH. Or at least charge credits to apply them to another SH, though that alone would end up being pretty costly too, but an option would be nice.


3. I am glad they answered this one. I actually spent over 20 mil for a tuning on my marauder...but after thinking about it I just tossed it onto my Jugg. I am glad they are implementing this because I personally won't lose out when I legacy unlock it. =) I do agree with what someone said. They should just be refunded a tuning if used twice on 1 character. Though would be a pain to do I am sure.


4. Training Dummy in SH!!!!!!! I should have put that up at the top lol.


5. I think they made it where I can QT from a spaceport...but can I travel to SH from a spaceport too please? Sometimes I log in and I am sitting on the planet of Tatooine instead of my SH. Then I have to run all the way outside. -.-


6. I know it's a tiny thing. I don't have an issue with it. But for the love of the force, put a beacon on the fleet map to show where the respec trainer is at! XD I am sure it would help plenty of new people.


7. Some sort of hide feature. Hide from friends, guild, and so on. Sometimes you log in and you want to be left alone. Sometimes you don't mind people on your friends list from talking to you but no one in your guild. Also this feature should apply to the mail. That way gold farmers can't mail you anymore. I haven't quite thought this through all the way but appearing offline is nice. Sometimes I have keys to people in my SH and I am on an alt and want to be left alone but the SH shows I am online. Annoying for me, if I want to game in peace. Sure they can't find me now but when I get back on I get an ear full. XD Yah I know it's my personal issues, but I think a lot of players would like extra privacy sometimes.


8. I used to play a game where you could make a note on any players around you. I could rate them 1-5 stars and make a comment on them that I could only read. I loved this because I could easily spot players I liked or didn't like but long forgot their names. (Should be legacy wide so all my alts can see). Also you sometimes get that one player who leeches off you, and talks trash and is a poor attitude in general. I'd rate 1 star and then make a note of what I didn't like. I liked this because the star would be above their head and it was easy to spot. Que up for a warzone and I see 7 1 stars....I know I can cut my loses instantly and que dodge. :D though I could see the problem in that alone, but the only difference is making an effort to remember players vs not remembering.


9. I wish they would give a rocket boost on mounts. Just like rocketboost...increase speed by another 100% or something for 12 seconds. Would be a great QoL for long walks on Alderaan.


10. Dual sniper rifles on a merc...jk =)....or am I?...now I want it...


11. Oh yeah, allow me to put my alts in my SH as decorations. I'd even pay to unlock a new one like a outfit slot. And make it non hologram. Our legacy is supposed to be our family and stuff...wouldn't they live in ...idk your SH? >.< I just wanna show off my characters outfits. grr

Edited by VixenRawR
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Opened legacy perks should end up being account perks, especially classes buffs, etc, they should be opened on all servers so you don't need to transfer alts to open them up.

Either that or you have an option to pay with credits and/or CM to open them up account wide.


I agree!

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I'm really hoping that the Galactic Starfighter changes are more than those planned for 5.2.2 (not that those are not appreciated!). It seems so from the language, but that might just be me hoping too much. I hope not, though! :D


Starfighter is a great part of SWTOR and it has been incredibly sad how neglected it has been. I know there are only so many resources to go around, but players will enjoy it more the more you put into it. The CXP system, etc., has been a great help, and the noted improvements to req and starter ships this summer will be another great boost, but I know that some balancing and additional gameplay tweaks will really bring the players in, from all the comments that have been made over the years with the current state of Starfighter. It will also make a really great game system even better.

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I'm really hoping that the Galactic Starfighter changes are more than those planned for 5.2.2 (not that those are not appreciated!). It seems so from the language, but that might just be me hoping too much. I hope not, though! :D


Starfighter is a great part of SWTOR and it has been incredibly sad how neglected it has been. I know there are only so many resources to go around, but players will enjoy it more the more you put into it. The CXP system, etc., has been a great help, and the noted improvements to req and starter ships this summer will be another great boost, but I know that some balancing and additional gameplay tweaks will really bring the players in, from all the comments that have been made over the years with the current state of Starfighter. It will also make a really great game system even better.


Agree, I really like GSF and just wish I had discovered it sooner.

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